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本学期期末考试试题分为两大部分:第一部分:标准化试题(80分);第二部分:一般试题(20分)。应提醒大家注意的是:根据95年成都全国电大英语会议的精神:本学期期末试题全部答案均需写在答题纸上。答题纸上只印有题的番号,考生需自己填写所选答案(或回答问题)。  相似文献   

本学期期末考试试题分为两大部分:第一部分:标准化试题(80分);第二部分:一般试题(20分)。应提醒大家注意的是:根据95年成都全国电大英语会议的精神:本学期期末试题全部答案均需写在答题纸上。答题纸上只印有题的番号,考生需自己填写所选答案(或回答问题)。  相似文献   

本学期期末考试试题分为两大部分:第一部分:标准化试题(80分);第二部分:一般试题(20分)。应提醒大家注意的是:根据95年成都全国电大英语会议的精神:本学期期末试题全部答案均需写在答题纸上。答题纸上只印有题的番号,考生需自己填写所选答案(或回答问题)。  相似文献   

一、完形填空。(10分) The wind and the sun were 1 about a tra代U.r whowas walking along a lonely country ro砚.2 traveller waswearlng a thjek co口t· 111‘m sure that 1 can3thatman,seo.to任即,thewind said.份1 don‘t think you4斤,the Sun answered.Thewind began to blow verys·It Pull司the traveller‘5 eoat·But the traveller did 6 his eoat,助d wr即讲d jt 7 tjght一yaround him.Thewindblewharder一butiteouldnotPullthe eoat off the trave业r·即Let me try”,the Sun said,TheSun began to shine·The ai…  相似文献   

一、完形填空。(10分) The wind and the sun Were 1 about a traveller who was walking along a lonely country road. 2 traveller was wearing a thick coat. "I'm sure that I can 3 that man's coat off", the wind said. "I don't think you 4", the Sun answered. The  相似文献   

一、完形填空 (2 0分 )1 .Today ,Chinesescientists  1 morein terestedinthecuresusedintraditionalChinesemedicine.Theybelievethat  2 oftraditionalmedicineiseffectiveandwanttoknow  3 itworks.OneWestern -trainedexpert  4 thatChinesemedicineis  5 thanWesternmedicineinanumberof…  相似文献   

一、从下列各题的四个供选择的答案中选出一个正确的答案,并在该答案的题号上划圈,多划者无效。(每题1分,共20分) 1. Nobody's watching the television.Could you____? A. turn on it B. turn off it C. turn it off D. turn it on 2. There____a bus stop near ourvillage. A. uses to be B. use to be C. used be D. used to be 3. I want to have my watch____. A. repaired B. repairing C. repair D. to be repaired 4. I would have visited my teachers if it  相似文献   

一从下列各题的四个供选择的答案中选出一个正确的答案,并在该答案的题号上划圈,多划者无效。(每题1分,共20分) 1 .Nobody,s watehing the television. Cot一ld yotl? A .turno一飞it B.tL一rn off it C .t、一rn it off D.t:lrzl it on 2 .There a bt一5 stoP near ot一r village·7 .Sher!oek Holmesman ealled Sir ArthurA.ereatedB.were ereatedC .was ereatedD.ereates byaConan Doyle.uses to beused beB.use to beD.used to be3 .1 want to have my wateh A.rePaired B.rePairing C .rePair D.to be rePaired4 .1 would …  相似文献   

一、从下列各题的四个供选择的答案中选出一个正确的答案,并在该答案的题号上划圈,多划者无效。(每题1分,共20分)  相似文献   

一、从下列各题的四个供选择的答案中选出一个正确的答案,并在该答案的题号上划圈,多划者无效。(每题l分,共20分) 、一 1 .Nubody,s watehing the television. CoOld you二? A .turn on jt B.tutn off it C。turn jt off D.turn jt on 2·There_a bus stop,iear our vil- lage· A .useS to beB。use to be C .used be D.七sed to be 3·1 wa:、t to have my wateh_· 一气.rePairedB·rePairing C .rePa盆rD·to be rePaired 4 .1 would have visited my teaehers if it _all day yesterd盯· A .did not rainB。does not rain C…  相似文献   

l完形填空A(10分) Men first measuredthe ground.The Iength (3) what time ofEg)rptianS used a pilIar,of the dav (5)(1)(2)lt waSusing a stick in shadow would(4) ,the(5)(6)as a gnOmOn,aJld thell (7)deve【0ped a simpk sundial, (6) 00nsisted of a stonewith a pOinter on it.The stone waS placed in£u1 east—weSt (8)directIOn,a11d the shadow of the pointer showed the tinle. About 300 BC,a Babylonianvented a semi—circular sundial。(7)(8)BerOsus in一 (9)he markedtwelVe hours.The Babylonians,like…  相似文献   

