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Although there are policy calls for educational research to discover ‘what works’ and thereby inform decision making directly, the research literature argues instead for research to have a ‘conceptual’ impact on practice. Empirical studies also suggest that, when teachers use research, their use is conceptual; research influences the content and the process of their thinking, changing attitudes and perceptions and making educational decision making more intelligent. This study investigates the ways in which educational research has achieved impact on practice from the perspective of the researchers. A sample of highly-rated impact case studies in the UK’s research assessment exercise (REF2014) were subject to content analysis, using qualitative coding techniques. Analysis shows that most research is ‘invisible’ to education practitioners because it is embedded in educational policies, technologies, and services. This ‘invisible use’ is unlikely to realise the conceptual benefits claimed for research utilisation. If educational research is to make educational decision making more intelligent at its point of use, it will be necessary to re-think current notions of quality in research impact.  相似文献   

双语教学与星级酒店管家人才走向国际化密切相关,实施双语教学,是促进星级酒店管家人才走向国际化的重要举措。因而,探讨高职院校星级酒店管家人才的培养现状、实践教学、订单培养、校企合作、教学策略等问题,有助于从理论和实践两个方面深化酒店管家人才走向国际化的研究。  相似文献   

在我们展开“对台研究”的同时,对岸也在进行“对陆研究”。大陆研究在台湾高校的学科建设与研究生培养体系中占有重要地位,并呈方兴未艾之势。观察、比较和借鉴台湾地区高校的大陆研究对提升我们的台湾研究是十分必要且大有裨益的。为此章对台湾高校大陆研究的现状和特点进行了跟踪分析,并据此得出了加强和优化对台研究的若干启示。  相似文献   

传世文献中有关燕国地名的记载很少,难窥其全貌;但是考古出土的战国时期燕国文物中涉及地名的资料不少,因而为研究燕国地名提供了重要史料。本文主要利用考古文物资料,结合文献,考证战国时期燕国的相关地名,以补史书之缺佚。  相似文献   

This paper offers a personal view of the need for and uses of theory in educational research. It draws on the work of two exemplary theorists to point up the epistemological role of theory in making research possible and making it reflexive. The second section of the paper deploys some recent ideas and research from class theory and class analysis to suggest some of the limitations of the use of social class in current educational research and some ways of thinking differently about class.  相似文献   

Teacher research is increasingly described as an important aspect of professional development. In response, teacher education programs incorporate teacher research in their curricula. We report on the collaborative research processes of two groups of student teachers in a university teacher education program, focussing on elaboration and decision making. In one group, group members had different preferences, which led to balancing elaboration and decision making. The other group, however, did not engage in these processes in a conscious way, leading to an arduous research process. We contend that a balanced approach, alternating elaboration and decision making, is desirable.  相似文献   

元伦理学的兴起已有百余年,它的出现的确在明确概念、理清逻辑推理方面做出了很多贡献,使伦理学研究日趋规范,为伦理学成为一个科学的学科奠定了基础,然而由于其在研究过程中过于注重纯粹的概念分析与逻辑推理,使伦理学成为"学院式"的学问,与现实严重脱离,失去了对社会道德生活的指导意义,致使其研究进入困境。  相似文献   

The focus of this study was to investigate the manner and the degree to which science teachers consider the nature of the subject matter in their decision making addressing the planning and the delivery of instructional tasks. An assumption of the study is that considerations for the nature of the subject matter should be a factor in a teacher's decision making about what to teach and how to teach. Relevant research literature reviewed includes (1) human decision making and the development of cognitive models of reality, (2) modern philosophies of science, and (3) philosophy of science and science education. Methods of data collection and of data analysis followed Spradley's Developmental Research Sequence guidelines for conducting ethnographic research. Validity of research findings was established from the triangulation of observations, interviews, and documents and surveys. The goal of the research was the development of grounded hypotheses about science TEACHERS' pedagogical decision making. Based on the results of this study it is hypothesized that science TEACHERS' decision-making models of reality for the selection, implementation, and development of instructional tasks are dominated by considerations for (a) student development, (b) curriculum guide objectives, and (c) pressures of accountability. Little, if any, consideration is given to the nature of the subject matter by the science teachers in decision making. Implications exist for the disenfranchisement of teachers from the task of making decisions concerning what to teach.  相似文献   

This research explores curriculum making by teachers and offers a nuanced way of understanding these practices through the concept of reflexivity. The study draws from a collective case study of teachers in an online focus group, in order to identify and analyse diverse thinking on the curriculum making by teachers from Scotland and Wales. A WordPress® page was set up to generate both synchronous and asynchronous discussions over a period of five weeks to discuss curricular issues. Six teachers from Scotland and three teachers from Wales participated in the discussions. Data collection tools comprised iteratively designed interview questions and an Internal Conversation Indicator (ICONI), for indicating participants’ dominant mode of reflexivity. Data were analysed thematically, drawing from Margaret Archer’s theoretical constructs relating to reflexivity and internal conversation. Data analysis suggests that reflexivity provides a useful lens for understanding teachers’ particular approaches to curriculum making. The research suggests that curriculum making practices can be understood, at least partially, in relation to different modes of reflexivity. Further research is needed to substantiate these arguments and provide a richer picture of curriculum making.  相似文献   

