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最经典的场景、最生动的对白、最地道的表达,尽在“影视对白”。跟着明星学英语,LET’S GO!本期影片:《阿甘正传》。  相似文献   

This action-adventure film was directed by Guy Ritchie and released in 2009. It's based on the famous "Sherlock Holmes" series created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930). The film stars Robert Downey, Jr. as Sherlock Holmes and Jude Law as Dr Watson. In the film.  相似文献   

最经典的场景、最生动的对白、最地道的表达。尽在“影视对白”。跟着明星学英语,let’sgo!本期影片:《冒牌总统》。  相似文献   

最经典的场景、最生动的对白、最地道的表达,尽在“影视对白”。跟着明星学英语,let’s go!本期影片:《万能管家》。  相似文献   

AC/DC. Iron Maiden. Black Sabbath. Judas Priest. They' re all heavy metal bands that you've probably heard of. But what about Spinal Tap? They are basically a fictional band who were the stars of a documentary called This is Spinal Tap. Now, the band has become world-famous. Fake Fame Spinal Tap first starred in a spoof documentary called This Is Spinal Tap (1984). The band members are David St Hubbins (Michael McKean), Nigel Tufnel (Christopher Guest) and Derek Smalls (Harry Shearer).  相似文献   

Solomon Northup was a married man with two children living in New York when he was kidnapped and sold into slavery. Twelve years later, he managed to escape. On returning home, he wrote a story about his experience called Twelve Years a Slave. This has just been made into a film that's directed by Steve McQueen and which stars Chiwetel Ejiofor (as Solomon), Michael Fassbender and Benedict Cumberbatch. Here's the incredible and true story of Solomon Northup.  相似文献   

Along Came Polly is a 2004 American romantic comedy that's directed by John Hamburg. It stars Ben Stiller and Jennifer Aniston. While on his honeymoon, Reuben Feffer (Ben Stiller) discovers that his wife is having an affair. Back in New York, Reuben runs into former high school classmate Polly Prince (Jennifer Aniston), and they soon start dating. In this scene, Reuben is at home withPolly. He's taking some throw pillows off his bed.  相似文献   

Rolling my eyes, the sweat starts to form, In this kitchen they call a café, Turning my head, I' m falling again, With noone to catch me thi time, Words come in gasps, like souls in their flight, Filtered down through the air, Faces that stare with eyes that see through me. In this place where the lonely despair, tn con.., conversations, in con.., conversations.Alone in my room again, with the silence I can't bear, The telephone won't ring for me, But I don't really care, The city lights, the yellow dots, Like sirens without sound, Tempting me to venture out into the promised land:  相似文献   

最经典的场景、最生动的对白、最地道的表达,尽在“影视对白”。跟着明星学英语,let’s go!本期影片:《去日留痕》。  相似文献   

"I used to freeze the time and said 'I love you' for thousand times when you didn't know. I feel it the way that if l say it in the river of time, it will flow as time flows and eventually vanishes. So instead, I said it when time was frozen. I love you, Cheon Song-yi. I love you." Spend less than one second to figure out its origin? Know exactly in which episode the line is? You must be a straight-A fan of the drama!  相似文献   

匈奴(含其先人)在北方气候变迁的严酷自然条件下,成功选择游牧生产方式,是人类延续和发展生产力的又一次重大胜利。匈奴人通过使用和传播“鄂尔多斯式”青铜器;通过创就骑术并使其发挥能动性社会效应;尤其是通过成功采用“行国”统御的管理方式来组建草原社会,直面中原王朝等独到的历史行为,表现出了匈奴人在北方游牧经济社会形成中的奠基作用。深入理析该作用,对探讨匈奴之后的北方各少数民族社会发展的内在规律,具有溯源析理性的指导意义,  相似文献   

中北大学是一所由国防科学技术工业委员会与山西省人民政府共建.学科专业涵盖工、理、文、经、管、法、教7大门类,在国防科技领域和区域经济建设中有着重要影响力的教学研究型大学。学校始建于1941年5月,当时是八路军总司令部创办的我党我军第一所兵工学校——太行工业学校,享有“人民兵工第一校”之称。1958年学校升格为太原机械学院,1993年更名为华北工学院,[第一段]  相似文献   

国家教育部本科教学工作水平评估优秀高等学校国家级特色专业建设学科、四川省品牌专业——医学影像学四川省医学影像学、临床医学本科人才培养基地四川省普通高等学校毕业生就业工作先进单位川北医学院是一所省属普通高等医学院校,坐落在四川省历史文化名城、三国文化发祥地——南充市,是一所以医学学科为主体、临床医学为基础、医学影像学为特色,医、理、文、管多学科协调发展的医学院校。川北医学院学科门类齐全,涵盖医、理、文、管四大学科门类,包括临床医学、医学影像学、医学检验、预防医学、口腔医学、麻醉学、护理学、中西医临床医学、法医学、眼视光学、公共事业管理、生  相似文献   

民国北京政府时期,徐树铮组建西北筹边使署,并击败政敌陈毅。组建西北边防军,图谋在内外蒙古扩张地盘。直皖战争中,徐树铮的嫡系军力遭到毁灭性打击,而在外蒙的军队也遭到当地蒙古驻军的冲击而遭灭顶。西北筹边使和徐树铮的“西北梦”也就成为明日黄花。学术界就此问题已有相当关注,但尚有进一步研究的必要。  相似文献   

浩瀚冰封的海洋、白雪皑皑的岛屿、憨态可掬的北极熊,这一切是那么的令人着迷。北极,以它独特的魅力吸引着无数探险家争想前往。  相似文献   

华北电力大学是国家教育部门直属国家211工程重点建设高校。学校校部设在北京,分设保定校区,实行一体化管理。学校适应国家发展战略需求,构建了以优势学科为基础,以新兴能源学科为重点,以文理学科为支撑的大电力学科体系,组建核科学与工程学院、能源与环境研究院,成立全国首家可再生能源学院,  相似文献   

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