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"学校综合改革项目"是近几年来美国联邦教育部实施的旨在改善基础教育质量,提高学生学业成绩,促进教育机会均等的教育资助项目之一。该项目为经济贫困地区和处境不利儿童高度集中的社区的公立中小学实施的综合改革提供资金资助,在使所有学生都能适应州教育内容和成绩标准的挑战方面成效明显,很值得我们探讨和借鉴。  相似文献   

基于PISA2015中国四省市数据,采用泛精确匹配和Logit模型探讨参与课外补习能否助力处境不利学生成为抗逆学生问题,并利用Shapley值分解揭示了影响抗逆学生学业表现的关键因素.家庭处境不利学生的学业成绩显著低于处境有利学生;参与课外补习并不能助力家庭处境不利学生成为抗逆学生;抗逆学生与处境不利非抗逆学生在自我教育期望、学习效率上存在明显差异.建议政府和教育部门努力为进城务工人员随迁子女提供进入办学条件好的学校就读机会,使他们接受高质量的正规学校教育;家庭处境不利学生要努力提高自我教育期望和学习效率;处境不利学生的父母要理性看待课外补习的作用,审慎为子女购买相关服务.  相似文献   

文章从俄罗斯政府及其教育理论家们针对处境不利学生道德关怀理念的分析和完善我国处境不利学生道德关怀的理论和实践出发,对心灵活动教育对策的两个视域展开了分析,诠释了心灵关怀是俄罗斯当前处境不利学生实施道德关怀理念的核心内容,并提出实施心灵关怀要以平等、理解、尊重、关爱、宽容为原则,要以精神活动和社会活动为实践共同体,来完成处境不利学生心灵的唤醒,让他们理解生存及生命的价值。  相似文献   

21世纪初,美国兴起综合学校改革运动,其目的是改善基础教育质量,提高学生学业成绩,促进教育机会均等。该项目为美国经济贫困地区和处境不利儿童高度集中的社区公立中小学实施的综合改革提供资金资助,在使所有学生适应州教育内容和达到成绩标准等方面具有值得肯定的效果。综合学校改革运动的改革机制和有效的教育模式具有探讨价值。  相似文献   

美国处境不利学生是指来自社会经济地位较低家庭且学业成绩处于弱势的学生,主要包括有色种族群体、特殊需要群体、英语不熟练群体三类。其形成的原因主要包括不同类型学校的教育经费投入不均衡、相关教育法案对处境不利学生特殊性的忽视、高风险标准化测验过于统一的标准产生的不公平等。为改善这些亚群体的处境,除了政府投入更多专项教育经费外,还需要改革标准化测验的评价体系、改革学校绩效问责的模式、加强特许学校的监管、扩大处境不利群体的民主参与程度等一系列措施来支持。  相似文献   

基于江苏省苏州市50826个初中生家庭教育调查与学业质量监测数据的关联分析,探讨家长参与在促进处境不利学生实现学业抗逆方面的影响作用。研究发现:处境不利学生家长在家长参与各维度的得分均低于非处境不利学生家长;男生、流动学生、走读生以及学习品质低和教学支持度低的学生更可能面临家庭处境不利带来的学业失败风险;亲子交流、共同活动和家校沟通对处境不利学生实现学业抗逆具有正向预测作用,而家庭监管和学业辅导对处境不利学生的学业成绩可能会产生消极影响;等等。建议学校通过系统构建家庭教育支持和服务体系,提升处境不利学生家长的教育胜任力,为处境不利学生实现学业抗逆赋能。  相似文献   

助力处境不利学生实现学业逆袭,是弱势群体实现社会流动、打破贫困代际循环的关键。利用“中国教育追踪调查”数据库2013-2014基线数据,运用广义精确匹配(CEM)方法和多层Logistic回归,本文探讨了学前教育对于处境不利学生成为抗逆学生的影响。研究发现:处境不利学生的入园机会普遍偏低,入园率不足七成;学前教育能显著提高处境不利学生的认知能力,并能显著预测处境不利学生成为抗逆学生的概率;异质性分析表明,学前教育对农村处境不利学生成为抗逆学生概率的影响更大。为发挥学前教育对处境不利学生的补偿性作用,政府应完善学前教育幼儿资助政策,扩大普惠性学前教育资源覆盖面,保障处境不利学生接受优质学前教育的机会。  相似文献   