This paper continues the tradition of research, development and evaluation of teaching laboratories, and, at the same time, extends earlier research in two directions: by placing more emphasis on the improvement of a reflection‐based decision‐making ability in becoming a teacher (beyond effective skill acquisition), and by concentrating on the improvement of presentation skills, an area neglected in teacher training. Based on research on teaching and teacher training, a training program was developed for enhancing the trainees’ nonverbal expressiveness in presentations that, by fostering reflection‐based decision making through experimenting with presentation skills in a laboratory with feedback and discussions, also improves the clarity, interest and social climate of presentations. The evaluation of the most recent Version of this program reveals that significant gains could be achieved not only in nonverbal expressiveness as an indicator for successful skill acquisition, but also in the global aspects of successful lecturing indicating that the program was also effective for the improvement of the trainees’ reflection‐based decision making.  相似文献   

青年教师的科研能力是促进高职院校内涵发展的重要动力之一。采用文献法与问卷调查法相结合的方法,对温州职业技术学院35周岁以下青年教师科研现状进行调查,结果表明,青年教师发表论文数量不多、级别不高,投入科研时间不足,参与课题研究少,没有处理好教学与科研的时间分配等。为此,高职院校应深化以人为本的科研管理理念,帮助和引导青年教师尽早确立科研方向、开展“立地式”研发,同时青年教师自身应提高科研素质。  相似文献   

决策分析的发展和应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在回顾决策分析理论发展历史的基础上,给出了决策分析的研究领域和研究方向。决策分析的几个基本研究分支为主观概率估计、效用理论、群决策、多目标决策、竞争性决策等,通过对各分支的发展简史、应用状况和方向的回顾和分析,强调决策分析在决策科学和管理科学发展中的基础性作用。  相似文献   

Is it possible and desirable to transcend ideological perspectives within educational policy research and decision making? If so, what would it entail and how should we proceed? At heart, the relation among research, ideology, and policy may be characterized as a complex and interconnected web. The common view of this web is that good social and educational policy decisions are generally made based on research evidence and largely independent of ideological positions. However, it is rather more likely that research and political ideology interact throughout the research process, from the choice of research question, to the organization that provides funding for the research, to the way that findings are interpreted and used. The purpose of this article is to propose a promising strategy that can be utilized by policymakers in the process of making educational policy decisions.  相似文献   

The research reported in this paper concerns the development of children’s skills of interpreting and evaluating evidence in science. Previous studies have shown that school teaching often places limited emphasis on the development of these skills, which are necessary for children to engage in scientific debate and decision‐making. The research, undertaken in the United Kingdom, involved four collaborative decision‐making activities to stimulate group discussion, each carried out with five groups of four children (10–11 years old). The research shows how the children evaluated evidence for possible choices and judged whether their evidence was sufficient to support a particular conclusion or the rejection of alternative conclusions. A mapping technique was developed to analyse the discussions and identify different “levels” of argumentation. The authors conclude that suitable collaborative activities that focus on the discussion of evidence can be developed to exercise children’s ability to argue effectively in making decisions.  相似文献   

中国人口的老龄化与老年体育   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
进入21世纪,人口老龄化是继环境、资源问题之后,中国社会所面临的最为严峻的社会问题.针对目前中国人口老龄化及老年体育的现状与特点,运用文献资料、社会调查等研究方法,深刻地分析了两者间的相互关系,探讨如何实现中国人口的健康老龄化以及怎样合理地加速发展中国的老年体育。  相似文献   

MTM与制服定制最优裁剪方案的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
概述MTM服装生产方式发展历程及制服定制生产的特点,综述基于MTM生产理念实现制服定制最优裁剪方案的理论研究方向及现状,为实现数字化奠定基础。  相似文献   

Rebecca Woodard 《Literacy》2019,53(4):236-244
This qualitative case study documents a secondary English teacher's making, writing and teaching. The focal teacher engaged in diverse making practices – including composing, crafting and digital fabrication. She also participated in a National Writing Project (NWP) Summer Institute that focused on both teacher writing and digital composing. Data include observations at this NWP Project Summer Institute and in the focal teacher's English classroom, as well as interviews and artefact collection related to her making practices. The findings describe how this teacher's making mattered for her understandings of writing and for her teaching (or not). The case offers insights into why it may be important to cultivate educator making, as well as potential tensions between experiencing making and incorporating it into writing pedagogy. Ultimately, it contributes to writing research interested in examining how various forms of production and making are enmeshed.  相似文献   

In this article, the author argues that the exploration of alternative forms of research representation can result in new possibilities for making meaning in educational research. Narrative inquiry as a methodology has become established as an approach in education but remains contested in many ways. How we come to an understanding of such research findings and in particular how the issues of voice and representation are resolved are subject to much debate. Here, the author proposes that using fictive methods of representation of research, particularly poetry, can have implications for the ways in which meaning is made and therefore the possible meanings that can be made. Further, this article argues that the poetic form allows for the inclusion of many voices and stories in a non-hierarchical manner, making the author's influence explicit without it being dominant. Researchers have argued for poetic representations of research data as a means to evoke the participants' experience whilst making the author's influence explicit; here, it is argued that poetry can be utilized to provide a fuller representation of the research, placing the voice of the participants, the researcher and the literature on an equal level within the whole story of the research project. This article first details narrative inquiry as a methodological approach and its particular application to educational research before discussing the issues surrounding voice and representation. Subsequently, fictive forms of representation are explored as a means of addressing these issues.  相似文献   

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