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In the work mitotic chromosomes in root-tips of 7 species native to Sichuan Pro- vince were examined and their karyotypes were analysed based on 7-8 cells at mitotic meta- phase, using Levan et al.'s (1964) nomenclature. The list of species and origin of the materials used in this work are provided in the appendix.  The micrographs of mitotic metaphase of all the materials are shown in Plates 1 and 2; the idiograms in Fig. 1, 1-9, and the parameters of chromosomes are provided in Tables 1-9.  All the chromosome countings and karyotypes in this paper are reported for the first time.      Characteristics of the karyotypes may be summarized as follows:      1.  2n=38 are found in all the materials except A. sichuanensis, which has 3 cytotypes, i.e, 2n=38+5B, 2n=38+lB and 2n=38+OB (Plate 2, 1-2, Fig. 1, 5-6).      2.  The karyotypes are of two major types: the karyotype of A. flaviflora falls into 3C in Stebbins's (1958, 197l) classification of karyotypes and those of all the other species into 2C. The two types are also different from each other in the number of large and medium-sized chromosomes pairs and morphology of the first pair of chromosomes (compare Plate 2, 5, Fig. 1, 9 with the other micrographs and idiograms).A. flaviflora with the karyotype 3C also differs from the other species in a series of gross morphological characters: the species is of a yellow and campanulate corolla.      3.  The species with caespitose leaves (A. caespitosa and A. omeiensis) have essentially the same karyotype, which is rather different from those of the species with scattered leaves. There are two pairs of small sm chromosomes (arm ratio ≥1.90) in the former karyotype (Tables 1 and 3), but all the small chromosomes are m or sm with arm ratio <1.80 in the latter karyotypes.  相似文献   

The mechanical system of the Beijing Spectrometer Ⅲ(BESⅢ) recently passed the evaluation of a panel of experts at the CAS Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Beijing, marking a breakthrough in the renovation of the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC).  相似文献   

