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采用文献资料、录像观察、逻辑分析和数理统计等方法,对2004-2006三届网球大师杯14场单打比赛15名选手首末盘比赛的发球战术运用情况进行比较分析,并揭示世界优秀网球单打选手首末盘发球战术及效果的变化特点和规律,旨在为我国网球的科学训练和教学提供依据。  相似文献   

总结网球的发球技术和战术,在此基础上,深化研究发球技术理论体系对于网球技术的影响,指导网球实践技术活动。在发球技术环节的传统相关理论研究基础上,重点从更新和深化相关内涵,丰富相关网球发球理论体系。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、观察法和比较分析法等,分别对我国女子优秀选手和国外女子优秀选手比赛中的发球进行观察统计,对她们发球技术特点进行比较分析,找出我国选手的优势与不足,旨在为我国女子网球发球水平的提高提供理论依据。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、影像分析法、数理统计法,对世界优秀网球运动员在2009年澳大利亚网球公开赛中的每个发球所在区域的落点进行统计分析,归结出世界优秀网球运动员发球落点的区域分布规律,旨在为推动网球发球技术和质量的提高以及为网球运动员和广大网球爱好者提供参考依据。  相似文献   

目的通过对四大满贯1/8决赛至决赛共43场比赛,对运动员发球速度、角度、进球个数和得分个数的相关数据进行收集整理。方法通过文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法、逻辑分析发等方法进行统计分析,对优秀男子网球选手发球速度、角度、得分率进行研究。结果一发平均速度大于与二发平均速度存在显著性差异,一发外角和内角速度无显著性差异而与中间存在显著性差异,二发速度与角度无显著性差异。一发外角得分率和内角得分率大于中间得分率存在显著性差异,二发得分率不同的区域和角度均无显著性差异。从发球数量上看,不同区域一发发球角度优先选择外角和内角,二发平分区首先选择外角,二发占先区发球首先选择中间角度。结论网球发球不同的落点、速度和得分率直接影响发球的效果,快速的发球速度可以提高发球得分率。  相似文献   

目的:网球比赛发球站位基本包括上步式站位(foot-up,FU站位)和分腿式站位(foot-back,FB站位)两大类,而用哪一类站位动作发球效果更好,在国内外网球界有歧说。通过在比赛现场高速摄像,经3D解析结合VR技术对世界优秀男子网球运动员不同站位发球技术的运动学对比分析。方法:在2018年成都网球公开赛比赛现场应用高速录像拍摄决赛,选取冠军托米奇(FU站位)、亚军弗格尼尼(FB站位)各7次发球动作技术三维解析,获得运动学参数,导入VR技术系统进行对比分析。结果:托米奇采用FU站位发球开始右脚上步,人体获得动能通过下肢制动转化为下肢肌肉弹性势能储存起来,紧接着起跳再释放,获得较大的地面垂直反作用力,增加身体重心垂直位移的高度。同时,抛球离手速度较快。托米奇在向后引拍阶段用时较短,右髋角速度更快,有利于增加下肢向击球方向的转动速度以及起跳速度。不仅获得了更合理的击球高度,而且球拍触球时刻各关节速度均快于弗格尼尼,使鞭打击球动作更连贯。同时,球最高点与击球点的垂直距离更小,使击球高度的稳定性更高。在挥拍触球时刻,弗格尼尼击球点多数更靠前,球拍击球点在甜区上缘。托米奇击球点在甜区,比弗格...  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、对比分析法、录像观察法、数理统计法、专家访谈法等研究方法,对2010年澳大利亚网球公开赛中的女子单打八强的发球技战术特征进行了统计和对比分析,找出中国选手与国外优秀女子网球运动员发球技战术特征的不同之处,发现其优势和不足。  相似文献   

通过对1994年全国网球沙龙赛(沈阳站)40名参赛选手发球技术及其效果的统计分析,认为要增强发球的攻击性,应该从增加击球力量、控制球的落点和加大球的旋转等几方面加强训练。  相似文献   

前言:战术:进行战斗的原则和方法。研究带有局部性的战争指导规律,是战术学的任务。战术是一种综合运用技术、心理和身体素质的方法,在乒乓球比赛中,为扬长避短,以争取胜利而有目的地使用各种技术的方法叫做乒乓球战术,其目的就是乒乓球运动员为争取比赛胜利。乒乓球的战术一般是由两种或两种以上的单项技术结合运用而构成,在特殊情况下,一种单项技术也可构成战术,故乒乓球的技术是战术的基础。  相似文献   

