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高校的选课管理模式多样,一般是以学生为主体,按照可选范围和处理机制不同形成不同选课模式。在学分制教学模式下产生的选课制综合了学生的课程特点和学习需求,在高校中广泛实行。文章主要讨论学分制下高校选课管理的方法和特点以及尚且存在的问题。  相似文献   

学分制下学分绩点的度量探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学分制是以选课为基础,以学分为单位计算学生的学习量,以累计平均学分绩点为尺度衡量学生的学业成绩的一种教学管理制度,因此,选课、学分、学分绩点制是构成学分制的三大要素。其中,学分绩点制用以显示学生每门学科学习成绩的质量,以及学  相似文献   

选课制是学分制建立的前提与基础,选课制执行的好坏直接影响着学分制实施的效果,直接影响着学生的综合能力的培养.本文分析了选课体系存在的培养方案、学校资源、学生教师的认识和管理机制等问题,并提出了应对的方法与策略.  相似文献   

高校推行学分制改革探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为衡量学生学习量的教学管理制度,学分制以选课为核心,以目标管理为动力,以学生自由选课、弹性学制、导师制及主辅修等作为主要特点,在教学过程中,能够体现以学生为本,促进学生个性发展,培养创新能力。学分制是当今各国高度教育的人才培养的主流模式,也是我国高等教育与国际接轨、提高教育质量的一种改革发展趋势。在结合国内外学分制教育现状的基础上分析学分制的内涵特点、实行学分制的意义、实施学分制的制约因素、学分制改革措施等问题,对于推进高校学分制改革,促进教育教学质量的全面提高具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

学分制是以学分作为计算学生学习量的单位,以选课制为基础的一种教学管理制度.本文分析了学分制的历史演变与特点,从学年制与学分制的对比和现代社会对人才的需求变化中指出我国当前实施学分制的必要性.阐明了高校实施学分制的原则要求和运行机制.  相似文献   

学分制是以学分作为计算学生学习量的单位,以选课制为基础的一种教学管理制度。本文分析了学分制的历史演变与特点,从学年制与学分制的对比和现代社会对人才的需求变化中指出我国当前实施学分制的必要性。阐明了高校实施学分制的原则要求和运行机制。  相似文献   

选课制是学分制的核心和灵魂,学生是选课的主体,学生选课效果将影响学分制的深入发展。因此,该研究以400名学生为调查对象,对制约农林院校学生选课效果的因素从学生对本专业教学指南的熟悉程度、学分制认知程度、学生选课行为等进行了调研,提出了却皇苎蔓.奠硅謦,哗期为冬揸院校进一步完善学分制提供参考。  相似文献   

选课制作为学分制的核心,选课制实行的好坏直接关系到学分制教学模式是否能够稳定运行。本文以某高校学分制前提下学生选课存在的问题为例,分析选课问题的实质,探索其解决方案。  相似文献   

高校完善学分制探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国高校试行学分制已经多年,但至今许多高校仍停留在学年学分制的基准上,因而不能满足学生自主学习的要求,也不能适应就业市场的需要。本文在分析目前高校实施学分制现状的基础上,着重对建立并落实选课制、选教制和导师制等配套措施进行探讨。  相似文献   

中美高校学分制与选课制关系的历史考察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选课制由德国引入美国大学,选课制的扩大又促进美国大学学分制的形成和发展。我国近代以来的大学教学管理制度是在学分制与选课制的相互作用中不断发展起来的,处理好学分制与选课制二者的关系同样是21世纪初我国高校学分制改革面临的突出问题。  相似文献   

This paper proposes that the ideas of political philosopher John Rawls could be adapted to offer a new starting point for a pedagogy of religious education (RE) in the non‐denominational sector. It is argued that contemporary approaches to RE may infringe the liberal principle of freedom of belief by favouring certain methods of interpreting religions. In response to this criticism, it is suggested that teachers can construct a just and fair pedagogy, which is truly liberal in its assumptions, by following a procedure similar to that advocated by Rawls. Readers are invited to don a ‘veil of ignorance’ and imagine that from this perspective they are to enter into a hypothetical contract outlining the founding principles of a pedagogical approach. It is argued that those entering into such a contract would opt for a form of critical RE not dissimilar to Wright’s that aims to present religions and competing ideologies without distortion. It is hoped that this hypothetical contract can thus characterise and legitimise the first principles of a truly liberal RE, and provide a convenient conceptual apparatus that eliminates bias and promotes balance.  相似文献   

Could anyone reasonably oppose the idea that quality and excellence are essential to the university? However unlikely it seems, that is exactly what we would like to do in this article: we would like to reject the demand for quality and excellence in the university. We would like to arrive at a point at where the need for quality is no longer necessary. In this article, such a refusal will direct us to a proposal for using the spaces offered by the university and its teaching and research in a different way; in a way that transforms the university into a world university. This paper will argue that a world university is concentrated around attentive pools of worldly study. It is a university that has to invent new languages in order to answer the question “How can we live together?” In order to answer this question, and to be “present in the present,” we will clarify our argument that both acceptance and attention are needed in the world university. This position implies a kind of curiosity that is not driven by the “will to know” but by a caring attitude to what is happening now.  相似文献   

