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文章就中韩两国图书情报教育的办学规模、改革进程及专业课程设置几个方面作了比较分析.认为我国图情教育当前的改革应针对存在的主要问题,制订可行的具体措施,落实到位,以期加快奏效.  相似文献   

改革中的图书馆学情报学教育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

<正> 当前,美国的图书馆和图书馆学情报学教育正处在一个改革的阶段,图书馆工作人员关心的问题是图书馆的现代化和如何掌握图书馆现代化的新技术;图书馆学情报学教育工作者关心的是数学内容的改革,培养的人才如何适应美国图书馆现代化的需要.我国也正在研究图书馆学情报学的发展与改革问题,虽然美国是资本主义国家,它的社会制度及其教育的基础和条件与我国不同,但在图书馆学情报学教育发展中的一些经验和  相似文献   

世纪之交的美国图书馆学情报学教育   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章概述了近年来美国图书馆学情报学教育下降的情况并分析其缘由,对其90年代改革态势作了介绍.  相似文献   

信息资源管理与图书馆学情报学教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

图书馆学情报学教育发展的趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

英美图书情报专业教育与毕业生职业选择的关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从英关图书情报类专业毕业生就业状况的分析入手,发现在以传统图书情报机构为主导的前提下,毕业生的职业选择出现了向信息职业其他领域渗透的多元化趋势,同时,探讨了图书情报专业教育与毕业生职业选择的内在对应关系,并从专业定位、课程体系建设、实践实习以及就业服务等不同视角进行了原因分析。  相似文献   

With the reduced number of free-standing library schools, one common model places IT students and LIS students within the same unit. Doing so raises questions about how to teach management. IT students will most likely work in revenue generating organizations while most libraries have assured continuing funding. IT organizations normally provide less job security but also offer greater economic opportunities. Librarians have less risk of being fired, but salary gains are more limited. IT students seeking a master’s degree usually need technical competencies for admission while LIS students get admitted from all disciplines without any prior courses in library science. LIS students with a liberal arts degree are better prepared for the complexities of management. Most MLIS librarians will have management responsibilities. IT students may not. Finally, IT is disproportionately male while LIS is a female profession. The column concludes with some ways to provide adequate management education to both groups.  相似文献   

国内外图书情报学认知结构比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用“前方一致”的原则将14种国内图书情报学期刊中的关键词划分为100个词族,利用词的共现和聚类揭示国内图书情报学1998-2011年间的认知结构及其演化,并与国外图书情报学的认知结构进行对比分析。总体说来,国内外认知结构核心基本一致,始终关注着“知识如何产生、知识如何有序增长和创新”这一核心命题。但国内对于组织知识管理的研究更为活跃,国外则更关注传统研究内容。  相似文献   


In 2013, we conducted a survey of faculty and recent graduates from graduate schools of library and information science (LIS). The purpose of this study was to assess student (as represented by recent graduates) and faculty awareness and opinions about incorporating content about Indigenous ways into their curricula. In short, we found that recent graduates and their faculty were both aware of Indigenous ways but sought varying ways to inform themselves. Faculty believed that they covered this topic in the classes they taught, while graduates reported that they did not hear of Indigenous ways in their course work. Of the courses that LIS students take in their programs, a class on collection management provides a useful platform through which to explore Indigenous identity and access and care of Indigenous cultural knowledge.  相似文献   

图书情报学教育市场价值取向评析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘君 《图书情报工作》2004,48(1):105-109
分析影响图书情报学教育市场价值取向的主要因素,认为市场阶值取向既是图书情报学教育在高等教育中取得自己合法地位的基础,也是图书情报学教育生存和发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 归纳、总结当前高水平LIS教育的发展状况,为推动LIS教育的改革和创新提供借鉴和参考。[方法/过程] 通过网络调查法获取36所iCaucus院校关于LIS教育的相关信息,采用定性与定量相结合的研究方法深入分析这些院校在LIS教育方面的主要特点,并挖掘当前环境下LIS教育的发展动向,具体分析维度包括教育项目、课程设置和师资队伍。[结果/结论] iCaucus院校开设多领域、多层次、多途径的学位教育和非学位教育,注重从LIS基础知识、核心能力及实践应用等方面进行模块化和个性化的人才培养;且其课程体系全面,主题分类明晰;师资结构合理,学科背景多元,内部流动频繁。  相似文献   

(续上期) 4 拓展认可标准 美国图书馆协会(ALA)早在1925年就制订了<图书馆学院标准>,并于1933年、1951年、1972年多次修订.现行的标准是ALA认可委员会(COA)制订的<图书情报学硕士学位教育计划认可标准>,由ALA理事会1992年1月28日通过,1993年1月开始实施.  相似文献   

Discussions of cataloging and metadata education are popular in social media outlets, scholarly literature, conference meetings, and so on. This article, the third installment of a longitudinal study on the state of information organization (IO) education, analyzes the recent literature to identify new and continuing themes related to IO education. It provides an overview of the curricula of the 58 library and information science graduate programs in the United States and Canada accredited by the American Library Association (ALA). It examines the current conditions in 2012–2013 and compares them to data from earlier studies. It provides an overview of the types of IO courses available, program requirements, the number of schools offering IO courses, and the number of schools teaching those courses.  相似文献   

简要地回顾我国(大陆)的图书馆学和情报学教育的发展道路,指出目前LIS面临着知识生产方式转变、学术交流方式变革、社会经济制度再设计、数字不平等、社会对LIS专业认知度不高等诸多挑战,提出要进一步明确LIS教育的定位和发展方向,加强批判性思维能力和信息设计能力培养等对策建议。  相似文献   

To grapple with the difficulties of change, LIS literature often turns to a discourse of leadership as a way of gaining an understanding of how change can be effectively and appropriately managed. However, much of this work fails to account for the feminized nature of the profession and the gendered practices that shape the roles of men and women who choose this field. Furthermore, there is an absence of literature that interrogates the ways in which LIS master's programs address gendered practice. Beginning with an examination of how the field of LIS is feminized, I set out to reveal how, within the context of gender, the experience of women who advance in LIS leadership and administrative positions remains poorly understood. I suggest that the adoption of masculinized practices is a response to the devaluation of “women's work” that has historically defined the service ethic of librarianship. This article serves as an example of the ways in which it is possible to interrogate assumptions about leadership.  相似文献   

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