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幼儿进入大班,社会性得到了发展,他们有了与同伴相互合作、交往的需要,有了初步的自我意识和社会认知,对社会有了一定的适应能力。在角色游戏中,幼儿按照自己的意愿,以模仿和想象,借助真实或替代的材料,创造性地再现社会生活,获得身心的发展。但在活动中,有部分幼儿缺乏对自己情绪的控制力,缺乏与同伴主动交往的能力和面对困难、挫折的勇气。本文试图从环境创设、游戏中的观察、游戏介入和游戏评价等方面阐述在角色游戏中促进大班幼儿社会性发展的策略,以帮助幼儿获得勇气、健康成长。  相似文献   

幼儿进入大班,社会性得到了发展,他们有了与同伴相互合作、交往的需要,有了初步的自我意识和社会认知,对社会有了一定的适应能力。在角色游戏中,幼儿按照自己的意愿,以模仿和想象,借助真实或替代的材料,创造性地再现社会生活,获得身心的发展。但在活动中,有部分幼儿缺乏对自己情绪的控制力,缺乏与同伴主动交往的能力和面对困难、挫折的勇气。本文试图从环境创设、游戏中的观察、游戏介入和游戏评价等方面阐述在角色游戏中促进大班幼儿社会性发展的策略,以帮助幼儿获得勇气、健康成长。  相似文献   

幼儿社会性发展在人一生的社会性发展中,占有极其重要的地位。游戏,特别是社会性游戏是促使幼儿社会性发展的一条有效途径。本研究依据帕顿的社会性游戏分类,在贵州省农村两所幼儿园大班中进行为期四个月的深入观察,结果发现:在游戏开展方面,大班幼儿以非游戏行为和非社会性游戏为主;在游戏发展水平方面,大班幼儿的社会性游戏发展水平总体较弱,特别是合作游戏开展得最少,水平也最低。因此,教师和家长应该采取积极措施,帮助幼儿提高社会性游戏的发展水平,从而促进幼儿的社会化发展。  相似文献   

丘悦 《教育导刊》2015,(2):81-82
角色游戏是促进幼儿社会性发展的有效方式。教师注重角色的设计、人员的分配、情节的选择,及时进行多角度的评价,能更有效地促进幼儿对社会角色的认识,提升社会认知能力,增强协作能力,促进自我意识、自觉性的发展。  相似文献   

创造力的培养,对于激发幼儿好奇心、想象力和创新思维,鼓励幼儿勇于探索、大胆尝试、养成创新品格等,具有深远意义。文章阐述了创意戏剧游戏的内涵及创造力培养价值,通过问题导向、音乐渲染、材料提供、模仿学习等策略,从剧本创作、艺术表现和自我装扮等方面,丰富创造力的知识基础,发展想象力和思维能力,培养意志品质,以提升幼儿的创造力。  相似文献   

文章以幼儿混龄游戏为关注点,运用主观思辨、经验总结的方法,探讨如何促进幼儿社会性发展。混龄游戏满足幼儿的社交需求,对各年龄段幼儿都有应用价值,可提升幼儿的交往能力与责任意识,在促进幼儿社会性发展方面具备独特的优势。教师要保障幼儿在自主活动的基础上开展跨龄互动,实施适宜的指导,在策略方面,可同时使用集中式和分散式的混龄活动模式,以原生态的环境、丰富的材料和自主结伴方式为幼儿提供开放、宽松的环境,并用适宜的观察和评价策略支持幼儿社会性发展。  相似文献   

季莉春 《成才之路》2014,(15):20-20
民间游戏是由人民在长期生活实践中集体创造,不断改进,代代流传下来的一种玩乐形式。其具有民族性和地方性,通俗、简单、易学,趣味性和娱乐性都非常强,很适合幼儿的玩乐。教师要研究民间游戏在幼儿教育中作用及意义。  相似文献   

对幼儿社会性发展影响最大的是游戏,尤其是角色游戏,它会强化幼儿的社会角色意识和社会角色规范,促进幼儿社会交往能力的发展,加深幼儿社会角色情感的体验。角色游戏是幼儿社会性发展的重要途径。  相似文献   

戏剧表演游戏是一种创新性游戏,能够有效提升幼儿的想象力、表达理解能力以及交往能力,但是由于幼儿的年龄特点决定了幼儿无法独立完成这一活动,需要幼儿教师给予必要的指导。分析了幼儿教师在戏剧表演游戏中指导的四个方面。  相似文献   

户外游戏活动的内容,户外游戏活动空间的特殊形式,在活动中幼儿娱乐或嬉戏或探究或挑战高难度运动,在活动中幼儿自主选择、自由结伴开展活动,对幼儿的社会认知发展、亲社会行为发展以及人际关系发展具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。在此情况下,文章主要围绕探索户外游戏如何促进幼儿社会认知的发展,分析户外游戏是如何促进幼儿人际关系的发展的,从而促进幼儿社会性的良性循环发展。  相似文献   

儿童的社会化发展即获得在社会中生产所必需的知识技能、行为规范和价值观念。游戏是儿童的天性和主要活动方式。玩沙游戏有助于儿童"去自我中心",提高儿童的社会交往能力,提高儿童的问题解决能力。笔者设计了支持儿童社会性发展的玩沙游戏设计模型,通过情景创设、主题引入、混龄组织、家园合作的形式支持儿童的社会性发展的实施,培养儿童优秀的社会性品质。  相似文献   