 We have described a new genus Taihangia, collected from, the south part of Taihang Mountain in northern China. At the same time, comparative studies on Taihangia with its related genera have been made in various fields including external morphology, anatomy of carpels, chromosome and pollen morphology by light, scanning and transmission electron microscope. In addition, isoperoxidases of two varietier were analysed by means of polya-crylamide gel slab electrophoresis. The preliminary results are as follows:       Morphology: The genus Taihangia is perennial and has simple leaves, occasionally with 1—2 very small reduced lobes on the upper part of petiole; flowers white, andromo- noecious and androdioecious, terminal, single or rarely 2 on a leafless scape; calyx and cpicalyx with 5 segments; petals 5; stamens numerous; pistils numerous, with pubescent styles, spirally inserted on the receptacle in bisexual flowers, but with less number of abortive and glabrous pistils in male flowers.       In comparison with the related genera such as Dryas, Geum, Coluria and Waldsteinia, the new genus has unisexual flowers and always herbaceous habit indicating its advanced feature but the genus has a primitive style with thin and short hairs as compared with the genus Dryas which has long, pinnately haired styles, a character greatly facilitamg anemo-choric dissemination. The styles of Taihangia are slender and differ from those of the ge-nus Geum which are articulate, with a persistent hooked rostrum, thus adapting to epizo-ochoric dissemination to a higher degree.       The anatomy of carpels shows the baral position of ovules in the genus Taihangia like those in other related genera such as Dryas, Geum, Acomastylis, Coluria and Waldsteinia. This suggests that the new genus and its related ones are in a common evolutionary line as compared with the other tribes which have a pendulous ovule and represent a separate evolutionary line in Rosaceae. Dorsal and ventral bundles in carpels through sections are free at the base. Neither fusion, nor reduction of dorsals and vertrals. are observed. This shows that the genus Taihangia is rather primitive.       Somatic chromosome: All the living plants, collected from both Honan and Hopei Provinces were examined. The results show that in these plants the chromosome number is 2n= 14, and thus the basic number of chromosome is x=7. Such a diploid genus is first found in both anemochoric and epizoochoric genera. Therefore, in this respect Taihangia is primitive as compared with herbaceous polyploid genus Geum and related ones.      Pollen: The stereostructure shown by scanning electron microscope reveals  that  the pollen grains of the genus Taihangia are ellipsoid and 3-colporate. There are two types of exine sculpture. One is rather shortly striate and it seems rugulate over the pollen surface; the other is long-striate. The genus Dryas differs in having only short and thick striae over the surface. The genus is similar to the genera Geum, Coluria and Waldsteinia in colpustype, but differs from them in that they all have long, parallel striae which are distributed along the meridional line.       In addition, under transmission electron microscope, the exine in the Taihangia and related genera Acomastylis, Geum, Coluria, Waldsteinia and Dryas has been shown to be typically differentiated into two distinct layers, nexine and sexine. The nexine, weakly statined, appears to consist of endoxine with no foot-layer, in which the columellae are fused, and which is thicker beneath the apertures. The sexine is 2-layered, consisting of columellae and tectum. Three patterns of tectum can be distinguished in the tribe Dryadeae: the first, in the genera Taihangia, Acomastylis, Geum, Coluria and Waldsteinia, is tectate-imperforate, with the sculpturing elements both acute and obtuse at the top and broad at the base; the second, in the genus Dryas, is semitectate, with the sculpturing elements shown in ultrathin sections rod-like and broader at the top than at the base or as broad at the top as at the base, and the third, tectate-perforate, with the sculpturing elements different in size. From the above results, the herbaceous groups and woody ones  have palynologically evolved in two distinct directions, and the genus Taihangia is related to other herbaceous genera such as Acomastylis, Geum, Coluria and Waldsteinia, as shown in the electron microphotographs of ultrathin sections. The genus Taihangia, however, is different from related herbaceous genera in that the pollen of Taihangia is dimorphic, i.e. in addition to the above pattern of pollen another one of the exine in Taihangia is rugulate, with the sculpturing elements shown in the ultrathin sections being obtuse or emarginate and nearly as broad at the top as at the base.      The interesting results obtained from the comparative analysis of morphology, ana- tomy of carpels, chromosome countings, microscopic and submicrosocopic structures of pollen may enable us to evaluate the systematic position of Taihangia and to throw a new light on evolution of the tribe Dryadeae. It is well known that the modes of dissemination of rosaceous fruits play an important role in the expansion and evolution of the family. The follicle is the most primitive and the plants with follicles, like the Spiraeoideae, are mostly woody and mesic, while the achene, drupe and pyrenarium are derived. In Rosoideae  having a achene is a common feature. Particularly in the tribe Dryadeae, which is distinguished from the other related tribes by having orthotropous ovules, the methods of dissemination of fruits have developed in three distinct specialized directions: anemochory with long, plumose styles (e.g. Dryas), formicochory or dispersed by ants or other insects, with the deciduous styles (e.g. Waldsteinia and Collria),and epizoochory with the upper deciduous stigmatic part and the lower persistent hooked rostrum, an  adhesive organ favouring  epizoochory dissemination (e. g. Geum and related taxa). Taihangia is a genus endemic to mesophytic forest area of northern China. Due to its narrow range and specific habit as well as pubescent styles, neither perfectly adapted to anemochory nor to epizoochory, the genus  Taihangia might be a direct progeny of the ancestry of anemochory. Maintaining the diploidy and having an ntermediate sculptural type of pollen, the new genus might probably represent a linkage between anemochory and zoochory (including epizoochory and dispersed by ants).       Experimental evidence from isoperoxidases shows the stable zymograms of root and roostoks. The anodal isozyme of T. rupestris var. rupestris may be divided into 6 bands: A, B, C, D, E, F, and T. rupestris var. ciliata into 4 bands: A, B, C, G. The two varietiesof the species share 3 bands: A, B, C. However, D, E and F bands are characteristic of var. rupestris and G band is limited to var. ciliata. As far as the available materials are concerned, the analysis of isoperoxidases supports the subdivision of the species into two varieties.  相似文献   

The case in brief The background art of utility model patent 01213645.X is a traditional coloured profile board roof. Hu Bing, the patentee, clearly admitted in the oral hearing on the patent invalidation request that the said background art was the prior art of the patent in point. The Patent Reexamination Board (PRB), accordingly taking the background art as the prior art, assessed the inventiveness of the patent on the basis of the background art together with other evidence, and decided to invalidate the patent.  相似文献   

The East Asian monsoon (EAM) system is an important circulation system in the global climate system, which features strong southwesterlies with wet air over East Asia in surruner and northwesterlies with dry air over North China, Northeast China, Korea and Japan and northeasterlies along the coast of Southeast China (e.g., Tao and Chen). Influenced by the variations and anomalies of the EAM system, therefore,  相似文献   

