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家长作为孩子的第一任老师和孩子成长路上最主要的陪伴者和监护人,其职业价值观和就业观念对其子女的大学专业选择和毕业后的就业选择具有重要影响。本文通过线上问卷调查的方式,回收424位不同专业学生家长的调查问卷,分析家长对子女专业的了解、关注和指导情况,家长对子女选择就业时关注的因素,家长就业观念对子女就业选择的实际影响,家长对子女就业类型的期望,并通过交叉分析与卡方检验的方式从家长的文化程度的差异、家庭经济情况的差异、不同区域的家长、不同性别的家长、家长职业的差异五个方面分析其各自与子女就业选择的关系,最后提出应该更新家长的就业观念,促进家校合作育人,增强学生的自主职业决策能力。  相似文献   

青少年儿童的教育需要社会、学校和家庭的通力合作,其中必然少不了家长的参与.西方在这一领域已有丰富的研究成果,家庭结构、参与子女学习的家长性别、学生年龄、性别、学业成绩成为影响家长参与子女学习的程度和方式的主要因素.鉴于此,社会应对处境不利家庭提供更多的家庭教育指导,家长也应与学校保持积极的联系和沟通,应采用灵活策略持续关注子女的学业,而父亲也要多参与到子女的学习中去.  相似文献   

美国的家庭经常谈到储蓄的目的之一就是给子女付大学学费,他们知道大学费用在不断上升,但很少有家长由于付不起学费而令其子女失去上大学的机会。然而,最近一份研究家长为子女提供上大学费用所起作用的报告,表明了一个令人感兴趣的趋势:总体上,家长支付子女高等教育费用的份额正在逐步下降。  相似文献   

近年来,高校毕业生“慢就业”现象日渐凸显。家长作为孩子人生的重要关系人,其所持的子女就业观是影响孩子大学本科毕业去向选择的重要因素之一。本课题组以当前大学毕业生“慢就业”的社会现象为研究背景,选取大学毕业生家长作为调研对象,透过家长对大学生子女的毕业去向的期待和去向选择影响的调研,分析当下大学毕业生家长所持的就业观念与大学生“慢就业”选择现象蔓延之间的关系。  相似文献   

解瑞佳  赵越 《林区教学》2022,(1):109-112
基于中国教育追踪调查2013—2014年基线调查的数据,采用描述性统计分析和多元回归分析,结合生涯发展理论探讨家长参与的三个维度:家庭交流、家庭监督、家长期望对子女学业成绩的影响。研究主要结论如下:子女教育期望一定程度上受家长教育期望的影响,子女教育期望高于家长,相应的子女学习成绩也会越高;家长教育期望高于子女则会显著负向影响子女学习成绩。家庭交流维度上,家长同子女经常交流对子女学业成绩有显著正向影响。家庭监督维度上,指导功课与检查作业均对子女学业成绩呈显著负向影响。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,生活水平的提高,家长对女子教育的关注超过了以往任何时候。但是由于时代的原因,今天40岁以上、50岁左右的家长,生长在“以阶级斗争为纲”的年代里,切身体会到没有文化的痛苦,有心将自己的子女培养成为“人上人”。据有关单位调查,家长希望孩子将来上大学接受高等教育的占99%,希望子女将来能出人头地的占77%,想让子女出国留学的占63%。在他们的心目中,孩子读书好,一好百好,其他一切都给搁置一边。由于家长受教育的程度普遍比较低,对如何教育子女缺少方法:只知道要求子女把书读好,不知道教子女如何读书,更不知道教育子女…  相似文献   

巴甫雷什中学的家长大学 巴甫雷什中学是苏霍姆林斯基倾注了自己毕生精力的地方。同时,那里还有一所学校也是他心血的结晶,那就是家长大学。他的家庭教育思想就具体体现在这所学校里。 苏霍姆林斯基一向认为,学校如果缺乏家庭的配合,是不可能完成培养人这一细致而复杂的任务的。虽然大多数的家长都希望把孩子培养成人,但并不是所有的家长都善于教育子女,学校有责任引导家长走上正确教育子女的途径。这就是苏霍姆林斯基创办家长大学的思想出发点。  相似文献   

