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1.我有时间。 误:I have a time。 正:I have time。 说明:time作“时间”解时,是不可数名词,所以不能用冠词a。 2.我们经常打篮球。 误:We often play a basketball。 正:We often play basketball。 说明:play后面跟球类名词时,不用冠词。 3.我们每天打扫教室。 误:We clean our classroom everyday。 正:We clean our classroom every day。 说明:everyday作“每日的”“日常的”解,是形容词,常作定语。如,everyday life“日常生活”。every day  相似文献   

1 吉 姆 请 你 和 我 帮 助 他 学 汉 语 。   [误 ]Jim asked you and I to help him with his Chinese.   [正 ]Jim asked you and me to help him with his Chinese.   [分 析 ]人 称 代 词 作 动 词 或 介 词 的 宾 语 必 须 用 宾 格 形 式 。 又 如 : I'll go there with her.(我 将 和 他 一 起 去 那 儿 。 )   2 格 林 先 生 教 我 们 的 英 语 。   [误 ]Mr Green teaches our English.   [正 ]Mr Green teaches us English.   [分 析 ]teach sb. sth.(教 某 人 ... ... )中 的 sb.作 宾 语 , 必 须 …  相似文献   

1.咱们踢足球吧。误:Let's play the football.正:Let's play football.析:表示球类的名词作play的宾语时,名词前一般不用冠词。2.那听起来很有趣。  相似文献   

[误]Tom’s mother is taller than my.[正]Tom’s mother is taller than mine.[析]形容词性物主代词可以作定语,也就是讲它可以作形容词,如:my book,而这句话的意思是:汤姆的妈妈比我的妈妈高。比较的对象是my mother,也就是mine。[误]He and you should go to the library to return the books.[正]You and he should go to the library to return the books.  相似文献   

董明义 《英语辅导》2000,(10):22-22
下列各题中有一个答案是错误的。请选出来。 1. This is ____romm A. Jim‘s B. Bill‘s C. Jim‘s and Bill‘s D. Jim and Bill‘s  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warm-up 1.Greetings 2.Free talk and lead-in.T:Do you like reading?S1:No,I don’t.I like playing computer games.T:Oh,but playing computer games too much is bad for your eyes.(与几个学生交流:S2,S3,S4…)S5:I like playing basketball.T:Me,too.Look at Mark.(教师的英文名字)I’m tall,so Ilike playing basketball,too.And I often play  相似文献   

<正>一、根据句子或对话意思以及所给首字母提示完成句中所缺单词1.—Where did you go d_____the summer holiday?—I went to my grandparents’farm.2.—How was your basketball game a_____Class Five this morning?一We lost the game.3.Jim is good at basketball.He is going to join his school basketball t_____this year.4.一We’re going to have a picnic tomorrow.Would you like to j_____us?—Sure.I’d love to.5.Michael and I like winter because we can s_____on ice and make snowmen.  相似文献   

1.你想去看电影吗?误:Do you want go to a movie?正:Do you want to go to a movie?析:动词want后面不可接动词原形作宾语,可接动词不定式(to do)作宾语。2.郭朋不喜欢喜剧片。误:Guo Peng doesn!t likes comed  相似文献   

1.他们经常踢足球。【误】They often play the football.【正】They often play football.【析】在表示球类的名词前不能用定冠词the,但乐器名称前常用定冠词,例如:play thepiano弹钢琴。2.让我们帮助他们。【误】Let us to help them.  相似文献   

1.他篮球打得好。[误]He is good for basketball.[误]He is good to basketball.[正]He is good at basketball.[析]形容词good可与介词at,to,for等搭配,其意义也就不同。与at搭配,意为“善于”;与  相似文献   