The present paper deals mainly with the karyotype analysis of five materials in Angelica dahurica collected in Yanbian of Jilin, Anguo of Hebei, Yuxian of Henan, Hangzhou of Zhejiang and Suining of Sichuan.  They are under the names “Dongbeidahuo”, “Qibaizhi”, “Yubaizhi”, ”Hangbaizhi” and “Chuanbaizhi” respe- ctively.  Among then “Dongbeidahuo” is a wild plant, which occurs in  northeastern China, and the others are cultivated as important crude drugs in some provinces. “Qi- Baizhi” and “Yubaizhi” have been identified as conspecific with the wild Baizhi-“Do- Ngbeidahuo” (A. dahurica) according to the external morphological features, whereas the other cultivated ones, “Hangbaizhi” and “Chuanbaizhi”, treated as a variety (A. dahu- rica var. formosana).      The results of karyotype analysis are shown in Plate 1, 2, with the formula 2n=22 =12 m+2 mSAT+4sm+4st. The karyotypes described here are constantly characterized by satellites attached to the fourth pair of metacentric chromosomes and differ from the pu- blished reports on the other species of the genus.  It is reasonable to say that the five materials collectively named “Baizhi” are taxonomically closely related to each other and could be regarded as conspecific.  Since the second chromosome pair is submetacen- tric in “Dongbeidahuo”, it may be justifiable to separate the wild plant from the cul- tivated ones and treat them as two separate varieties.  相似文献   

Afterfouryears ofhardwork, a research team is making progressincontrollingalgalblooms caused by eutrophication ata 6-square-kilometer testing area inLakeDianchi, Kunming,capitalcityof southwest China’s YunnanProvince. Commissioned by the Ministryof Science and Technology and theProvincial Government of Yunnan,a23.7-million-yuan(US$2.5million)project was launched in April 2000with an objective to restrain thes e r io us blu e- gr e en alga l(cyanobacterial) blooms an…  相似文献   

The first contact between Bao Xinhe and the Fritz Haber Institute (FHI) of the Max Planck Society goes back to 1989, when he was a Humboldt Scholarship holder in Germany. He worked at the FHI with Gerard Ertl on the surface and catalytic properties of Ag-cluster until 1995, when he returned to China and joined the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The cooperation with the FHI continued in 2000, when a Partner Group was established under the leadership of Robert SchlogI and Bao Xinhe. The group is devoted to the application of nano-related technologies in catalysis, with emphasis on controlled fabrication and dynamic characterization of nano-structured metallic particles and porous materials. In the past years, the cooperation has focused on various carbon nanotubes with special aligned structure and well-defined silver nano-particles in mesoporous materials. The nanostructured catalysts show high performance in methane activation at low temperature and in  相似文献   

  A karyotypical analysis of Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bung. of the monotypic genus Anemarrhena Bung. (Liliaceae) was carried out for the first time. The number of chromo- somes in root-tip cell of the species was found to be 22, agreeing with that reported by Sato[12], although inconsistent in some other respects, such as position of  centromeres, length of chromosomes, and nucleoli, etc. (Table 1 ). According to the terminology defined by Levan et al.[8], the karyotype formula is therefore 2n=22=2sm (SAT)+2sm+18m. Photomicrographs of the chromosome complements and idiogram of the karyotype are given   Fig. 1 and 2).       The karyotype of Anemarrhena asphodeloides shows explicitly to be asymmetrical, with three pairs of long chromosomes and eight pairs of short chromosomes. This specialized feature, when considered together with the rare occurrence of the basic chromosome number of 11 of the genus within the Tribe Asphodeleae of Liliaceae (see Table 1), suggests that the genus Anemarrhena is probably a rather specialized one, which has scarcely any intimate relationship with the other genera of the above tribe. The fact that this specialized karyotype is associated with certain trends of morphological specialization, such as flowers possessing three stamens only, gives support to the above suggestion. But, it is impossible to draw a more precise conclusion without a more thorough and comprehensive investigation of the species in question.  相似文献   

