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女性主义神学研究的兴起与同一时期的女性主义运动、黑人神学以及拉美解放神学的兴起密切相关。女性主义神学研究的具体内容主要包括对基督教传统的批判和对基督教信仰的重塑,具有一定的积极意义。但女性主义神学研究也存在着过激之处,其在理论上的建树还比较欠缺。  相似文献   

The author argues that adolescents are not only philosophers, as Kohlberg and Gilligan once claimed, but should also be viewed as theologians. This view corresponds to what has been called “lay theology” or “ordinary theology.” Moreover, the article takes up the double question what adolescents might benefit from theology and what theology might benefit from adolescents. On this background, a systematic understanding of adolescents as theologians is offered, distinguishing between theology of adolescents, with adolescents, and for adolescents. In a final section, theological views concerning adolescence as a stage in the human lifecycle are discussed.  相似文献   

The article describes and discusses the theory and practice relationship that has taken place within teacher education and theological education by incorporating insights from various theologians and curriculum theorists. The article argues that both theology and education conceptualize the relationship between theory and practice in very similar ways and thus set the conditions under which potential interdisciplinary dialogue between theologians and educational theorists could begin by using transversal rationality.  相似文献   

In this reflection on Carolyn Parker’s article, I connect to my own professional work at the intersection of Latino education and science education as well as to my own personal interest in liberation theology. I use constructs central to liberation theology to indicate what a liberationist science might look like and push us, in doing so, to put learning, not teaching, at the center of our efforts.  相似文献   

詹姆斯借助潜意识理论阐释宗教经验现象,认为心理学中的潜意识既是宗教与科学对话的“中介项”,也是“人神感通”的“中介项”,潜意识理论被神学家所利用,成为宗教神学的“亲密伙伴”。然而,潜意识理论是宗教心理学的基础理论之一,正确认识潜意识理论的科学性,成为弗洛伊德精神分析学派讨论的重点,其后期的研究也充分表明了潜意识这个“中介项”是宗教神学的“危险伙伴”。  相似文献   

The relation between Christian practical theology and religious education is discussed from a contextual perspective, commencing with a number of distinctions between various teaching processes which are then applied to the teaching of religion. The implications for a Christian philosophy of education are considered, and it is suggested that the argument would also apply to relations ­between other religions and education in a pluralist Europe.  相似文献   

Educational and related non-pedagogical issues are generally described and discussed. Implicitly or explicitly, the theology of liberation,educación popular and traditional education tend to perpetuate male/female roles and very often incite violence. Peace education in Latin America should concentrate more on the pathology of the violent man. The so-called weaknesses associated with women and their powerlessness in Western civilization are precisely those which are absolutely essential to our survival. It is important for women to reject Western patterns of violence and participate actively in finding a viable alternative.
Zusammenfassung Erziehungsfragen und darauf sich beziehende nichtpädagogische Probleme werden allgemein beschrieben und erörtert. Die Theologie der Befreiung, dieeducación popular und traditionelle Erziehung neigen verdeckt oder offen dazu, männlich/weibliche Rollen zu verfestigen und lösen sehr oft Gewalt aus. Friedenserziehung in Lateinamerika sollte sich mehr auf die Pathologie des gewalttätigen Mannes konzentrieren. Die sogenannten Schwächen, die mit Frauen und ihrer Machtlosigkeit in der westlichen Zivilisation assoziiert werden, sind genau die Eigenschaften, die für unser Überleben absolut notwendig sind. Für Frauen ist es wichtig, westliche Muster der Gewalt abzulehnen, und aktiv daran teilzunehmen, eine lebensfähige Alternative herauszufinden.

