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Family literacy has come of age during the past quarter of a century. This article provides a brief review of family literacy history and components. Pedagogical implications for teachers of primary grade students are considered, and suggestions given for increasing home–school literacy involvement through the following types of initiatives: sharing information, increasing access to materials, and implementing strategies that invite family involvement.  相似文献   

The Government is urging teachers to engage more closely with families and is promoting the concept of the ‘extended’ school. This article reports on the literacy strand of the Home School Knowledge Exchange (HSKE) project, directed by Professor Martin Hughes at the University of Bristol. A selection of literacy activities developed during this project is discussed – activities that enabled teachers and parents to share their knowledge about children in order to enhance their learning. These included ‘school‐to‐home’ activities where the direction of knowledge was primarily from teachers to families and ‘home‐to‐school’ activities where families' knowledge of children impacted on school learning. Practical aspects of planning and conducting home–school knowledge exchange activities are discussed, and challenges are explored. The approaches presented in this article provide examples that could be considered and adapted by schools interested in extending their provision for families. This article draws on the recently published Improving Primary Literacy: Linking Home and School ( Feiler et al., 2007 ).  相似文献   

媒介素养是指人们面对媒体各种信息时的选择、理解、质疑、评估、创造、生产能力及思辨的反应能力.幼儿教师媒介素养包括基本媒介素养和学科媒介素养,它具有双重属性.文章在分析幼儿教师媒介素养现状的基础上,对如何提高媒介素养提出了建议.在职前教育阶段应该开展相关课程;幼儿园应当发挥主体作用,营造媒介素养学习的氛围与环境;通过网络学习与实践反思相结合,发挥幼儿教师自主性,解决教育教学实际问题.  相似文献   

This article discusses the potential significance of name writing skills in addressing many important questions about the development of early literacy skills. Young children are inherently interested in producing their own names in print. Furthermore, young children appear to construct their understandings of name writing skills in a predictable, sequential pattern. Questions raised include whether the development of name writing skills mirrors the development of other important cognitive skills, the potential of name writing skills to offer insight as to how young children learn important literacy concepts, the use of name writing as a developmental indicator for children that may be at risk for reading difficulties, and the potential for structured activities using name writing to facilitate the development of emergent literacy skills.  相似文献   

幼儿教师评价素养是直接影响幼儿发展评价有效性的重要因素,也是决定评价是否发挥其实质性功能与作用的关键要素。它包括评价理念与专业品质、评价态度与主体意识、评价策略与实践智慧等三方面内容与判断标准。目前,国内幼儿教师评价素养的提升尚受到外部支持系统以及教师自身知识与技能水平的制约,因此需要通过提供积极的外部环境支持、加强对幼儿教师评价知识与技能的园本培训、探寻幼儿教师评价素养自主提升等途径,切实提高幼儿教师评价素养。  相似文献   

This article shows how links between science and literacy offer kindergarten children the opportunity to create and express their individual understandings about environmental change through emergent environmental literacy. This article reports on one of the science experiences in a kindergarten classroom in which the children explored the phenomenon of environmental change. The kindergarten science program can help children learn how scientists look at the world; young children can express these concepts through nonnarrative compositions. The article concludes with suggestions for teaching practice in the kindergarten science program.  相似文献   

幼儿园教师信息素养是其专业素质的重要组成部分。一项对大连市200名幼儿园教师信息素养状况的调查显示,年龄31岁以上、教龄10年以上、职称高级教师以上的幼儿园教师的信息素养总体水平要高于其他条件下的幼儿园教师。职前所学专业不是影响幼儿园教师信息素养的重要因素。幼儿园教师信息素养存在显著的学历差异。  相似文献   

信息化时代新媒体不断涌现,媒体素养已成为信息时代的一种基本素养。教育改革中新媒体日益融入课堂的教学,以提高教与学的绩效。幼儿的媒介素养如何全面培养,有效引导使用媒体,对幼儿教师专业化发展提出新的要求。为此,当代幼儿教师必须具备良好的媒体素养,恰切的选择、使用和整合媒体与教学内容,优化教学,培养幼儿学习者的全面发展,进而推动教育信息化和教育均衡化发展。  相似文献   

与中国文化土壤相脱离是中国当代教育学产生诸多问题的根本原因之一。以文化自觉的视角重新审视中国当代教育学的历史与现状,为中国教育学的独立找到了合法性的理论依据。并在此基础上指出,中国教育学的文化基础在中国文化,中国教育学的建构依赖于中国教育学人的文化自觉。  相似文献   

媒介素养是现代信息社会对人的素质提出的新要求,对大学生的媒介素养教育能够提升大学文化的品位、丰富大学文化的内涵、拓展大学文化的功能。把媒介素养教育纳入大学文化建设体系是应对媒体全球化趋势给大学文化建设带来的新挑战的创新之举,也是大学文化建设不断发展的重要生长点。  相似文献   

