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知识论问题是教育管理研究的一个基本问题。文章在简要地介绍了西方主观主义教育管理理论的形成及其主要观点并稍作评析之后,进而分析了其赖以建构的知识论基础。  相似文献   

主体教育管理理论出现于20世纪90年代的中国,发展至今,己经形成了一个比较完整的教育管理学的理论体系。尽管它在某些具体的方面也许还比不上科学主义、人文主义和自然连贯主义的教育管理理论,但是它具备发展成为最具科学性的教育管理理论的可能性。所以,本文根据马克思主义实践知识论的基本要求,针对当前主体教育管理理论的不足之处,提出了主体教育管理理论的一些新的发展方向。  相似文献   

文章论述了女性主义教育学的兴起及其对传统知识论的挑战,认为女性主义教育学对知识论作出了创新性的贡献,并指出具有创新意义的女性主义教育学知识论具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

朱熹知识论的建构,是在一定的社会和学术文化背景下,应对时代问题而作出的思考与探索。其目标在于将世人从佛老虚幻的边缘拉回现实世界,同时促进儒学发展、实现儒学知识论的正常发展。探讨朱熹知识论建构的学术文化背景,对于客观地认识朱熹知识论的内容构成、思想特点及其历史影响,具有重要的基础性意义。  相似文献   

陈向明  赵康 《教育研究》2012,(4):108-114
教师实践性知识的"知识"地位一直是一个颇具争议的问题。杜威的实用主义知识论在理论层面为教师实践性知识的"合理合法性"提供了支持。这种知识论视角超越了传统的心灵—世界二元知识论框架,在人类行动范畴中看知识,揭示了人类是不断变化的世界的参与者,而不是独立于意识之外的世界的旁观者。这种知识论认为知识源自探究,由认知性经验而获得,是关于行动及其导致的结果之间关系的知识,体现在教师身上是有关教育教学行动及其带来的结果之间的关系的"实践性知识",具有引导未来行动的功能。杜威关于知识的工具性观点,还在一定程度上化解了教师的理论性知识与实践性知识孰高孰低之争,因为二者都来自经验,并最终服务于实践,这也使得教师的"知性主动性"显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

生态理性视域中的伦理知识学建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管伦理学研究离不开特定的知识论背景,除少数著作外,却鲜见有对伦理知识论的系统探寻。为此,唐代兴教授近作《生存与幸福》试图在生态理性视域中建构伦理学知识论。该书一方面检讨了伦理学研究的生存根源、学科性质、生存论意蕴,及其核心范畴;另一方面审辨了生境伦理学的原初观念、普适性原则,及其基本方法。通过清基与奠基的双向运思,初步完成了生境伦理学的伦理知识建构。  相似文献   

我国正处于经济转型期,科学技术的飞速发展和经济全球化的新形势使当代大学生思想教育呈现出新特点,学生党员教育管理工作面临新的挑战。通过对经济转型期在校学生党员教育管理工作存在的问题进行系统梳理,在借鉴已有研究成果的基础上,对现阶段学生党员教育管理工作的有效性作出评价,分析了当前学生党员教育管理中存在的问题及其根源,并提出加强学生党员教育管理有效性的合理途径。  相似文献   

强德性知识论主张知识是一种成就,一种来自能力(德性)的成功,即“知识成就论题”。这个论题很好地解释了知识的价值及其根源。然而,它也让强德性知识论遭遇了两难困境:一方面,它太弱,会遭遇假谷仓等环境运气反例,表明有些成就不是知识;另一方面,它太强,会遭遇芝加哥等证言知识反例,表明有些知识不算成就。这个困境之所以成立依赖两个预设:1.知识与运气不相容;2.强德性知识论是一种个体主义知识论。文章采取“破立结合”的策略:对于运气问题,以破为主,否定知识与运气不相容。对于个体主义问题,以立为主,构建一种共同体主义的联合成就观。根据这种观点,与知觉知识不同,证言知识的认知成就主要体现在促进共同体的理智繁荣。  相似文献   

德性知识论发展至今,已涌现出一批具有创新精神的知识论哲学家,扎格泽博斯基更是个中翘楚。她将"德性"作为知识论的核心,对德性知识论进行发展,并提出范例主义德性理论。她试图解决德性知识论中存在的问题,尤其是来自怀疑主义对德性知识论整体的挑战,以便为知识寻找更为稳固的基础。尽管她并没有有效解决知识论的主要难题,但仍然不失为通向知识的希望之路做出新的探索。  相似文献   

探讨加强独立学院学生党员教育管理工作的重要性和必要性,对当前独立学院学生党员教育管理工作的现状及其存在的问题予以分析,提出加强和改进独立学院学生党员教育管理工作的对策,保证独立学院学生党员教育管理工作的顺利进行和健康发展。  相似文献   


