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The purpose of this study was to examine individual and situational interests in learning motor skills as associated with gender and skill. Individual and situational interests and motor skill were measured in middle school girls (n = 109) and boys (n = 82). A correlation analysis for the entire sample showed a moderate correlation between skill and individual interest (r = .63) and weak relationships between individual and situational interest (r < .10) and between situational interest and skill (r < .18). A MANOVA analysis revealed a difference between the boys and girls in situational interest at a borderline significance level (p = .05). However, when individual interest, skill, and gender were compared between students with high or low situational interest in a hierarchical log linear model, it was found that both groups did not differ in number of boys and girls (p = .98). But the high situational interest group had more students with high skill (p = .001) and high individual interest (p = .02). The results suggest that discrepancies in acquired skill accounted for the gender difference and that acquired skill is associated with individual interest and high situational interest in learning motor skills.  相似文献   

本文结合社会实践.探讨运用多种教学方法.让学生在英语学习中感受到语言的美,以培养大学生学习英语的兴趣,提高大学生学习英语积极性。  相似文献   

This study examined relationships among text characteristics, situational interest, two measures of text understanding, and personal responses when reading a literary text. A factor analysis of ratings made after reading revealed six interrelated text characteristics. Of these, suspense, coherence and thematic complexity explained 54% of the variance in interest. Additional analyses found that situational interest was unrelated to a multiple choice test of main ideas; but was related to personal responses and holistic interpretations of the text. These results suggest that multiple aspects of literary texts are interesting to readers, and that interest is related to personal engagement variables, even when it is not related to the comprehension of main ideas.  相似文献   

Increasing Situational Interest in the Classroom   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper explores three ways to increase situational interest in the classroom. Situational interest is defined as temporary interest that arises spontaneously due to environmental factors such as task instructions or an engaging text. We review the history of interest research and summarize recent empirical work. We describe three ways to increase interest based on offering meaningful choices to students, selecting well-organized texts that promote interest, and providing the background knowledge needed to fully understand a topic. We conclude with six specific suggestions for increasing situational interest in the classroom.  相似文献   

阐述了市场经济条件下保护正当个人利益的重要意义,提出了切实可行的保护措施,同时指出追求个人利益必须(?)理适度。  相似文献   

针对学生初次接触电路实验时存在的好奇与恐慌心理,提出从3个方面提高学生的信心与兴趣:根据不同类型的实验引导学生有效预习;在教学中应用情感因素,调动学生做实验的积极主动性;全面考核,保证公正公平.  相似文献   

Pupils’ interest has been one of the major concerns in science education research because it can be seen as a gateway to more personalised forms of interest and motivation. However, methods to investigate situational interest in science teaching and learning are not broadly examined. This study compares the pupils’ observed situational interest and their expressed situational interest. One class of Finnish fourth-graders (N?=?22, age 9–10 years) participated in a heat transfer lesson. The lesson encompassed an interactive demonstration with a thermal camera, teacher-led discussions and the conduct and presentation of a collaborative inquiry task. Pupils expressed their interest levels (scale: 1?=?very boring, 5?=?very interesting) by using an electronic response system called a ‘clicker’. The measurement took place 15 times during the lesson, with 1 measurement being just a rehearsal. The lesson was video recorded, and visible aspects of interest at the measurement time points were analysed. Reported and observational data were compared. In most cases, the observations did not yield data compatible with the pupils’ own evaluations, indicating that most pupils’ expressed interest is not easily interpreted through observation of their facial expressions and behaviour. In general, the interest of the group as a whole seems to diminish during the lesson. We argue that in order to maintain and increase pupils’ interest, their evaluations should be taken into account in lesson planning. Video-based research might also be further enriched and validated by employing the participants’ own expressions. The clicker is a suitable means of collecting primary pupils’ experiences concerning their interest levels.  相似文献   

通过多种途径,努力使学生产生时文言文学习的兴趣,培养学生自主学习的能力.让学生在文言文学习时能通过多角度的观察、更新的途径重新审视文言文作品,从而更好地学习文言文.  相似文献   

高职学生中普遍地存在对俄语学习热情不高,兴趣不浓的问题。要调动学生学习俄语的热情和兴趣,提高教学效果,主要要从坚定信念,选用合适教材,改变教学方式,以及情感教育入手。  相似文献   

