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入侵容忍是网络安全领域的一种新策略,其思想是遭受攻击时,系统仍然保证连续地提供服务,CA是PKI中的关键设施,CA的私钥一旦泄漏,由其签发的所有证书就只能全部作废,因此保护在线CA私钥的安全是尤为重要的,本文对具备了入侵容忍的CA私钥保护方案作了系统介绍。  相似文献   

PKI基础设施采用证书管理公钥,通过第三方的可信任机构-认证中心CA,把用户的公钥和用户的其他标识信息捆绑在一起,在Internet网上实现漫游证书的应用。用户的私钥存储存在一些安全性问题,私钥一旦泄露,或被破坏,就无法安全地实现信息的加密和数字签名。通过摘要口令将私钥加密存储在远程服务器,即可保证私钥的安全性。  相似文献   

为了推进广西壮族自治区信息化的发展,为电子商务、电子政务及其他信息化应用提供安全可靠的保障.经厂西壮族自治区信息产业主管部门同意,广西壮族自治区数字证书认证中心有限公司(简称广西CA)与北京天威诚信电子商务服务有限公司(简称天威诚信)经过认真协商,决定进行技术合作,采用基于托管的模式建设广西数字证书认证系统。2003年7月项目正式启动,2004年10月,系统建设顺利完成。通过一年多的建设,广西CA完成了数字证书认证系统的功能建设、物理建设以及人事管理、运营管理、监督和审核规范制度建设等工作,构建了较完善的广西CA的证书认证系统。该系统能够签发个人身份证书、企业证书、服务器证书和代码签名证书等四类证书,具有同时处理100个RA中心业务申请、签发100万张数字证书和20年证书保存期的能力,基本满足数字证书应用和提供安全保障的需要。[编者按]  相似文献   

信息用户容忍区分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高宏  白君礼  雷玲 《情报杂志》2006,25(7):76-78,81
研究信息用户容忍区,对于图书馆开展读者服务工作有着理论和实践上的指导意义。信息用户容忍区是对所接受的服务质量的预期跨度,是信息用户主观心里感知的反应区间。服务质量三个维度的容忍区各不相同,容忍强度也不相同。这要求我们在图书馆服务过程中,首先应该明确各个维度容忍区的位置形状和强度。  相似文献   

Internet上的入侵容忍服务技术   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
介绍了一种在Internet环境下入侵容忍系统技术.现代网络的安全研究主要是从如何防止攻击的角度来进行的.入侵容忍系统技术则假设攻击与正常数据是不能明确区分的,攻击的发生是不可避免的.如何在有攻击的情况下,使网络仍能为预期的合法用户提供有效的服务是入侵容忍系统技术的重点.  相似文献   

DWSS是目前最前沿的Web服务器性能提升技术之一。当系统的性能不能满足需求时,DWSS通过增加系统中服务器数目的办法改善系统性能,因而具有灵活的扩展性,而且保护了原有投资。负载平衡是DWSS的关键技术,其目的在于将用户请求均衡地分发给系统中的多个服务器来处理而提高系统吞吐率,缩短用户响应时间。实现负载平衡的方案很多,CARD-DWSS方法是其中的一种。详细介绍了CARD方法以及改进的TB-CARD方法,并对其进行了改进后的数据分析,总结了其优点。  相似文献   

重点用能单位能耗在线监测系统是对全国年用能量在10000吨标煤以上的企业按装能耗监测企业端设备,并实现企业用能主要指标数据到国家数据接收服务器的及时上传,再由平台软件支持进行宏观能耗分析的一套在线信息化系统。该系统主要服务于两类用户,各级政府节能主管部门和重点用能单位企业。本文通过分析两类用户不同需求,提出建设重点用能单位能耗在线监测系统技术路线和实现设想。  相似文献   

为了解决传统CA不能与应用紧密结合的局限性,提出一种安全证书模板解决方案.简要介绍证书认证系统模块组成,并深入分析证书模板元素组成、证书模板安全性设计、提出证书模板实现方法,为证书认证系统的建谩提供了一种思路.  相似文献   

