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This paper attempts to analyze the tragedy of Emily in A Rose for Emily from Foucauh's Spatiality through probing into the split of Emily's personal space and public space. As a result. it reveals that the interruption of socialization is the root of her miserable life,which is of some help for a new understanding of the novel.  相似文献   

周淼 《海外英语》2010,(2X):149-154
Arthur Miller plays an important role in American literature. His works have a great influence on American literature afterWorld War Ⅱ.Willy Loman is the symbol of modern American man. His living state is typical during that time in America. This paperstarts with a survey of Willy’s two dreams-his children can own big future; he can own big business. In the second part, the author contrasts Willy’s unreal dreams with the reality, through this comparison, aims at analyzing the sad elements of Willy’s life, exploring thesource of his sadness. Willy is one convict of American dream. He is influenced greatly by the American cultural mainstream. As an individual drowning in the harsh world, he cannot grasp his own fate by himself.  相似文献   

The Color Purple for the first time not only reveals the racial and sexual discrimination but also tells those oppressed black women the way to solve it. The paper is trying to analyze the work from the heroines (their main experiences and connections with each other), the linguistic arts and the motifs, etc.  相似文献   

Arthur Miller's masterpiece Death of a Salesman is regarded as American myth and a contemporary tragedy. Its theme is closely related to American dream. The leading character Willy Loman is a traveling salesman, who lives a life chiefly in pursuit of the dream. This paper mainly probes into the disillusionment of Willy Loman'S dream from different roles he plays in society as a common people, and in the family as a husband and as a father.  相似文献   

Enteringthe20thcentury,therealisminAmericanLiteraturehasmovedintoanewstage.Usuallypeopleusethe"naturalism"tocoverthefeaturesofthenovelsduringthisperiod.Amongtheleadingnaturalists,TheodoreDresierisprobablytheonewhoheldgreaterfame.Hebrokethroughthetraditionalnobleandelegantstyle,anddirectedhisworksatattackingthecorrosivein1JuenceoftheAmericansocietyandtheunscrupulouslyevilmeanstowardwealth-Beforehis"AnAmericanTragedy",Dresierhadwrittenseveralotherworksas"SisterCarrie"."TheFinancier"."TheT…  相似文献   

郑素娟 《海外英语》2014,(13):192-193
In the novel Tess of the D’urbervilles,Tess is successfully depicted.She is portrayed as a brave girl,hard-working,beautiful and innocent.Alec represents a brutal and destructive force,which triggers Tess’s tragedy.Angle’s inveterate old-fashioned prejudices made him relentlessly abandon Tess.Yet what Hardy tries to show is that the disintegration of rural economy in England brought about by the intrusion of capitalist relations as well as the hypocritical morality of the time are the obvious causes of Tess’s tragedy.Meanwhile,Hardy also attacks the injustice of the law.In the novel,he believes a woman is helpless in the hands of fate and Tess is trapped in the web of fate.Her tragedy is fated and inevitable.  相似文献   

《聊斋志异》比较研究近年来状况活跃,在文言小说内部的比较、与白话小说的比较、新角度新方法的运用、与国外小说比较等方面,成果丰硕。这些成果为人们准确理解和把握《聊斋志异》提供了新的视野与角度。  相似文献   

本文从德国功能论的译文目的论出发,针对儿童文学的基本特征,对《爱丽斯奇境历险记》的译本进行分析、比对,探讨在翻译过程中为实现译文的目的,译者所要采取的翻译策略。充分体现了目的论在翻译过程中的应用。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on topics of love,hate and death in Wuthering Heights. Love and hate are two aspects of conflict,which results in the death of two lovers. Love represents the lovers' union and peace,while hate stands for the lovers' separation. Death,which means the storm between the two lovers is gone and peace returns,symbolizes their re-union with love.  相似文献   

This paper expounds the social significance of Hemiugway‘ s women characters. Through his colorful characterization, Hemingway exposes the social contradictions, the physical and psychic traumas the women had in the war and depicts these women characters‘ pursuit of normal life, true love, and domestic happiness even in the turbulent and dangerous conditions of the war.  相似文献   

赵洁 《海外英语》2013,(21):243-244
"The Great Gatsby",a fiction by Fitzgerald,is about the failure of the American dream.For the protagonist Gatsby,He is the true heir to American dream.He devotes his whole life to pursues his dream of romantic success without ever understand ing that it has escaped him.Finally,he dies in his pursuit.His failure symbolizes the disillusion of American dream.  相似文献   

朱光潜在《悲剧心理学》中对悲剧的美感特征作了这样的说明:“当痛苦在具体化为艺术象征的同时,也就被作家的创造性想像所克服和转变了。它通过艺术的‘距离化’而得到升华。痛苦的征服像丑的征服一样,都代表着艺术的最大胜利,它必然在我们心  相似文献   

《红楼梦》中的悲与美   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
《红楼梦》是从曹雪芹死亡意识中生长出来的文本。他把自魏晋以来中国诗人的生命虚无感推至极限。贾宝玉是典型的诗人,也是生命中的沉思者,执著于一种唯美主义的生命态度,以美抗拒时间的流逝,填补生命的空虚,美是其居世的唯一意义,一旦识破美的虚幻与瞬间性,他必然走出这个劫难的世界,重新回到冷漠无情的自然永恒。  相似文献   

F.Scott Fitzgerald is one of the greatest American writers of the 1920s.his masterpiece The Great Gatsby just holds up a mirror to the social conviction and meditation on American history.In this novel,we could see Gatsby’s disillusionment and the end of the American dream.  相似文献   

《老人与海》是海明威的代表作。其主题思想主要宣扬了一种不屈不挠的奋斗精神,塑造了一个即使失败依然保持优雅风度的“硬汉子”形象。海明威的小说在语言‘上具有简洁的风格,《老人与海》发展了其简洁的“冰山”理论创作说。  相似文献   

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