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汪伪强推中储券 1940年11月30日,大汉奸汪精卫在日本侵略者的扶植下,在南京成立傀儡政权--伪国民政府.汪伪政权为了自身的生存,培植自己的经济命脉,于翌年1月设立伪中央储备银行,由伪财政部长周佛海兼任总裁,发行中储券,以期代替法币、军用票、华兴券和联银券的流通.  相似文献   

旧上海凡规模较大较正规的机关、企业内,都有一批职业体面、稳定,收入比较丰厚的高级职员。在上海滩以往的岁月里,这批高级职员的生活状态如何,特别是怎样打发他们的闲暇生活的,颇令人发生兴趣。笔者近日有幸在收藏市场收购到一本民国三十年(1941年)一位任职于海关的高级职员的私人日记,意外地接触到了这方面很完整,也十分真实的一些材料。  相似文献   

刘中猛 《青年记者》2012,(26):81-82
娱乐休闲是工作之余的放松和消遣活动。除了结社聚会,把酒吟诗等文人传统休闲方式之外,清末民初报人还通过喝酒、听戏、打麻将等多种娱乐休闲获得自我调适。这些娱乐方式既带有传统文人的休闲习性,也具有普通市民的娱乐风气,表现出近代报人休闲生活的多元面相,某种意义上亦可视为近代知识分子娱乐生活的一种反映或缩影。  相似文献   

随着受众对信息类节目需求的增大,特别是对电视服务类节目收视审美的提升.电视服务类节目,越来越受到人们的普遍欢迎.通过对生活服务类节目的娱乐化现象的分析,找寻此类型节目的美学化的表现特征,探求其娱乐化要素的表现形式成为生活服务类节目发展的主要趋势.  相似文献   

娱乐也是一种生活方式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
颜鲁贞 《声屏世界》2009,(10):37-38
有人说:选秀可能会成为一种寻常的节目,即使将来它不再占据引领的位置。当前,我国各电视台的选秀节目种类繁多,单单从各省级卫视的网站节目介绍中就可以找到三十多个。仅从唱歌方面讲,就有湖南卫视的《超级女声》《快乐男生》,浙江卫视的《我爱记歌词》,东方卫视的《我型我秀》《加油,好男儿》,  相似文献   

1933年,为避日伪凌辱,梅兰芳先生举家南下迁沪,中间曾一度赴港居住,香港沦陷后又被迫返沪,之后便蓄须明志,息影舞台,在上海当起了寓公.梅兰芳在上海所度过的这一段寓公生活,既是他一生中的重要阶段,更可见其人格之光辉,所谓"躬履艰难而节乃见",是后人研究梅兰芳生平所尤应重视的.  相似文献   

马薇薇 《东南传播》2013,(5):112-115
晚清上海开埠后逐渐发展成近代都市,商业的繁荣培养了市民消闲娱乐的兴趣。身处其中的《申报》在"及时行乐"的观念指导下,展示了晚清上海娱乐生活翻天覆地的变化。这些变化既符合近代都市的经济内涵和市场生存法则,又有着浓厚的道德意识形态的乡土文化特点。  相似文献   

《娱乐至死》和《网络至死》都是谈论新媒体对大众生活时代的冲击的书,因此体现出诸多共通性.由于这两本书作者所处的时代以及身份立场的不同,两者在许多方面也存在着分野.面对新媒体的冲击,我们需要应时代之需,将其放置在合理位置上.在新媒体时代,精英知识分子恪守自己的"精英"立场是时代最需要的.  相似文献   

上海有位民间收藏家林鸥先生,收藏了一本恋爱日记,记录了1975年到1977年间,沪上一对青年男女谈恋爱的经过.林鸥说:前些年,他从一个旧书摊上淘到这册子,觉得非常有纪念意义,买下来,想寻找到主人,归还给对方,只是人海茫茫,寻找起来毫无头绪. 屈指算来,如今,这册子的主人早已过了花甲之年.耐人寻味的是,这本“无主日记”折射出了一代人生活条件和方式的转变.  相似文献   

1932年的公债风潮:国民政府与上海金融界关系述评   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
1932年 1月发生在上海的停付公债库券本息风潮 ,历来受到民国经济史和金融史研究者的关注。本文拟以上海市档案馆所藏银钱业档案、南京中国第二历史档案馆所刊布的国民政府档案以及当时的代表性报刊资料为主要史料依据 ,对此次风潮和整理案作一述评 ,以冀深化对国民政府与上海金融界关系的研究。一首先应当指出的是 ,在停付公债库券本息风潮爆发之前 ,南京国民政府已就维持债市与上海金融界接洽。 1931年九一八事变的爆发对国内金融市场造成极大的冲击 ,上海市面一片恐慌 ,加之此前各地洪灾之故 ,商业凋敝 ,金融呆滞 ,使得“市面流通之现银…  相似文献   