从批判教育学看媒介素养教育目标及其实现方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在阐述批判教育学的基本理念和回顾媒介素养教育的发展历史基础上,提出从批判教育学和媒介素养教育的共同点入手来培养当代学生批判性和主体性思维的重要性,借用批判教育学中的对话式教学方法,彻底转变师生在教育中的角色,以实现媒介素养的教育目标。  相似文献   

The goal of this research is to examine how implementing a new pedagogical structure, Academic Choice, informs my understanding of my students as learners and individuals. Using a self-study methodology over the course of eight working sessions in my Kindergarten classroom, I collected multiple forms of qualitative data, including student work samples, focal student observations, structured interviews, and research journal entries containing my own reflections as well as notes on consultations with critical friends. These data were analyzed inductively by connecting observations and patterns from across these sources. Findings indicated that providing a choice in content allowed struggling students to self-differentiate, that one-on-one interactions were essential to understanding a student's choice and work process, and that advanced students needed support to challenge themselves. Furthermore, I found that developmental stage, time allotted for working, and social construction of knowledge were important factors to consider in structuring these working sessions.  相似文献   

中学生历史文化素养的养成与提高的途径:一是更新教学理念,正确引导发展;二是加强自主学习,提高文化素养;三是拓展课堂教学,强化知识联系;四是创新课堂模式,培养实际能力;五是研究高考改革,强化解题指导。在大力倡导素质教育的今天,要端正教育方向,明确教育思想,推进素质教育,努力提高学生的历史文化素养。  相似文献   

This article describes the process of using African American children's literature through culturally relevant pedagogy. It chronicles how two teachers carefully plan a lesson using the literature, and then describes how one of the teachers enacts the lesson using pedagogy relevant to her students' cultural background. A framework that focused on the cultural patterns of the students' lives was used to help guide the planning process. The components of the lesson include a prereading activity, read aloud, group discussion, journal writing, and a follow-up activity. In the end, the teachers found that tailoring instruction to fit the textual, social, cultural, and personal lives of their students is largely about seeing pedagogy through the norms and practices of their students' lives.  相似文献   

幼儿园课程与教学作为一对存在于我国幼儿园教育生活中的概念,我们不应用包含和被包含的逻辑关系来进行规范,也不应用价值追求的理念来决定取舍,二者实质上分属两种文化土壤滋养出来的强势概念。  相似文献   

A child with special needs will flourish and benefit from an early childhood environment that empowers learning. Center learning empowers a child to be actively engaged in self-directed learning based on strength, ability, and interest. Center learning can enhance interactive language, story response, art, reading and writing-like behavior, collaboration, buddy activity, and independence. All of these empowering areas of development are strongly related to the child's emergent literacy development. The variety of center learning experiences is limited only by the imagination; this article provides a selection of start-up ideas for the early childhood educator.  相似文献   

Wordless books—picture books that rely entirely on illustrations to tell a story—are an excellent resource for educators of young children. This article provides a research-based rationale for using wordless books, offers a developmental sequence for introducing children to stories told through pictures, suggests a general strategy and wide array of early literacy activities based on books without texts, and recommends ways of communicating with parents/families about the value of wordless books. Outstanding wordless books and examples of children's responses to this growing genre of children's literature are also included.  相似文献   

在现代电子媒介飞速发展、文化传播方式更加多样化的今天,动漫作品凭借其独特的传播与表现方式,成为青少年成长中必不可少的组成部分,对青少年的价值观及其伦理道德产生广泛而深刻的影响。日本动画电影《千与千寻》,通过一个10岁女孩的冒险故事,展现了自强的精神、礼貌的品德、善良的人性、坚定的信念以及环保的意识和劳动的观念等等,成为启迪心灵、陶冶情操、提升品格的良好教材。本文旨在探讨动漫文化的教育方式,寻求能够促进青少年健康发展、全面发展的途径。  相似文献   

从20世纪60年代发展起来的批判教育学的主要精神在于把学生培养成为具有批判精神的独立的政治主体。后殖民理论研究由于揭露了帝国主义文化霸权的实质、重新论述边缘与中心的关系而为批判教育学的研究提供了理论框架。以此框架为基础,批判教育学发展出一系列的原则,如教育应当与政治相联系,理性与知识的概念需要重新解释,教育学需要通过打破学科界限来创造新的知识,差异与伦理在教育学中应得到特别关注,等等。这些原则的核心目标是培养学生的批判精神,使其能更好地服务于民主的社会。  相似文献   

This study aimed to enhance our knowledge of the constituent variables affecting invented writing skills in 5-year-olds by investigating the concurrent relationships among home literacy, underlying language skills, and invented writing. The study comprised 111 Norwegian-speaking children (mean age: 5.7 years; 58 girls) and their parents. The children’s language skills were tested individually. The results showed that, on average, children achieved low scores on tests of word writing; however, the within-group variations in the children’s invented writing performances were large. The statistical modeling showed that parental education was significantly related to the home literacy environment, which was, in turn, directly related to both vocabulary and phonological awareness and indirectly related to invented writing skills. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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