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面对一批又一批内地新疆班学生从相对偏远的西北边陲来到经济高速发展的内地城市,我们的教育面临新的问题和考验。综观新疆班学生的思想、学习、生活等诸方面,他们中的大多数人刻苦学习、勤于思考,令人感到欣慰。然而,随着时间的推移、环境的变化,内地新疆班学生的思想、认识和行为也在不断地改变。实践促使我们从教师的主导作用和学生的主体性两个方面去审视新疆班的工作。  相似文献   

为促进新疆少数民族人才的发展,培养少数民族高层次人才,新疆自治区参照内高班的办学模式,开设新疆区内班。区内班的举办丰富了新疆的办学模式,使广大农牧区学生受益。本研究选取391名区内班学生为被试,采用ATT问卷测验,考察区内班学生学习适应性的总体状况、年龄特点及性别差异。结果表明:区内班学生学习适应性总体水平高于全国常模;年级差异呈现“中间高,两头低”的现象;性别在各个维度无显著性差异。虽然区内班学生的学习适应性总体水平高于全国常模,但是其学习环境及身心健康仍存在适应不良问题。如何让“区内班”学生更好地适应学习生活,成为学校教育的重要内容。  相似文献   

到内地发达城市接受高中教育,对内地新疆班学生是千载难逢的好机会,但由于学习和生活环境的不同,这种机会对内地新疆班学生也是一种挑战。作为一个特殊的学生群体,内地新疆班学生在成长过程中遇到的困难更多,问题也更加复杂,这对他们的心理素质提出了比较高的要求。没有良好的心理素质,他们就无法很好地完成学业,更无力承担未来建设新疆、报效祖国的重任。这就需要教育工作者培养他们良好的心理素质和积极向上、自强不息的精神。  相似文献   

2005年,江苏省口岸中学承办内地新疆高中班(以下简称新疆班)。学校在7年的教育管理实践中,坚持爱字当头,严在其中,不断强化细化管理,力求教育符合新疆班学生特点,促进新疆班学生全面发展。一、爱是教育的灵魂。新疆班学生来自天山脚下,他们到内地求学,所感受和体会到的  相似文献   

在内地开展新疆班心理健康教育有着重要的意义。细化对新疆班的管理,提高国家投入的有效性,有利于维护各民族的团结稳定。本文从新疆班学生心理健康的角度,研究青少年心理发展,丰富原有的心理健康研究体系,有利于心理健康教育理论的本土化研究。  相似文献   

本文从四个方面谈了用陶行知教育思想指导新疆班教育实践的情况:用陶先生的求真思想引导新疆班学生,用陶先生的创造思想锻造新疆班学生,用陶先生的“四问”要求考评新疆班学生,用陶先生的“解放”思想激发新疆班学生。文章力求思路清晰,说理透彻,语言平实,结合实际。  相似文献   

在教育和实践中深化民族团结教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中南大学现有在校学生47976人,其中少数民族学生3124人,有新疆班学生138人、西藏班学生62人。近年来,学校高度重视在全校学生中加强民族团结教育,积极探索民族团结教育的有效途径。一、健全工作机制,专题研  相似文献   

立德树人是教育的根本任务,内地新疆高中班必须坚持"育人为本、德育为先"的指导思想。学校德育需要真实的内涵,需要把握时代脉搏,需要与时俱进。江苏省口岸中学按照"以德育促教育,寓德育于教育"的原则,把创新德育工作作为"办人民满意教育"的重点工作之一,将新疆班的德育工作纳入学校的大德育管理机制,根据新疆班学生的特点,有针对性地组织新疆班学生开展德育活动,全面提高新疆  相似文献   

加强内地新疆高中班学生思想政治教育的策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨智  张萍 《教育导刊》2009,(9):32-33
2000年,国家在内地兴办新疆高中班,之后.境内外的“三股势力”就加紧了向内地新疆高中班学生的反动思想渗透,使极少数学生出现了问题。针对这一情况,在2005年召开的“扩大内地新疆高中班办学规模工作部署会议”上,中共中央政治局委员、新疆维吾尔自治区党委书记王乐泉强调:要把思想政治教育放在内地新疆高中班工作的首要位置,着力防范和抵御“三股势力”向内地新疆高中班的渗透。我校自从开办新疆班以来.一直坚持把思想政治教育放在首位,针对新疆班学生的实际采取有效的思想政治教育策略.取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