家长投入在提高子女学业成就方面的重要作用随社会变迁而日益凸显,家长-学校-社区联盟受到重视。研究者提出动机中介模型、动机-策略二维模型以及整合模型等来阐释家长投入对子女学业成就的作用机制,尤其关注家长的效能感、能力感等动机信念以及对投入需求和资源的知觉等内因系统在其中的作用。在多变量背景下考察家长投入对子女学业成就的影响是后续研究的趋势。  相似文献   

学业成绩是衡量教育产出的重要指标,它与教育期望密切相关.教育期望理论对合理引导教师、家长给予学生积极的心理暗示、激发学生学习动机、促进学生自我发展均具有重要的影响.基于OLS回归和Logistic回归分析的结果发现,父母期望和学生自我期望对其学业成绩产生显著的正向影响,而且父母期望子女读到大学对子女有读大学的期望会产生极其显著的正向影响.此外,学生的学业成绩也会对其是否有读大学的期望产生显著正向影响.  相似文献   

本研究以江苏省教育厅委托的大规模中小学在线教学调查为基础,以1 039 155名学生家长为研究对象,考察在线学习背景下家长的教育焦虑在家长投入与其感知子女学业倦怠间的中介作用。结果显示:(1)在控制家长文化程度后,家长教育焦虑正向影响家长感知子女学业倦怠的同时会“遮掩”家长投入与家长感知子女学业倦怠间的关系;(2)小学生和初中生家长群体中,家长投入对其感知子女学业倦怠的影响受到家长教育焦虑的中介效应作用;(3)高中生家长投入对其感知子女学业倦怠不产生影响,而家长焦虑在其中呈现遮掩效应;(4)家长投入的不同维度对家长感知子女学业倦怠的中介效应存在一定差异。研究结果表明,在线学习背景下,在小学生和初中生家长群体中,家长的高投入有益于子女学业倦怠症状的缓解;而高中生家长教育焦虑的“遮掩”效应表明了高中生家长更需要通过缓解自身的教育焦虑来帮助子女克服在线学习学业倦怠问题;不同学段学生所需要家长投入的方式也存在一定差异。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,当代父母日益重视家庭的子女教育功能。但是,并非每一位父母在教育子女上都达到理想的效果。重要原因是家庭教育走入了“重智轻德”的误区。家庭教育中“重智轻德”现象的消极后果不容忽视。因此家庭教育应坚持德智并重的原则。  相似文献   

“大球理论”是在“自由教育”理论的基础上提出的。“大球理论”认为,父母对子女教育的希望和理想并不意味着要为子女规定固定的成长模式。父母拥有选择子女接受何种教育的权利;但同时,子女也有接受教育的自主权。关于家长在子女教育上的权利,应该既反对压制子女,同时也要公正地对待父母对孩子的殷切希望和他们为抚养子女做出的牺牲;关于子女受教育的自主权,应重视从小培养他们的自主意识,使之懂得追求心灵的自由。  相似文献   

本文对上海市5所辅读学校的1 0 0名智力落后儿童家长的心理健康水平与其子女的行为问题进行了问卷调查和回归分析。发现弱智儿童家长的心理健康程度对其子女的行为问题有较好的预测力,家长所感受到的心理压力对其子女行为问题的影响力较大。本文还探讨了弱智儿童家长心理健康的内涵,提出了几点提高家长心理健康水平的途径。  相似文献   

Using parents' answers to open-ended questions, we examine variation in parents' management of their children's education within the home, at school, and in the community as a function of whether their children were experiencing academic success or academic problems. Within the home, parents of high achievers used more specific strategies to help their children with their schoolwork and had more supportive conversations with their children than parents of low achievers. At their children's school, parents of high achievers not only were more involved but had different reasons for their involvement than parents of low achievers. In the community, more parents of high achievers explicitly engaged their children in activities to support their achievement than parents of low achievers. Implications for parents, schools, and communities are discussed.  相似文献   

Pomerantz EM  Qin L  Wang Q  Chen H 《Child development》2011,82(4):1136-1151
This research examined American and Chinese children's sense of responsibility to their parents during early adolescence, with a focus on its implications for children's academic functioning. Four times over the seventh and eighth grades, 825 children (mean age = 12.73 years) in the United States and China reported on their sense of responsibility to their parents. Information on children's academic functioning was also collected from children as well as school records. Although children's sense of responsibility to their parents declined over the seventh and eighth grades in the United States, this was not the case in China. In both countries, children's sense of responsibility was predictive of enhanced academic functioning among children over time.  相似文献   

