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自湖南卫视《超级女声》取得巨大成功以来,各大电视台各类选秀节目层出不穷。日益复杂的比赛流程、多元的淘汰机制、复杂的评分组成等,似乎都在给观众呈现着公正公平的比赛。文章以2009年湖南卫视“快乐女声”为代表,以直播中的一些不可控因素为切入点,透析选秀节目中种种“不可控”下“可控”的本质。  相似文献   

邢锋萍 《海外英语》2012,(19):260-265
As is known to all in the translation field,the problem of translatability and untranslatability has been a long-debated is sue in the field of translation.And the phenomenon of untranslatability is especially prominent in translation of literary works.This paper tries to discuss,from theory and practice,the phenomenon of untranslatability and its compensation strategies in trans lation between Chinese and English.It is roughly divided into two parts,wherein the first part deals with the phenomenon of un translatability,explaining its causes and giving some examples,and the second part deals with the compensation strategies,intro ducing several methods of compensation and taking The Original of Laura written by the deceased Russian-American writer Nabokov as an example.With the development of intercultural communication in the world and the great efforts of translators,the untranslatable words today can be translatable tomorrow.  相似文献   

余兰 《海外英语》2012,(5):123-124
High education become more important in developing national and regional economy,universities are the main bases to create.This article focuses on a brief talk of the development of Chinese college education and the college English teaching.It gives a general pic ture for readers to display the facts of high education’s history and the college English teaching(an example of Guizhou province).  相似文献   

白易灵  刘玮 《海外英语》2014,(19):217-218,221
As a kind of linguistic style and a special being of market economy system, advertising has to be accordant to audience’s taste and the mass psychology. Thanks to the special application field, the feature of advertising variety has its own characteristic compared with other English varieties. This essay takes the“EOS-1Ds Mark Iliac”as an example and makes a thorough investigation on the English of advertising.  相似文献   

资源型城市为了更好地推进结构调整,转变粗放型经济增长方式和改善民众的基本生存和生活状态,以及民众的基本发展机会、基本发展能力和基本权益保护的状况,必须合理利用科学技术,发展循环经济,树立生态文明理念、可持续发展理念和熵减理念,与此同时,还要求政府能够提供相应的配套政策和广大民众的热心参与。因而,科技服务民生的政策路径选择研究是走新型工业化道路的重要手段和途径,是落实科学发展观的具体实践。  相似文献   

在十六大提出的执政“五大能力”中,总揽全局的能力最为重要,而它的基础是党对社会主要矛盾的正确把握,这可从执政史的三次大波动中得到证明。认识和解决社会主要矛盾,不能脱离社会基本矛盾的范围,应以人民的根本利益为中心,并依靠制度的力量。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of how students' reasoning about socioscientific issues is framed by three dynamics: societal structures, agency and how trust and security issues are handled. Examples from gene technology were used as the forum for interviews with 13 Swedish high-school students (year 11, age 17–18). A grid based on modalities from the societal structures described by Giddens was used to structure the analysis. The results illustrate how the participating students used both modalities for ‘Legitimation’ and ‘Domination’ to justify positions that accept or reject new technology. The analysis also showed how norms and knowledge can be used to justify opposing positions in relation to building trust in science and technology, or in democratic decisions expected to favour personal norms. Here, students accepted or rejected the authority of experts based on perceptions of the knowledge base that the authority was seen to be anchored in. Difficulty in discerning between material risks (reduced safety) and immaterial risks (loss of norms) was also found. These outcomes are used to draw attention to the educational challenges associated with students' using knowledge claims (Domination) to support norms (Legitimation) and how this is related to the development of a sense of agency in terms of sharing norms with experts or with laymen.  相似文献   


The imbalance in allocating high school educational resources within the county region has expanded the imbalances in local high school educational development. This has caused “diseconomies of scale” in high schools, aggravated the “expansion impulse” in building model high schools, limited the growth of effective demand by families for high school education, and restricted the expansion of the size of overall local high schools. Therefore, balancing the allocation of high school education resources, increasing investment and support for nonmodel high schools, canceling “model high schools,” and guiding all high schools onto the path of “running schools with features” is the necessary path for ensuring that Gansu high school education can develop continually and healthily.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on topics of love,hate and death in Wuthering Heights. Love and hate are two aspects of conflict,which results in the death of two lovers. Love represents the lovers' union and peace,while hate stands for the lovers' separation. Death,which means the storm between the two lovers is gone and peace returns,symbolizes their re-union with love.  相似文献   

As English teaching shifts the focus from"How to teach"to"How to learn",the study on learning anxiety has been gradually developed and deepened.Besides,college entrance examination reform is the largest move in education in recent years.This study aims at knowing the current situation of English learning anxiety of senior high students under test reform and its relationships with factors like gender,grade,personality,English efficiency as well as the influence of English test reform.  相似文献   

许多中外作家都是修辞方面的专家,他们通常借用一种具体的事物来象征一类人、一种精神或其他.著名的中国女作家舒婷曾写了一首诗《致橡树》,这首诗借用橡树和木棉描述了一对恋人.美国著名的女作家米切尔写了小说《飘》,她在书里向我们展示了两对恋人:维希礼和媚兰;瑞德和斯佳丽,这两对恋人是橡树和木棉在《飘》中的情感再现。  相似文献   

全球化背景下,涉外酒店接待的外国客人越来越多,对员工的英语水平和酒店的英语培训工作提出了更高的要求.笔者对无锡地区高星级酒店客房部的英语培训状况作了调查,了解无锡地区高星级酒店员工的英语水平和对酒店当前的英语培训的满意程度,分析了目前存在的问题,并提出了合理安排培训时间、进行多形式多层次的培训和考核、采取有效的奖惩措施等建议.  相似文献   

教学评估是教学管理的重要手段,在教学质量保障中发挥着重要的作用.本文分析了独立学院开展内部教学评估的意义和应该遵循的原则,以杭州师范大学钱江学院为个案,分析了当前独立学院内部教学评估存在的不足,并提出了相应的解决对策,以期建立适合独立学院内部教学评估体系,提高教育教学质量.  相似文献   

In this article,we have made a deep research on existing problems and solving strategies of English listening teaching in junior high school,the goal of which is to improve the English listening teaching in the future.  相似文献   

To better carry out English Language teaching,freshmen of Turfan Vocational and Technical Colleges of 2019 Vocational College of Nursing are taken as the research objective.By understanding the current situation of students'learning,we can provide a practical basis for targeted English Language teaching and provide directions for future teaching of the language.  相似文献   

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