半蒴苣苔属的研究(续)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The genus Hemiboea is a curious genus of the tribe Didymocarpeae (Cyrtandroi- deae), characterized by its peculiar pistil with one fertile carpel and its follicle-like capsule. This genus has not yet been thoroughly studied since its establishment by C. B. Clarke in 1888.  In the present paper, the taxonomic history is briefly reviewed; the external morphology, leaf his- tology, pollen morphology and geographical distribution are discussed; a key to the 21 species recognized by the author is provided; and the economic uses reported in various publications are summarized.       I.  Morphology       (1)  Sclereids  The foliar sclereids, occurring in this genus and defined by their forms, fall into two types.       (A) Vermiform selereids  This type of sclereids is noted in 15 species and may be clas- sified into two groups according to their positions in leaf tissues.  Those of the first group are interspersed in the ground tissue around the vascular bundles of leaves and noted in 12 species, i.e.H. longisepala, H. cavaleriei, H. bicornuta, H. fangii, H. omeiensis, H. gracilis, H. glandulosa, H. mollifolia, H. pingbianensis, H. parviflora, H. strigosa and H. gamosepala, and those of the second group are dispersed in the mesophyll, occurring in H. subcapitata, H. henryi and H. latisepala.       (B) Astrosclereids The sclereids of this type are discovered for the first time in Hemiboea, dispersed in the mesophyll of a single species, i.e.H. lungzhouensis.      No foliar sclereids are found in the remaining 5 species, i.e.H. integra, H. flaccida, H. longgangensis, H. subacaulis and H. follicularis.      The differences in forms and positions of the foliar sclereids and their absence or pre- sence are of great help in understanding the relationship between the infrageneric taxa.    (2)  Pollen grains  The pollen grains of 19 species were examined with LM and SEM. They are 3-colporate, subglobose or prolate, 20-38.8×22-28μm.  The exine  is  1.3-2μm thick and the sculpture is foveolate (e.g.H. cavaleriei) to reticulate (e.g.H. omeiensis).  In Sect. Subcapitatae the pollen grains are subglobose or prolate, while those of Sect. Hemiboea are prolate.       No pollen grains are observed in anthers of 13 speciemens of H. subacaulis var. subacaulis and var. jiangxiensis.        (3)  Seed-coat Under SEM the seed-coat exhibits considerable diversity in the genus, fur- nishing useful characters for explaining the relationship between the two sections.       2.  Geographical distribution  The genus Hemiboea ranges from the eastern border of the Xizang Plateau and Yunnan Plateau eastwards to Ryu Kyu Islands, and from the southern slope of the Qinling Range southwards to northern Vietnam.  The karst region of S. E. Yun- nan and W. Guangxi is the centre of maximum variation of the genus and is probably its origin centre, where the most primitive taxon exists, and where more species (13 species, i.e. 61.9 per cent of the sum total) and more endemic species (8 species) are found than elsewhere.       3.  Classification  The genus consists of 21 species and 6 varieties which are classified into 2 sections.  The Clarke's classification is accepted, but emended here as follows:       Sect. 1. Subcapitatae Clarke Sepals free or posterior ones connate.  Muri of the seed-coat laevigate or rugose; bottom of meshes flat, smooth or with few verrucae.  Pollen grains subglo- bose or prolate.       Sect. 2. Hemiboea Sepals connate.  Muri of the seed-coat tuberculate or aliform-tuberculate; bottom of meshes flat or concave, with dense verrucae.   Pollen grains prolate.       Based on the analysis of external and internal morphological characters, the main evolu- tionary trends in the genus are discussed and enumerated, and a hypothesis indicating the re- lationships between the two sections is given.  相似文献   