优秀网球运动员发球技术特征分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用计算机技术及CAI软件功能,并结合生物力学原理,研究、解析桑普拉斯和阿加西发球技术的主要特征所在,包括完成发球技术动作的时间特征;抛球与过渡阶段技术环节主要特征;向后、向前挥拍阶段动作技术特征;从理论上和实践中分析其优势特征的合理性、实效性.主要结论:桑普拉斯和阿加西两人发球时,抛球技术动作连贯、稳定、位置准确、抛球落差小、抛球臂肌肉感觉精细,向后、向前挥拍时间短,充分合理地运用了躯干侧弓、背弓、下肢肌群转动用力及上肢挥臂旋内动作,使发球动作过程,肌肉工作群协调有力,从而形成了发球技术动作时间短、速度快、力量大、落点刁的效果.  相似文献   

世界优秀乒乓球女子双打选手李恩实/石恩美(韩国)近年来在世界大赛保持着较好的战绩,是中国乒乓球队女双的头号劲敌。通过对她们的发球、发球抢攻、接发球段和相持段的技、战术特点进行分析,以期为中国乒乓球女双备战国际大赛提供参考。  相似文献   

Enhancing the understanding of coordination and variability in the tennis serve may be of interest to coaches as they work with players to improve performance. The current study examined coordinated joint rotations and variability in the lower limbs, trunk, serving arm and ball location in the elite female tennis serve. Pre-pubescent, pubescent and adult players performed maximal effort flat serves while a 22-camera 500 Hz motion analysis system captured three-dimensional body kinematics. Coordinated joint rotations in the lower limbs and trunk appeared most consistent at the time players left the ground, suggesting that they coordinate the proximal elements of the kinematic chain to ensure that they leave the ground at a consistent time, in a consistent posture. Variability in the two degrees of freedom at the elbow became significantly greater closer to impact in adults, possibly illustrating the mechanical adjustments (compensation) these players employed to manage the changing impact location from serve to serve. Despite the variable ball toss, the temporal composition of the serve was highly consistent and supports previous assertions that players use the location of the ball to regulate their movement. Future work should consider these associations in other populations, while coaches may use the current findings to improve female serve performance.  相似文献   

Tennis courts are normally classified as fast or slow depending on whether the coefficient of sliding friction (COF) between the ball and the surface is respectively small or large. This classification is based on the fact that the change in horizontal ball speed is directly proportional to the COF if the ball is incident at a small angle to the horizontal. At angles of incidence greater than about 16° it is commonly assumed that the ball will roll during the bounce, in which case one can show that the ratio of the horizontal speed after the bounce to that before the bounce will be 0.645 regardless of the angle of incidence or the speed of the court. Measurements are presented showing that (a) at high angles of incidence, tennis balls grip or ‘bite’ the court but they do not roll during the bounce, (b) the bounce:speed ratio can be as low as 0.4 on some courts and (c) the normal reaction force acts through a point ahead of the centre of mass. An interesting consequence is that, if court A is faster than court B at low angles of incidence, then A is not necessarily faster than B at high angles of incidence. An exception is a clay court which remains slow at all angles of incidence. The measurements also show that the coefficient of restitution for a tennis ball can be as high as 0.9 for an oblique bounce on a slow court, meaning that the ball bounces like a superball in the vertical direction and that slow courts are fast in the vertical direction.  相似文献   

