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 对中国产业集群网论坛用户提问与回答的关系数据,建立了一个以自我中心,包括832个用户的知识传播网络模型。将该传播网络的传播模型与Watts通过Email方式建立的信息传递网络模型相比较。结合经典的传染模型和渗流模型及这两种信息传播网络的特点给出了相应的传播模型。不同的传播模型有不同的提高信息传播广度的方法:基于社会网络的信息传播不仅要提高信息传递者的激情而且要提高社会网的连通性,基于论坛回复关系的信息传播网络只需提高用户的回复激情就可扩大信息传播的广度。同时还给出了两种方式的难易程度,根据难易程度建议依据信息的不同性质在不同的网络中进行传播。  相似文献   

考虑定义在Zd上参数为p的边渗流模型.假设Kn为 [-n,n]d中开簇的个数,研究了关于Kn的鞅中心定理的收敛速度.一般情况下,经鞅中心极限定理的最好收敛速度是O(n-d/2),而我们的结果为Pp((Kn-Ep(Kn))/(Varp(Kn))) ≤x =x∫-∞(1/(2π)) e(-y2)/2dy+o(n-d/2 +ε0)对任意的实数x都成立,这里ε0是区间 0, d/2 上的任意实数.据我们所知,这是关于渗流中心极限定理收敛速度的第一结果.    相似文献   

Artificial micromotors have a demonstrated value in the biomedical area. Attempts to develop this technology tend to impart micromotors with novel functions to improve the values. Herein, we present novel structural color-barcode micromotors for the multiplex assays. We found that, by rapidly extracting solvent and assembling monodispersed nanoparticles in droplets, it could form stomatocyte colloidal crystal clusters, which not only showed striking structural colors and characteristic reflection peaks due to their ordered nanoparticles arrangement, but also provided effective cavities for the integration of functional elements. Thus, the micromotors with catalysts or magnetic elements in their cavities, as well as with the corresponding structural color coding, could be achieved by using the platinum and ferric oxide dispersed pre-gel to fill and duplicate the stomatocyte colloidal crystal clusters. We have demonstrated that the self-movement of these structural color-barcode micromotors could efficiently accelerate the mixing speed of the detection sample and greatly increase the probe–target interactions towards faster and more sensitive single or multiplex detection, and the magnetism of these barcode micromotors enables the flexible collection of the micromotors, which could facilitate the detection processes. These features make the stomatocyte structural color-barcode micromotors ideal for biomedical applications.  相似文献   

复杂网络理论在组织网络研究中的应用   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
本文通过分析复杂网络的结构特征及其内在嵌入性机理,回顾了复杂网络的基本理论现状。然后,分析得到了组织网络的非线性、多模块特征,发现了组织网络与复杂网络共同的行为模式。据此,将复杂网络引入到组织网络的研究中来,分别从组织网络的表示方法与分析手段,组织网络的互动关系和程度对其鲁棒性和适应性的影响,组织网络内在的协调机理,以及其局部互动与全局演化动力学特征之间的关系等几个方面探讨了复杂网络理论在组织网络研究中的应用前景。  相似文献   

战略网络对企业绩效影响分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
林健  李焕荣 《科研管理》2003,24(4):87-93
传统的战略研究把企业看成一个自治的实体,通过建立核心能力或市场定位来获得租金,实现持续的竞争优势,忽略了企业战略网络及其社会关系对企业行为和绩效的影响。本文在论述了战略网络的涵义及其特征的基础上,从社会关系和网络观的角度,分析了战略网络对企业行为和绩效的影响,证明一个企业的租金部分来源于其拥有的核心能力的贡献,也有部分产生于其自身的战略网络及其社会关系。因此,整合战略网络思想于企业战略研究之中是一种必然趋势。  相似文献   

Customer value creation through community-based information networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper point out that utilizing fully the community-based information networks based on multimedia digital networking Information Technology (IT) makes it possible to formulate a new customer value creation business model. Aggressive IT investment by top management to build community-based information networks, a support tool for this future network strategy, will permit business innovation based on strengthened competitiveness and enhanced customer service.  相似文献   

