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Art schools in France have undergone a profound transformation. From being once considered havens of Bohemia with teaching based firmly on the rapport established between master and pupil in the studio, they have become multi-disciplinary with studio practice established in and augmented by art theory as taught by historians, critics, and philosophers. This pedagogical approach is without doubt a challenging and positive way of encouraging students to pursue their artistic ambitions in an atmosphere of personal experimentation that Universities often deprecate. At this time a School of Art is by definition in an unstable state of equilibrium since it must at the same time restrain itself and maintain a margin of discretion whilst opening its doors to outside influences. In a time therefore of mutation and crisis the training of individuals and encouraging originality is professionally suitable and socially essential, as without the awareness and contemplation of that which gives each one of us our unique particularity, nothing of value can be undertaken. How could it be otherwise when, against the prevailing trends in our media-dominated systems, we know that art is a major form of thought, as powerful and productive as science and philosophy.  相似文献   

<正>我们往往用记忆来衡量生活。最快乐或最震惊的、最激动或最紧张的、最有趣或最艰苦的,从一个到下一个里程碑的奋斗,在我们脑海中最为突出。这些是我们不遗余力地去做、去计划、去效力、去付出的事情。广告鼓励我们去尝试用尽可能多的体验填满生活。当重要的时刻到来时,我们用智能手机拍照,上传到社交媒体甚至日志,或者告诉我们的朋友和孩子。这些事情我们能记住很多年,但是在这些事情间隙里的其他事情都被  相似文献   

赞本为劳动的教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体力劳动与脑力劳动并非是没有交集的两种劳动。教育本身是劳动,是为使劳动更有效、更美好的劳动。赞美教育,就是赞美人类自身,赞美劳动,赞美对高尚的追求。  相似文献   

Internet的迅猛发展,让网络教育走进了我们的课堂,冲击着学生的思想,影响着学生认知和情感的发展.如何发挥网络效能,创设网络教育的人文环境,关注学生的情感,促进学生的认知与情感和谐发展,已愈来愈成为教育理论界和教学第一线教师所普遍关注的焦点.网络教育承载着终身学习的使命,只有培养出认知与情感和谐发展的学生,才能与终身学习的社会相适应.  相似文献   

Postsecondary education has undergone dramatic changes in the past 30 years or so. When I began teaching at the college level in the mid-1980s I went to class clutching my scribbled notes and a piece of chalk. If I scheduled it well in advance, a few times each semester I could have someone wheel in an overhead or film projector. Students typed papers and I provided handwritten feedback. I typed exams on a stencil, duplicated them on a mimeograph machine, and painstakingly graded each one by hand. Those were not the good old days. Today we have seemingly endless options available to us when it comes to the delivery of course material and the assessment of student learning. As instructors, we create learning environments rich in information from many sources. We encourage our students to engage with the material and become active learners rather than passive recipients of knowledge. As our views of teaching and learning continue to evolve, it is tempting to discard less exciting and more traditional methods altogether as we embrace the future. I would argue that the decidedly old-fashioned quiz, however, deserves a place in this brave new world of education.  相似文献   

阐述诗歌情感与传统诗学及认识诗学理论,着重从认知诗学角度,就诗歌的音层、形层、义层三个层面,举实例来探讨发散式诗歌与集合式诗歌的情感效果,以揭示诗歌形式与诗歌情感的关系,从一个新的角度来赏析诗歌。  相似文献   

Lucy: My father can stay in the water for twelve minutes.Mary: It's not worth saying. My father has been in the water夸奖两个小孩正在夸奖各自的父亲。[(\302\266\316\367)(\243\272)]我的父亲能在水中潜伏十二分钟。[(\302\352\300\366)(\243\272)]那不值一提。我的父亲在水下已呆了两年,他至今还没出来。Praise@支振彪  相似文献   

经常表扬别人,这不是让你放低自己的身份,而是对别人的尊重,要知道--你只有尊重别人,才能得到别人的尊重.   "you're looking damned good today.CJ."   "Great idea you had for the frozen fish client,Susan."   "I'm so glad you're part of this meeting.Brian.You always make meetings come alive."……  相似文献   

表扬是学生成长的营养剂。但表扬并非万能药,而且表扬也必须讲究方式方法,只有正确的表扬才能起到良好的效果。而不恰当的表扬方式却会适得其反,因此表扬也必须讲讲究艺术。  相似文献   

表扬是教育教学活动中常用的方式。但表扬在实践中运用的具体效果如何?怎样进行表扬才是有效的?本文试图结合已有的国外心理学对有效表扬的研究成果,对现有对表扬滥用和错用的状况以及如何避免表扬的负面影响作一梳理分析,以期对如何有效表扬提供实践上的帮助。  相似文献   

张炜的《九月寓言》中充斥着原始自然的文化形态,充分展现了民间自由自在的审美品格。这种品格不仅表现在对民间大地的极力书写,更表现在对大地上所生长的自由自在的生命的极力讴歌。张炜将自己融入民间大地,在与民间亲近,融合,生长的过程中,返回到其皈依的精神家园,在社会文化日益粗鄙的当下,表达着一个知识分子对自己岗位的坚守,对道德理想的执着追求。  相似文献   

In this article, I look at some discussions of praising children in contemporary parenting advice. In exploring what is problematic about these discussions, I turn to some philosophical work on moral praise and blame which, I argue, indicates the need for a more nuanced response to questions about the significance of praise. A further analysis of the moral aspects of praise suggests a significant dimension of the parent‐child relationship that is missing from, and obscured by, the kind of parenting advice exemplified by the discussions of praise with which I began.  相似文献   

良好的学业情绪对网络课程论坛的使用效果具有积极的作用。基于目前学业情绪的研究多是局限于传统课堂的师生关系,该研究借鉴Garrison等人提出的认知性存在维度来分析大学生在英语网络课程论坛中的交互,以此探究了大学生在英语网络课程论坛交互学习中所产生的学业情绪现状,探讨了其内在的原因及应对措施。  相似文献   

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