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自恋型人格障碍的成因及其治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自恋型人格障碍是现代社会中常见的人格障碍之一。本文探讨了自恋型人格障碍的内涵,剖析了其形成的家庭因素,总结了多年来国外的治疗方法,这为减缓和消除自恋型人格障碍提供了依据,从而引发更进一步的研究。  相似文献   

大学生人格障碍类型分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大学生心理健康问题已越来越受到社会各方面的关注,高度重视大学生心理健康教育,是大学生全面成长成才的需要,也是构建和谐社会的需要。大学生人格障碍者作为潜在的精神疾病患者,并没有受到应有的重视,本文通过分析大学生人格障碍类型及其成因,提出了针对性的措施和建议,以期对患有人格障碍的大学生早加分析,早做防范和疏导。  相似文献   

当前,部分中学生存在着自我伤害、犯罪等问题,休学、退学、游戏成瘾等问题也十分常见。这样不但影响了学生的身心健康发展,也对家庭和社会产生了一定的影响。所谓的人格障碍指的是人格特征明显偏离正常,造成其对环境不够适应,影响到自身的社会和职业功能。这样的人格障碍通常是从少年时期开始,有的甚至会伴随终身。  相似文献   

本案例中的来访者因行为怪异前来咨询,通过谈话和心理测试,诊断来访者的问题属于偏执型人格障碍所致.运用建立良好的关系、认知治疗技术以及人际交往训练等技术,经过8个月的心理辅导,其偏执型人格障碍情况有所好转,辅导效果良好.  相似文献   

试谈依赖型人格障碍的治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依赖型人格障碍(DPD)的治疗问题是一个比较困难,同时又极具有现实意义的问题。我们应从分析依赖型人格的特点入手,确立依赖型人格的治疗目标,进而实施从认知—行为疗法、团体疗法、药理疗法等多方面的治疗,并在此基础上,关注在依赖型人格治疗中出现的一些问题。  相似文献   

社交恐啼症在青少年中呈现一种上升的趋势,而其心理治疗在我们国内普及程度还不够,尤其是在中小城市。本通过一例社交恐怖症的案例咨询报告,简述了认知一行为疗法的一般原理及操作步骤,供大家参考。  相似文献   

人格障碍与违法犯罪存在一定的相关性,有调查表明,当前大学生中存在一定数量的人格障碍患者,其中来自农村家庭、单亲家庭、寄养家庭和贫困家庭的学生人格障碍阳性率较高;大学生人格障碍有不同的类型与特点,学校可通过心理辅导、危机干预以及不同治疗方法,有计划、有系统地开展教育与行为矫正工作.以减少大学生因人格障碍而从事违法犯罪的行为。  相似文献   

人格障碍与违法犯罪存在一定的相关性,有调查表明,当前大学生中存在一定数量的人格障碍患者,其中来自农村家庭、单亲家庭、寄养家庭和贫困家庭的学生人格障碍阳性率较高;大学生人格障碍有不同的类型与特点,学校可通过心理辅导、危机干预以及不同治疗方法,有计划、有系统地开展教育与行为矫正工作,以减少大学生因人格障碍而从事违法犯罪的行为。  相似文献   

边缘型人格障碍(BPD)患者通常有显著的功能行使能力损害。其特征是冲动、情绪不稳、人际困难和身份认同问题,常常导致自杀行为和自杀姿态。虽然传统上认为BPD是一种慢性持久的障碍,但近期的研究却提示它可能会随着时间流逝而有所缓解,而且心理治疗可以促进缓解。BPD的病因与童年期虐待和不恰当的依恋关系有关。由于童年期虐待和创伤的重要意义,被公认有效的创伤治疗方法——眼动脱敏与再加工(EMDR)可能作为BPD的合理备选治疗方案之一。本文中的个案所获得的良好疗效阐明了EMDR在BPD治疗中的运用,提示有理由进行深入的对照研究。  相似文献   

The study investigated the efficacy of a dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) program with a general college counseling center population, not limited to students diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. A review of records of 64 students found that obsessive-compulsive symptoms, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, paranoia, somatization, psychoticism, and phobic anxiety decreased, as did overall distress. All four target areas of DBT, namely confusion about self, impulsivity, emotional dysregulation, and interpersonal chaos, also significantly decreased. Limitations and implications for college counseling centers are discussed.  相似文献   

This pilot project investigates the efficacy of an 11-week dialectical behavior therapy skills training class in increasing adaptive skill use and emotion regulation in college students with cluster B personality disorders or traits. Subjects are students (N?=?19, mean age = 21.31, 1 male, 18 female) at a southeastern university counseling center. Students meeting criteria but not interested in attending the group were recruited to serve as control subjects who received treatment as usual. As compared to treatment as usual, dialectical behavior therapy participants had significant improvement in increasing skills use and decreasing maladaptive coping skills; there was a trend for improvement in difficulty regulating emotions.  相似文献   

The assessment and treatment of students with borderline personality traits or disorders poses specific challenges for clinicians at college and university mental health centers complicated, frequently, by a model of brief treatment frameworks and high patient volumes. Students with borderline pathology will be well represented in student health centers and will likely generate unusually complex and concerning situations for clinicians and administrators. Accurate diagnosis of borderline pathology, avoidance of iatrogenic complications related to misdiagnosis, and referral to informed and evidence-based interventions can guide clinicians’ management. Risk management concerns are best addressed by a clear and realistic understanding of the borderline pathology. The author proposes a variety of interventions for college and university mental health clinicians with the goal of accurate diagnosis of borderline personality, management focusing on safety for both students and clinicians, and targeted referrals for both borderline symptomatology and co-occurring conditions.  相似文献   

工读生人格特征研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
本研究运用卡特尔 1 4人格因素问卷 (CPQ)对工读生人格特征进行分析研究 ,结果发现 :工读生的焦虑性较高 ,控制自己的能力差 ,容易冲动 ;性格体现出中间型偏外向的特征 ;工读生整个人格特征在年龄和性别上的差异主要反映在世故性方面 ,大年龄者和女生更为世故。  相似文献   

College counseling centers report increased student presentation with severe psychological issues (Gallagher, 2012 ). Although dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) has demonstrated efficacy with multiple clinical populations, standard model DBT is not feasible for many traditional college counseling centers. This article describes the iterative development and evolution of a comprehensive DBT program adapted to fit the scope of a traditional college counseling center. Guidelines for implementing lessons learned over the 3 years of the program are provided.  相似文献   

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