山东省威海市第一中学自承办内地新疆高中班(以下简称新疆班)以来,坚持育人为本,德育为先的办学宗旨,从学校自身实际出发,努力提高教育教学科学管理水平,加强和改进德育工作,进一步规范办学行为,在新疆班推行全面激活潜能,促进学生个性发展的教育,以促进学生全面而有个性的发展。全面激活潜能是指新疆班教师全面  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a science e‐journal initiative to publish undergraduate research and assesses student evaluations of this experience. Students in this (post‐1992, non‐research‐intensive) institution overwhelmingly reported that research was a key feature of their course at the point of the e‐journal introduction and that they were involved in research in a variety of ways (especially honours projects, lab work and fieldwork). Research‐informed teaching from the student perspective involved two specific categories of pedagogic activities: things that students did and things that tutors did. Students largely understood research‐informed teaching as an activity where tutors impart knowledge about their own and others' research (a research‐led approach). Yet, what students wanted was a more active involvement in the research process (research‐oriented/research‐based). The e‐journal initiative enabled some students to acquire this additional experience and without great cost so could be adopted elsewhere. There is some debate about equality of access to research opportunities in higher education, and an e‐journal has the potential to be more widely accessible than, for example, research apprenticeships (especially if students can be involved as reviewers and as active contributors via Web 2.0 technologies). However, there is still an element of elitism about selection for the publication process.  相似文献   


Journal writing is a popular technique for encouraging student-teachers to reflect on their professional practice during field experience placements. This paper explores the role and importance of journal feedback in developing students' reflective skills. Weekly journal entries were submitted by 35 student-teachers during a 6-week field placement. Students received individual feedback on each journal entry that focused on either the level of reflection attained in their writing or the particular issues that their entries addressed. Within these groups, the type of feedback provided was further varied according to the level of questioning and challenge with which students were confronted (high versus low). The relative effectiveness of the four different types of feedback in improving student journal writing and facilitating reflection on practice is examined. Although students in all conditions reported positive aspects of the feedback they received, feedback that focused on the level of reflection attained was more effective in bringing about improvement in journal writing than feedback that focused on teaching issues. Such feedback, combined with issue-related questions and comments designed to challenge the student and encourage consideration of alternative perspectives, would appear to offer the most effective strategy for enhancing the effectiveness of journal writing as a learning tool.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Writing can enhance learning by helping students put words to their thinking about course material. The purposes of this study were to assess the influence of a structured academic journal writing exercise on student learning in a food science class and to examine student responses to the experience. Hermeneutics, a philosophy of science and qualitative research method, was used to analyze journal data from 48 participating students during a 2-y period and involved 3 steps: (1) describing themes taken from a global reading of student commentaries, (2) reducing or relating themes to specific, verbatim statements found in student writings, and (3) interpreting or imposing meaning on the themes and the statements (Lanigan 1988). Hermeneutic analysis showed that journal writing was difficult at first but became easier and enjoyable over time, allowed students to relate course content to other knowledge, exposed students to course material multiple times allowing for better information retention, enhanced student understanding, helped students think critically, required students to prepare for class, gave students the opportunity to express opinions, and allowed students to experience writing as enjoyable and positive. Several minor themes suggested that most students found the experience useful to their learning. Findings from this study are consistent with neuroscience and cognitive psychology theories regarding learning and the development of reasoning skills.  相似文献   

Many scholars have characterized the “apprenticeship of observation” as a “pitfall” to be avoided or a barrier to be overcome in preservice teacher education, but directly challenging students’ experience-based beliefs often leads to resistance, making students feel discounted or disrespected. In my introductory educational psychology course, students write biweekly journals reflecting on their own lived experiences in light of course concepts and ideas. These reflections are then shared in a variety of ways, serving as a vital context for further investigation and discussion of how these concepts and ideas translate into the classroom. In this paper, I share typical journal questions and excerpts from the responses of two recent classes to show how students can engage journal questions at differing levels; how even the experiences of my mostly privileged and successful students have at some points echoed, and thus can illuminate, the struggles of the less privileged, the rebellious, and the failed students who most need good teaching; and how students’ own shared reflections can be used nonthreateningly to help them confront their unconsidered assumptions about teaching and learning. Finally, I discuss choice, respect, and agency as three essential conditions for effective use of student journals in preservice teacher education.  相似文献   

