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院校协作是推动教师教育改革、学校改进、课程革新和教师素养提升的有效途径,并被广泛应用于实践中。但对于院校协作情境中大学专家与一线教师如何展开知识互动这一重要问题却鲜有实证研究涉及。通过对某一大学与中小学的跨界协作项目为典型案例进行的质性研究和多个案比较分析,研究发现:院校协作情境中,外部专家与学校教师的知识互动存在三种不同模式:一是外部专家主导下的知识迁移,二是教师参与的知识转化,三是合作探究导向的知识变革。研究还进一步分析了影响外部专家与教师知识互动的重要因素:外部专家与教师之间情境性动态变化的权力关系、作为专业人士的教师的专业身份定位以及外部专家具备的跨界能力。  相似文献   


Intending to foster a partnership between his university and a local school and to create a new identity as a teacher educator in the community, a newly hired assistant professor of English education offered support to a secondary English department and ended up working extensively with the teachers (planning, observing, giving feedback, reflecting, and modeling lessons by teaching classes). This self-study examines the experience of the teacher educator as he navigated this 2-year commitment. A systematic analysis of all data collected (detailed journal, observation notes, debriefing notes, correspondence, and transcribed interviews) reveals how the conditions that allow tensions to become productive – a need for interaction, a willingness to engage in commonalties and differences, a sense of value for various skill-sets, and a suspension of judgment for the good of the community – within an emerging community of practice offered opportunities of professional growth for teachers and a teacher educator. This research provides insight into how university professors can better recognize and understand the conditions that allow perceived tensions to function as catalysts for professional development, offering an example of how to improve collaborative relationships between teacher education programs in higher education and K-12 school districts.  相似文献   

Governments worldwide have invested in teaching standards and performance benchmarks to improve teacher preparation and teacher quality that impacts student achievement. As a means of addressing these imperatives, the Australian government has recently encouraged formal partnerships between tertiary providers, schools and education systems in delivering teacher education and professional development, in particular for mentors. This article documents challenges and initial findings of the first year of a school-university partnership involving an Australian regional university and K-12 teacher-mentors located in rural schools. It describes the design and implementation of a contextualised professional development model, using participatory action research to build teacher capacity for mentoring and foster a culture of collaborative inquiry. The model discussed reflects a systematic approach to constructing knowledge, skills and roles essential to effective mentoring.  相似文献   

The authors describe a school-university professional development partnership in a high-needs urban elementary charter school. University and school partners collaborated to build instructional capacity to develop teachers’ understanding and implementation of effective literacy instruction. Design-based research revealed increased understanding and implementation of effective literacy practices among school leaders and teachers. Findings revealed the importance of administrative stability; coaching support; and a focused, school-wide instructional vision.  相似文献   

Peer supervision is a method which enables the counselors to be involved in a continuous learning process throughout their professional career and not only when they are in training. It is a personal way of learning in which a pair or a small group of colleagues gives supervision to one another. In this article some advantages, potential pitfalls and conditions or ``guidelines' that should be followed to ensure the most effective peer supervision experience are discussed. An effective evaluation can greatly improve the process of peer supervision and can successfully minimise potential obstacles and pitfalls. Hence, in the second part of the article we describe the internal evaluation of the peer supervision process and illustrate it with some results of final evaluations from four peer supervision processes.  相似文献   

本文以我国新近的中小学课程改革为背景,随机选取了上海的三所初中和一所小学,以及广西南宁市一所重点高中的部分教师为样本,采用问卷和访谈的形式,调查了中小学教师评价的现状。以建构促进教师专业发展的教师评价制度为指导思想,主要从评价理念、评价指标设置、评价方法和评价结果的使用四个角度,分析我国现行中小学教师评价所存在的突出问题,同时就如何在学校层面建立完善的促进教师专业发展的教师评价制度提出若干建议。  相似文献   

This article presents the findings of a collaborative autoethnography (CAE) of three teacher educators’ work as literacy professional development (PD) leaders in a high-needs, culturally diverse, urban, US school district. The research questions focused on what the facilitators learned about leading literacy PD in a high-needs/high-stakes environment and how the teacher educators changed from navigating the complex contexts of PD work over an 18-month period. Data collection included written accounts of the researchers’ experiences, collaborative dialogue and probing discussions, and expanded autoethnographic writings. Methods of CAE analysis were employed, resulting in several thematic assertions that offer intimate insight into the processes of facilitating literacy PD with marginalized populations of students and educators. The findings address the socio-political nature of building relationships in such settings, the challenges of changing a deficit-based discourse, and the tensions that influenced the PD facilitators’ actions and learning. Through the self-study methodology of CAE, this work provides teacher leaders and teacher educators with tangible ideas about how to facilitate the vital PD processes of relationship building, collaborating with teachers, navigating multiple roles, designing learning engagements and leadership structures, and supporting resistant and struggling educators.  相似文献   

“一方水土养一方人”。生态制度强调教师要自觉、自律,约束自己的行为,强调人与学校环境的相互依存、相互促进、共处共融。。生态的制度文化往往会衍生出一批优秀的教师队伍。依此类推,有效的学校制度文化可以支配教师工作的方向、驾驭教师发挥才能的精神力量,更是推波助澜激励教师奋发进取,有利于人文精神的生长。  相似文献   

