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1.单项选择。(3o幻()1,Wllat,5 that_English?It,5 apen. A.in B.on C.at D.of()2._you see a eal:under thet汕ie?Yes,1 ean· A.Are B.DO C.CaJI D.Is()3._~the students?Tlley~in the classroom· A.Wliat B.WlloC一Wllose D.Wllere()4.Tliere 15_old eloek on the table._eloek 15 Hack. A .a,The B.the,The C.an,The D.the,A()5 .What_isit?It’sh碰p时two. A.day B.time C.the dai:e D.theti~()6.Here 15扣ur new shoes·Put_on· A.it B.th叮C.them D.their()7._15 yotlr En沙血teacher?The one in a bhie eoat…  相似文献   

、单项鼓择 ()1._15 the population of the developed eountries? A .What B.Where C.Who D.Whieh ()2 .lfyou multiPly this_365,扣u’11 find how脚at the prohlem 15! A .in B.by C.wirh D.at ()3 .When the winter eomes,thed叮s罗t shorter__shorter. A .or B.with C.by D.and ()4 .China has_population than Australia. A .larger B.smaller C.more D.fewer ()5 .Hong Qi 15__210,以X)yuan in China. A .costs B.worih C.PayingD·spent ()6 .Miyoko had her pietures_on the Great Wall· A .take B.took C.to tak…  相似文献   

.单项选择。从A、B、C、O四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。1 .Can”u tell me the answer_the question? A .of B.to C.about D./2·He hao two danghters.One 15 a soldier,_15 a worker· A .another B.a other C.the other D.others3._fine day it 15! A .How B.How a C.What D.取厂hata4.1’m hungry.1 want_. A.something eating B.something to eat C .eat something D.to eating something5 .There_a new film this evening. A.15 going to have B.15 going to be C.have D.has6.Why not_and have a look at …  相似文献   

(本.专试时间120分钟)1.MultiPle choice(10%) ()1 .Having said this,she burst into tears,_the aeute embarrassment of everyone else at the Party. A.for B.to C.with D.at ()2·Jer钾15 very genoro。_—his money. A。at B.in C.on D.杭th ()3 .Pop musie has a ve钾bade琅et_。. A .with B.at C.on D.in ()4 .1 was—the imp比ssion that”u had already mad。a coup一。or new out6“.r yourself.匆 A.on B.in C.under D.of ()5 .Rumours usually spread—word of mouth. A .with B.in C.by D.at ()6 .Nobody kno、5 …  相似文献   

1.’单项选择(20分) A)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填 空白处的最佳答案。 1 .The TV Play 15_interesting than the story· :暇A .very B.mueh 。只卜少叩y甲re,,,”·muc“more ‘一u Lel WorKs narQ,anQ_- B .1 do 50 D.50 1 do the room.You’d better Sn e了.‘-1 汕一do coldcoat. ﹄‘引0 口︼5 Sr J‘J‘r、..二勺,口 . 内J not to take off take down BD not take off do not take off AC 4.叨一ere 15 tea in the have some now. mueh euP,butl’d like a litile B .litile D .a lot of to A.C 5.Mother ofte…  相似文献   

PART ONE 1 Voeabulary and Strueture(10 Poinrs,1 Poinr for eaeh item) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 1 .Cllina 15 not it used tol犯. A .which B.that C .wllat D.Wllere 2 .Here shel习羌加ed n10re atterltlon Il the刘esp刃Ple. ll A .to an advantage B.at an advanta罗 C .at a disadvanta罗D.to a disadva爪a罗 9 .The most eviderzee of blaek hol韶CO刀口es froln researeh into binary star systems.【】 A .convince B.convlrieing C .C0nvlnCed D.COnvlnCes IO.He insisted that、ve the follo…  相似文献   

王军 《考试》2007,(Z4)
known other for to work eden each侧wh y0U︸lon H l IOng?一Not very in the A 2 party?曲erB一Did befo花C D .sinee you enjoyyo。心at the—阮呵tos叮1 didn’t .It was一a meeting than a Palty. A .much of B .more like C .less of D .more orl咫s 3 .He 15 ratherd西e己t to make伍ends with,but his伍endshiP,_,15 more true than any other. A .once加n司C .afteris加ned 4 .The river,_ B .when D .while a工e cover以1 trees,15 very long. A .which baz正s B .of whieh C .whose the b肚止s ha”卜,D .the …  相似文献   