木兰科分类系统的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A new system of classification of Magnoliaceae proposed.  This paper deals mainly with taxonomy and phytogeography of the family Magnoliaceae on the basis of external morphology, wood anatomy and palynology.  Different  authors have had different ideas about the delimitation of genera of this family, their controversy being carried on through more than one hundred years (Table I).  Since I have been engaged in the work of the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae, I have accumulated a considerable amount of information and material and have investigated the living plants at their natural localities, which enable me to find out the evolutionary tendencies and primitive morphological characters of various genera of the family.  According to the evolutionary tendencies of the characters and the geographical distribution of this family I propose a new system by dividing it into two subfamilies, Magnolioideae and Liriodendroideae Law (1979), two tribes, Magnolieae and Michelieae Law, four subtribes, Manglietiinae Law, Magnoliinae, Elmerrilliinae Law and Micheliinae, and fifteen genera (Fig. 1 ), a system which is different from those by J. D. Dandy (1964-1974) and the other authors.      The recent distribution and possible survival centre of Magnoliaceae. The members of Magnoliaceae are distributed chiefly in temperate and tropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere, ——Southeast Asia and southeast North America, but a few genera and species also occur in the Malay Archipelago and Brazil of the Southern Hemisphere. Forty species of 4 genera occur in America, among which one genus (Dugendiodendron) is endemic to the continent, while about 200 species of 14 genera occur in Southeast Asia, of which 12 genera are endemic.  In China there are about 110 species of 11 genera which mostly occur in Guangxi, Guangdong and Yunnan; 58 species and more than 9 genera occur in the mountainous districts of Yunnan.   Moreover,  one  genus (Manglietiastrum Law, 1979) and 19 species are endemic to this region.  The family in discussion is much limited to or interruptedly distributed in the mountainous regions of Guangxi, Guangdong and Yunnan.  The regions are found to have a great abundance of species, and the members of the relatively primitive taxa are also much more there than in the other regions of the world.      The major genera, Manglietia, Magnolia and Michelia, possess 160 out of a total of 240 species in the whole family.  Talauma has 40 species, while the other eleven genera each contain only 2 to 7 species, even with one monotypic genus.   These three major genera are sufficient for indicating the evolutionary tendency and geographical distribution of Magnoliaceae.  It is worthwhile discussing their morphological  characters  and distributional patterns as follows:      The members of Manglietia are all evergreen trees, with flowers terminal, anthers dehiscing introrsely, filaments very short and flat, ovules 4 or more per carpel.  This is considered as the most primitive genus in subtribe Manglietiinae.  Eighteen out of a total  of 35 species of the genus are distributed in the western, southwest to southeast Yunnan. Very primitive species, such as Manglietia hookeri, M. insignis  and M. mega- phylla, M. grandis, also occur in this region. They are distributed from Yunnan eastwards to Zhejiang and Fujian through central China, south China, with only one species (Manglietia microtricha) of the genus westwards to Xizang.  There are several species distributing southwards from northeast India to the Malay Archipelago (Fig. 7).      The members of Magnolia are evergreen and deciduous trees or shrubs, with flowers terminal, anthers dehiscing introrsely or laterally, ovules 2 per carpel, stipule adnate to the petiole.  The genus Magnolia is the most primitive in the subtribe Magnoliinae and is the largest genus of the family Magnoliaceae. Its deciduous species are distributed from Yunnan north-eastwards to Korea and Japan (Kurile N. 46’) through Central China, North China and westwards to Burma, the eastern Himalayas  and northeast India.  The evergreen species are distributed from northeast  Yunnan  (China)  to  the Malay Archipelago.  In China there are 23 species, of which 15 seem to be very primi- tive, e.g. Magnolia henryi, M. delavayi, M. officinalis and M. rostrata, which occur in Guangxi, Guangdong and Yunnan.      The members of Michelia are evergreen trees or shrubs, with flowers axillary, an- thers dehiscing laterally or sublaterally, gynoecium stipitate, carpels numerous or few. Michelia is considered to be the most primitive in the subtribe Micheliinae, and is to the second largest genus of the family.  About 23 out of a total of 50 species of this genus are very primitive, e.g. Michelia sphaerantha, M. lacei, M. champaca,  and  M. flavidiflora, which occur in Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan (the distributional center of the family under discussion)  and extend eastwards to Taiwan  of  China, southern Japan through central China, southwards to the Malay Archipelago through Indo-China. westwards to Xizang of China, and south-westwards to India and Sri Lanka (Fig. 7).      The members of Magnoliaceae are concentrated in Guangxi, Guangdong and Yunnan and radiate from there.  The farther away from the centre, the less members we are able to find, but the more advanced they are in morphology.  In this old geographical centre there are more primitive species, more  endemics  and  more monotypic genera. Thus it is reasonable to assume that the region of Guangxi, Guangdong and Yunnan, China, is not only the centre of recent distribution, but also the chief survival centreof Magnoliaceae in the world.  相似文献   

In collaboration with col-leagues at the University ofScience and Technology ofChina and East China Universityof Science and Technology, CASresearchers from the Institute ofChemistry have synthesized anovel spironaphthoxazine SOFCmolecule with a stable ring-opened photomerocyanine formby incorporating a ferrocenem o i e t y t o t h e p a r e n tspironaphthoxazine. Their workhas been reported in a recent is-sue of Advanced Materials.The researchers announcedthat two-dimensional luminesc…  相似文献   