Résumé Les questions d'éducation et celles, non-pédagogiques, qui s'y rattachent sont décrites et discutées de façon générale dans cet article. Implicitement ou explicitement, la théologie de libération, l'educación popular et l'éducation traditionnelle tendent à perpétuer les rôles homme/femme et très souvent suscite la violence. L'éducation pour la paix en Amérique Latine doít se concentrer davantage sur la pathologie de l'homme violent. Les prétendues faiblesses associées à la condition féminine et l'impuissance de la femme dans la civilisation occidentale sont précisément des qualités indispensables à notre survivance. Il importe que les femmes rejettent les formes occidentales de violence et qu'elles participent activement à la recherche d'une solution viable.


Recent contributions in the fields of psychology, sociology, and theology reveal opposing attitudes about the subject of calling or vocation with regard to one's work. Whereas psychologists have rediscovered the concept, theologians increasingly show reluctance to accept a vocational view of work. In offering an alternative perspective, this article argues that an approach to calling from biblical theology is capable of inspiring Christian workers in a psychologically meaningful way, while avoiding the inadequacies of the understanding that “work is vocation” that was developed during the Protestant Reformation. In a biblical-theological approach, work is not equated with calling. Rather, it is perceived as practicing the love command and hope for a restoration of God's intentions for creation, emanating from the call into fellowship with Christ and a vision for the kingdom of God.  相似文献   

This article presents the concept and practice of adult education as a key issue for Brazil and other Latin American countries, both for formal and non-formal education in the public and private sectors. It includes citizen education focused on democratisation of society and sustainable development. The concept is pluralist and ideological as well as technical. All along the history of contemporary education it is essential to highlight the importance of the CONFINTEA conferences for the construction of an expanded vision of this concept. Adult education is understood as a human right. The right to education does not end when a person has reached the so-called ??proper?? age; it continues to be a right for the duration of everyone??s entire life. This article explores Paulo Freire??s contribution, particularly the methodology of MOVA (Youth and Adult Literacy Movement). It also presents the ecopedagogic perspective, which was inspired by Paulo Freire??s legacy. Finally, this article stresses the need to support a long-term policy for adult education, following the recommendations of the Civil Society International Forum (FISC) and CONFINTEA VI, both held in Belém, Brazil, in 2009.  相似文献   

Counseling theories created by White theorists have traditionally failed to consider the religious or spiritual experiences of Black clients. Integration of Black liberation theology and narrative therapy provides a novel approach to support counseling trainees in meeting the needs of Black clients. Decolonizing therapeutic strategies are presented along with counselor educator recommendations.  相似文献   

A liberation‐based religious education emphasizes its own particular social experiences to question universal claims of theology and religious education and to unmask oppressive particularities of those universal claims. In this contextualization of religious education, particular ways of belonging provide paradigms for religious education, and the analogy of cultural workers illumines the task of religious educators.  相似文献   

文艺复兴时代是将人文主义运动和宗教改革运动都包容在内的欧洲的觉醒、复兴、再生的伟大时代。自文艺复兴起,欧洲开始摆脱宗教神学和传统伦理道德观念的束缚,人的发现、人的解放、人的自由成为时代的主旋律,人们已经开始以人性、理性和经验的眼光观察政治世界了。  相似文献   

近代西方科学与文明迅速发展的主要原因是通过意大利文艺复兴打碎了中世纪神学世界观的精神枷锁,使人们获得了思想上的解放。而中国近代科学与文明的停滞主要由于程朱理学的兴起禁锢了存在多年的思想自由,给人们套上了沉重的精神枷锁。  相似文献   

Critical pedagogy has often been linked in the literature to faith traditions such as liberation theology, usually with the intent of improving or redirecting it. While recognizing and drawing from those previous linkages, Jacob Neumann goes further in this essay and develops the thesis that critical pedagogy can not just benefit from a connection with faith traditions, but is actually, in and of itself, a practice of faith. In this analysis, he juxtaposes critical pedagogy against three conceptualizations of faith: John Caputo's blurring of the modernist division between faith and reason, Paul Tillich's argument that faith is “ultimate concern,” and Paulo Freire's theology and early Christian influences. Using this three‐pronged approach, Neumann argues that regardless of how it is seen, critical pedagogy manifests as a practice of faith “all the way down.”  相似文献   

