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英语中数词的表达法Population:New Zealand 3,828,600 Great Britain 59,730,300’China 1,295,330,000 The world 6,157,400,560 Area:China 9,596,960 sq.km.USA9,370,000 sq.km.  相似文献   

Official Name:Arab Republic of EgyptLand Area:1,001,450 sq.km.Population:68,359,979Capital: Cairo (开罗)  相似文献   

Official Name:Republic of AngolaLand Area: 1,246,700 sq.km;Population: 10,145,267Capital: LuandaMajor Cities: Luanda, Malanje,  相似文献   

Official Name: Republic of Colombia Land Area: 1,138,910 sq. km. Population: 39,685,655 Capital: BogotaMajor Cities: Bogota, Cartagena, Barranquilla, Puerto Carreno  相似文献   

Scientists have compiled “The WorldAtlas of Coral Reefs”under the United Na-tions Environment Programme,showing 284,300 sq.km of corn reefs spread out among 101countries.  相似文献   

Population:4.04 million. Capital City:Brisbane. Area of State:1,730,650 sq km. History: 71 years after the colonization(开拓殖民地)of Australia in 1788 by the English, Queen Victoria approved to establish the new colony of Queensland, which became a state in 1901. Climate: Just over half the state lies in the tropical zone and the remainder in the temperate zone. The average yearly temperatures range from 25℃in summer to 16℃in winter.  相似文献   

题目分数粤的分子、分母分别加上5。、8。后便可以约分,求 I满足条件的所有的两位正整数a.一:几6+sa用牛E砚石一万一石下一 I州卜O“解方程组,得k-km~_._,一等军,则可得k”’乃J刁’, 13sm一5”’6+sa7+8“一km,一kn.6n一7msm一sn’13是质数,k为正整数,且k笋1,3m一5。~1.③ l片2-由①知,只能有k一13.sm一sn一1是不定方程,易见由③一④, (刀=3 8火2一5只3一1。得8(m一2)一5(n一3) n一3 8 是它的一个特解,即 ④=O,设塑Z月— 5一25n一3 8一q(q为整数).可得刀2T,一sq+2,一sq十3.这就是方程③的所有整数解.由②,得丫10(=6”一7m=6(89+3)一7(5…  相似文献   

A very unique astronomical phenomenon will take place on the territory of Russia on the 1st August 2008.The total eclipse with a width of about 250 km will cross the Western Siberia from the north to the south,then will cross the Altai Mountains and will go further to the difficult to access regions of China and Mongolia.  相似文献   

Bailong (White Dragon) Cave locates in theBailong hill occupied by Middle Triassic calcareousdolomite in Mile County, 200 km south to Kunming,Yunnan Province, China. The cave entrance is lo-cated in N 24°11′55.2″, E 103°20′59.7″, 1500 mabove sea level. The tourist trail in the two-level caveis 1118.8 m long: the upper level is 477 m long andthe lower level 641.8 m long. The cave is in sub-tropical semi-humid and plateau climate zone withannual average temperature of 17.3 °C and av…  相似文献   

玩电脑最怕死机了,而Anti-Crash就是一个专门为防止Win-dows系统死机而编制的小程序,最新版本为AntiCrash 5.0。在华军软件园就可以找到它的身影(http://www.inhua.com/down/ant-icrash5x.exe),其大小为4.64MB,比以前的版本庞大了很多。你还可以把其汉化补丁一起下下来(http://sq.onlinedown.net/down/z-AntiCrash5.exe),将软件汉化。  相似文献   

韩军,1962年生,从事语文教育20多年,任教于清华大学附中,北京市特级教师、首都师范大学硕士研究\f生导师、享受国务院特殊津贴的教育专家、全国教育系统劳动模范、人民教师奖章获得者、全国曾宪梓教育基金!\一等奖获得者,主持全国最大语文教育论坛“韩军在线”(http://sq.k.12.corn.crgforums/list,.php37num=27)。  相似文献   

1.课本原句:Look at the map of China and the names of coun-tries,islands and seas beyond China.要点:beyond的热点用法。  相似文献   

The 2008 solar total eclipse starts from North of Canada,passes through Greenland,Arctic,Novosibirsk and North of China.This is the first solar total eclipse in China in the 21st centary.Date and time:August 1,2008,11:00 UT Eclipse site in China:Altay,Hami (Xinjiang),Jiuquan,Lanzhou (Gansu), Xi’an(Shanxi)  相似文献   

