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终身教育是现代社会经济发展的必然产物和要求,也是21世纪教育发展的必然趋势。终身教育在把我国全面建设成小康社会的奋斗目标过程中,是代表先进生产力的教育思想。它将以促进人的全面发展和提升人的全面素质为根本目的,进而促进整个社会更大的进步与发展。全民应树立终身教育理念.积极参与到终身学习当中。促进社会可持续发展。本文就终身教育思想与社会进步的有关问题作以探讨。  相似文献   

文章探讨了可持续发展对于职业技术教育与培训的意义和启示。文章的视角是,可持续发展不仅是一种科学目标,而且应该是在因地制宜的文化引导下寻求社会、经济和自然系统之间动态平衡的努力。这种平衡将促进现在和未来,以及国家、种族、社会阶层和性别之间的公平。作为学习和文化转向的核心,可持续发展目标的实现需要所有人对指导我们行动的价值观和原则进行反思。这种观点要求职业教育与培训工作者重视自己在通识教育上的责任,特别是应该将劳动教育作为提高公民素质、实现可持续发展目标的一部分。这种取向意味着,各种教育项目要为学生提供机会,让他们学会反思自己的价值观,反思这些价值观怎样影响职场行为和生活方式选择,反思如果世界上的每个人都保持现有的观念和行动方式,他们会对社会、经济和环境产生怎样的影响。除此之外,这些项目还应该为学习者提供掌握新知识、技能和价值观的机会,从而为所有人创造一个更公平、更和谐的世界。  相似文献   

教育是社会进步的推动力量,发展职业技术教育是促进社会生产力提高、全面实现小康社会的关键条件。职业教育的发展史,证明了学校教育的初始功能是培训社会需要的职业人才,社会进步赋予了职业技术教育的丰富内涵,发展职业教育必须采取符合时代要求的对策。  相似文献   


Social Activism Through Theater” chronicles the author's first full year as a teaching artist in New York City, including the launch of National Queer Theater and its inaugural show, Speechless, as well as his experiences investigating film and storytelling with teenagers at the Refugee Youth Summer Academy.  相似文献   

This article examines the use of shadow education by students of compulsory secondary education in Spain over the period 2000?2010. The study identifies the proportion of the student population that uses this type of education and examines how the use of shadow education has evolved during this period. Data was drawn from the student questionnaire in the PISA report, which gathered information on extra lessons in the four studies conducted between 2000 and 2009. The study also contrasted the data on the use of extra classes with the socioeconomic profile of students and other indicators of social inequality.  相似文献   


In 1992, I conducted a study in two schools, the Scarsdale High Alternative School (SAS) in New York, a Kohlbergian Just Community Program for 16 years, headed by Tony Arenella; and Public School No. 825, a kindergarten to senior high school on the outskirts of Moscow, Russia, an experimental school in Developmental Education following the ideas of Lev Vygotsky, headed by Vladimir Karakovsky. This article presents a narrative comparison of the philosophies and practices of the secondary teachers in each school. The teachers’ philosophies seemed to be like Janus, facing in two directions‐‐outward toward the school culture, reflecting each school's shared norms and values, and inward, expressing each person's own values and ways of thinking. It was the influence of each school's culture that created the most striking philosophical differences. Teachers from Russia and the US held only one value in common: community. Other particular norms and values differed almost completely and seem to reflect the larger cultures of the US and Russia: affection and harmony rooted in love of Motherland for the Russians, and for the Americans, a sense of self and responsibility expressing the value of individualism. The paper first focuses on how teachers in each school conceived of the morality of teaching and of the moral authority of teachers. The focus then moves to a discussion of both the common and unique norms and values the teachers desired to transmit to their students, the practices they use and the moral conflicts they face. The article concludes with remarks about what we can learn from these schools for moral education.  相似文献   