对处境不利学生实施教育补偿,反映了社会对教育公正的深层追求。现阶段为处境不利学生提供补偿性教育支持是迫切而现实的,学校应在其中扮演关键性的角色。为此,必须重点关注制度规范、经费保障、师资培训、机构合作等几个核心问题。  相似文献   

处境不利学生的阅读能力表现可以反映教育均衡发展的现状。文言文文本是八年级语文阅读教学的重要内容。通过大规模测评,对S市2510名处境不利学生的文言文文本阅读能力进行监测,运用量化、质性相结合的方法分析学生在整体把握、理解欣赏能力要素上的表现。结果表明,处境不利学生的理解欣赏能力较好,但文言断句存在生搬硬套的现象;思维开放度和灵活性的不足制约了处境不利学生实现"阅读抗逆"的可能性;处境不利差生的整体把握、理解欣赏能力都十分薄弱,存在阅读困难。为促进教育公平在学科层面的落实,语文教师应高度关注处境不利学生文言文阅读能力的发展,引导他们在整体把握文意的基础上灵活断句;关注学生的思维培养,提高其思维的开放度、灵活性;激发学生文言文阅读的兴趣,夯实基础;创设互动情境,增强文言文教学与日常生活的联系,强化学生文言文阅读的内部动机。  相似文献   

基于中部某省会城市和某省级贫困县5246名八年级处境不利学生数据,考查个体、家庭及学校因素对处境不利学生阅读抗逆的影响.阅读监控策略、学校办学水平及师生关系对提高处境不利学生阅读抗逆的优势比具有显著促进作用,兴趣性阅读时间则具有显著负向影响;寄宿能显著增加处境不利男生阅读抗逆的优势比;学校因素的影响超过个体因素及家庭因素.加强阅读策略教学,提升兴趣性阅读品位,落实阅读困难学生帮扶制度,通过理性选择寄宿、优化办学理念、改善师生关系等方式发挥学校教育的补偿性作用是提高处境不利学生阅读抗逆优势比、促进教育公平的主要途径.  相似文献   

Three decades have passed since the historic enactment of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). The most recent reauthorization of the ESEA, the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994 (IASA), reaffirms the federal commitment to focusing on equity of and access to quality education for disadvantaged students. As in 1965, Title I remains the cornerstone of the reauthorized ESEA, providing assistance to those children who need it the most. However, it adopts different strategies for meeting those needs. The new Title I signals a fundamental change in the direction of the program. The focus has shifted from an emphasis on isolated remedial add-on services to a concentration on leveraging overall improvement in the highest-poverty schools through comprehensive schoolwide improvement in teaching and learning. The goal of this improvement is to enable educationally disadvantaged children to meet the same high academic standards expected of all children. For this reason, the new Title I is designed to work with other IASA programs and reinforce overall reform efforts in schools, districts, and states.  相似文献   

从开端计划到NCLB:弱势儿童教育制度的发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
当代美国对弱势儿童提供的教育补偿和帮助,以及努力追求教育公平,主要通过《开端计划》和《不让一个孩子掉队法》(NCLB)等法案来实现。在追求教育公平的过程中,它们主要体现出以下特点:保障教育平等兼顾质量卓越;教育公平贯穿各阶段,尤其是人生的早期阶段;有力的政府干预是有关法令得以实施的重要保障。  相似文献   

基于中国人民大学中国调查与数据中心提供的“中国教育追踪调查”基线数据,通过线性回归和独立样本T检验,分析家庭社会阶层较低的子女中哪些获得了优异的学业成就,以期帮助更多的弱势职业阶层子女提高学业成就,以助于实现社会和谐、教育公平。研究表明,弱势职业阶层子女获得高学业成就的关键在于其所特有的文化资本,父母的教育期望、自我教育期望、学校归属感、同伴表现、学习态度是弱势职业阶层子女获得优异学业成就的重要因素。因此,政府应联合学校、社区,健全家庭教育指导服务体系,使弱势职业阶层父母形成正确的教育价值观,提高教育期待;学校应该关注弱势职业阶层子女的归属感;弱势职业阶层子女要利用自己吃苦耐劳的禀赋优势积累人力资本。  相似文献   

For the past 35 years, Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act has been the largest and most important federal resource for reforming high-poverty schools. Drawing on recent research, this article documents what we know about Title I's overall effectiveness and discusses how it may become a more effective intervention. The author concludes by making 3 policy recommendations for fostering better research and better programs: implement a rigorous and uniform national accountability system; support continued research and development of replicable programs and methods for improving schooling for disadvantaged children; and encourage large-scale randomized experiments of promising programs and practices.  相似文献   