中等职业学校教师掌握基本的教学技能,但在教学设计和确定课程目标时缺乏明确的目标导引,在现代化教学手段运用、实验和实践教学的开展和教学评价认识等方面存在不足。中等职业学校要开展校本研究,有针对性地开展教师教学技能培训;实施校企联动,创新教师培训和学生培养模式;增强教师反思教学意识,提高教育教学研究能力;制定和实行有职业教育特色的教学评价体系。  相似文献   

With the growth in numbers of teaching assistants (TAs) in the UK, it has been identified through research carried out on behalf of the Council of British International Schools (COBIS) research that TAs in British international schools have specific and unmet training needs. Following the development of a course for TAs in international contexts, COBIS and the University of Northampton provided a Professional Development Programme for TAs working in British international schools. The 2‐day event took place in a European city, with participants from three further European cities. The impact of this training on subsequent professional practice was investigated. An initial questionnaire was completed at the conference, and follow‐up questionnaires were distributed at 6 weeks, post‐event. Responses came from participants and from head teachers of the British international schools in which they worked. This paper focuses upon issues of inclusion, which arose from the feedback received, both during the event and afterwards. Group discussions during the event revealed concern among the group that they had insufficient knowledge to provide the level of inclusion support that they felt should be available. Data from the questionnaires provided more detail about these issues and allowed some first conclusions to be drawn, providing further focus and direction for subsequent training for international school TAs.  相似文献   

教育质量是职业学校发展的生命线,提高职业学校教育质量的关键在于教师专业的发展,而校本课程开发是教师专业发展的有效途径。本文提出职业学校要依托校本课程开发这一平台,以建构教师专业学习团队为途径,通过促进教师专业发展来提高职业学校的教学质量。  相似文献   


The widespread assumption in the United States today is that traditional urban public schools are failing. Market-based solutions, particularly charter schools, are seen as the way to improve urban education. How then can we understand a large urban district where educational actors have furthered a locally popular alternative vision? This article analyzes the comparison of Indianapolis, IN and Louisville, KY to demonstrate how four-decades-old desegregation orders continue to matter for the perceptions of urban school districts. The analysis shows how actors in Louisville utilized more favorable perceptions to fight for a compelling alternative narrative–integration–and against charter schools.  相似文献   

在农村幼儿教师专业化发展过程中,课例研修对教师教育观念的转变、教学设计与组织能力的提升起着至关重要的作用。本文以农村幼儿教师在国培"影子园"进行"一课三研"课例研修为例,分析教师如何在教学目标确定、教学方案设计、教学活动组织诸方面进行群体反思、研讨修正,以此促进他们专业化发展。  相似文献   

中小学心理教师的专业化发展是促进学校心理健康教育工作有效开展的重要条件。采用北京师范大学教育心理与学校咨询研究所编制的调查问卷,通过分层随机抽样的方法,对全国8个省、自治区、直辖市72所中小学心理教师队伍现状进行问卷调查。采用SPSS对调查结果进行统计分析,从心理教师的基本情况、工作开展状况、专业培训制度以及心理教师获得的环境支持四个方面概括了中小学心理教师队伍的专业化发展现状及存在的问题,据此提出明确心理教师的专业角色、加强专业培训与训练、建立健全管理制度、加强与其他科任教师和学生家长的合作等建议。  相似文献   

随着高校素质教育和实践育人的不断深入,高职院校纷纷开辟了大学生综合素质培养的第二课堂,各类学生社团茁壮成长。其中,专业文化社团因其浓郁的专业文化氛围,对技能型人才的培育和职业素养的提升非常有利,是协同育人的一条有效途径。结合实践,从学生专业文化社团的特点、组建原则、活动形式等入手,深入探讨了学生专业文化社团建设的基本思路,为充分发挥其作用提供有益参考。  相似文献   

刘辉 《外国教育研究》2004,31(10):56-59
在过去的20年中,澳大利亚的新南威尔士州教师专业发展曾出现一些困境,影响了教师专业的发展。在世纪之交,该州在教师专业发展上大胆创新,形成了能够有效推动本州基础教育发展的教师专业发展机制。文章在对教师专业发展在管理机制、核心机制和配套机制三方面进行介绍的基础上,得出两点启示供我们借鉴。  相似文献   

教师专业发展无法脱离教育改革的实践,教育改革也不能没有教师的积极参与。教师专业发展本身就是教育改革的重要组成部分。只有提升教师的专业知能,教师才能成为变革的力量。而学校在教师的专业发展中起着不可替代的作用。为此,要变革学校的组织文化,使其成为具有开放性和内在活力的学习组织。  相似文献   

课堂观察不仅能起教学评价和示范作用,更是促进小学英语教师专业发展的有效途径。在我国,新的教育教学改革对小学英语教师的专业发展提出了新的要求。本文根据《义务教育英语课程标准》(2011年版)的理念和要求,针对小学英语课堂观察现存的问题,就如何完善课堂观察对小学英语教师专业发展的作用提出建议。小学英语教师可以通过科学观课、合作观课来提升教学研究能力,从而促进教师专业的长足发展。  相似文献   

立法者与阐释者:大学专家在“校院合作”中角色之嬗变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学专家进入中小学从事教育研究是一种“校阶合作”现象。长期以来,这种合作存在一种不平等的知识/权力关系。大学专家在此过程中控制着“权威性话语”,扮演着“立法者”角色,教师仅仅是其生产出来的知识的消费者和应用者。本文从一种新的认识视野,认为大学专家的话语和角色将发生变化,他们将秉持“解释性话语”,扮演“阐释者”角色,在与教师真诚地对话与交流中创建具有真正意义的“校院合作”关系。  相似文献   

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