Morphology of the deltoid muscles in elite tennis players   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to examine the deltoid muscle properties of the dominant and non-dominant arm of Greek professional male tennis players. Eight male tennis players (mean age 22.0 years, s = 3.2) were subjected to biopsy of the deltoid muscle of both arms. Adenosine triphosphate (ATPase) histochemistry and myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition were performed on the samples with homogenate electrophoresis. No significant differences were observed in the percentage of types I, IIa, IIab, and IIb muscle fibres between the deltoid muscles of the two arms. Types I, IIa, and IIx muscle fibres of the dominant and non-dominant deltoid muscles did not differ significantly for MHC isoform composition. Type IIab muscle fibres showed a similar cross-sectional area (CSA) percentage distribution between the two arms. The CSA percentage for types I, IIa, and IIb muscle fibers did not differ significantly between the dominant and the non-dominant arm. We conclude therefore that regular tennis training probably does not lead to any significant changes in the muscle fibre types of the dominant and non-dominant arms of elite tennis players.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to examine the deltoid muscle properties of the dominant and non-dominant arm of Greek professional male tennis players. Eight male tennis players (mean age 22.0 years, s = 3.2) were subjected to biopsy of the deltoid muscle of both arms. Adenosine triphosphate (ATPase) histochemistry and myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition were performed on the samples with homogenate electrophoresis. No significant differences were observed in the percentage of types I, IIa, IIab, and IIb muscle fibres between the deltoid muscles of the two arms. Types I, IIa, and IIx muscle fibres of the dominant and non-dominant deltoid muscles did not differ significantly for MHC isoform composition. Type IIab muscle fibres showed a similar cross-sectional area (CSA) percentage distribution between the two arms. The CSA percentage for types I, IIa, and IIb muscle fibers did not differ significantly between the dominant and the non-dominant arm. We conclude therefore that regular tennis training probably does not lead to any significant changes in the muscle fibre types of the dominant and non-dominant arms of elite tennis players.  相似文献   

采用文献资料、调查等方法,分析了我国男子网球运动员培养现状,指出影响我国男子网球发展的因素主要有教练员数量少、质量较差;比赛缺乏渐进性、合理性;选材途径狭窄,后备人才缺乏"杀伤力";后备人才缺乏文化和社会的熏陶.提出我国优秀男子网球选手的培育思路是拓展选材途径:应吸收其他项目的优秀人才;制定和实施潜力评估体制和长期系统计划,男子职业化同国际接轨,帮助青少年更快成长;提高教练的业务素质和理论水平,注重运动员文化素养的提高.  相似文献   

对世界乒乓球运动发展的思考   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
解决当前世界乒乓球运动发展不平衡、乒乓球人口锐减、比赛观赏差等重大问题.关键是需要国际乒联改变原有的思维方式和观念,变"限制中国"为"世界学中国",并密切与中国合作,尽快地实施在中国建立世界乒乓球学校计划,充分发挥中国在世界乒乓球运动发展中的重要作用.与此同时,国际乒联应站在世界乒乓球战略发展的高度,去审视过去乒乓球赛制、规则、器材等方面改革的得与失,以科学务实的态度进行创新.  相似文献   


The physiological and perceptual demands together with match notation of a four-set tennis match were studied in two elite professional players during the preparation for the 2008 Davis Cup. The design of this case report is unique in that it is the first to describe the demands of prolonged match-play (197 min) over four sets in ecologically valid conditions. The variables measured before and after each set included blood lactate and glucose concentrations, body mass, and perception of effort. Stroke count for each rally and heart rate were recorded during each set while salivary cortisol concentration was determined before and after the match. The rally length decreased as the match progressed. The results showed significant physiological stress, with each player losing greater than 2.5% of body mass (as fluid) and having elevated salivary cortisol concentrations after the match. Heart rate and perception of effort were also increased following each set indicating increasing stress. However, blood lactate decreased following the fourth set while blood glucose was maintained. The results also suggest that elite players may adjust work rates or tactics to cope with the increased perception of effort. This report shows that four sets of tennis are associated with increasing stress and fatigue.  相似文献   

The objective was to systematically review the literature on risk factors and prevention programs for musculoskeletal injuries among tennis players. PubmedMedline, Embase, CINAHL, Cochrane, SportDiscus were searched up to February 2017. Experts in clinical and epidemiological medicine were contacted to obtain additional studies.

For risk factors, prospective cohort studies (n > 20) with a statistical analysis for injured and non-injured players were included and studies with a RCT design for prevention programs. Downs&Black checklist was assessed for risk of bias for risk factors. From a total of 4067 articles, five articles met our inclusion criteria for risk factors. No studies on effectiveness of prevention programs were identified. Quality of studies included varied from fair to excellent.

Best evidence synthesis revealed moderate evidence for previous injury regardless of body location in general and fewer years of tennis experience for the occurrence of upper extremity injuries. Moderate evidence was found for lower back injuries, a previous back injury, playing >6hours/week and low lateral flexion of the neck for risk factors. Limited evidence was found for male gender as a risk factor.

The risk factors identified can assist clinicians in developing prevention-strategies. Further studies should focus on risk factor evaluation in recreational adult tennis players.  相似文献   

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