The artificial imitation of natural creatures has always been a forever dream in the fairy tales or scientific fictions. Thanks to the development of science and technology, this long-cherished dream has come true in some ways. Bionics, a branch of science concerned with applying the data and mechanisms of the functions of biological system to the solution of engineering problems, has become one of the frontier areas of science in the 21 st century, as what was shown in many reviews and books published in the late 20th century. In fact, human being got inspiration from the nature and created lots of bionic products in the past decades, e.g. the airplane and the radar.However, few examples are given in molecular-level or nano-scale artificial plant surface.  相似文献   

 In the south-east and south Xizang, in cluding Medog, Zayü some western separate valleys Yadong, Kama near Zentang in Dinggye, Boqu near Zham in Nyalam and Gyirong, a mild climate prevails because of the very high mountains and the very deep valleys.  According to our preliminary survey, 4/5 of the genera and 7/10 of the species, i.e. approximately representing all families and genera of the tropical and subtropical bryofliora of Xizang, are restricted to these localities below the altitude of 2,300 meters.  It almost agrees with the previous presumption that the Tsangpo gorge is the line of connection between two paleoeontinents—Laurasia and Gondwana.       Moreover, the bryoflora of these localities, besides the Indo-Malasian elements and East Asian elements as the main components, has at least about 40 genera in common with south America, Australia and Africa.  According to the historical phytogeogra- phical point of view, the distribution range of centain genera is formed through a period of long historical development.  The same is true for the area of different species, although they are found in widely separate areas right now, yet they might have once a continuous distribution in certain historical age. The Indian plate collided against the eastern part of Laurasia and afterwards the Australasian plate moved to the north.  All these might have dispersed the Gondwana elements as far as to the southeastern part of Xizang.      It is very interesting to note that of the 32 genera of bryophytes endemic to East Asia, 13 have recently been found in the southeast and south Xizang and also in the neighbouring regions, i.e. Yunnan, Sichuan, where there are many genera being in common with southeast and south Xizang and also highly concentrated in distribution. This may suggest that the Himalayas, being the highest and youngest mountain range, have changed the atmospheric circulation, and have created a new ecological condition between tropical and frigid zones, which have given the distribution of the newly form- ed genera a suitable circumstance to survive.  It may be presumed that the region covering counties Medog, Zayü, Yadong etc. in southeastern and southern parts of the Himalayas is a new center of distribution of bryophytes under the influence of the up-heaval of the Himalayas.  相似文献   

Leonurus japonicus Houtt. [L. heterophyllus Sweet, L. artemisia  (Lour.) S.  Y. Hu]  is one of the most important traditional Chinese medicines used as a remedy for gynaeco- logical disease since ancient times.  A cytological investigation on the species was carried out and the materials for chromosomal examination were collected from 26 localities in 20 provi- noes and autonomous regions of this country.  The number of chromosomes in root tip cell of the species was found to be 20 on the whole (Tab. 1:1), agreeing with those reported by Ma and al.[2] and probably by Chuang and al.[3] as well.      The genus Leonurus L. is variable in its  chromosomes with an aneuploidy of x=9, 10 and 12.  The present authors would propose that the primitive basic number of chromosome in the genus is 9, and thus both 10 and 12 are derived, for: (1) among the 9 species (including 1 sub- species) heretofore cytologically examined, x=9 occurring in 66.7%, x=10 occurring in 22.2%, while x=12 occurring only in 11.1%; (2) in generaclosely related to the genus under considera- tion, such as Panzeria, Galeobdolon and Lamium x=9 being the sole basic number.      But L. japonicus exhibits a mixoploidy of 2n=20 (occurring at the rate of 53.30% of the total amount of cells examined), 2n=18 (30.70%), and 2n=16 (15.99%) in our work. (Table 1).  Since the original basic number of  chromosome of the genus is 9 as proposed above, 2n= 20 would be considered as a derived one and the occurrence of 2n=18 probably suggests an early evolutionary trend of 2n=18→20 of the pecies in question.  相似文献   

<正>The Beijing Spectrometer(BESIII) collaboration has reported the world's first observation of the decay D+ →τ+ν, which is the second type of pure leptonic decay of the D+ meson, in a newly published Physical Review Letters paper. The paper has been highlighted by the journal as an "Editors' Suggestion."  相似文献   