Contextual influences: building brand community in large and small colleges   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This research extends recent efforts that have introduced and empirically tested a conceptual model of brand community in the context of higher education. This emerging literature has indicated that brand community provides a framework that can inform and guide marketing investments in ways that lead to affinity and stronger loyalty to the brand and institution. This paper presents the results of a national survey that examines the potential impact that institutional size may have on the relationships of an alumni brand community. This paper also explores the implications of the size of the educational institution on relevant and desired marketing outcomes that include the willingness to recommend the university to friends and family and a desire to purchase licensed apparel.  相似文献   

This article describes a journey of exploration in which I take a hitherto unexamined aspect of my teaching practice, the use of disruption, and subject it to interrogation. The journey is an exercise in auto‐ethnographic research in that I am my own subject, located within the context of the classroom. My purpose is to surface the beliefs that underpin this pedagogic strategy and to locate it within theories of teaching and learning in higher education, so that that which is known but not yet thought becomes available for reflection and challenge. The article is structured in such a way as to trace the thought processes that shaped the direction of the journey; it follows a logic dictated by the heuristics of recognition and association. Throughout the journey I draw on students’ reflective reports to illustrate my conclusions that disruption is a metaphorical strategy that uses associative logic to promote transformations in students’ underlying belief systems and is an artefact of a relativist ontology. It assumes a political stance about the challenging of power relationships and of collusion. I conclude by identifying some ethical issues that are raised by this teaching strategy. I highlight the importance of a relationship of trust between teacher and student that is based on a shared commitment to each other’s potentiality.  相似文献   

The Whole Education National Network is a dynamic national not-for-profit partnership of schools and organisations that believe that all children and young people are entitled to an education that supports the development of wider skills, qualities and characteristics to enable them to thrive in life, learning and work, as well as conventional academic achievement. The article outlines the background to the development of the growing network of some 150 schools plus partner organisations and its core aims. It then considers what the Network is achieving and what it is learning about its approach as it grows. It offers and is seeking to embed and sustain an approach to school development that is ‘values-led, evidence-informed and impact-focused’. It is also predicated on a commitment to and belief in peer-to-peer collaboration, inspired and encouraged by the work of leading academics, thinkers and practitioners. Whole Education is also a response to what many observers and commentators identify as a weakness of the English and many other systems: the gap between the outcomes achieved by the more disadvantaged and other students. Part of its moral purpose is to help to narrow that gap, underpinned by a belief that focusing on immediate outcomes and test scores is not enough on its own. The Network operates in the belief that it will only be through the commitment to an entitlement to a ‘whole education for all’ that any school or system will truly narrow the gap and make a real difference to the life-chances of all young people. School leaders and schools that have gravitated towards Whole Education seek like minds to share and, more importantly, develop both their thinking and strategies employed to help achieve their goals. At the heart of the change model underpinning Whole Education is the development of effective communities of practice that develop professional capital and unleash the creativity of teachers. Creating, embedding and sustaining a national self-funded school-led network committed to achieving longer-term aspirations rather than immediate needs is both inspiring and challenging. The pressure to respond to short-term targets in terms of student outcomes and accountability pressures has meant that the energy and resource tend to be focused on the immediate rather than the medium- or longer-term needs. Whole Education provides a powerful example of how schools that share common aspirations can seize the agenda, have real impact on students and demonstrate the potential of a self-improving school system.  相似文献   

This paper is based upon detailed research over a two‐year period into primary school teachers' attitudes and approaches to bullying. All the teaching staff in a single school contributed to the research and they were thoughtful and reflective in their engagement with the research. The project focuses on the key issue of how teachers define bullying and begins with a consideration of factors that might influence their definition before moving on to develop a framework of key concepts that inform definitions and the problems that emerge from that framework. Teachers' own understanding and the differing forms of definition that developed are discussed. What emerges is a picture of a shared vocabulary and a strong personal understanding about what is meant by ‘bullying’, but little consensus is evident. It leads to a conclusion that endorses the importance of shared understanding amongst the professionals within an institution, and those who work alongside them, that are often called upon to resolve bullying issues.  相似文献   

With the marketization of UK higher education, this paper develops a framework from services marketing that can assist universities in understanding what market orientation means and how students would value their offerings. Our study shows that the core service in a university experience is a learning experience that is cocreated and that the value is emergent, unstructured, interactive, uncertain, with a hedonic dimension. Our paper modifies the gap model of service quality to show that an ideological gap exists that may also impede the quality of the university experience. We propose that a one-sided expectation by students leads to student consumerism and disengagement. Paradoxically, we show that a true student-orientated marketing puts the university ideology at the center of marketing efforts and that marketing may well be an effective tool to communicate such ideologies.  相似文献   

和谐:可持续发展的理论基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
和谐是可持续发展的理论基础。人与自然的和谐是可持续发展的前提,人与人的和谐是可持续发展的关键。实施可持续发展战略,需协调好经济发展与环境保护、经济发展与社会进步、一国利益与人类整体利益的关系,使生态、经济和社会和谐发展。  相似文献   

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