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Japan is moving into an aging society at a greater speed than any other country in the world has ever experienced. As this speed is very rapid, the concept of life in the aged life‐cycle stage which has emerged has not been fully established yet; here the cultural lag phenomenon is acutely observed. Among many possible activities, however, learning activities will be expected to have increasing popularity among aged persons as a source of happiness and inspiration for the fulfillment of their lives. Since not only young persons, but also aged persons, are involved in learning activities, the concept expressed by the term education is changing into a broader one to include the transmitting of values, knowledge, and skills through secondary communication.  相似文献   

本文就高校体育教学中所蕴涵的德育教育因素进行初步探析,重点归纳出高校体育教学中进行德育教育的主要内容和方法,为高校德育教育工作和学科教学寻找一条切实可行的新路,并希望此文能抛砖引玉为大学体育教育的不断发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

针对冷战结束后所面临的错综复杂的国际国内形势 ,美国外交政策发生重大转变 ,克林顿政府明确提出了建构服务美国经济利益的全球经贸战略。在经贸优先的外交战略指导下 ,克林顿政府以振兴美国经济为核心 ,确保了美国的经济安全和发展。  相似文献   

The strength of specialist careers advisory services in United Kingdom universities is linked to the in loco parentis tradition and also to the tradition of occupational flexibility on graduation. The evolution of such services from appointments boards to careers services is traced in terms of three sequential changes: the impact of counselling, the growth of careers education, and the move towards an open‐access style of delivery. The overlap of roles between careers services and teaching departments is analyzed in relation to individual guidance and placement, and particularly in relation to careers education. The extent of overlap tends to vary between vocational, semi‐vocational, and non‐vocational courses. The emergence of the concept of personal transferable skills has encouraged new forms of partnership between careers services and teaching departments. This development raises questions about where careers services should be located organizationally within higher education institutions. Should they, for example, be aligned to other student services, to academic services, or to marketing services? What organizational benefits do institutions seek from such services? Are they part of the core offer made to students, or additional.services which are open to. review in terms of their specific costs and benefits?  相似文献   

The four coauthors describe the twenty-five-year history of efforts of the Council of Learned Societies in Education (CLSE) to represent the interests of the social foundations of education in the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), including the evolution of CLSE into the Council for the Social Foundations of Education and its recent departure from NCATE after a quarter century of successful involvement. The coauthors, each personally supportive of foundational involvement in national accreditation, delineate advantages gained by both CLSE and NCATE during the quarter century of involvement, while also describing concerns and arguments that have led to the current disassociation of the Council for Social Foundations of Education (CSFE) fromNCATE. The article concludes with suggestions for the future and the coauthors' hope that this history and chronicle will provide incentive for reinvolvement of the foundations in national accreditation circles.  相似文献   

Historically, Japanese junior colleges have served as preparatory institutions for young Japanese women pursuing marriage. Under influences of American higher education systems during the post-World War II era, Japanese junior colleges have successfully attracted eighteen-year-old females and provided them with a terminal liberal arts education. This article investigates briefly the history of Japanese postsecondary education systems prior to the educational reforms of 1945 and the post-war development of junior colleges. Based on the historical development of Japanese junior colleges, implications for women's social status are examined. Recommendations are made for the future development of Japanese junior colleges and the academic and career advancement of Japanese women.  相似文献   

大学生是国家宝贵的人才资源,要正视大学生党员教育的现状。大学生党员在发挥先锋模范作用方面具有得天独厚的条件,他们大多是理论学习的标兵和积极工作的表率,但也存在一些问题,包括理想信念淡漠、理论学习脱离实际、进取精神不强。如果注重加强组织队伍建设,学习注重理论联系实际,健全制度、加强群众监督,引入党员导师制,大学生党员教育的效果会有效提高。  相似文献   

日伪时期内蒙古的社会教育概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日伪时期内蒙古的社会教育,是日本帝国主义建立殖民教育体系的一个组成部分。在教育对象上,面向社会和大众;在教育方式上,有青年训练班、民众教育馆、日本语学校等形式;在教育内容上,主要包括亲日反共的思想教育、军事训练、普及日本语等内容。这样的社会教育,带有浓厚的奴化色彩,为日本的侵略战争和殖民统治服务,其性质属于文化侵略活动。  相似文献   

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