创新网络的演化模型   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文将复杂网络理论引入到创新网络领域,以定量地描绘创新网络的拓扑结构。首先提出了有关创新网络形成的五点假设,然后基于这五点假设依次建立了三个创新网络的演化模型。同时,提出了一个定量刻画复杂网络小世界性程度的公式,以小世界性程度为指标比较分析了各个演化模型。演化模型的建立对于创新网络其他方面的研究具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

企业网络与中小企业成长的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业网络是中小企业获取资源的重要组织模式,该文主要研究不同类型企业网络对中小企业成长的影响,并对不同类型企业网络之间的相互关系进行探讨。首先,该文基于企业网络的资源贡献维度将中小企业网络细分为社交网络、声誉网络、合作竞争网络、营销网络和技术合作网络五类,在此基础上提出一个企业网络与中小企业成长的关系模型。随后,通过对我国东北地区中小企业的实证研究,对该文提出的模型及假设进行验证。结论指出营销网络和技术合作网络是中小企业成长的直接推动力,而声誉网络会降低中小企业的成长性,社交网络和合作竞争网络对中小企业的成长并无直接作用。其中,社交网络和声誉网络会影响其他类型网络的发展,是中小企业网络集形成和发展的基础。  相似文献   

After defining knowledge networks and the basic concepts of paradox and dilemmas, I analyze a sample of paradoxes/dilemmas commonly associated with them involving culture, structure, cognition, and actionable knowledge. In doing this I focus on how one side of the dilemmas is often associated with negative connotations that drive managers away from that choice. So, for example, hoarding, while it clearly benefits individuals in certain contexts, is typically viewed as a selfish act that hurts the collective. I conclude this essay with a discussion of the need for managers to deliberately confront dilemmas.  相似文献   

基于企业创新网络的技术路径创造   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
技术创新是路径依赖的也是路径创造的。本文讨论了企业技术路径依赖创新陷阱的表现形式和基于企业创新网络的技术路径创造。认为在企业创新网络中,由于网络中的企业交互学习、新成员的加入和技术创新模式的变化等,技术的路径创造是可能的。所以,企业创新网络可以形成技术路径创造。  相似文献   

王彬彬 《科技与管理》2007,9(2):106-108
选择合的适供应商是供应链使命成功实现的重要保障,以提高供应商选择过程中的客观性、一致性等问题为出发点,通过灰色关联法对反映众多供应商品质的因素进行提炼,以便抓住关键因素,提高供应商遴选的效率,提出了一种改良的BP神经网络评价方法,试图解决这一现实问题。  相似文献   

Despite the importance of personalization in information retrieval, there is a big lack of standard datasets and methodologies for evaluating personalized information retrieval (PIR) systems, due to the costly process of producing such datasets. Subsequently, a group of evaluation frameworks (EFs) have been proposed that use surrogates of the PIR evaluation problem, instead of addressing it directly, to make PIR evaluation more feasible. We call this group of EFs, indirect evaluation frameworks. Indirect frameworks are designed to be more flexible than the classic (direct) ones and much cheaper to be employed. However, since there are many different settings and methods for PIR, e.g., social-network-based vs. profile-based PIR, and each needs some special kind of data to do the personalization based on, not all the evaluation frameworks are applicable to all the PIR methods. In this paper, we first review and categorize the frameworks that have already been introduced for evaluating PIR. We further propose a novel indirect EF based on citation networks (called PERSON), which allows repeatable, large-scale, and low-cost PIR experiments. It is also more information-rich compared to the existing EFs and can be employed in many different scenarios. The fundamental idea behind PERSON is that in each document (paper) d, the cited documents are generally related to d from the perspective of d’s author(s). To investigate the effectiveness of the proposed EF, we use a large collection of scientific papers. We conduct several sets of experiments and demonstrate that PERSON is a reliable and valid EF. In the experiments, we show that PERSON is consistent with the traditional Cranfield-based evaluation in comparing non-personalized IR methods. In addition, we show that PERSON can correctly capture the improvements made by personalization. We also demonstrate that its results are highly correlated with those of another salient EF. Our experiments on some issues about the validity of PERSON also show its validity. It is also shown that PERSON is robust w.r.t. its parameter settings.  相似文献   

