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如何将计算机引入石油工程课程设计教学环节之中,是一个重要而且亟待解决的问题。本文建立了"任务驱动、合作学习、目标分解、阶段考核"为特色的钻井工程课程设计体系,以典型设计案例为参照,将信息管理系统技术和工程计算技术相结合,研制开发了一个面向对象的钻井工程课程设计辅助教学系统。实践表明,该系统的应用可以减轻教师的辅导工作量,提高学生自主学习的积极性,增强开展钻井工程课程设计的主动性,可以方便学生收集资料、整理数据,同时减少手工计算的工作量,有助于提高学生的学习效率,培养学生的设计能力。  相似文献   

The effects of information and communication technologies, which are rapidly improving and spreading in the current age, can be seen in the field of training and education as well as in all other fields. Unlike previous technologies, the Internet, which is the concrete compound of those technologies, provides users with the trio of audio, text and visual materials digitally and simultaneously. This new learning environment, which allows users to individually plan the learning process according to their preferences, has been also effective in changing traditional attitudes and habits related to reading. Nowadays, parallel to these changes, it has become necessary to teach literature in a virtual environment, or, at least, to make a connection with that environment. In this study, the authors first discuss the condition of literature on the lnternet considering the lnternet-literature connection and the features of reading lnternet-based literary texts. Then, depending on a literature review, the authors propose a new Internet-based learning environment for teaching literature considering the extent of computer literacy, as defined by Shapiro and Hughes (1996).  相似文献   

Over the last 2 decades, Irish schooling and society have gone through a period of significant structural and policy-driven change. To meet the emerging needs of the knowledge/learning society, schools and teachers are challenged to develop their capacities as "active learning communities". This places greater demands on teachers and schools to reflect on their classroom practices, to utilise a wider repertoire of pedagogic styles more suited to the needs of the 21st century learners and so that meaningfully collaborate with their fellow professionals. Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century (TL21) was a 4-year (2003-2007) multi-pronged research and development project involving the Education Department at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth (NUIM) and 15 post-primary schools. The project sought to address a number of key aims in terms of developing schools as professional learning communities, including addressing the isolation and insulation which teachers can, and do experience in their day-to-day professional lives and prioritize quality in teaching and learning as a key challenge for school development planning. This paper attempts to succinctly frame the key developments and findings which emerged over the duration of this process.  相似文献   

地缘政治在“世界地理”课程教学中的安排   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国对外开放的不断深入及经济的迅猛发展,在"世界地理"课程教学中注入地缘政治的内容,有利于世界地理学科的发展和学生综合素质的提高。本文就地缘政治在"世界地理"课程的教育理念、教学目标、教学内容、板块设置、课时设置、教学方式和考核方式等方面进行了安排,以推进"世界地理"课程教学内容的创新,提高课程教学质量。  相似文献   

There is a concern that the teaching of subjects is applied not only with support from a set of technological devices, but largely in the proper use of teaching and new technologies. Taking this idea, the authors develop a research and sustainable design that result in educational materials in solid content and technological innovation, also to have the benefit of learning process of a particular subject. The project is in its stage of development of educational materials, which indicates that only the experiment is missing.  相似文献   

生物学是一门实验科学,学生生物实验设计能力的培养和提高,有助于学生获取及巩固知识,激发学习兴趣.培养创新能力,提高科学素养.结合中学生物学教学实践,从研究经典实验、加强实验实践、鼓励创新、强化训练、交流点拨等方面.谈高中生生物学实验设计能力的培养.  相似文献   

The learning of English tenses and verbs is obviously the major and challenging part of second language learning and acquisition for Chinese students. The paper analyzes the features of simple present tense, simple past tense and verbs in them from the aspect of Sidney Greenbaum and Randolph Quirk's student grammar book as an instructive example. It is suggested that, it be meaningful and practical if the grammar rules are reflected rather in sentences or contexts than in the formula. Some possible pedagogical activities and materials are recommended to make tedious grammar learning and teaching more understandable and interesting.  相似文献   