当代日本家庭教育的价值取向具有如下几个特征:第一,日本家长对子女学习成绩、竞争能力、金钱地位等功利性取向期待值比较低;第二,日本家庭教育比较注重"与他人协调"等有关"群体"的教育内容,在家庭教育价值取向上表现出"他人本位"倾向;第三,日本家长比较注重子女的个性发展,对子女有"全方位"期待倾向。日本家庭教育呈现的这些价值取向特征,既是日本传统文化在家庭教育中的体现,又是当代日本教育、社会发展变化的结果。  相似文献   

Dismay and Disappointment: Parental Involvement of Latino Immigrant Parents   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Parental involvement in schools has become more popular over the past decade due to Goals 2000 and research suggesting that student academic success increases when parents are included in the education of their children. Although researchers have examined the issue of parents and schools, limited research on parental involvement has been conducted within immigrant communities. Latino immigrant parents within a predominantly Latino community in California were interviewed. Although the community has strong Latino roots, these immigrant parents believed the schools do not listen or care to listen to their needs as parents. The parents in this study desired to be a part of their children's education, but forces within their children's school prevented them from doing so. The parents wished that teachers would be available to speak about grades, be able to find interpreters during open house and at other times throughout the school day, and communicate with the parents when their child is in need of assistance. Due to the apparent walls that had been established within the school's structure, the parents in this study felt abandoned and helpless while trying to gain information regarding their children's education. Parents in this study were so passionate about their stories that they pleaded with the researcher to let their story be heard in the researchers' teacher education courses so future teachers would know how immigrant parents felt.  相似文献   

As part of larger intervention study designed to facilitate the transition of Head Start children into kindergarten and the early elementary grades, we assessed parents beliefs about former Head start children's abilities and values in several activity domains—academics, sports, and social skills—during the children's kindergarten ten year. Parents' expectations for their children's future also were examined. One hundred and twenty-four parents and 155 children participated; all children had attended Head Start, and the sample is ethnically and racially diverse. One group of children and parents received the additional services, and a second group did not. Parents, were quit optimistic about their children's prospects for the future. There were ethnic differences in parents were quit optimistic about their children's prospects for the future. There were ethnic differences in parents' beliefs about children's abilities and future prospects in different areas. Parents beliefs related both to children's attitudes toward school and to their performance on mathematical and reading achievement tests.  相似文献   

This study examined whether improvement in parents' depression was linked with changes in their children's depressive symptoms and functioning. Participants were 223 parents and children ranging in age from 7 to 17 years old (M = 12.13, SD =2.31); 126 parents were in treatment for depression and 97 parents were nondepressed. Children were evaluated 6 times over 2 years. Changes in parents' depressive symptoms predicted changes in children's depressive symptoms over and above the effect of time; children's symptoms significantly predicted parents' symptoms. Trajectories of children's depressive symptoms differed significantly for children of remitted versus nonremitted depressed parents, and these differences were significantly predicted by their parents' level of depression. The relation between parents' and children's depressive symptoms was partially mediated by parental acceptance.  相似文献   

This study evaluated a school-based child sexual abuse prevention program which consisted of separate 2-hour workshops for children, parents, and teachers. Questionnaires concerning the children's knowledge about sexual abuse prevention and level of emotional distress were developed and administered to 88 children, ages 5-12, and 60 parents before and after the program. In addition, 12 teachers completed questionnaires about the children's level of emotional distress within 2 weeks after the program. Comparison of the children's knowledge before and after the program showed significant increases in knowledge about strategies for coping with potential abuse situations. Also individual children's responses were compared with their parents' responses. After the program the parents had a more accurate appraisal of their children's knowledge, and in addition, there was a significant increase in how much parents reported that they had talked with their children about sexual abuse. In terms of possible adverse emotional effects of the program, neither teachers nor parents noticed signs of increased emotional distress. In addition, the children reported that the program made them feel safer and better able to protect themselves. The findings support the value of providing sexual abuse prevention programs to children.  相似文献   

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