1.(l)_15 well known toall,the earth 15 round (2)_15 well known to all that thee斌h 15 round. A.That B.With C.It D.As 2.(l)It’5 good_you to take a walk硫er sup- per every day. (2)It was really stupid_him to refose the in- vitation. A. 3. of B .to C.肠r D.at (1)He isu浦t for the job,_; (2)He isn’t fit for the job,_ A .isn’t he C .doesn’t he B .15 he D .does he 4.(l)15 this museum_”u visited the other day? (2)15 this the museum_you visited the Other day? A .that B.where C .in whie…  相似文献   

I.词汇。(15分)A)单词释义(5分)1._}1——t11e first mea】Ⅲa day2.u father,s of mother,s brother3.V——go to see sb. or a place4.w lnake clean with water5.Ⅳ the dav afler TuesdavB)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空(10分)6.We like to eat kiIids of f100d.(dif.ference)7.D0 vou lik ct ?(noodle)8.Febmar、r is t11e n10nth of a vear.(tw0)9.She has a bottle of (oI·ange)and some bIIead f10r his lunch.10.Does vour brother like ?(skate)11.Mv u11cle is a (cook).1 2.D0 you have——eggs如r suppeI’…  相似文献   

第一节:单项填空 l:外。falling of the new buil.ling—its sofibase· A.resulted in B.suffered from C.led to 2.What a pity!He_tl一e only ehanee of success· A.threw away·B.Put down军.gave in 3 .An aeeident happened at_erossroads a few meters 卜ank. ·A.a;a B./:a C./; the 4.How·Iong do),o u sup即s咤it 15_hea币ved here? A.when B.before C.after 5.U*tle John 15_即lite boy. A.a most B.a more .C.lhe most D.匕he more 6.一_). ou即t in toueh诵th几lr.Smith? 一肠rough a frienol of mine· A.Was it…  相似文献   

We had WSSa a Pienie last term and it lot of fun,so BD One苏苏州) the other this month. let’5 have (2(X)7江飞汤501】le other ()2. another一0玩A.C 50 many people in the amuse- meni park!一刊obedy likes to stay at home—C .eould D.have to ()7 .1’m really  相似文献   

女艳于1上1公心1._thee叭hquake,thousands of PeoPle Iost their lives. A.Beeause B.Sinee C.As a result D.As a result of2 .1 wouldl溉to buy a house whieh 15 modem,eomfortable,and_,in a quiet Plaee· A.first of all B.in all C .above all D.after all3 .Your Pedbn刀ance in driving test didn,treaeh the required standard一_,youfailed. A.in the end B.after all C.in other words D.at the sa们ne time4._what 1 hed originally thought,the triP tUrned OUt tobe fun. A.Instead of B.hi sPite of C .Con仃…  相似文献   

“I.单项填空_羌士一茹不H扛犷、胜份youimagine_there—?脚 l..一Can户·‘A.going;场hikesC.即ing:on foot2.九eoldwoman went toA.in hish叩eofC.in the hopesof B‘to」g0;勺n沙bike理‘1- 正to部。州丽下州_一于衫茄r6h·—彭喻扩晚砂i拓坛以a.{一’B;一认偷一娜影砚姗、价,澳3 .1 think the eomPuter whieh丫止_themoney A C.4.It A5._ A. B. C.COStineluding 丘皿一砂t能,而论r止3000一d亩j成‘、 B刁赢;“甜1 ‘J份_-一姗 D .Paid;worthha司.50 Tom and Jaek hadto_one umbrella}人 一飞「、C.get州B.share D.serve匕一…  相似文献   

1._the students likes the palntings.Whieh ofthefollowingisWRONG? A·The teaeher as wdl as B.Nobo街but C .The teaeher besides_D,All except2 .Hen仃,_Ma叮and Tom,15 eoming to China for a visit.Wlliehof the following 15 WRONG? A.together with B.like C .notD,but in addition to3 .Taiwan 15_一the east of Fujian, A .in B.at C.to D.on4 .His father will be baek from肠ndon_a few dayo. A.sinee B.in C.on D.aner5·The word“write”has the same卿nuneiation__the word“right”. A.of,B.as C.to D…  相似文献   