运用模拟实验提高教学效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在物理教学中,演示实验为学生提供了大量的感性材料,帮助学生达到理解、掌握、应用知识的目的,但教学中有时许多感性材料无法直接提供或难于直观分析,很多物理现象和过程只凭想象和抽象的逻辑思维学生无法真正理解掌握。在科技高度发达的今天,多媒体在教学中的应用,特别是计算机辅助教学(CAI),使这一难题迎刃而解,  相似文献   

Whether our students are sitting in the room with us as we teach, sitting in their home listening, participating by video-conference, or answering discussion questions on an online platform, technology can play a pivotal role in student learning. In this article we discuss technology in higher education, specifically its role in hybrid or online formats. As Renard (2005) so eloquently stated, "No generation has ever had to wait so little time for so much information" (p. 44). Presented here is a discussion of the types of students who benefit from distance learning, the factors that prompt instructors to engage in distance learning, and what instructors should know about distance education before they begin teaching with this kind of delivery.  相似文献   

缺乏学习兴趣是当代大学生群体中一个较普遍的现象,本文简要分析了大学生学习兴趣缺乏的原因,学习兴趣缺乏对教学质量的负面影响,并就如何提高大学生学习兴趣提出了一些积极的建议。  相似文献   

Two hundred twenty-four undergraduate students wrote about one-half of an inning of a baseball game and about one-half of a soccer game, counterbalanced, for 20 min each. Students then completed two six-item interest inventories—one each on the topics of baseball and soccer—and tests of baseball knowledge and soccer knowledge. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that individual interest in baseball was significantly related to the proportions of game actions and irrelevant-nongame actions, controlling for gender, discourse knowledge, and topic knowledge. Topic knowledge was significantly related to thematic maturity, controlling for gender and discourse knowledge. Students wrote more topic-relevant information on the baseball story—a relatively high-interest topic—than on the soccer story, a relatively low-interest topic. Implications for the Flower and Hayes (1981) writing model and for assigning students writing topics are discussed.  相似文献   

高职金属工艺学(简称"金工")课程因其基本概念多,内容零散,逻辑性不强,有些内容比较抽象,使学生学习起来感到枯燥无味,难于理解,因而学习兴趣不浓。针对这一问题,通过运用直观形象的教学手段、利用生动的生产和生活事例、穿插有趣的故事情节、引用带有激励性的信息资料、使用生动的语言和形象的动作、运用贴切恰当的比喻、运用简洁的歌谣、设计行云流水的导入(过渡)等手段,提高教学的趣味性,收到较好效果。  相似文献   

Based on the literature review about autonomous learning,the study put forward four steps for using TED to enhance student autonomous learning,which are preparation,activity design,presentation and evaluation. By doing so,both teachers and students can achieve their teaching and learning objectives.  相似文献   

The authors describe the use of therapeutic writing as a technique for managing personal problems. It was hypothesized that having individuals intermittently read inspirational/motivational sayings would further enhance the benefit of therapeutic writing. The results indicate that popular quotations can be used with therapeutic writing to make the process more interesting and enjoyable. Recommendations are provided to counselors who may want to use this technique with clients.  相似文献   

算法是计算机科学领域最重要的基石之一,但却受到了国内高校相关专业及学生的冷落。他们认为学习计算机就是学习各种编程语言,对算法学习没有兴趣。但是算法的学习更加重要,因为计算机语言和开发平台日新月异,但万变不离其宗的是那些算法。本文论述一个增强学生算法学习兴趣的算法实验设计方法。让学生在实验中体验算法学习的重要性,通过实验发现问题,分析问题出现的原因,寻找解决问题的办法,从而将原来的被动学习转化为主动学习。  相似文献   

This study investigated changes in elementary school students’ (n = 140) situational interest as a function of achievement goal orientation profiles and task characteristics. The authors repeatedly measured situational interest during a simulated science learning task in 2 task conditions that differed in the concreteness of the task elements. The authors identified 3 groups of students with different goal orientation profiles: success-, mastery-, and avoidance-oriented. Results of repeated-measures analysis of covariance showed that students with different profiles displayed different patterns of changes in situational interest in the 2 task conditions. The results confirmed the importance of acknowledging the interaction of student and task characteristics in the arousal and maintenance of situational interest across a learning task.  相似文献   

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