Becoming a history teacher requires the integration of pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and content knowledge. Because the integration of knowledge from different disciplines is a complex task, we investigated prompted learning journals as a method to support teacher students’ knowledge integration. Fifty-two preservice history teachers participated in the experimental study. They read a text about a historical event, a text about teaching history, and a text about cognitive learning processes. Then they wrote a learning journal entry about the three texts. To support the journal writing, the participants in the experimental condition received four integration prompts, whereas the participants in the control condition received no prompts. In the prompted condition, the students engaged more often in integration strategies at the cost of rehearsal and organization strategies. Rehearsal and integration strategies predicted students’ recall of knowledge and their ability to evaluate learning tasks. Integration strategies as elicited in the journals predicted preservice teachers’ performance when designing a learning task for history education. In solving this task, the prompted preservice teachers used the information from the three texts in a more balanced way than the unprompted students who strongly focused on content knowledge. The study illustrates the potentials of learning journals as a method to support knowledge integration in history teacher education.  相似文献   

This article analyses the impact of a constructivist approach to learning in Jordan, where a traditional context of passive/receptive philosophy of teaching prevails. Student teachers were introduced to journal writing. It was expected that their experiences with journal writing would afford them a better understanding of how it would affect their learning to teach social education. Thirty students were given a short course in journal writing as a reflective learning tool in their final placement. The schools operated passive/receptive approaches to learning and the students in the sample had experienced this throughout their own schooling. The impact of the course was assessed using semi-structured interviews. Some students found the experience stressful, but 75% found it fruitful and motivating.  相似文献   

Journal entries submitted by thirteen Doctor of Education students as a course requirement were analysed in order to explore the nature and content of their reflection and the effectiveness of journal writing in facilitating student learning. The findings confirm that journal writing encourages students to engage cognitively and reflectively with course concepts and content and to make connections between their academic learning and their personal/professional experience. Marked individual differences in response styles were apparent and these impacted on the learning outcomes reported by students. An ‘analytic’ approach to journal writing helps students to clarify, organise, evaluate and personalise ideas, an ‘extracting’ approach provides a useful record of ideas and issues, and an ‘affective’ approach encourages freedom of expression and self‐evaluation. Students who adopt a ‘course‐feedback’ style, however, receive little benefit from the activity. Suggestions are made for improving the effectiveness of student journals as a learning technique.  相似文献   

Conclusion The journal writing activity was an opportunity for Tom and his classmates to personalize a constructivist vision of teaching and learning, a step Gallagher’s (1993) teachers identified as the beginning of their transition to a constructivist practice. The efficacy of the journal writing activity may be attributed to its capacity to engage students in metacognitive thinking. That is, the students had an opportunity to think about their ideas rather than merely with them (Kuhn, Amsel, & O’Loughlin, 1988). Indeed, various researchers have associated metacognition with cognitive development, meaningful learning, and conceptual change (e.g., Champagne, Gunstone, & Klopfer, 1985; Kuhn et al., 1988; Pintrich, Marx, & Boyle, 1993). Also, sharing journal entries fostered a sense of community, a support that seems to be essential for teacher change (Shaw & Etchberger, 1993; Taylor, 1993). In fact, students reported the activity to be a “great way to get to know others” and “a way of reducing isolation” because” certainly, a whole class of teachers is better than just one.” Although the purpose of the activity was to promote constructivist pedagogy, it accomplished so much more. It stimulated imaginative questions such as What is the purpose of teaching physics? When is it to review many areas? When is it to understand how physics works in some special instances? In addition, journal writing “was an excellent way to bring about closure.” “It was relaxing … kind of like cool down exercises after a heavy aerobic workout.”  相似文献   

This article describes a collaborative self-study undertaken by two teacher educators who sought to examine the impact of writing reflective journals and sharing them with students in their foreign language methodology classes. The study documents the process of undertaking the typical student assignment of keeping a reflective journal and making it available to students as a form of modeling. Findings include much greater understanding of the complexities of reflective writing, the discovery of a new space for discussions about learning to teach, and a much greater awareness of the importance of deliberate, explicit exchanges in teacher education classes.  相似文献   

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