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The opportunity to conduct research in early childhood settings is vital to the growth and further professionalization of the early childhood field (Bowman, 1986; Goffin, 1989). Even though a unique body of research exists within early childhood education, more research in a greater diversity of settings and with a broader variety of groups of children and adults is needed.Mary Kay Helling is a doctoral candidate at Purdue University, Child Development and Family Studies Department; on leave from the faculty of South Dakota State University, Human Development, Child and Family Studies Department. Teresa Hughes is a doctoral candidate, Purdue University, CDFS Department.  相似文献   

This preliminary study examined the effect of a caring-based versus a traditionally-focused physical activity intervention on underserved adolescents’ perceptions of the caring climate, the motivational climate, empathetic concern, enjoyment, and future anticipated participation. Multiethnic youth (N = 353) aged 9 to 17 involved in two National Youth Sports Program (NYSP) sites participated in the study. The Caring Group (n = 90) participated in a program infused with themes of caring while the Traditional Group (n = 263) followed prototypical NYSP training, practices, and procedures. Self report assessments were gathered after 5 weeks in either setting. After accounting for demographic differences findings revealed that the Caring Group perceived significantly higher levels of a caring climate, empathetic concern, future expected participation, and lower levels of perceptions of an ego-involving motivational climate. The relevance of these findings with respect to the optimal development of youth is discussed. Dr. Maria Newton is a faculty member in the Department of Exercise and Sport Science at the University of Utah. She is interested in optimizing the impact of physical activity on the psychosocial and social-emotional development of underserved youth. She teaches courses in sport psychology, motivation, and character development. Dr. Doris Watson is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sports Education Leadership at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Dr. Lori Gano-Overway is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health and Exercise Science at Bridgewater College. Dr. May Fry is affiliated with Department of Health, Sport and Exercise Sciences, The University of Kansas, Lawrence. Dr. Mi-Sook Kim is an Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at San Francisco State University and Dr. Michelle Magyar is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at CSU-Long Beach. Bio and teaching/research interests available upon request.  相似文献   

Innovation and reform are crucial to progress, but higher education institutions are by nature highly resistant to change. This article describes long-term strategic incrementalism, an approach to change advocated by L. Cuban, How scholars trumped teachers: Change without reform in university curriculum, teaching, and research, 1890–1990, Teachers College Press, New York, NY, 1999, and proposes a model based on this approach as a proven way of successfully carrying out change within higher education. The approach and model are illustrated through two cases involving reforms—one at the department level and another at the institutional level. Norman Evans  (Ed.D., University of Southern California) is a member of the Linguistics and English Language Department at Brigham Young University. He is the former chair of the English Language Teaching and Learning Department at Brigham Young University Hawaii. Lynn Henrichsen  (Ed.D., University of Hawaii) is a member of the Linguistics and English Language Department at Brigham Young University. He is the former chair of that department.  相似文献   

This paper presents a field experience in Fashion Marketing that is available to students at Kansas State University. The functions and responsibilities of the coordinator, the student, and the departmental supervisor are described, as are the evaluation processes that are used.The field experience is based on the premise that students will obtain realistic views of careers by on the job work experiences. Both students and participating retail establishments have indicated that this type of experience is mutually beneficial. It is anticipated that the field experience will continue to grow in popularity for the fashion marketing major.Dr. Theresa A. Perenich was formerly Department Head of the Clothing, Textiles and Interior Design Department at Kansas State University and is presently Department Head of the Clothing, Textiles, Interiors and Furnishings Department at the University of Georgia.  相似文献   

This article examines the rationale for an expanded definition of faculty development and reviews institutional structures and practices which support the personal and professional development of faculty through faculty and academic development, employee assistance, and health promotion programs.Glenda Hubbard is a professor in the Department of Human Development and Psychological Counseling, and a practicing therapist in the Employee Assistance Service of the Hubbard Center for Faculty and Staff Support at Appalachian State University. She received her Ph.D. in counseling psychology from the University of Miami. Her current interests include the faculty development needs of mid-career faculty and women's issues in counseling. Sally Atkins is a professor in the Department of Human Development and Psychological Counseling, and a faculty/staff psychologist for the Hubbard Center at Appalachian State University. She received her Ph.D. in counselor education from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Her current interests include faculty quality of life, therapy and the arts, and cross-cultural psychology.  相似文献   