The following verbatim extracts from FCC Annual, Reports are part of a continuing series published in the Journal of Broadcasting that includes: “The Evolution of Television: 1927–1943” (Summer, 1960); “The Evolution of Television: 1944–1948” (Winter, 1960–61); and “The Evolution of FM Radio: 1935–1940” (Spring, 1961).  相似文献   

休闲时代图书馆休闲功能的发挥   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
叶卫红 《河北科技图苑》2005,18(6):29-31,20
在世界即将进入“休闲时代”的今天,如何利用休闲时间,使之成为积极的富有创造性的消费时间,深刻地影响着人类生活。发展向上的休闲文化,日益成为摆在我们面前的研究课题。作为文化前沿的图书馆,特别是公共图书馆,怎样利用自己的优势在人们的休闲活动中发挥应有的积极作用,已引起图书馆界的高度关注。就图书馆与休闲阅读、图书馆休闲功能及其发挥等问题进行了一些分析与探讨。  相似文献   

Abstract What do visitors want or expect from an educational leisure activity such as a visit to a museum, zoo, aquarium or other such experience? Is it to learn something or to experience learning? This paper uses the term “learning for fun” to refer to the phenomenon in which visitors engage in a learning experience because they value and enjoy the process of learning itself. Five propositions regarding the nature of learning for fun are discussed, drawing on quantitative and qualitative data from visitors to a range of educational leisure activities. The commonalities between learning for fun and other theoretical constructs such as “experience,” “flow,” “intrinsic motivation,” and “curiosity” are explored. It is concluded that learning for fun is a unique and distinctive offering of educational leisure experiences, with implications for future research and experience design.  相似文献   

图书馆长年记--2001年的回忆   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
肖群忠 《图书馆》2002,(6):70-72
本文对西北师范大学图书馆一年多的管理理论和实践作了回顾和总结,还以图书馆的身份谈了自己对图书馆工作与人生的感悟。  相似文献   

This paper identifies the text of Dr. Andrew Osborn's 1941 "The Crisis in Cataloging" as a place where a shift in the shared set of assumptions governing cataloging rules and practices occurs. Cataloging from 1930-1942 was in a state of change and confusion. Existing guidelines of 1908 Cataloging Rules, the draft being revised which was to become the 1941 Anglo-American Code, and Library of Congress cards and practices all proved to contribute to the difficulties in cataloging rather than remedy them. Dr. Osborn functioned as a "gatekeeper" who understood and integrated the available intellectual discourse on American Pragmatism and introduces it to Librarianship. "The Crisis in Cataloging" articulates what the theoretical presuppositions are of the then-available guidelines, and explains the erros of their consequences. It is possible to identify in "Crisis" the introduction of four specific conceptual changes which become a part of the discourse and shared assumptions of cataloging. Each concept is shown to be possible because of ideas, values, and ways of thinking introduced by the philosophy of American Pragmatism.  相似文献   

报刊阅览室的休闲功能与休闲阅读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过介绍休闲功能的基本要素和意义,阐述报刊阅览室休闲阅读的内容以及提供休闲服务的几种方式。  相似文献   

This study examines the debate over clear channels from 1934 to 1941, focusing on the activities of the Clear Channel Group (CCG). The study shows how social, economic, and political issues subsumed engineering concerns in determining policy, and how interest groups contributed to the policymaking process. The CCG, which represented the interests of clear channel AM broadcasters, was able to show that such stations could play a significant role in providing coverage to isolated rural areas of the country, but could not effectively counter concerns about monopoly power.  相似文献   

There is a paucity of research examining the everyday-life information seeking of young people, especially investigating the role that the news media has in providing information to young people for use in their everyday lives. A qualitative, interpretivist approach is adopted, involving 34 students, ages 18 to 25, from an Australian university. First, 20 students were interviewed about their news seeking (including topics and sources). Then 14 students participated in verbal protocol analysis, which involved a series of tasks concerning online and print newspapers. Lastly, students were interviewed about how they sought everyday-life information and whether they thought that they had incidentally acquired or encountered information on everyday-life topics in online or print newspapers in the recent past. Findings indicated that, contrary to expectations, traditional print media still played a role for young people, and social media were perceived as important for communication with friends, rather than for news gathering. Purposeful information seeking was more likely to occur online, but both print and online newspapers retained an incidental role in providing information to students for their everyday lives. Participants used a range of media to suit their particular needs and purposes. Thus, access to a wide variety of sources is important for everyday-life information seeking (ELIS) by young people.  相似文献   

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