If Latin America once represented a worldwide reference point for potent student activism, the region now stands out for the decline of activism. While other regions experience new forms and impacts of activism, Latin America's decline should be understood within two broad contexts: macropolitical and higher educational.The macropolitical context subsumes at least three major causal factors. One is the role of authoritarian rule, especially powerful in the 1970s but leaving a legacy that itself works against activism. Second, we must consider the more complex and mixed impacts of the redemocratization that has swept the region. The third factor is the general decline of the left both domestically and internationally.On the higher education side, decades of unprecedented growth in student numbers have fragmented the student body, especially as growth is accompanied by extraordinary institutional proliferation. Many of the newer institutions are inhospitable for student activism. Privatization has had an especially strong demobilizing effect. The institutional changes are accompanied by a changing profile of fields of study, away from some most associated with student politics. Finally, the concentration of top social scientists in research centers apart from the universities - and from the students - is also crucial.  相似文献   

This article advocates a pedagogy of Religious Education (RE) based upon a narratival framework informed by both narrative theology and narrative philosophy. Drawing on the work of narrative theologians including Stanley Hauerwas, the article outlines the nature of the framework, describes the four phases of learning that comprise the pedagogy, and explains how such an approach can overcome existing difficulties in how biblical texts are handled within RE. Working from the narrative assumption that individuals and communities are formed by reading, sharing and living within stories, it suggests that the pedagogy might encourage pupils to think about how the lives of Christians are shaped by their interpretations of biblical narratives, to offer their own interpretations of biblical and other texts, and to consider the stories – religious, non-religious or both – which shape their own lives. In so doing, the article moves away from a ‘proof-texting’ approach to the Bible towards one in which pupils are enabled to think about the significance of biblical narratives for both Christians and themselves.  相似文献   

This article addresses the academic challenges faced by an increasing number of students with learning disabilities and emotional-behavioral disorders. These disorders can occur in combination and compound the challenges of learning. The authors outline ways these disorders can interfere with students' in-class performance and result in underachievement. The authors also offer practical techniques that faculty can adopt to address student difficulties and maximize learning for all.  相似文献   

People of Latin American descent make up the largest and fastest-growing minority group in the USA. Rates of pregnancy, childbirth, and sexually transmitted infections among people of Latin American descent are higher than among other ethnic groups. This paper builds on research that suggests that among families of Latin American descent, mothers have a particularly strong influence on the sexual attitudes and behaviours of their children, yet that parents of Latin American descent communicate less with their children about sex than parents of other ethnic groups. It examines the messages about sex women received as children in their countries of origin, and how these messages and their views of the USA influence the sexual education women provide for their children. On the basis of data from focus groups, we suggest that, in spite of the persistence of sexual silence, some women's self-reflective analyses of their own sexual education as well as their views of the USA as a sexually more open society contribute to their views of silence as dangerous and trigger more open communication with sons and daughters. Mothers hope to break the cycle of unwanted pregnancy by speaking with daughters about the consequences of menstruation and with sons about contraception.  相似文献   

圣马丁(Jose De San Martin)是拉丁美洲独立运动中的卓越领导人,为拉美的解放事业做出了杰出贡献受平等观念和爱国情感的驱使,抛弃在西班牙舒适优越的生活条件,毅然返回祖国,参加抗击西班牙殖民者的斗争;他审时度势,制定和实施了翻越安第斯山天险,先解放智利,然后经海路解放秘鲁的作战计划,堪称拉美近代史上杰出的战略家和战术家;他淡泊钱财,把宝贵的年华献给拉美的解放大业,自己却过着清贫的生活;他在拉美解放的关键时刻,以大局为重,急流勇退,自我牺牲,成就了高尚的人格.  相似文献   

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