Whereas epistemological debates raged in educational administration during the Theory Movement, or inspired by intervention from Thom Greenfield, Richard Bates or Colin Evers and Gabriele Lakomski, epistemology and the quest for the scientific study of educational administration has somewhat diminished in the era of managerialism and the pursuit of research that has a direct impact on practice. Theoretically informed by the work of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, I seek to re-engage with the epistemological preliminaries of scholarship in educational leadership, management and administration. In doing so, I argue that administration is central to our way of seeing the social world and raise questions about the embedded and embodied nature of the educational administration scholar and what this means for scholarship. A social ‘scientific’ approach to educational administration, as advocated for in this article, must break free of the ambition of grounding in (rational) reason, the arbitrary division of the social world (e.g. administrators/non-administrators) and instead, take for its object, rather than getting itself caught up in, the struggle for the monopoly of the legitimate representation of the social world.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is a critical reflection on the field of educational administration and its varied and often conflicting epistemologies. It is argued that the field of educational administration is a community of diverse epistemologies. Although epistemological heterogeneity has been persistently vilified by both theorists and pragmatists with their own discursive agendas, it is this precise environment of critical dialogue and diversity that is conducive to new frontiers in the field. A phenomenology of recognition is thus presented as a showcase for the possibility of approaching and expanding the field topically rather than treatise-like generalizations at the macro level, which are mostly dated discussions on philosophy of science. The principal value of the article is showing alternative pathways—not limited to the discussions about theory of recognition—to new frontiers in educational administration by demonstrating the possibility of thematic theory developments in the field and defending the diversity of existing epistemologies in the field as an asset rather than a liability for further development in the field.  相似文献   

本研究选取西藏地区353名中小学数学教师作为研究对象,通过问卷调查、访谈的方法,采用描述性统计、独立样本t检验和单因素方差分析等探索西藏中小学数学教师认识信念的现状和背景因素差异。研究发现:西藏中小学数学教师的数学认识信念总体上呈进步倾向,在教师自身认识信念上则存在显著的学校位置差异,并且职称对数学教师的数学认识信念、教龄对数学教师的学生信念、学历对数学教师的数学学习信念和数学教学信念均产生一定影响。  相似文献   

There has been brief but important discussion regarding the concepts of “oppression” and “anti-oppression” in the educational psychology professional practice literature. This article aims to both further and focus this discussion. In particular, the concept of “epistemological oppression” is introduced and the significance it has for the meaning-making and knowledge construction activities of educational psychology practice is explored. A conceptual application of two predominant theories of epistemological oppression, Standpoint Theory and the Three Levels of Epistemological Oppression theory, is made with regard to the psychological assessment of special educational needs (SEN). It is posited that as psychological assessment of SEN is fundamentally an epistemological endeavour these two theories provide a crucial framework through which educational psychologist (EPs) may base reflective practice in order to realise and ameliorate potential oppression. It is concluded that EPs have a responsibility to orient themselves toward the potential for epistemological oppression in their work and help towards its amelioration.  相似文献   

本文论述了在创新教育环境下根据现代教育理论、教育心理学、马克思的认识论等有关原理制作多媒体课件的基本原则。  相似文献   

This article summarizes and comments upon recent research on epistemological beliefs (i.e., beliefs about knowledge and knowing). I identify four emergent themes, outline directions for future research, and draw links between current theory and educational practice. The four themes pertain to the number relationship among, development, and measurement of epistemological beliefs. I address conceptual and methodological issues in future research. I also identify four educational implications: understanding teachers' beliefs, understanding students' beliefs, promoting critical thinking, and attempting to change teachers' and students' beliefs.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was administered to 231 Hong Kong preservice teacher education students to examine their epistemological beliefs and conceptions of learning. Pearson correlation analysis showed significant pairs of epistemological beliefs and conceptions of learning. Regression and path analysis showed epistemological beliefs had significant predictor relationships with conceptions of learning. Four structural equation models were proposed to examine the predictive relationships between epistemological beliefs and selected pairs of quantitative and qualitative conceptions of learning, and the models were validated by confirmatory factor analysis. The results support the hypothesis that epistemological beliefs have significant predictive relationships with quantitative and qualitative conceptions of learning, implying epistemological beliefs play an important role in students’ learning. The paper concludes with implications drawn for the future direction of educational practices and research.  相似文献   

This article examines the underlying problems of one particular perspective in educational theory that has recently gained momentum: the Wilfred Carr approach, which puts forward the premise that there is no theory in educational research and, consequently, it is a form of practice. The article highlights the scientific, epistemological and methodological assumptions inherent in such a view. The argument is developed as follows: first, it expounds what Carr understands by the methodology of action research and educational theory, setting out his distinctive view. Secondly, it explains that both Carr's underlying methodology, as well as his theoretical alternative, are based on a particular perspective on Social Science. Thirdly, it reveals Carr's epistemological assumptions and the resultant educational consequences.  相似文献   

Current critical pedagogical scholarship has theorized the epistemological and social intersection between globalization and educational technology according to two distinct positions. For some, this intersection offers new liberatory knowledges and opportunities that can subvert social homogenization and economic disparity. For others, this relationship is just another phase of neoimperialism that should be politically and ideologically resisted. In contrast, we argue that the intersection between globalization and educational technologies is rather a manifestation of larger economic and logical forces, and that resistance to such circumstances can neither be purely ideological or social. Instead, we contend that such a theoretical and pedagogical foreclosure dialectically actualizes conditions for real change—particularly when it complicates educational research technologies and their impact on epistemological multiplicity.  相似文献   

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