Research Findings: Digital play is now commonplace in many young children’s lives, but not in preschool settings. This situation is likely due to the fact that the existent literature seldom highlights what digital play looks like, the various ways it can be situated, and what young children do when they play together with digital devices in the preschool setting. The present study addresses this limitation by providing a close examination of the social interactions of young children as they engage with different types of iPad apps and each other. Observational data of 20 dyads of children during digital play analyzed qualitatively revealed that children exhibited a range of social behaviors from competitive to collaborative as they engaged in 4 types of digital play: practice/task, exploratory, construction, and pretense. Forms of play and exhibited behaviors were shaped by interrelated factors of children’s individual characteristics and relationships, classroom culture and routines, adult views and actions, as well as aspects of the digital device itself. Practice or Policy: Selecting open-design apps, attending to digital play structures, and monitoring peer play more closely may lessen competition, enhance collaboration, and lead to more complex digital play.  相似文献   

社会情绪调节能力欠缺的幼儿会表现出许多问题行为,迫切需要得到有针对性的早期干预。在美国,基于金字塔式干预理论的社会情绪课程收到了良好效果。社会情绪课程教学策略的有效应用是早期干预的核心。这一策略强调教师要指导幼儿提高交友能力,提高情绪素养,控制愤怒和中动,解决社交问题。  相似文献   

Behavioral observations and sociometric ratings were assessed in separate 3- and 4-year-old child care classes across a two year period. A cross sequential design included three cohorts. Cohort A was observed at age 4, Cohort B at ages 3 and 4 and Cohort C was observed at age 3 yielding two separate cross sectional comparisons and a longitudinal comparison across ages 3 and 4. Social network analyses were used to determine the relation between behavioral measures of social interactions and sociometric ratings, developmental changes in the degree of organization of the social networks in each class, and the degree to which gender was an organizing principle in the social structure of both age groups. In general, correspondence between the behavioral observations and sociometric ratings increased with age and the social structure showed greater cohesion in the 4-year-old class. Gender was an organizing principle in the social structure of the 4-year-old class and became more apparent across time in the 3-year-old class. Implications of the findings for the assessment of sociometric status and for intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

Behavioral observations and sociometric ratings were assessed in separate 3- and 4-year-old child care classes across a two year period. A cross sequential design included three cohorts. Cohort A was observed at age 4, Cohort B at ages 3 and 4 and Cohort C was observed at age 3 yielding two separate cross sectional comparisons and a longitudinal comparison across ages 3 and 4. Social network analyses were used to determine the relation between behavioral measures of social interactions and sociometric ratings, developmental changes in the degree of organization of the social networks in each class, and the degree to which gender was an organizing principle in the social structure of both age groups. In general, correspondence between the behavioral observations and sociometric ratings increased with age and the social structure showed greater cohesion in the 4-year-old class. Gender was an organizing principle in the social structure of the 4-year-old class and became more apparent across time in the 3-year-old class. Implications of the findings for the assessment of sociometric status and for intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

游戏是幼儿的基本活动,幼儿在游戏中学习与发展。当前,幼儿教师普遍存在"无法抓住支持幼儿的适当时机及提供幼儿适宜支持"的问题,已成为阻碍幼儿在游戏中实现高阶发展的关键因素。研究者基于建构主义理论,结合案例分析,推导出游戏中教师支持幼儿高阶发展的理论框架模型:一是当幼儿图式稳固平衡,对幼儿在游戏中呈现的两种状态,教师可采取的支持策略;二是当幼儿图式不平衡,对幼儿有挑战目标但处于不同层次的游戏状态时,教师可采取的支持策略。这一理论模型阐释了教师在幼儿图式状态转化过程中支持的时机与内容。  相似文献   

表演游戏与幼儿同伴关系干预   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
表演游戏是深受幼儿喜爱的一种游戏形式,能促进幼儿情感、认知和社会性的发展.以表演游戏为干预因子,并从认知、情感、行为三个维度入手,对幼儿的同伴关系发展进行综合干预,能将教师的干预融入游戏活动之中,让幼儿在自然的状态下接受干预,达到良好的干预效果.这种方法具有较强的可行性.  相似文献   

The distinction between general early childhood education and special education on the issue of the essential characteristics of play, developmental appropriateness, and an emphasis on teacher directiveness, external contingencies, and correct products may help explain the relatively small body of work focused on teaching preschool children with developmental concerns how to appropriately engage in play with toys. Appropriately designed intervention is not only compatible with the concept of play, many children require intervention to support their continued development. The purpose of this paper is to explore the applied research in which object-related play skills of preschool children with developmental concerns are enhanced through intervention strategies. Guidelines for teaching toy play will be presented and strategies to promote generalisation and maintenance will be discussed.  相似文献   

本研究选取保定市186名4-7岁学前流动儿童为研究对象,采用《4-7岁儿童社会性发展量表》对其社会性发展水平进行调查,结果表明:与常模相比,学前流动儿童社会性发展总分符合常模正态分布;学前流动儿童社会性发展总分存在显著的性别差异,男孩总分高于女孩;学前流动儿童社会性发展总分随年龄增长、家庭定居市区时间的增长及母亲文化水平的提高而呈增长趋势。学前流动儿童家庭、社区、幼儿园应通力合作,采取相关干预措施,促进其社会性发展。  相似文献   

权海荣 《天津教育》2021,(5):185-186
绘本作为一种独特的幼儿文学形式,所体现出的主题明确、情节有趣、生动形象等特征。本文简要分析了绘本基本概念,然后从开启幼儿心智、启迪幼儿情感、发展幼儿能力、培养良好品格等方面入手,对绘本在启迪幼儿心灵成长中的应用进行了细致分析。  相似文献   

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