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A substantial body of research evidence over the past three decades has indicated that intellectual and emotional impairment among parents is a factor contributing to child abuse and neglect. This study examined the court records of 206 seriously abused or neglected children and their families in a large urban area and found that in over half the records a parent had been diagnosed as having an emotional disorder and/or low IQ, with a majority of these diagnoses indicating significant impairment. Although type of impairment (emotional, low IQ, and a subsample of substance abusers) did not predict type of mistreatment, higher predicted risk for continued mistreatment, or greater likelihood of permanent removal of the child by the court, low IQ parents revealed significantly less prior court involvement and greater acceptance of court-ordered services. Parents diagnosed with serious emotional disorders were significantly more likely than less disturbed parents to have their children permanently removed despite findings of no significant differences in risk or compliance factors.  相似文献   

This study examined the prevalence and specific types of substance abuse in a sample of 206 cases of serious child abuse or neglect brought before a metropolitan juvenile court on care and protection petitions. In 43% of the cases, at least one of the parents had a documented problem with either alcohol or drugs, a figure which rose to 50% when alleged instances of substance abuse were included. Alcohol, cocaine, and heroin were the three most frequently mentioned abused substances. Parents with documented substance abuse were significantly more likely than nonsubstance-abusing parents to have been referred previously to child protective agencies, to be rated by court investigators as presenting high risk to their children, to reject court-ordered services, and to have their children permanently removed. When the two factors of court investigator high risk ratings and presence of parental substance abuse were combined, it was possible to obtain even higher levels of prediction of which parents would reject services and have their children permanently removed. Results suggest (1) the importance of increased screening, evaluation, and treatment of parental substance abuse in cases of serious child mistreatment; and (2) the possibility of adopting a predictive approach as to which families will be able to respond to court-ordered treatment requests and have their children returned.  相似文献   

Two hundred and six severely abused and/or neglected children brought before the Boston Juvenile Court on care and protection petitions were followed prospectively for 4 years. Two thirds of all parents were found to be poor, 84% had one or more psychiatric disorders, and 81% had been known to the Department of Social Services prior to their court appearance. The average age of children at the start of the court process was 4.2 years, and the average length of temporary foster care was 2.3 years. Judges' decisions to return children to parental custody or to order permanent removal were most strongly predicted by parental compliance with court-order services. Of the 63 cases dismissed from court and thus returned to biological parents, 18 (29%) had substantiated reports of new mistreatment over an approximately 3-year follow-up period. We concluded that children are often poorly served by the current delays in the social service/legal system, and that further clinical research would provide needed empirical data on how best to protect mistreated children.  相似文献   

The authors reviewed 136 court cases representing 218 parents of children maltreated enough to warrant custodial transfer of the child from the parents to the state. The court's psychotherapeutic treatment orders were noted and parental compliance with those orders documented and analyzed. The court issued one or more specific treatment orders to 87.26% of all parents. The most common referrals were those for drug or alcohol treatment (61.9%), individual psychotherapy (60.6%), and family treatment (29.4%). Treatment compliance was significantly lowered in those parents presenting with substance abuse. Compliance was also significantly lower among those parents who sexually and/or physically maltreated their children than among parents who neglected but did not physically or sexually maltreat their children.  相似文献   

The study examined the progress through the child protective system of a sample of 206 severely abused and/or neglected children brought before the Boston Juvenile Court (BJC) on Care and Protection (C & P) petitions. Overall, children were in the system an average of 5 years from the filing of the first official report of mistreatment to the resolution of their cases. The families had been known to the state child protective service agency for an average of more than 2.5 years before the current court involvement. Once arraigned in juvenile court on the C & P, the average case took almost 1.5 years to reach a disposition. After disposition, children permanently removed from parental custody required, on average, an additional year and a half in Probate Court to reach a permanent placement. Of the more than twenty variables examined, including severity of mistreatment, protective service history, and parental mental illness, no meaningful pattern emerged which could predict delays. Our findings characterize the delays experienced by many abused and neglected children, and highlight the necessity of closer monitoring of the progress of cases through the protective and court systems.  相似文献   

Of 206 cases of serious child mistreatment brought before a metropolitan juvenile court on Care and Protection Petitions (C & P), 63 (31%) were dismissed (returning the child to the parent(s]. During a 2-year follow-up period, 18 (29%) of these dismissed cases had substantiated reports of further mistreatment, and 10 (16%) subsequently returned to court on another C & P. Families that had previously been to court for a C & P, and those in which the parent was diagnosed psychotic or character disordered, were significantly more likely to return to court. In addition, we were surprised to find that 8 (6%) of the 130 children ordered permanently removed from parental custody also returned to court. This study documents the continuing mistreatment of children, even after the state's most serious interventions. The study also highlights the necessity of incorporating clinical research in the form of ongoing follow-up of individual cases into the court process, and suggests that it may be possible to identify cases with a very high probability of reinjury and return to court.  相似文献   


