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Social justice in the education of all K‐12 students begins with school counselors; preparing school counselors as advocates and leaders who can implement these principles in U.S. schools begins with counselor educators. Suggestions for intentional preparation of school counselors to be social justice advocates in schools by integrating the principles of the National Center for Transforming School Counseling with the American School Counselor Association National Model for School Counseling Programs (2005) and the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs 2009 Standards are described. Ideas for educating school counselors as effective advocates in the context of specific training experiences throughout counselor training programs are provided.  相似文献   

The impetus for this study grew from assumptions about teacher participation in the implementation of comprehensive school reform initiatives and teacher buy-in. It is commonly believed that teachers who participate in reform implementation decisions will have increased buy-in, be more motivated to take action, and thus have greater impact on school reform. The purpose of this study was to explore these assumptions. Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM), a series of teacher participation variables were identified as possible predictors of buy-in. The model was run on three independent and longitudinal samples of teachers involved in New Jersey's whole school reform initiative over a two-year period (n = 671, n = 390, n = 454). Results indicated that teacher participation in program selection was not a strong predictor either of immediate or long-term buy-in. Training, support from program developers, support from staff members, administrator buy-in, and control over classroom implementation were stronger and more constant predictors of teacher buy-in to a school reform program. The findings of this study have implications for the implementation of comprehensive school reform initiatives. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

当前日本已进入少子化时代,伴随着少子化,日本人口出生数量显著减少,合计特殊出生率也急剧下降,这无疑给以“人”为对象的教育的发展带来巨大的影响。本文就日本的少子化给予教育以怎样的影响,以及学校教育为此而采取了哪些改革等问题作一全面阐述。  相似文献   

社会资本、市场力量与学校变革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在世界上许多国家包括中国 ,人们开始以市场力量来对学校这种公共部门进行改革 ,以革除当今学校存在的弊端 ,提高学校运作效率 ,满足公众日益多样化的需求 ,并提升教育公平 ,这实际上深受新自由主义思潮的影响。然而 ,以市场为导向的改革就像一柄双刃剑 ,它提高了资源的利用效率 ,扩大了消费者的选择权 ,似乎给予所有的人以同等的选择的机会 ;但是改革也有可能加大学校之间的差距 ,加重社会不公正现象 ,扩大强势群体与弱势群体之间的不平等。因此 ,仅仅依赖市场是不够的 ,创造、提升或重建学校的社会资本是对市场魔力的一种平衡 ,也是当今学校变革的“第三条道路”。  相似文献   

Research has identified risks of both poverty and affluence for adolescents. This study sought to clarify associations between income and youth mental and behavioral health by delineating economic risks derived from family, neighborhood, and school contexts within a nationally representative sample of high school students (= 13,179, average age 16). Attending schools with more affluent schoolmates was associated with heightened likelihoods of intoxication, drug use, and property crime, but youth at poorer schools reported greater depressive and anxiety symptoms, engagement in violence, and for male adolescents, more frequent violence and intoxication. Neighborhood and family income were far less predictive. Results suggest that adolescent health risks derive from both ends of the economic spectrum, and may be largely driven by school contexts.  相似文献   

中国自20世纪90年代开始推行素质教育改革,改革的重点逐步由宏观教育体制落实到学校层面。素质教育改革客观上要求学校改变传统组织文化和结构,注重人的全面发展。变革型领导理论已被证实为推动学校变革和发展的主要模式。这一领导模式通过促进教师的专业发展,实现学校文化的重塑和教育质量的提升。本文对变革领导理论的核心内容和研究进展进行了阐述,旨在了解并掌握西方“学校领导引领变革”的知识基础,以期对中国学校改革有所助益。  相似文献   

从实践的角度研究初中生这一特殊群体的家庭心理健康教育问题,提出初中生心理健康的标准,初中生家庭心理健康教育的内容和具体方法。  相似文献   

日本国立大学法人化改革:背景、内容及启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
日本国立大学独立行政法人化改革是二战后日本高等教育领域影响最大,也最有争议的改革。本文分析了日本国立大学独立行政法人化改革的背景、内容,提出了对我国高等教育改革的几点启示。  相似文献   

文章在介绍正在美国进行的“新美国学校”(NAS)设计和实验运动及其特色的基础上,总结了这一运动对我国当前的现代学校制度建设、学校质量管理和课程改革产生的启示。  相似文献   

目的:构建离异家庭初中生应激生活事件、社会支持、应对方式与心理健康的关系模型。方法:对131名离异家庭初中生分别采用应激生活事件问卷、应对方式问卷、社会支持问卷和症状自评量表进行测量,进而用结构方程模型的方法构建了潜变量之间的关系模型。结果:离异家庭学生的应激生活事件、社会支持、积极应对、消极应对对症状总分有直接影响(权重分别是0.45、-0.21、-0.48、0.78);结构方程分析表明,离异家庭学生的积极应对、消极应对对症状总分的影响比正常家庭学生的更大(离异家庭学生的权重为-0.48和0.78,正常家庭学生的权重为-0.14和0.35);离异家庭学生的应激生活事件对社会支持的影响比正常家庭学生的更大(离异家庭学生的权重为-0.49,正常家庭学生的权重为-0.28)。结论:应激生活事件、社会支持、应对方式对心理健康的作用得到结构方程模型的有力支持。  相似文献   

In their search for magic bullets to fix failing schools, policymakers seldom directly address powerful ecological factors impacting schooling. This article identifies several major demographic, societal, economic, and educational changes and trends in U.S. society over the past several years; analyzes their impact on schoolchildren; and offers a series of policy recommendations for public sector reform initiatives that show promise in ameliorating these conditions, which in turn would improve the educational prospects for all children, particularly those most at risk.  相似文献   