While there has been emphasis on the institution and individual classroom as loci of learning and reform, less attention has been paid to the academic department. However, precisely because its structure is so endemic to institutions of higher education, the academic department may be the most logical and potent site for change. Using a case study approach, this paper examines the conditions under which change in undergraduate education takes hold and flourishes in the academic department, advances the concept of readiness, and explores its implications for those who wish to promote change in the department. Virginia S. Lee  is managing member and consultant, Virginia S. Lee & Associates, LLC, a consulting firm specializing in teaching, learning, and assessment in higher education. She received her B.A. from Smith College, her M.B.A. from New York University, and her Ph.D. from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Special interests include the design and implementation of institution-wide curriculum reform efforts, course and curriculum design, inquiry-guided learning, intensive learning, outcomes-based assessment, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. Michael R. Hyman  is Director of Graduate Programs and Associate Professor in the Department of Microbiology at North Carolina State University. He received his B.S. from University College, London, his M.B.A. from Oregon State University, and his Ph.D. from Bristol University. His major research interest is the biodegradation of environmental pollutants. Geraldine Luginbuhl  is Interim Department Head and Professor in the Department of Microbiology at North Carolina State University. She received her B.S. from Stanford University and her Ph.D. from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has a longstanding interest in undergraduate education and, recently, inquiry-guided learning.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that the pressures on British universities for greater quality and accountability, linked closely to funding, are leading to loss of quality. These governmental pressures, exerted through the Funding Councils, are wholly different from those applied in a quite separate way from another government source, the Employment Department. This article analyses the nature and effects of the two kinds of pressures in terms of change theory. This also demonstrates that the observed effects were not only largely predictable but to a substantial extent were predicted, and warns of the danger that the resulting deleterious effects may become irreversible.Lewis Elton obtained an M.A. in Mathematics at Cambridge University and a B.Sc. in Mathematics and a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics at the University of London. He is a Further and Higher Education Adviser to the UK Employment Department and Emeritus Professor of Higher Education at the University of Surrey. His special interests are in the improvement of university teaching and learning; staff development; distance learning; and organizational change in higher education. Pat Cryer obtained a B.Sc. in Mathematics and Physics at the University of Exeter and a Ph.D. in Educational Development at the University of Surrey. She has recently resigned as Professional Adviser of the UK Universities' Staff Development Unit and is now a Consultant in Higher Education. Her special interests are in issues of quality; staff development; and teaching large classes.The opinions expressed in this paper are our own and do not commit the Employment Department.  相似文献   

J. Rufus Fears is professor of classics, chairman of the Department of Classical Studies, and associate dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Boston University, Boston, MA 02215. He is also director of the Boston University Humanities Foundation.  相似文献   

This article presents an introduction to understanding and addressing conflict in academic departments. Current philosophies toward conflict in organizations include a principled approach encouraging the positive benefits that conflict may bring to institutions. To utilize this approach it is important to understand the nature of conflict, identify effective response options, and develop skills in principled conflict resolution. This paper identifies the structures within organizations which inherently cause conflict. In addition, various strategies for dealing with conflict are outlined based on the Thomas/Killman response modes. Finally, Fisher and Ury's foundation for principled conflict resolution is applied to departments in higher education.Walter H. Gmelch received an MBA from the University of California, Berkeley and a Ph.D. in the Educational Executive Program from the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is currently professor and chair of the Educational Administration Department at Washington State University and directs the University Council for Educational Administration Center for the Study of Department Chair. His area of interest is in leadership development, managerial stress and academic department chairs. James B. Carroll received his Ph.D. in educational administration from Washington State University. He is currently the associate director of the Center for the Study of the Department Chair, Washington State University. His area of interest is in investigating role orientations and careers of department chairs.  相似文献   

The major purpose of this study was to investigate correlates of professional activity of professors in retirement. The investigation focused on a number of variables related to the nature of academic work, including professional role orientation, professional affiliations and contacts, material supports, department, and the state of knowledge in various fields. Sixty-four University of Iowa emeritus professors who continued to reside in the Iowa City area during the entire year, and thus had opportunity to maintain University contacts and use University facilities, were interviewed. The most striking finding was the high degree of consistency between level of professional activity during the preretirement career and level of professional activity in retirement. Significant correlates of professional activity in retirement included rated importance of research or other creative work, strength of ties to colleagues and professional organizations outside the University, contacts with former students, and departmental membership in the older, traditional professions.This article is based in part on the author's Ph.D. dissertation submitted to the Department of Higher Education at The University of Iowa and was partially supported by a 1978 Research Award in gerontology from the Multidisciplinary Gerontology Center of The University of Iowa, Iowa State University, and The University of Northern Iowa. The author wishes to acknowledge the valuable suggestions made by Professors H. Bradley Sagen, Department of Higher Education, and Hallowell Pope, Department of Sociology, throughout the study.  相似文献   