Speech sound disorders are a common communication difficulty in preschool children. Teachers indicate difficulty identifying and supporting these children. The aim of this research was to describe speech and language characteristics of children identified by their parents and/or teachers as having possible communication concerns. 275 Australian 4- to 5-year-old children from 45 preschools whose parents and teachers were concerned about their talking participated in speech-language pathology assessments to examine speech, language, literacy, non-verbal intelligence, oromotor skills and hearing. The majority (71.3%) of children demonstrated lower consonant accuracy than expected for their age, 63.9% did not pass the language-screening task, 65.5% had not been assessed and 72.4% had not received intervention from a speech-language pathologist. The 132 children who were identified with speech sound disorder (phonological impairment) were more likely to be male (62.9%) who were unintelligible to unfamiliar listeners, and had poor emergent literacy and phonological processing skills, despite having typical hearing, oral structures, and intelligence. Children identified by parents and teachers with concerns may have a range of speech, language and communication needs requiring professional support.  相似文献   

It appears that Sweden and the United States may be a study in contrasts regarding the sanction and use of corporal punishment on children. A 1979 study of American parents noted that 81% of them employed corporal punishment with children. A different study done in Sweden in 1978 noted that only 26% of parents used corporal punishment with children. What points to the differences in these parenting patterns within the two countries? In addition, a 1977 U.S. Supreme Court case entitled Ingraham vs. Wright ruled that “schools are empowered to carry out corporal punishment.” This court case involved two high school boys in Florida who had been repeatedly struck with wooden paddles. In contrast, Sweden had statutes which prohibited corporal punishment of children in their secondary schools as early as the 1920s. In 1957, the country passed a law which defined corporal punishment as unacceptable for small children in the schools. Then, in 1979, the Swedish government passed a statute prohibiting corporal punishment by parents. Are there differences in the way the two countries view law and its uses? Or, do the cultures sanction violence in general or just violence against children in different ways? This article examines some of the similarities and differences found in American and Swedish treatment of children and proposes what appear to be extreme differences in the way the countries and their people approach corporal punishment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to obtain sound prevalence and outcomes data on parents with disabilities and their children in statutory child protection proceedings. METHOD: The court files of all care and protection matters initiated by the statutory child protection authority and finalized in a 9-month period (n=285) at two Children's Courts in NSW, Australia were reviewed. RESULTS: Parents with disabilities featured in almost one-third of the cases (29.5%). Parental psychiatric disability was most prevalent at 21.8% followed by parental intellectual disability (mental retardation) at 8.8%. Significant associations were found between parental disability and court outcome with a disproportionately large number of children of parents with intellectual disability being made wards of the state. CONCLUSIONS: The findings demonstrate that parents with disabilities are significantly over-represented in statutory child protection proceedings and that the outcomes of these proceedings vary according to disability type.  相似文献   

Resident physicians' contacts with the legal system during management of abused children may influence their attitudes, which were evaluated in a pilot survey completed by 42 pediatric and medicine/pediatric residents. Although negative attitudes toward attorneys were common, almost all of the residents considered general and hearing-specific legal training to be a legitimate part of their residency program. They reported lower levels of stress of court testimony than expected by the authors. Most who had testified in court believed their testimony had been needed and helpful, but all who believed their testimony had been a waste of time were senior-level residents. Although most residents believed the laws and courts usually work for protecting children, only 8 of the 20 residents who had previously testified in court responded affirmatively, and none of the 10 senior residents who had previously testified held this belief. The disillusionment of senior-level residents appeared to affect attitudes toward patient care less than expected, in that 90% of those who planned to enter private practice indicated they would perform physical abuse evaluations and 70% planned to perform sexual abuse evaluations. Only one resident who did not expect to perform the evaluations gave as a reason the prospect of having to testify in court.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify the beliefs of Jordanian parents of children with disabilities (CWD), including intellectual disabilities, specific learning disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder: both in terms of the causes of these disabilities, and the ability of their children to make progress. A qualitative interpretive methodology was employed. Interviews were used to collect data from 63 parents of CWD. Two major themes emerged concerning beliefs about the causes of disability and children’s progress. Results showed generally that disabilities were attributed to supernatural and biomedical causes; also, most parents had positive expectations about their children’s progress, especially in education skills, and had hopes for their children’s futures. Conclusions and implications are presented in the light of the study findings.  相似文献   

With the help of a questionnaire and the study of 25 cases of child abuse from 1973 to 1976, the course of assistance given by various services and social workers involved was followed and the extent of the coordination between them was assessed. The starting point was the fact that when child abuse has reached the crisis stage many different bodies give immediate assistance to both the child and his parents. Later on, however, as help continues, it is not clear which of the persons or bodies concerned is really in charge of the case. The following conclusions were drawn: Abused children came from multiproblem families who often already have had contact with care or welfare services though no steps had been taken to intervene before ill-treatment was verified. Many parents confessed to illtreatment of their child and desired help. Abused children were subjected to longer than usual hospital stays due to lack of reception facilities outside the hospital. Most ill-treated children abused enough to be hospitalized, were placed away from home although half of the parents did not agree with that decision. Of those later returned to their parents, over half had to be removed later for renewed ill-treatment and neglect. The need for one body to coordinate and be responsible for execution of plans for treatment was stressed.  相似文献   