Education reform policies harvested from neoliberalism, social Darwinism, consumerism, and free-market ideologies have begun to replace the pragmatic progressivism of the pre-World War II era. In this article, I use three federal and state education reform policies and programs—No Child Left Behind Act, Common Core State Standards Initiative, and national standardized testing—as examples of market-oriented ideologies embedded in the reforms. Further, I rely on Critical Social Theory, following Freire, as a framework to examine how the education policies and programs intersect to potentially impede access to quality education opportunities for children from impoverished backgrounds. I use Freire’s conception of Critical Social Theory because of his focus on how education should be used as a transformational mechanism to improve lives rather than a tool to train and inculcate children to imitate and be subservient to the dominant culture. I argue that some federal education policies enacted since 2002 provide examples of the confluence of ideologies that are creating a new meritocracy-based system. The meritocracy-based system will disproportionately penalize poorer students who have less access to out of school experiences that prepare them for formal schooling. Based on punishment triggers embedded in state and federal education policies, a cycle of educational austerity ensues when a student does not achieve a mandatory achievement benchmark. The cycle of austerity can doom some students to under-achievement in the short term and to becoming under-educated in the long term.  相似文献   

在社会经济统计学中渗透国情教育有得天独厚的便利 ,教师要结合教学内容着重渗透经济、人口、资源状况的教育 ,使统计教学和国情教育相得益彰  相似文献   


Recent educational policy reports in the U.S. have called for significant changes in teachers’ work to increase their effectiveness. The paper examines the relationship between the restructuring strategies in two comprehensive high schools and teachers’ engagement, which is defined as a multi‐dimensional construct. In one school, the restructuring strategies focused on creating a supportive climate for students, and in empowering students and teachers; in the other, emphasis was on developing professional skills of the faculty and strengthening group cohesiveness. The implications of the strategies for teacher engagement are illustrated with case study data. The discussion points to several conclusions: (1) the effects of restructuring are more bounded than is often assumed; (2) a quality of work life framework drawn from the social scientific literatures is useful for analyzing the effects of reform policies on teachers’ work; (3) teachers make trade‐offs between different types of engagement in order to increase their work satisfaction; and (4) restructuring has potential for increasing teachers’ engagement in schools with mixed socio‐economic and racial populations.


Experience from a three-year Home Office funded evaluation of a project intended to reduce school exclusions is used to explore methodological dilemmas raised by the current emphasis upon 'evidence-based' policy formation. The social construction of school exclusion rates poses problems of reliability and validity, especially when such rates are simultaneously being used for target setting. In principle, the concept of 'evidence-based' can refer to a wide variety of research questions and appropriate research methodologies. Despite this, moves towards interpreting 'evidence-based' as predominantly measurement and outcomes oriented can be found both in government evaluation guidelines and in procedures for systematic reviews of research. Given the complexity of educational innovations, any neglect of research into the processes of change in naturalistic settings will not only lead to a restricted awareness of a project's impact but also to a failure to understand what certain apparent outcomes actually mean.  相似文献   

The role of social dynamics in the establishment and maintenance of aggressive and disruptive behavior is reviewed and discussed in light of consultation. Three key areas are outlined: the contributions of social structures to interpersonal conflict, the relation between peer associations and problem behavior, and the relation between social positions and problem behavior. This article suggests that direct intervention efforts (e.g., social skills training, behavior management strategies, peer support strategies, grouping practices) can be augmented by information about ongoing social dynamics in the classroom and school. Specific ways that behavior consultants can use social dynamic information to support the direct intervention efforts of teachers and administrators are discussed.  相似文献   

学校心理健康教育,既是一门学科,又是一项服务工作,是现代学校教育的重要标志。我国学校心理健康教育起步较晚,但发展速度很快,教育工作成效显著,未来趋势良好。山西省的学校心理健康教育正在迅速发展,但有滞后性。随着全国学校心理健康教育工作的发展,山西省的现状会有所改善。  相似文献   

This paper argues that those seekingequity-focused educational reform have much tolearn from social movements and grassrootspolitical organizing. We explore how theknowledge, skills, strategies, and passionatenarratives emanating from suchnon-institutional change efforts can shed light onthe difficulty of equity-focused educationreform and provide equity reformers with anexpanded repertoire of change strategies. Wepursue our analysis using an ``exemplary' caseof reform at Wilson High School. The case datawere collected as part of a four-year study documenting the college preparation experienceof students of color in diverse, comprehensivehigh schools. We conclude that the logic andstrategies employed in social and politicalmovements – in contrast to those found inorganizational change models – are more likelyto expose, challenge, and if successful,disrupt the prevailing norms and politics ofschooling inequality that frustrateequity-focused reforms. Without attention tothese dynamics, such reforms are abandonedentirely or implemented in ways that actuallyreplicate (perhaps in a different guise) thestratified status quo. We also conclude thatthose of us whose research focuses on equityreforms would be well advised to use social andpolitical movements as lenses to more clearlyview the course of these much advocated, butseldom achieved efforts.  相似文献   

国际学生评估项目(PISA)的研究发现,PISA经济社会文化地位指数不仅影响学生个人的学业成绩,同时也影响不同学校间的教育质量差异.本文以PISA2006为例,详细说明了PISA经济社会文化地位指数的具体测量方法,解释PISA报告中学生家庭背景因素通过个人和学校对教育公平影响的一些研究结果,最后提出对上海教育均衡化发展研究视角的一些思考.  相似文献   

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