不同于传统的满堂灌、一言堂讲授型教学,混合教学模式更适合高水平人才研究生课堂教学的需要。由于混合教学模式的过程性、开放性、互动性等特点,使得整个教学过程充满变化,难以控制。适当地进行节点控制设计,及时反馈学生问题和信息,就能够确保研究生专业课堂教学有序、顺利、高效地进行。  相似文献   

The author has undergone a major shift in the way of teaching his undergraduate computer programming courses. In the classroom, the teacher's computer is connected to a splitter and a video projector that display the computer's screen to the entire class. Using this technology, the programming language itself is used live in class to help the students learn how to program. The students are learning in a context by far livelier than those of previous methods. Teaching computer programming is not achieved by lecturing and writing the program instructions on board or by displaying program instructions to the class on transparencies or slides of electronic presentations. With the implementation of student-centered approaches, the students migrated from the state of passive receivers to constructors of computer programming concepts. Students are coached to develop a sense of exploration, individuality and autonomous thinking. The enthusiasm for technology has been facilitating and supporting the learner-centered approach. Everyone in this approach is a learner, including the teacher.  相似文献   

"安全人机工程学"是核安全工程专业的专业基础平台核心课程之一,具有多学科交叉性和较强的工程应用性。该文按照复合型、创新型核安全工程专业人才培养目标以及注册核安全工程师的培养目标,结合我校核安全工程专业办学的思路及特色——以核为特色,设置核安全工程专业"安全人机工程学"课程的教学内容,并紧紧围绕核特色对该课程的教学方法进行了优化与创新。实践证明,通过将核特色内容引入课程教学,有针对性构建教学内容模块并施以核特色教学方法和手段,能很好地提升教学效果并有效激发学生的学习兴趣。  相似文献   

English as a foreign language has been a subject in middle school of China for years. Teachers and educators generation by generation have been trying to find an optimal method of teaching foreign language to help students master it better. After unceasing exploring, traditional teaching pattern has been im- proved and new teaching approaches appear such as Task-based language teaching and com- municative language teaching. However, what- ever teaching methods English teachers use in the class, they should not ignore the cultural input in English teaching. The successful and efficient English teaching should transform the single language teaching into the combination of language teaching and cultural teaching. The thesis is concerned with the significance of culture in English teaching. More specifically, some consideration will be given to the reasons and ways of teaching culture.  相似文献   

Education reforms in transitionalized world arose first against neo-classical education or "humanistic education" which resembled classical education in many respects, with the most concern being in both majority and minority of students. Besides, they resembled in that their effects force the instructors teach for the tests, to make the curriculums change to standard, to push the students to become the academic entrepreneurs, etc. Necessarily, the academic of the Faculty of Architecture and Planning in Thammasat University has been adjusted. Then, this quantitative in research approach focuses on educational management guidelines. The open-ended questionnaire and structural interview are main instruments. Percentage, mean, mode, standard deviation, F-test and Pearson-correlation were used for analyzing the data. The research finding reveals that the mainstream and the alternative aspects in the educational management guidelines concern with external factors such as the entrepreneurs' satisfaction, the standardization and the students' voices. The entrepreneurs' satisfaction relates to the general qualifications, identifications and abilities of the graduates under the trend of selecting between government universities and private universities in rate of 3:1. The standardization means new curriculum structure: 25% of general basic courses, 10%-I 5% of elective courses and 60%-65% of architectural program courses. The students' voice indicates the reduction on central control and standardized testing.  相似文献   

在教育资源紧张的背景下,"准小班"教学是我国高校小班授课改革普遍经历的阶段,探索适合准小班授课的教学模式是高校面临的新挑战和新机遇。国外成熟的Seminar教学模式适用于10~20人的小班规模,本文根据"准小班"课堂规模和本科课程特点,建立了Seminar教学与课堂讲授相结合的教学新模式,从课堂时间安排、教学内容、教学环节和考核方式等方面进行系统改进,为"准小班"教学改革提供了支持。  相似文献   

