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科学的、民主的公共决策流程可分为确定政策议题、制定具体政策、推行实施政策和评估修订政策四个环节。科学咨询贯穿于整个决策流程并成为确保决策质量和提高决策公信力的关键。当前我国公共决策急需一个关于如何科学使用科学咨询的宏观指导文件。本文介绍了英国科学办公室分别于1997、2000、2005、2010年颁布实施4版本有关科学咨询和政策制定的指导方针的概要情况,阐述了"英国经验"给我国公共决策机制改进带来的三点启示:一是尽早制定有关如何在公共决策过程中更好使用科学和工程咨询的规范性文件;二是明确相关管理机构;三是在决策实践中借鉴英国指导方针的部分核心理念、关键原则和有益做法。  相似文献   

This article measures the impact of public grants, private contracts and collaboration on the scientific production of Canadian nanotechnology academics. The paper estimates a time-related model of the impact of academic research financing and network structure on the research output of individual academics measured by the number of papers. Results suggest that the effect of individual public funding follows a J-shaped curve. Although contracts have no effects, the impact of patenting follows an inverted-U shaped curve. In addition, a strong central position in the past collaborative network has a positive effect on research output.  相似文献   

针对目前酒后驾车危害性日趋严重,而交警手持式呼气检测设备又不能方便、全面的检查预防酒驾,设计了一款基于单片机和手机的车载防酒驾系统。采用酒精阵列传感器检测,摄像头拍照对比,GPS模块定位来获取酒驾信息。通过蓝牙传输和手机酒驾APP发送信息,使酒驾信息得到及时的处理。该系统具有简单方便、灵敏、安全等的特点,可以有效杜绝酒后驾驶的发生。  相似文献   

戴建兵  王磊 《科研管理》2020,41(8):229-239
新冠肺炎疫情引起各方对城市重大公共卫生风险的关注。在突发性风险视域下,特大城市公共卫生面临的重大风险主要源于公共治理的碎片化问题。当特大城市面对重大突发性公共卫生风险时,本文借鉴平衡计分卡理论(BSC),构建突发性风险视域下整体性治理模式框架,并使用结构方程模型(SEM)对整体性治理模式框架开展实证分析。研究结果表明:在短期内,“仿真模式”、“考核模式”、“共享模式”对特大城市重大公共卫生风险的整体性治理具有一定影响,而“政策模式”与“定位模式”所产生的影响不够明显。因此,当面对重大公共卫生风险时,应综合五大模式,采取以下防范与治理手段:构建风险治理网络化防线,精准定位公共卫生风险区域;设立城市公共卫生信息共享机制,完善城市卫生部门问责体系;国际视野下强化特大城市总体风险治理思路,制定公共疫情中后期生产生活调整方案。  相似文献   

基于CHINA—VALS量表分析生活形态和价值观对中国手机购买者的影响。以调查数据为基础,运用因子分析、聚类分析法划分出谨慎消费型、时尚自我型、现实居家型和理智消费型4类消费者细分市场,对人口因素和产品购买意愿进行卡方检验分析,得出了不同价值观和生活形态细分市场的消费者在年龄、文化程度、职业和平均月可支配收入4个方面以及产品购买意愿方面有显著差异的结论,最后对细分市场进行了交叉分析,并给出基于客户消费行为市场细分的营销建议。  相似文献   

在科学活动过程中,科学共同体不仅要面临来自同行之间的各种权力冲突还要面对来自外界的权力冲突,这种活动已经不仅仅是智力或认知过程,而成为了一种利益竞争和政治过程,如何防止一些科学技术精英利用自身的话语权谋求个人利益一直是科研管理领域的重要问题。当代西方民主理论认为公共责任是遏制权力滥用、实现政府善治的有效途径,通过引入政治学和公共行政领域的公共责任理论,分析科学共同体公共责任的定义及表现形式,并从法律、政治、治理和伦理方面探讨了使其实现公共责任的途径,以期为公众提供更好的科学技术服务。  相似文献   

创新网络演化与企业技术追赶:中国"山寨机"的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
"山寨"手机是一种现象,在国外手机与本土正规手机的夹缝中占取了巨大市场份额.而在山寨机的市场份额达到历年最高时,山寨机的生产厂商却走向了衰落."山寨手机"的兴衰背后有着值得深思的事情--后进企业技术追赶与创新网络的关系.山寨手机的兴旺是由于创新网络改变后所带来的网络化设计、生产和销售;山寨手机的衰落是由于在创新网络改变所提供的机会窗口中山寨厂商没有实现技术追赶.以此为线索,不只是山寨手机,中国手机厂商的第一次崛起也有着类似的经历.山寨手机现象值得政府官员、企业管理者和学者去深入思考.  相似文献   