Thethree-dayForbesGlobalCEOConferencecametoanendinShanghailastThursday,focusingglobalattentiononChina’snewroleintheworldeconomy.RichKarlgaard,publisherofForbes,toldtheconferencethatwhentheglobaleconomysoughtanewengineforgrowth,China’ssuccessgavehope.Theconference’sthemewas“EnergizingGlobalBusiness:TheChinaFactor.”Ithadechoes(响应)ofthe1999FortuneGlobalForum,alsoheldinShanghai,whosethemewas“China:TheNext50Years.”ThedifferenceintopicsindicatedthattheworldwasfocusingonChina’sro…  相似文献   

The giraffe is the tallest land animal.It is 5.5 metres tall.长颈鹿是最高的陆地动物。它有5.5米高。The tallest man in China is 2.36 metres tall.在中国最高的男人女人有2.36米高。The fastest plane is in the USA.It travels at 3,530km per hour.最快的飞机是在美国。它每小时行驶3,530千米。The biggest animals is the blue whale.It is 30 metres long and 150 tons.  相似文献   

1 .进入火星大气层前 1 0min(即登陆前 1 5min) ,探测器打开航行系统 ,不再依靠地面指示 .与火星的距离 :45 86.5km ,速度 :2 .0 6× 1 0 4km/h .2 .着陆前 1 2min ,推动器高速运转 80s ,产生热气罩 ,在进入大气层时保护探测器 .与火星的距离 :3 0 1 7.4km ,速度 :2 .1 4× 1 0 4km/h .3 .着陆前 1 0min ,在 1 1个月的航行旅程中供给探测器能量的太阳仪表板将与探测器分离 ,在火星大气层中焚毁 .与火星的距离 :2 3 0 1 .3 0km ,速度 :2 .2 5× 1 0 4km/h .4.着陆前 5min ,探测器进入大气层上层 ,火星大气层对探测器产生 1 0倍于地球引力的极…  相似文献   

阶梯收费问题与现实生活联系紧密,经常在各类试题中出现.现举例说明其解题策略.例1某市出租车的收费标准是:起步价为8元,起步里程3km(3km以内按起步价付费),后每千米收2元(不足1km按1km计算).小王乘出租车从甲地到乙地共付费16元,求甲地到乙地的距离.分析首先,要理解出租车车费如何分段累加计算,如图1:把总路程分割为两部分:起步里程3km(含3km以内)为第一部分,收起步价8元;超过3km的里程为第二部分,每千米收2元.设甲地到乙地的距离为xkm,第一部分3km,收起步价8元;第二部分(x-3)km,收2(x-3)元.根据题意得:2(x-3)+8=16,解得x=7,所以甲地到乙地…  相似文献   

闻晖  王晓军 《海外英语》2012,(7):265-267
This paper introduces China English and China English lexis,and analyzes the four ways of the word-formation of China English lexis:transliteration,loan translation,loan-blend and coinage.The analysis can show that China English is used to express the language system in a special situation in China,and it has brought large number of new lexis and new vision into world Englishes,which has enhanced the expressive force of English.  相似文献   

SO2, NO2, and PM10 are the major outdoor air pollutants in China, and most of the cities in China have regulatory monitoring sites for these three air pollutants. In this study, we developed a land use regression (LUR) model using regulatory monitoring data to predict the spatial distribution of air pollutant concentrations in Jinan, China. Traffic, land use and census data, and meteorological and physical conditions were included as candidate independent variables, and were tabulated for buffers of varying radii. SO2, NO2, and PM10 concentrations were most highly correlated with the area of industrial land within a buffer of 0.5 km (R2=0.34), the distance from an expressway (R2=0.45), and the area of residential land within a buffer of 1.5 km (R2=0.25), respectively. Three multiple linear regression (MLR) equations were established based on the most significant variables (p〈0.05) for SO2, NO2, and PM10, and R2 values obtained were 0.617, 0.640, and 0.600, respectively. An LUR model can be applied to an area with complex terrain. The buffer radii of independent variables for SO2, NO2, and PM10 were chosen to be 0.5, 2, and 1.5 kin, respectively based on univariate models. Intercepts of MLR equations can reflect the background concentrations in a certain area, but in this study the intercept values seemed to be higher than background concentrations. Most of the cities in China have a network of regulatory monitoring sites. However, the number of sites has been limited by the level of financial support available. The results of this study could be helpful in promoting the application of LUR models for monitoring pollutants in Chinese cities.  相似文献   

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