教育部于2013年启动了全国首届高校教师微课教学比赛,自此,微课教学理念的普及开始在我国高等院校拉开了序幕。基于参加首届微课比赛的制作,本文对工程类课程的微课教学进行了初步的探讨,通过选课内容、课堂设计、教学评价及发展方向这几个方面,详细阐述了微课的教学理念及应用前景。随着研究的不断深入,未来的微课教学会以更加规范化、专业化的形象出现在网络课堂。  相似文献   

Implementation of conceptual educational practice. It educational policy in designing curriculum details stands as a basis of is for sure involved time and space factors to become comprehensive and constructive, especially for teaching Islamic and Arabic studies within modern educational challenges where its uniqueness values in nature should be remained untouched, while its methodological approaches should be updated and dynamic in addressing the peculiarity of modem society increasingly. Consequently, it's application and implementation in needs of some re-activation and adjustment to become more effective, productive and relevant. Popular and authorizations beliefs regarding educational contain have resulted in de facto Islamic and Arabic studies which largely reflect politically, rather than academically, realistically and effectively. In such a situation, it is vital to analyze the development of these policies and their implementation at a higher education.  相似文献   

高中生物教学可运用程序数学理论中小步子原则,设计一系列的问题,逐步引导学生学习,获得知识的模式.这种教学模式可以充分体现学生的主体作用和教师的主导作用,并培养学生观察、阅读、分析、讨论、推理和判断能力.  相似文献   

This article discusses the teaching of life skills to urban American youths who are highly fascinated with the hip-hop culture--songs, raps, miming, lyrics, dressing and musical rhythms, especially individuals with emotional disabilities in the public schools. This is an instructional curriculum strategy to encourage positive and active participation of these students, promote perfect school attendance, encourage good behaviors, deal with anger management and motivate committed learning in the classroom. The instructors' understanding of students' culture, learning needs and styles, and using such background knowledge to educate them become imperative in this setting. These urge for innovative and leadership projects in the author's special education classroom necessitated the application of hip-hop music to teach life skills, reading and other functional skills in the classroom. The outcome was positive and rewarding to both the teachers and students. There are recommendations for interested teachers to devise creative teaching methods, differentiated instruction and appropriate classroom management practices to attain student achievement.  相似文献   

Ten teachers, from preschool to secondary school have tried out puppets as a stimulus in science lessons. Data were gathered by teachers answering a questionnaire and by interviewing the teachers. We report what teachers have experienced by using puppets in science classrooms and in science activities in preschools. Data indicate that the puppet can be used to stimulate science both in preschool, primary school and secondary school. Probably the puppet must be used in different ways in preschool and primary school than in secondary school to get the pupils to accept them. This pilot study has given us courage and ideas to start a following-up study in using puppets in science.  相似文献   

通过对福建省14所农村学校高中学生的问卷调查,就农村高中生的体育行为等方面进行了调查分析;并在此基础上对我省高中体育的指导思想和体育教学形式进行了反思,提出了以学生为本设计高中体育课教学形式的观点.  相似文献   

The South East European University (SEEU) was founded in 2001 as a non-profit university established by co-operation between OSCE, USAID, the European Commission and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia (or FYROM) as a contribution towards conflict prevention. There has been a gradual transition from a centrally managed project to a modern form of organisation and governance attracting favourable comment from OECD-IMHE and the EUA. In 2008, SEEU was granted by the Parliament of Macedonia the status of public-private, non-profit university, the first in the region, reflecting its emphasis on working in the public interest. The paper illustrates the different stages of the transition, the problems encountered along the way, and suggests lessons to be learned in implementing similar initiatives elsewhere.  相似文献   

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