刘宏程  葛沪飞  仝允桓 《科学学研究》2009,27(10):1584-1590
 “山寨”手机是一种现象,在国外手机与本土正规手机的夹缝中占取了巨大市场份额。而在山寨机的市场份额达到历年最高时,山寨机的生产厂商却走向了衰落。“山寨手机”的兴衰背后有着值得深思的事情——后进企业技术追赶与创新网络的关系。山寨手机的兴旺是由于创新网络改变后所带来的网络化设计、生产和销售;山寨手机的衰落是由于在创新网络改变所提供的机会窗口中山寨厂商没有实现技术追赶。以此为线索,不只是山寨手机,中国手机厂商的第一次崛起也有着类似的经历。山寨手机现象值得政府官员、企业管理者和学者去深入思考。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(2):104673
This paper investigates how innovation intermediaries promote institutional change to facilitate public procurement of innovation (PPI). Several of the PPI implementation challenges reported in prior research originate in the institutional architecture underpinning demand articulation, and innovation procurement and adoption processes. We conceptualise innovation intermediaries as institutional entrepreneurs who seek to create new institutions or adjust existing ones to support PPI implementation. We report the results of two case studies of intermediaries facilitating PPI in the UK defence and health sectors, respectively. We contribute to PPI intermediation literature by showing that intermediaries address prevalent institutional failures through four types of institutional entrepreneurship activities: boundary spanning; advocacy; design of change; and capacity building. We elucidate, in particular, the role of individuals within intermediaries, as agents who learn about failures and adapt their institutional work over time. In doing so, these managers go beyond the remit and goals of the organisations they represent. The findings add to our understanding of how intermediaries support demand articulation for PPI by showing that their institutional work is also aimed at designing generic methods and processes to improve what is asked for, and how. We furthermore reveal conditions influencing the effectiveness of intermediaries' efforts to realise institutional change, thereby extending research on institutional entrepreneurship in PPI settings.  相似文献   

Highly skilled return migrants contribute to the establishment of ties between the home and host systems. This paper studies how the professional ties, which Argentinean researchers built up during the time spent in foreign research systems, influence their collaboration patterns and their research outputs upon return. It confirms the expectation that having foreign work experience helps to explain the propensity to co-publish internationally and it also shows that researchers collaborate to a higher degree with their former host system. Another central finding is that foreign work experience has a positive effect on the propensity to publish in journals with a high impact factor. Additionally, a large share of this type of research is published without international co-authorship. We therefore do no not find evidence of a lack of publication autonomy in the case of Argentinean returnees.  相似文献   

In the period of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), millions of people participate in the discussion of COVID-19 on the Internet, which can easily trigger public opinion and threaten social stability. This paper creatively proposes a multi-stage risk grading model of Internet public opinion for public health emergencies. On the basis of general public opinion risk grading analysis, the model continuously pays attention to the risk level of Internet public opinion based on the time scale of regular or major information updates. This model combines Analytic Hierarchy Process Sort II (AHPSort II) and Swing Weighting (SW) methods and proposes a new Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) method – AHPSort II-SW. Intuitionistic fuzzy number and linguistic fuzzy number are introduced into the model to evaluate the criteria that cannot be quantified. The multi-stage model is tested using more than 2,000 textual data about COVID-19 collected from Microblog, a leading social media platform in China. Seven public opinion risk assessments were conducted from January 23 to April 8, 2020. The empirical results show that in the early COVID-19 outbreak, the risk of public opinion is more serious on macroscopic view. In details, the risk of public opinion decreases slowly with time, but the emergence of important events may still increase the risk of public opinion. The analysis results are in line with the actual situation and verify the effectiveness of the method. Comparative analysis indicates the improved method is proved to be superior and effective, sensitivity analysis confirms its stability. Finally, management suggestions was provided, this study contributes to the literature on public opinion risk assessment and provides implications for practice.  相似文献   

技术创新是在一定的价值观的规约下进行的实践活动。在传统发展观的指导下,技术创新成为一种“惟经济价值取向”的实践活动,这也使技术创新活动陷入了空前的价值困境。要走出价值误区,技术创新就应该在科学发展观的统摄下进行价值重建。  相似文献   

为深入了解英国研究实力的绩效状况,英国经济、创新与技能部(BIS)委托Elsevier研究团队通过对7个研究型国家在研究投入、人力资本和研究产出等6个方面的对比研究,结果表明英国仍然是研究型国家的重要引领者,在多领域中仍占据主导优势,仍然是合作研究与研究者流动的首选国家,在跨部门知识交换中表现优越;同样,在某些弱势领域,其他研究型国家快速发展也给英国带来了不可忽视的潜在压力。  相似文献   

Mobile banking is one of the most promising technologies that has emerged in recent years and could prove to have considerable value to both banks and customers. Thus, this study recognises the need to test the main factors that could predict the use of mobile banking as well as how using such a system could contribute to both customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The conceptual model of this study combines two models (i.e. UTAUT2 and the D&M IS Success Model). A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect the required data from convenience sampling of Saudi bank customers. The main factors – performance expectancy, price value, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, habit, system quality and service quality – were found to have a significant impact on actual use behaviour. This study was cross-sectional, therefore future studies should implement longitudinal studies in order to re-collect the findings. Further, this study adopted convenience sampling of Saudi M-Banking users. This may adversely impact the issue of generalisability to the whole population. The gap in the M-Banking literature in Saudi Arabia would be bridged by proposing a comprehensive conceptual model that scrupulously clarifies the use of M-Banking from the perspective of Saudi users. Furthermore, this study would consider the adoption of numeric data in order to inferentially analyse them using SEM. This in turn would assist in generalising the findings to the whole Saudi population.  相似文献   

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