1.、产勺1五ch one ofthe five clloicesmakesthebestcomParison兀WED 15 to DE、qLas 632315 to: A2336 B.3236C.3326 D.63322.HAND 15 to G10ve asH玉AD isto: A.H公B.Hat C.Neck D.Earotlg E.Ha甘pin誉众资奢卢访李_3J0恤likes400 but not 300:he旋5 100 but not 99;he撇5 3600 but not 3700.Wllichdoeshe放e? A.900 B.10O0 C.1100 D.1200.4·NAsA reCeived three messazes in a strange lallg目ase from a distant planet·The scien比ts studiedthe messa犷sand found that“Neeor Buldon Slock,,means“ Dan邵r Ro…  相似文献   

C10沈Test Too Dangerous In New York more than in other eities一but 153,A.a B.analso true of other large eities一people are afraid.C.one D.theThat 15,they are afraid一生一on the streets at4·A·eolseB·near withnight.They are afraid theyll be robbed,or 2 the C.eolse to D.in the vieinityhead and robbed.1 was staving at 3 hotel in 5.A.minute,s walk B.minute、walkNew York.It was very 4 my sister,s aPartment.C.minute一walk D.minute walkIn faet it was only five 5 away but if 1 left thea一 6…  相似文献   

1.单项选择(每小题1分,共20分) ()1 .Mr Blaek saw_uFo with_alien in it on hisw叮baekyesterd盯. A .a:an B.a:a C.an;an D.an:a ()2.1 havet。C滋1 him up first.ean you wait a few minutes,爪won’t_long. A .spend B.take/C.eost D.P叮 ()3一Can you eome to哪bi毗Ld即party the day after tomorrow? 一Great!I’d love to.1 think there a lot of fun. A.was B.have C.will be D.15 going to have ()4.一15 the weather eold tod即? —Yeah.The wind hal,d when 1 eame baek home this afternoon. A .blows B.blew C.was …  相似文献   

听力部分(共四大题,25小题,满分30分)(略)笔试部分(共七大题,满分90分)!.单项选择:从各小题所给的四个选项中,选出 一个最佳答案。(共10小题,满分10分》26.一What’5 your_,Shirley? 一1 didn’t Pass theex脚. A·question B.wrong C.trouble D.matter27.Lily’5 motorbike 15 the same as_.1’m 即ing to borrowit from_, A.y。叫her B.you玲;hers C .yours;her D.you;hers28·50盯,Iean’tgotothene:bars(网吧)雨th you·You’d better_there.You should spend time on your study. A.goB·to 90 C.not 90 D.not to即29·一_1 ge…  相似文献   

l,语盲知识运用(共巧小题;每小题1分,满分巧分) ()1.一would yon like some_?一oh,yes,just a little·A.pear’s B.oranges C.sugar ()2.How many_do you need to make a milk,hake? A.o~ge B.~ges C.honey ()3一_15 a kind of drink,isn’t it?一Yes,it 15·A.Milk shake B.Watermefon C.Meat ()4.Afterh耐work,1 felt very tired,501_sleep quiekly·A.went to B.玩乡n to C.wenton ()5 .There_a拌n and拌neils in the box·A .a们n B.isC,are ()6.1_with my伍end,hst Sund即·A.hang out B.hung out C.han罗d out…  相似文献   

A.几。‘理。t晓“妙B.八155沁ofParadiseC.乃亡及。ut粼and石七用刀亡己D .Tende;15 the Nig入l(C)4 .Ezo POund wrote 70 lx洲〕ks of his own,andedited 70 lx洲〕ks of other丽ters .His maj(,r work.、f-户屺t叮15_,a long四、nlw}11(、l一11、、worked on over a long Period of tinl。、,出1(lw蛋11(、11haees the rise and fall()f eastenl arl(1 westemNOT俪elllPlres·A.材d人eh八/eu,B.刀记ABC of RendingC .7乳e GzntosD .Ina凡at如n of the Melro(A)5 .Whieh 15 of the followi嗯附ms 15eoln户万ed师RobertF二t?…  相似文献   

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