Dynamation is the integrative process whereby the sum total of all learning, knowledge, experiences, and feelings are brought to bear on productive, creative action and problem solving. In this paper, we describe some of the benefits of dynamation, outline a general approach to it-including the importance of friendship (the core of the empowerment process)- and explain several key incentives that will encourage faculty, through dynamation, to engage in growth activities. Throughout the article we discuss ten techniques developers can use. Our focus is on informal facilitator-enhanced (guided) empowerment. That is, we look at growth that is likely to result when developers work with faculty with the goal of growth, change, and development.Richard L. Weaver II is a professor in the Department of Interpersonal and Public Communication at Bowling Green State University. Darrell Mullins is an assistant professor in the Communication Department at the University of Wisconsin at Whitewater. Howard W. Cotrell is an associate professor in the Instructional Media Center at Bowling Green State University. Thomas A. Michel is an assistant professor in the Graduate School of Business at Fordham University, Bronx, New York.  相似文献   

Carol Aubrey has recently joined the Department of Education, University College, Cardiff; Andrew Sutton is honorary research fellow in the Department of Psychology, Birmingham University. They report a survey of handwriting attainment in children following the Conductive Education regime in Hungary.  相似文献   

Sue Haugland is Professor at the Department of Human Environmental Studies, Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO.  相似文献   

Kurt L. Johnson, Ph.D., and E. Jane Burkhead, Ph.D., are Assistant Professors with the Program in Counseling Psychology and Human Systems, Department of Human Services and Studies, at the Florida State University. D. Anthony Clark, M.S. is a Doctoral Candidate at the Florida State University.  相似文献   

Department chairs find themselves trapped between the stresses of performing not only as an administrator but faculty member as well. Over eight hundred chairs from 101 doctorate-granting and research universities were surveyed using the Department Chair Stress Index to assess (1) their most stressful situations, (2) emergent themes from these Stressors, and (3) the differences between chair and faculty Stressors. Chairs experienced most stress from their heavy workload and the general stresses of time pressures, confrontation with colleagues, organizational constraints and their faculty duties. Chairs were found to be in a paradoxical situation; feeling double pressure to be an effective leader and productive faculty member. Suggested actions for the institution and individual are provided.Walter H. Gmelch is professor and chair of the Educational Administration Department at Washington State University where he also serves as Director of the National Center for the Study of Department Chair. He earned his MBA from the University of California (Berkeley) and a Ph.D. in the Educational Executive program from the University of California (Santa Barbara). Dr. Gmelch conducts research on the topics of leadership, team development, conflict, stress and time management. His extensive writings include a co-authored book entitled,Strategic Leadership Skills for Department Chairs. John S. Burns is associate director of the Center for the Study of the Department Chair at Washington State University. He obtained a Master's in Counseling Psychology and a Ph.D. in Educational Administration from Washington State University. The Center's research agenda focuses on collecting data about the position of department chair with the goal of developing research-based recommendations for the restructuring of the administration of higher education.  相似文献   

James P. Sampson, Jr. is an Associate Professor in the Department of Human Services and Studies at The Florida State University. Michael Shahnasarian is President of Career Consultants of America. Robert C. Reardon is a Professor in the Department of Human Services and Studies and Director of the Curricular-Career Information Services at The Florida State University. The first and third authors also co-direct the Center for the Study of Technology in Counseling and Career Development. Support for this study was provided by a grant from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation through Project LEARN. The authors acknowledge the support and assistance of personnel at the American College Testing Program and the Educational Testing Service in completing this research. The authors also acknowledge the assistance of Terry Katz in the data analysis for this study.  相似文献   

Jerry Aldridge is an associate professor of Early Childhood Education and Special Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Alabama at Birmingham.  相似文献   

南非斯坦陵布什大学的汉语教学始于2000年,是目前为止南非唯一所进行正规中文面授教学的高等院校,中文部设在该校的文学院现代外语系。根据中南双方签署的双边教育合作协议,中国国家汉办于2005年首次向该校派遣汉语教师。南非与中国相距遥远,建交时间短,中国语言文化对于大多数南非人来说比较陌生,所以汉语推广在南非还存在若干的问题需要各方不断努力。  相似文献   

方丽 《毕节学院学报》2010,28(7):112-117
研讨式教学在西方发达国家高等学校已成为一种普遍的教学方法。笔者对英国普利茅斯大学在埃克斯茅斯分校的英语专业及其他专业的教师使用研讨式教学的调研及介绍;对毕节学院外语系外籍教师,部分外语系教师进行调研;笔者本人使用研讨式教学的尝试以及对外语系学生进行问卷调查,结果表明英国普利茅斯大学的研讨式教学适应于毕节学院外语系。适当使用研讨式教学比单一使用传统的演讲式教学效果好。  相似文献   

Jane M. Agee is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Language Education at The University of Georgia. She is completing dissertation research which examines preservice English teachers' perceptions of literature.  相似文献   

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