海菜花属的分类、地理分布和系统发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 The genus Ottelia is one of the great genera of Hydrocharidaceae.  About 25 spe- cies distributed in the Palaeotropics, extending from Africa through India and SE. Asia to Korea and Japan, Australia and New Caledonia, 1 species in Brazil; centres of specific devolopment are found in Central Africa and SE Asia.      The present study is mainly based on the materials collected during the field ex- plorations in the lakes of Yunnan and observations on the structure of the spathe and flowers, the variation of leaf of the plants cultivated in Kunming Bot. Garden. Instead of the wings of the spathe used by Dandy, by the characters such as uni-or bisexual flowers, this genus is divided into two subgenera, which by the number of the flowers in spathe and the number of the carpus in ovary again subdivided into 4 sections.  They are as the following:      A. Subg. Ottelia.  Flowers bisexual.      Sect. 1. Ottelia.  Spathe with 1 flower; ovary with 6(—9) carpus.      Sect. 2. Oligolobos (Gagnep.) Dandy. Spathe with many flowers; ovary with 3 car- pus.      B. Subg. Boottia (Wall.) Dandy.  Flowers unisexual; the male spathe with 1-many flowers, the female spathe with many flowers.      Sect. 3. Boottia.  The male spathe with 1 flower; ovary with 9(—15) carpus.      Sect. 4.  Xystrolobos (Gagnep.) H. Li.  The female spathe with (2-) many flow- ers; ovary with 3 or 9 carpus.      The Chinense species of ottelia is in great need for revision.  All of the species in China previousely described under Ottelia Pers, Boottia Wall., Oligolobos Gagnep, and Xystrolobos Gagen. are here combined into 3 species.  They are O. alismoides, O. cor- data, O. acuminata with 4 variaties.      After a study of the geographic distribution and infer relation-ships among the floristic elements it has been proved that Ottelia is certainly an ancient genus, and the primitive types came into being and widely dispersed before the separation of Laurasia from Gondwana.      During a considerable period of time the elements of the genus Ottelia in fresh- water environment of different continents have been separately differentiated and evolv- ed into more or less derived types.  The structure of flowers in all of the asian species shows the following evolutionary tendenoes: 1. In this genus the plants with unisexual flowers have evolved from plants with bisexual flower; 2.  In the groups with bisexual or unisexual flowers the number of stamens and styles reduced to 3-merous, but the number of flowers in spathe increased. So that the subgenus Ottelia is more primitive than the subgenus Bottia; While in the subgenus Ottelia O. alismoides is a more primi- tive than O. balansae and in the subgenus Boottia O. cordata is the most primitive, butO. alata seems to be the most advanced.  相似文献   

Rainfall and air temperature data from six meteorological stations above the Bengbu Sluice and hydrological and water resources evaluation data from the Bengbu Hydrological Station in the Huai River Basin from 1961 to 2008 are used to analyze the impact of changes in climatic factors on the amount of water resources in the Basin. There was a general trend of rise in its average annual air temperature, with the highest increase of 0.289oC/10a recorded at Bengbu in Anhui Province. Rising rainfall was mainly observed in the western part of the study area, while rainfall actually declined in the eastern part, i.e. the middle reaches of the Huai River. The Average rainfall in the study area was in a vaguely declining trend. In other words, the rainfall in the Basin is still much affected by natural fluctuations. On the whole, there was a trend of gradual decrease in the quantity of the Basin’s water resources for the period under study. Water resources quantity is found to fall with decreasing rainfall and rising air temperature. Regression analysis is used to establish a mathematical model between water resources quantity and climatic factors (i.e. air temperature and rainfall) in order to explore the impact of climate change on water resources in the Basin. Moreover, various scenarios are set to quantitatively analyze the response of water resources to climate change. Sensitivity analysis shows that changes in rainfall have a much bigger impact on its water resources quantity than changes in its air temperature.  相似文献   

 A comparison of morphology, karyotype and the chemical compounds among “Jinxiong”, Ligasticum chuanxiong Hort. and L. chuanxiong cv. Fuxiong shows that “Jin- xiong”, like L. chuanxiong cv. Fuxiong, is a triploid and its karyotype is similar to that of L. chuanxiong with the formula K(2n)=33=24m+6sm+3st(SAT).   Thin-layer chromato- graphy of essential oils extracted from stem tubers confirms that the three taxa are extremely alike in chemical compounds. Using the features of leaves and the forms of stem tubers, they can be easily distinguished.  A new triploid cultivar of L. chuanxiong Hort. i.e.L. chuan-xiong cv. Jinxiong   is described for “Jinxiong” in the present paper.  相似文献   

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