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A variety of standards organizations are moving toward a single set of standards to be used worldwide for electronic communication of business transactions in the publishing industry. Sandra K. Paul is president of SKP Associates, past chairperson of the National Information Standards Organization, past chairperson, secretary, and subcommittee chair of BISAC, and treasurer of SISAC. She is also chairman of the ANSI Information Systems Standards Board.  相似文献   

Sandra Paul discusses the impact of new technologies on book distribution. Standards such as the ISBN and ISSN have simplified computer-based communication and will facilitate the use of machine-readable codes for books and serials, which can speed up and make more accurate not only publisher-customer transactions but also warehousing and shipping. Sandra K. Paul is president of SKP Associates, past chairperson of the National Information Standards Organization, past chairperson, secretary, and subcommittee chair of BISAC, and treasurer of SISAC.  相似文献   

Paul Evan Peters begins his discussion of library standards with a convincing argument that the acceptance by librarians of the need for order and standards is not a character flaw. Rather, in promoting the use of standards, librarians are efficiently forwarding their missions to build and organize collections and to make them accessible to their clients. Pointing out the economic realities of contemporary libraries, Peters further argues that standards are appealing because they help librarians to control costs. Paul Evan Peters, systems coordinator for the New York Public Library, is vice chairperson of the National Information Standards Organization and principal representative of the American Library Association to Accredited Standards Committee X3 (Information Processing Systems). Address for correspondence.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探讨美国图书馆需求驱动采购(DDA)的标准化发展,介绍美国国家信息标准协会(NISO)出版的《图书的需求驱动采购推荐实施规范》(NISO DDA),为中国图书馆DDA标准化建设提供参考。[方法/过程]通过文献考察,介绍NISO DDA产生的背景、规范的制定过程、规范的要素、作用以及NISO DDA应用中面临的挑战。[结果/结论]NISO DDA为DDA走向标准化和可持续发展奠定了基础。它对保护图书馆、出版商、经销商、电子图书数据库集成商等各利益相关者的利益,以及对各方在合作共赢的基础上规范化采纳推广DDA提供指南并起到积极的作用。同时,DDA的可持续发展继续面临着挑战。图书出版链中的各利益相关者仍然为DDA的可持续发展及标准化建设积极探索。  相似文献   

Four standards and best practices recently released or currently underway at the National Information Standards Organization were presented: Knowledge Bases and Related Tools, Presentation and Identification of E-Journals, Open Discovery Initiative, and Open Access Metadata Indicators. Basics outlining the creation work and deliverables were shared for each project. Applicability of these standards and best practices for different stakeholders of the information community were discussed.  相似文献   

Seven years after the Digital Library Foundation's (DLF) pioneering 2004 Electronic Resources Management Initiative (ERMI) report, challenges with electronic resource management (ERM) system implementation, interoperability, management, and workflow issues remain. In 2009 the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) formed the ERM Data Standards and Best Practices Review Steering Committee to undertake a gap analysis of ERM-related data, standards, and best practices with current and future e-resources management needs in mind. In this session a member of the Steering Committee presented an overview of the project and focused on initial results of the review, including mappings from the DLF ERMI data dictionary to a range of other current standards and best practices. This presentation was based on the draft of an unpublished discussion paper authored by the members of the NISO ERM Data Standards and Best Practices Review Steering Committee.  相似文献   

Yes you can, but you don’t have to eat only fish! All you have to do is follow the progress of the Protocol for Exchanging Serial Content (PESC) Working Group. The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) charged this group with delivering a recommended practice that will improve the interactions among libraries, archives, indexing services, content aggregators, publishers, and content creators, all needing to exchange serial data and work with digital files of serials. It will help them process a wide range of files that may be text based, image based, text with images, or some other combination, coded in a variety of file formats such as XML, EPUB, HTML, PDF, or ONIX. Laurie Kaplan discussed the PESC Working Group’s approach to this challenge.  相似文献   

Digital technology has authors in a rundown. While Internet users question whether copyright has a place in the National Information Infrastructure, print publishers are insisting on acquiring from authors rights to all electronic media, known or unknown, whether now existing or yet to be developed. Contrary to the intent of copyright law, publishers are not offering additional compensation for tying up these rights. The solution, says the Authors League of America, lies in adopting the proposals of the Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights and in taking a further step: rendering rights to unknown media inalienable. Paul Aiken, representing the Authors League of America, presented a version of this article to the Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights of the White House Information Infrastructure Task Force in September 1994 as commentary on the preliminary draft of the Working Group’s report.  相似文献   