国内创新网络研究基本状况和主要进展   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
评述了1997-2003年中期国内已经公开发表的有关创新网络的研究论文,我们发现:虽然直到目前所发表的文章并不多,但却集中受到国家自然科学基金等重要基金的多项资助,学者们目前主要在区域创新网络和企业创新网络两个层面上展开探索,取得了多方面进展。  相似文献   

基于贝叶斯网络的脆弱性状态评估方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对网络安全性的量化评估问题是目前网络安全领域的研究热点之一。通过对现有的网络安全模型及量化分析方法的研究和比较,针对影响网络安全性的各项因素的全面脆弱性评估,提出了网络可靠度、脆弱点关键度、脆弱性状态图最低阶最小路集和最低阶最小割集4个具体的评估指标,将基于贝叶斯网络的计算方法引入脆弱性评估中,提出了量化评估计算方法。在此基础上构建了网络实例,使用SPIN验证工具对网络攻击进行模拟并对提出的评估指标及算法进行了分析验证。实验结果表明,文中提出的算法和评估指标集能够正确地量化反映网络的安全状态。  相似文献   

证明在车辆网络中应用网络编码,其广播容量最大化问题是NP难的;提出一种基于最大编码机会的优化调度算法. 该算法结合网络编码与车辆缓存提供的编码机会,有效提高了广播容量. 结果表明,与贪婪算法相比,该算法获得更大网络编码增益,保证了一定的传输公平性.  相似文献   

 本文基于交易费用理论和企业资源理论论述了不断提高生态效率和固化核心能力是产业生态网络演进的两种方式,并结合协同学中序参量的识别方法以及我国部分地区产业发展数据对两种演进方式进行比较,得出基于生态效率的产业生态网络演进方式是促进我国产业可持续发展的关键。  相似文献   

In this paper, switched circuits are modeled based on wavelet decomposition and neural network. Also describes the usage of wavelet decomposition and neural network for modeling and simulation of nonlinear systems. The switched circuits are piecewise-linear circuits. At each position of switch the circuit is linear but when considered all switching positions of the circuit it becomes nonlinear. An important problem which arises in modeling switched circuit is high structural complexity. In this study, wavelet decomposition is used for feature extracting from input signals and neural network is used as an intelligent modeling tool. Two performance measures root-mean-square (RMS) and the coefficient of multiple determinations (R2) are given to compare the predicted and computed values for model validation. The evaluated R2 value is 0.9985 and RMS value is 0.0099. All simulations showed that the proposed method is more effective and can be used for analyzing and modeling switched circuits. When we consider obtained performance, we can easily say that the proposed method can be used efficiently for modeling any other nonlinear dynamical systems.  相似文献   

在探讨蓝海战略和技术创新网络的相关研究基础之上,分析企业如何利用技术创新网络开创蓝海战略,同时提出企业在利用技术创新网络实施蓝海战略时应当注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

Hammerstein模型是化工过程中最常用的模型之一,它由非线性静态环节和线性动态环节串连 组成,适合描述pH过程和具有幂函数、死区、开关等非线性特性的过程.这类模型的控制问题可以分解 为:线性模型的控制问题和非线性模型的求根问题.针对Hammerstein模型提出了一种基于神经网络的 模型预测控制策略,采用一组神经网络拟合非线性部分的逆映射.这种方法不需要假设Hammerstein模 型的非线性部分由多项式构成,并且避免已有研究在无根和重根情况下存在的问题.最后通过仿真试验证明了以上结论.  相似文献   

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