毛岭霞 《内江科技》2010,31(11):139-139
本文提出了基于校园网公钥安全方案,创建自己的证书机构CA的方法,并介绍了证书申请的方法步骤以及Web服务证书的配置。  相似文献   

网格认证是保证网格安全必不可少的一个环节,目前网格认证主要通过对网格证书和代理证书的认证来实现对网格用户的身份认证。但由于网格用户需要访问不同网格资源,这些资源有时隶属于不同的资源代理机构,这就需要网格用户同时持有多个证书。从而使得用户对证书的管理和使用变得很繁琐。文章通过将一卡通模型应用到网格认证系统中来,实现仅用一个认证证书就可以自由访问网格资源的功能。  相似文献   

The performance of parallel query processing in a cluster of index servers is crucial for modern web search systems. In such a scenario, the response time basically depends on the execution time of the slowest server to generate a partial ranked answer. Previous approaches investigate performance issues in this context using simulation, analytical modeling, experimentation, or a combination of them. Nevertheless, these approaches simply assume balanced execution times among homogeneous servers (by uniformly distributing the document collection among them, for instance)—a scenario that we did not observe in our experimentation. On the contrary, we found that even with a balanced distribution of the document collection among index servers, correlations between the frequency of a term in the query log and the size of its corresponding inverted list lead to imbalances in query execution times at these same servers, because these correlations affect disk caching behavior. Further, the relative sizes of the main memory at each server (with regard to disk space usage) and the number of servers participating in the parallel query processing also affect imbalance of local query execution times. These are relevant findings that have not been reported before and that, we understand, are of interest to the research community.  相似文献   

BackgroundProtein structural alignment is one of the most fundamental and crucial areas of research in the domain of computational structural biology. Comparison of a protein structure with known structures helps to classify it as a new or belonging to a known group of proteins. This, in turn, is useful to determine the function of protein, its evolutionary relationship with other protein molecules and grasping principles underlying protein architecture and folding.ResultsA large number of protein structure alignment methods are available. Each protein structure alignment tool has its own strengths and weaknesses that need to be highlighted. We compared and presented results of six most popular and publically available servers for protein structure comparison. These web-based servers were compared with the respect to functionality (features provided by these servers) and accuracy (how well the structural comparison is performed). The CATH was used as a reference. The results showed that overall CE was top performer. DALI and PhyreStorm showed similar results whereas PDBeFold showed the lowest performance. In case of few secondary structural elements, CE, DALI and PhyreStorm gave 100% success rate.ConclusionOverall none of the structural alignment servers showed 100% success rate. Studies of overall performance, effect of mainly alpha and effect of mainly beta showed consistent performance. CE, DALI, FatCat and PhyreStorm showed more than 90% success rate.  相似文献   

IP电话认证计费系统使用时要将用户名、密码等敏感信息在网络上传输,这样就需要对信息进行加密并认证用户身份。RADIUS协议是目前应用最为广泛的认证、授权、计费的方法。多用户并发访问时会消耗大量的服务器系统资源,服务器的资源处于瓶颈状态,严重影响了系统性能,在本系统的实现中,设计一个专门的负载平衡服务器调度多个RADIUS服务器,使得各个服务器的负载达到均衡,从而较好地解决了该问题。  相似文献   

JXTA协议是一组公开的协议,利用这组协议可以让连接到互联网上的任何设备,包括手机、无线PDA、个人电脑、服务器等,以P2P方式相互通信和协同工作。JXTA Peers创建了一个虚拟的网络,处在这个网络中的任何Peer能相互通信,即使一些Peers处在防火墙、NAT之后或者使用不同的网络传输协议。JXSE项目使用Java SE为JXTA协议提供了一个完整的参考实现。本文简单介绍了JXTA协议和JXTA中的基本概念以及如何应用JXSE实现两个不同内网中计算机的通信。  相似文献   