1 完形填空A (1 0分 )Itisstrange  (1 ) somestoriesofmonstersbeginwithlittleor  (2 ) evidenceatall.ThestoryoftheKrakenisanexample .A   (3) timeago,amaninNorwayreportedsee ingahugeanimal  (4) fromtheseaandpulldownashipwithitslongarms.Itislikelythattheshipwas  (5) byasuddensto…  相似文献   

1 完形填空 Modern advertising men try to justify 1 they doby 2 us of the advantages of advertising. Thus, it issaid 3 advertising reduces the price of goods becauseit increases the number that are 4 . In fact, productscould often be sold morc 5 if there were not wastefulcompetition between companies. This results 6 expensive advertisements, the cost of 7 is passed on to  相似文献   

1 完形填空(10分)Today, Chincse scientists (1) more and more interestedin the curcs used in traditional Chinesc medicine. They believethat (2) of traditional medicine is effectivc and want to know(3) it works.One Western-trained expert (4) that Chinese medicineis (5) than Western medicine in a number of cases. Most(6),it helps your body fight against diseases (7)it has aless harn1ful effcct (8) do Western pills. Moreover, the Chi-nese system of medicine has existed (9) thousands of years.This means there is a lot of information about the diseases it(10).  相似文献   

1 完形填空(10分)Today, Chinese scientists (1) more and more interestedin the cures used in traditional Chinese medicine. They believethat (2) of traditional medicine is effective and want to know(3) it works.One Western-trained cxpert (4) that Chinese medicineis (5) than Western medicine in a number of cases. Most(6),it helps your body fight against diseases (7) has aless harmful cffect (8) do Western pills. Moreover, the Chi-ncse system of medicine has existed (9)thousands of years.This means there is a lot of information about the discases it(10).  相似文献   

综合练习 A1 完形填空(10分)Men first measured time (1) using a stick in the ground.The length of the (2) shadow would (3) what time of day itwas.(4),the Egyptians used a pillar,(5) as a gnomon,andthen developed a simple sundial,(6) consisted of a stone with apointer on it.The stone was placed in an east-west direction,and the shadow of the pointer showed the time.About 300 BC,a Babylonian (7) Berosus invented a semi-circular sundial,(8) he marked twelve hours.The Babyloni-am,like the Egyptians,divided daylight (9) twelve parts andnight into twelve.This meant that an hour would have differ-ent lengths (10) different times of the year.A daytime hourmight be longer or shorter than a nighttime one.These hoursare known as 'temporary hours'.(1)A.with B.byC.through D.in  相似文献   

综合练习A1完形填空(10分) Men first measured time业using a stick in the ground.The length of the堕shadow would盟what time of day itWas.盟,the Egyptians used a pillar。盟as a gnomon。andthen developed a simple sundial。熊consistedof a~olaewith apointerOn it.The stotxe was placed in an east-west direction。andthe shadowofthepointer ahowedthetime. About 300 BC。a Babylonian(7)Bercm~invented a semi-circular sundial。(8)he marked twelve hours.The Babyloni.aDS,like the Egyptians,divided daylight…  相似文献   

综合练习 A1 完形填空(10分)Men first measured time(?)using a stick in the ground.The lengthof the(?)shadow would(?)what time of day it was.(?),the Egyp-tians used a pillar,(?)as a gnomon,and then developed a simple sundial,(?)consisted of a stone with a pointer on it.The stone was placed in aneast-west direction,and the shadow of the pointer showed the time.About 300 BC,a Babylonian(?)Berosus invented a semi-circularsundial,(?)he marked twelve hours.The Babylonians,like the Egyp-  相似文献   

1 完形填空 A(10 分) It is strange (1)__some stories of monsters begin with little or (2)__ evidence at all. The story of the Kraken is an example. A (3)__ time ago, a man in Norway reported seeing a huge animal (4)__from the sea and pull down a ship with its long arms. It is likely that the ship was (5)__by a sudden storm;but local people believed the story.  相似文献   

l完形填空 M记ern advortising men try to justify一」一.they doby~卫二us of tho advantages of advcrtising.Thus.it 15sa,d 3 advertisingredueesthePrieeofgoc山beeauseIt Ineroases the number that are 4 .In faet,pr记uetseould often be沁ld more 5 if rherc were not wastefuleompotltlon betwccl飞eompanies.This results 6 ex-pollsivo adverrisements,the cost of一二一15 passed on totho publie.A magazino has因intedse卫一that headaehep,I]sw,:ho:,r a brand:lamo eanb。刻d vcry ehca口y,9tho samc pills,advertise…  相似文献   

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