1 .来踢足球吧 !误 :Comeandplaythefootball.正 :Comeandplayfootball.析 :play跟球类名词连用时 ,名词前不能加冠词 ,而接乐器名词时一般要用定冠词the ,如 :playthepiano。2 .月亮是地球的卫星。误 :Moonisearth’ssatellite .正 :Themoonistheearth’ssatellite .析 :当名词指世界上独一无二的人或物时 ,应用定冠词the。3.格林一家住在楼上。误 :Greensliveupstairs .正 :TheGreensliveupstairs .析 :在姓氏的复数形式前加定冠词the ,表示一家人或夫妻俩。4 .长江比黄河要长。误 :YangtzeRiverislongerthanHuangheRiver.正 :TheYa…  相似文献   

1.你想试一试吗?[误]Do you want to go?[正]Do you want a go?[析]go作动词讲,意为“去”。在这里作名词,意为“尝试”,want a go是口头英语,表示尝试做某事。  相似文献   

1.吉姆,她是魏华。误:Jim,she is Wei Hua. 正:Jim,this is Wei Hua. 析:当介绍别人认识时,要使用句型“This is…”,而不能用“She/He is…”句型。另外,要注意介绍顺序,一般是先把主人介绍给客人,把年轻的介绍给年长的,把地位低的介绍给地位高的,把男士介绍给女士。2.我和她是同班同学。误: I and she are class-mates.  相似文献   

情景一:你在教学中有文化传播意识吗? [细节回放]:T : Hello, boys and girls. We know that some very famous Chinese young basketball players are members of NBA. They can play basketball very well. They are very tall. But ! have a bad news. A young man's leg hurts. He has to stay at home. Now can you guess who he is and what he is doing? (五年级的学生单词量相对较少,但有很多学生能根据意思猜出来。而且猜出来的答案还不止一个,分别说出姚明、易建联、王治郅)  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warm up1.Play the flash and singthe song"We study and play".2.Free talkT:Look,what’s this?(PPT呈现一只篮子)Ss:It’ s a basket.T:What’s in my basketnow,guess?Ss guess.T:It’s a basketball.I playbasketball.(师拍篮球)T:Do you play basketball?(PPT:Do you play…? )We’ll learn Unit 10 Do you  相似文献   

Bill:What’s this?John:It’s a model of the car of the future.Bill:What can it do?What's so different about it?John:Well,when I push this lever(杠杆)this way,the car will go toward you,and if I reverse(反向拉)it,it will back up.See?Bill:Very good,but any car will go forward and backward.John:Yes.but chis one will do more.When I  相似文献   

1.吉姆第一个冲过了终点线。[误]Jim ran passed the finishing line first.[正]Jim ran past the finishing line first.[析]pass与past都有“经过,穿过”之意,但 pass是动词,可独立作谓语。past是介词,与动词搭配使用。  相似文献   

1.我们出去散散步,好吗?误:Let us go out for a walk,shall we?正:Let us go out for a walk,will you?正:Let's go out for a walk,shall we?析:“Let us”是第二人称祈使句,意在征询对方是否同意或许可,故反意疑问句主语应是“you”; 而“Let's”是第一人称祈使句,它包括讲话者与听话者,故反意疑问句主语是“we”。2.这是一本有趣的故事书,是吗?误:This is all interesting story-book,isn’tthis?正:This is an interesting story-book,isn'tit?析:指示代词this/that作陈述句主语时,反意疑问句主语应是“it”,而不是指示代词。  相似文献   

【一号档案】多用介词多用介词可能是受汉语意思的影响,将及物动词误用作不及物动词,也可能是受相关结构的影响而用错。1.我母亲今天早上很早就起床了。误:Mymothergotupearlyinthismorning.正:My mother got up early this morning.析:this morning/afternoon/evening,next week/month/year等作时间状语的名词短语前不用in。但在in the morning/af-ternoon/evening等短语中用in。2.他每天步行回家。误:He goes to home on foot every day.正:He goes home on foot every day.析:home在此处是副词,前面不用介词。同理,还有come here,go th…  相似文献   

1.我每周回家两次。误:I go home two times a week.正:I go home twice a week.析:用英语表示一次两次时,要用once、twice,而不用one time、two times。但  相似文献   

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