开源软件开发本着自愿参加和开放服务的原则吸引着越来越多的软件开发者,但是开源社区合作协调的管理一直是个难题。本文对开源软件开发者社区与其中的源代码管理系统的协调性进行了元网络分析实证研究。操作项目代码的次数可作为衡量开源软件成败的一个重要指标,而该指标与开发者和源代码之间的相互依存关系有密切联系。本文用Sourceforge.net开源软件孵化平台的CVS源代码管理系统中的记录文件构建开发者和源代码间的依存网络,分析了该网络中的依存关系对软件成功的影响,并从中介性、等级性、边缘性、一致性和邻接性五个方面探讨了相互依存中的协调性问题。本文提出的方法和得到的结论可帮助开发者降低沟通成本,更有效地协调软件开发中开发者和源代码中的依存关系。  相似文献   

We find that the presence of village Internet facilities, offering government to citizen services, is positively associated with the rate at which the villagers obtain some of these services. In a study of a rural Internet project in India, we identify a positive correlation for two such Internet services: obtaining birth certificates for children and applications for old age pensions. Both these government services are of considerable social and economic value to the citizens. Villagers report that the Internet based services saved them time, money, and effort compared with obtaining the services directly from the government office. We also find that these services can reduce corruption in the delivery of these services. After over one year of successful operation, however, the e-government program was not able to maintain the necessary level of local political and administrative support to remain institutionally viable. As government officers shifted from the region, or grew to find the program a threat, the e-government services faltered. We argue that this failure was due to a variety of Critical Failure Factors. We end with a simple sustainability failure model. In summary, we propose that the e-government program failed to be politically and institutionally sustainable due to people, management, cultural, and structural factors  相似文献   

This paper presents the concept and the implementation of the Content and/or Knowledge Provision (CKP) service. The service is developed as a part of research within Intelligent Learning Extended Organization, an 7th Framework Program for R&D project in the area of technology-enhanced learning. The project aimed at enhancing cross-organizational Learning and Knowledge Building (LKB) practices at workplaces, leading to continuous growth of organization’s intellectual capital. By using the CKP service, employees can upload different kinds of knowledge assets into a knowledge repository, annotate them and (re-)discover relevant ones by performing semantic search over the knowledge repository. Hence, the service effectively serves as a content and knowledge-sharing facility and semantic search engine within a learning organization. Furthermore, CKP enables collaborative manipulation and annotation of knowledge assets in the repository, thus supporting all three components of intellectual capital.  相似文献   

OpenDOAR研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开放获取是一种新型的学术交流方式,通过开放获取可以促进学术信息的交流与传播,提高信息资源的利用率。开放获取可以通过开放获取知识库、开放获取期刊和个人网站来实现。OpenDOAR是全球著名的开放获取资源库,通过对OpenDOAR的分析可以了解全球范围内开放获取资源的建设情况,对推动我国开放获取运动、加快我国开放获取资源建设具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   


We find that the presence of village Internet facilities, offering government to citizen services, is positively associated with the rate at which the villagers obtain some of these services. In a study of a rural Internet project in India, we identify a positive correlation for two such Internet services: obtaining birth certificates for children and applications for old age pensions. Both these government services are of considerable social and economic value to the citizens. Villagers report that the Internet based services saved them time, money, and effort compared with obtaining the services directly from the government office. We also find that these services can reduce corruption in the delivery of these services. After over one year of successful operation, however, the e-government program was not able to maintain the necessary level of local political and administrative support to remain institutionally viable. As government officers shifted from the region, or grew to find the program a threat, the e-government services faltered. We argue that this failure was due to a variety of Critical Failure Factors. We end with a simple sustainability failure model. In summary, we propose that the e-government program failed to be politically and institutionally sustainable due to people, management, cultural, and structural factors  相似文献   

郑州大学知识库建设和实施的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨晓农 《现代情报》2009,29(5):69-72
机构知识库是一个大学或研究机构通过网络来收集、存储、管理、检索其产生的学术成果并提供开放服务数据库系统。在促进大学学术成果的保存、传播与利用及为大学的学术成就树立品牌方面起着重要作用。本文探讨了"郑州大学知识库"系统平台建设和实施方法,并提出自己的建议。  相似文献   

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