This article explores the implications of the publication of the Green Paper on Every Child Matters, which proposes the most radical changes in services for children and their families since the Children's Act, 1988. The Green Paper focuses upon improving every level of professional support for children perceived to be vulnerable and in need. The legislation and subsequent changes will bring about a whole new agenda and philosophy that will directly or indirectly involve every school, teacher, paraprofessional and educational support service. It will also involve changes in supporting parents and carers, and lead to earlier intervention, more accountability and integration between services as well as enhancing workforce reform. In conjunction with the Anti-Social Behaviour Act, 2003, it will provide a new impetus for tackling truancy and disruptive conduct. It is also likely to lead to a rethink about the wider role of schools and aspects of pastoral care practice. Its implementation will require a reassessment of the continuing professional training needs of all teachers and senior professionals working in schools and in related activities such as education social work. The legislation will mean that schools are likely to become all-the-year-round community centres with amended opening hours in order to meet the needs of disadvantaged youngsters and their families.  相似文献   

This paper explores how starting school at a younger age affects the developmental score gaps between relatively advantaged and disadvantaged children. While previous findings suggest that delaying school entry may improve school readiness, less is known about whether it has differential effects for advantaged and disadvantaged children. For disadvantaged children, starting school early may be a better alternative to staying at home for longer as school provides a more stable and educational environment than the family home, overcompensating for the penalties of starting school early. This may be less applicable to relatively advantaged children who generally have greater access to resources in the home and who are more likely to utilise formal pre-school services. We use the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children to investigate if there is support for this hypothesis. The endogeneity of school starting age is addressed using the regression discontinuity design. We find that an early school start generally improves children’s cognitive skills, which is even more pronounced for disadvantaged children. In contrast, an early school start tends to negatively affect children’s non-cognitive skills with both advantaged and disadvantaged children affected in similar ways. Thus, our findings suggest that an earlier school entry may narrow the gaps in cognitive skills, whereas the gaps in non-cognitive skills are not affected by the school starting age.  相似文献   

Taiwan's education rate of return has increased incrementally over the long term, and education is the primary factor impacting income inequality. Its impact has been increasing every year. Having their children attend college is the way for disadvantaged households to escape poverty, but the high tuition policy is putting the poor in an increasingly difficult situation. In 1986, disadvantaged households were able to pay a portion of tuition costs; their borrowing amounted to less than their spending on education. Since 1996, however, the borrowing of disadvantaged households has been far higher than their spending on education, and the gap between the two has increasingly expanded. Moreover, disadvantaged households have to pay more tuition to have the same number of children attend university, possibly because it is more difficult for children from poor households to access quality, inexpensive public universities.  相似文献   

Closing the Achievement Gap: A Metaphor for Children Left Behind   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The No Child Left Behind Act presents an unprecedented challenge to current educational policy matters. While aimed at addressing the needs of disadvantaged children by claiming to promote equity, justice, and social citizenship among all youth, the new accountability seems to be concerned more with the imperatives of the marketplace. The education framework currently in place becomes a vehicle for social mobility for those few privileged citizens who have the resources and power to make their choices matter, but merely a form of social constraint for those who lack such resources. This paper problematizes the current efforts of reform and examines to what extent they actually benefit the children they are designed to serve.  相似文献   

Court cases, Office of Civil Rights enforcement activities, and Department of Education policy statements have signaled new interpretations of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A summary of those portions of Section 504 most pertinent to school psychological practice is provided. Special attention is given to the similarities and differences between 504 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act regarding school responsibilities to students with special needs. Implications of 504 for school psychological practice are discussed.  相似文献   

标志美国语言教育政策"拐点"的《英语习得法》,明确了英语学习者习得英语、提高学业成绩的目标及评价体系,但缺乏对教育处境不利的非主流群体所面临挑战的体认,提供支持英语习得与学业成绩提高的教学资源与经费资助不足,未能制定清晰的、"基于科学研究"的指导方针。在语言少数族裔学生语言和文化日益多元的当下,联邦政府在保证教育公平方面"不作为"的做法,使得双语教学更加缺乏社会和政治支持的环境,也使得使《英语习得法》面临严峻的考验。  相似文献   

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