This article examines the complicated process of journal title transfers in the electronic environment. A detailed look at summary title transfer data from the past two years outlines the untimely nature of the title transfer process. Also addressed are how two National Information Standards Organization (NISO)/United Kingdom Serials Group (UKSG) Working Groups, Knowledge Bases and Related Tools (KBART) and Transfer, are working to address some of the problems and streamline the process. Last, an automated and standardized method by which electronic holdings data could be processed is proposed for future work.  相似文献   

Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) is the key to automating the harvesting of Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources (COUNTER) usage statistics. Whether librarians are aware of it or not, SUSHI is a critical standard for measuring and monitoring the use of library online collections, eliminating hours of painstaking effort that would otherwise be required to locate, retrieve, and load usage reports. However, needs are evolving and standards like SUSHI need to evolve too. In this column I will examine some of the challenges facing SUSHI and how the National Information Standards Organization SUSHI Standing Committee is proactively addressing the challenges with its effort to develop a more flexible and easier-to-implement version of SUSHI.  相似文献   

Chapter 8     
PIE-J [Presentation and Identification of E-Journals] is a set of developing National Information Standards Organization–recommended practices that tries to resolve some of the “pain points” associated with electronic journals. Regina Reynolds, at the Mississippi State University Libraries eResource & Emerging Technologies Summit in August 2012, presented these pain points and the attempts of PIE-J to overcome the obstacles.  相似文献   

For many years, standards have been important considerations in the Federal government's policies for the use of information technology. The Computer Systems Laboratory (CSL) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology develops and issues technical standards that are used by the Federal government in its information technology systems. The new Federal initiative for the National Information Infrastructure (NII) and the National Performance Review (NPR) make information technology an agent for change and emphasize standards as a means for achieving connectivity of computer and telecommunications technologies and for easy access to information. The Federal government will be challenged to address the technical, organizational, and policy issues that affect the development of the standards needed for future information systems.  相似文献   

文章解读美国国家信息标准协会(NISO)制定的贡献者角色分类(CRediT)标准,分析中外学术期刊标注“作者贡献声明”的实例,揭示从研究到论文出版各个阶段研究者的贡献角色及其分工。建议学术期刊通过实行贡献者角色分类,明确论文署名作者的实际贡献并承担相应的署名诚信责任,促进科研诚信良性循环。  相似文献   

E-books play an important role in library collections; however, the sheer number of books and the nature of access models, such as limited simultaneous use, create some significant challenges for their discovery and access. For this column we asked Nettie Lagace from the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) to tell us about some of the work NISO has been doing in this area and highlight some of the initiatives designed to provide more interoperability among parties in the e-book supply chain.  相似文献   

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO), in partnership with the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP), released a Recommended Practice entitled Journal Article Versions (JAV): Recommendations of the NISO/ALPSP JAV Technical Working Group on 23 June 2008. The article describes the background to this work, some of the key decisions made regarding scope, and the recommended nomenclature and definitions. It also refers to other work in this area.  相似文献   


Key points

  • Our collective authorship and publishing practices do not always end up ensuring that scholarly content is discoverable by readers.
  • Readers of all kinds rely on a variety of ‘discovery pathways’, such as search engines, library systems, and various electronic links, some of which are blind to the content they desire.
  • Efforts over the years to improve content discoverability have made great progress, but an increasing amount of freely available content brings up new issues.
  • The National Information Standards Organization (NISO)’s Discovery to Delivery (D2D) Topic Committee has developed a grid comparing various ways in which content is shared with various ways in which users discover such content.
  • This article brings to light a few of the current obstacles and opportunities for innovation by publishers, aggregators, search engines, and library systems, and invites Learned Publishing readers to step up and identify others.

The National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) Council for the Advancement of Standards (CAS) provides program guidelines for student learning and development outcomes. These recommended academic advising guidelines parallel those of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Information Literacy Competency Standards For Higher Education. Both standards focus on student behaviors and outcomes in higher education. The parallels that exist between academic advising and academic librarianship are confirmed by the case study described in this paper, in which an academic librarian served as an undergraduate academic advisor for one year.  相似文献   

As the activities and markets of publishers are increasingly internationalized, it becomes vital to understand the process of developing standards that are accepted throughout the world. Patricia Harris describes the procedures used by the International Organization for Standardization to develop such standards, using as examples the development of the ISBN and the ISSN. She then discusses some of the international standards now being developed and offers some predictions about future trends in international standards.  相似文献   

Establishing Suggested Practices Regarding Single Sign-On (ESPReSSO) is an initiative of the National Information Standards Organization (NISO), which is developing a set of recommended practices for the authentication of authorized users to licensed external resources utilizing single sign-on (SSO) technologies. One benefit of SSO authentication is that it significantly reduces the need for IP range management for individual institutions and service providers. The ESPReSSO working group recommendations are intended to facilitate the adoption of SSO authentication for both individual institutions and service providers in order to improve the overall user experience.  相似文献   

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