Research studies have shown the importance of early intervention services for young children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their families. However, most attention has been given to the effectiveness of treatments solely for children with ASDs. Because the family centered practice has been emphasized and supported by many researchers and legislation, involving family members other than children with ASDs and their parents in the assessing, planning, and implementing interventions is seen as crucial. The purpose of this article is to review what sibling relationships look like for a typically developing sibling of a child with an ASD and what resources are available for parents and specialists to support siblings of children with ASDs.  相似文献   

Last Saturday evening I went home as usual. After I had supper with my family, we sat in the yard enjoying the cool summer winter wind. We talked about the things that happened during the whole week. Suddenly I remembered that my trousers had come apart at the seams. So I brought out and said to my mother, "Mum, can you help me mend my broken trousers?" My mother looked at me for a while, then turned back and went on chatting with others, saying, "You are not a child any more.  相似文献   

This small-scale study investigates the perspectives of parents whose children have special educational needs/disabilities and who have elected to withdraw their children from the state-maintained education system in England and educate them at home. The study draws on data gathered from seven parents and their perspectives of home education following a government-commissioned review of home education in 2009, subsequently known as the ‘Badman Report’. The former New Labour government commissioned this review to assess the merits of the system of supporting and monitoring home education in England. Findings identified a number of issues, including the lack of understanding by staff within school settings around the issues of special needs and particularly in the area of autistic spectrum disorders, the failure to engage in partnership with parents and the impact that the school environment had upon the children.  相似文献   

Parents of a child who has been assaulted by someone external to the family are faced with the difficult task of dealing with their own reactions to the assault while attending to the needs of their children. Common emotional responses that parents express often fall into the following areas: guilt regarding failure as a parent; ambivalent feelings toward the child; ambivalent feelings toward the offender; and concerns about the investigatory and judicial processes. Clinical interventions with families which focus on support and education are suggested. In addition, systems changes, which demystify the court process and support victims, are recommended.  相似文献   

Discussed in sequence in this article are: the information which must pass from doctors to patients in the United States before a medical procedure is legally authorized, the necessity for comparable information to be provided to a judge who is being asked to order medical treatment for a child over objections by parents, the factors likely to influence a judge to order treatment over parental objections, and a process for deciding when the threshold for court intervention has been reached. While the general right of parents to be informed sufficiently and then to give consent for medical procedures, or to refuse to give consent, on behalf of their children is not in question, judges do override parental refusals to agree to care which is lifesaving or prevents severe impairment. An analysis of American law reveals that the factors likely to support court orders for treatment are: sufficient data has been provided for full, informed consent; a very severe prognosis exists if treatment is not provided, for example, death, retardation, paralysis, or blindness; delay is not a reasonable alternative: the medical procedure is not experimental and is likely to succeed; there are few contraindications; the quality of the child's life, given a successful intervention, will be at least of average “quality”; a child who is older consents to the procedure; and there is no strongly conflicting medical opinion. After a thorough discussion of medical factors with parents, court intervention should be considered if it is thought by those involved that no minimally reasonable parent would refuse to consent to treatment under the circumstances.  相似文献   

Findings of a study that investigated parents' expectations and experiences of their children's outcomes with cochlear implants are presented. A survey completed by 247 parents whose children had received implants in eastern Australia compared parents' reports of their preimplant expectations with their experiences of postimplant outcomes on several items related to communication, academic, and psychosocial domains. Quantitative findings derived from the survey data were extended and elaborated on by qualitative findings from interviews with 27 of the parents. The findings indicated that parents' relatively high expectations of their children's outcomes largely had been met, although a tenth of survey respondents reported that their expectations had not been met. It appeared that professionals generally provided parents with realistic expectations. The qualitative findings revealed a complex interaction among parents' expectations, hopes, and determination that their children would do well with the implant. Implications for professionals are discussed.  相似文献   

留守儿童心理问题主要有:人格发展不良,心理健康水平低,行为问题突出,学业成绩不良,生活状况差等;造成这些问题的主要原因有:亲子关系缺失,社会支持欠缺,监护人水平低,学校周边环境差等。应对策略有:加强与留守儿童家长的联系,营造良好的成长环境,积极参加各种针对留守儿童教育的教师培训;根据留守儿童教育的生理特征、心理特征采取相关举措。  相似文献   

Transition to school for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) places demands on children, parents, and school settings. The unique experiences of parents from diverse backgrounds have not been studied extensively. This qualitative study explored the experiences of 5 Canadian and 5 immigrant families during the transition to school for their children with ASDs. Parent perceptions of support systems during this transition and their experiences with preschool and elementary school staff were analyzed to understand their experiences. Thematic analyses of parent interviews revealed that parents perceived the quality of care during preschool as more supportive than the care received in elementary school. A variety of resources, such as familial, educational, and community support, seemed to help some Canadian and immigrant families in different ways. The transition to school experiences of parents of children with ASDs has important implications for school psychologists who facilitate and mediate parent–school partnerships and interagency collaboration.  相似文献   

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