通过加强化学实验教学,培养了学生的实验操作技能,提高了教学质量,激发了学生学习的积极性,从而提高学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,我国取得了辉煌的成绩,同时也面临着诸多问题.社会财富如何分配,是社会普遍关心的问题.目前我国社会成员之间的收入差距过大引起人们的关注.社会成员财产分布的差距,东西部地区之间、城乡之间、不同行业之间的差距都有拉大的趋势.收入差距问题除了转型期存在一定必然性外,分配体制的扭曲放大了这种差距,政府公共政策的缺失以及腐败问题都影响了收入分配的公平性与合理性.针对收入差距问题,中央已制定了相关政策,其目的是为了缩小收入差距,促进社会和谐.  相似文献   

The author is principal of Eden Grove School, Appleby, Cumbria, for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties. He challenges some current interpretations of the aims and motives of those responsible for special education in Britain in the last hundred years or so.  相似文献   

本文以1997年以来决策层有关文献为主要依据,对素质教育推进的决策演进做了梳理和辨析。文章提出有关素质教育推进至今的三个结论性判断:素质教育的基本涵义未发生根本变化;素质教育在教育改革中的重要性不断提升;素质教育的推进范围和实施重心在决策演化过程中呈游移状态。  相似文献   

Particular social aspects of the nature of science (NOS), such as economics of, and entrepreneurship in science, are understudied in science education research. It is not surprising then that the practical applications, such as lesson resources and teaching materials, are scarce. The key aims of this article are to (a) synthesize perspectives from the literature on economics of science (EOS), entrepreneurship, NOS, and science education in order to have a better understanding of how science works in society and (b) illustrate how such a synthesis can be incorporated in the practice of science education. The main objectives of this article are to (1) argue for the role and inclusion of EOS and entrepreneurship in NOS and re-define entrepreneurship in the NOS context; (2) explore the issues emerging in the “financial systems” of the Family Resemblance Approach (FRA) to NOS and propose the inclusion of contemporary aspects of science, such as EOS and entrepreneurship, into NOS; (3) conceptualize NOS, EOS, and entrepreneurship in a conceptual framework to explain how science works in the society; and (4) transform the theoretical knowledge of how science operates in society into practical applications for science teaching and learning. The conceptual framework that we propose illustrates the links between State, Academia, Market and Industry (the SAMI cycle framework). We suggest practical lesson activities to clarify how the theoretical discussions on the SAMI cycle framework can be useful and relevant for classroom practice. In this article, science refers to physics, chemistry, and biology. However, we also recommend an application of this framework to other sciences to reveal their social-institutional side.  相似文献   

During the past thirty years, while foundations of education programs have been shrinking on American campuses, faculty in the School of Education at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee created an undergraduate degree program in community education that has attracted older, nontraditional students. Using a curriculum that provides skills and understandings needed to improve urban communities and schools, the Department of Educational Policy and Community Studies expanded on traditional notions of educational foundations to create courses for students from all over campus interested in studying the complex dynamics of race and class in urban environments.  相似文献   

审视网络教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、短期教育投入稀缺、长期教育信息繁多 人们关于网络教育对教育成本的影响评价不一,信息技术界或积极支持网络教育的人士认为,网络教育将降低教育成本.  相似文献   

要落实“十一五”规划确定的工作目标,实现经济和社会快速发展,教育必须先行。而大力发展职业教育,又是解决我国目前就业和经济发展不平衡状况,不断推进社会主义现代化进程,构建和谐社会的重要途径。  相似文献   


Migration across national borders has resulted in demographic changes in the United States, causing the country to become more multi-ethnic. This presents considerable challenges for graduate level educators who need to be responsive to the unique academic needs of diverse populations by considering students' previous experiences, values, and beliefs. This change requires educators to incorporate various teaching styles and to create a classroom atmosphere where security, trust, and openness can be achieved. Developing cultural competence and creating a transformative learning environment is essential for social work educators teaching in multicultural environments in the 21st century. This article provides a brief overview of Burchum's (2002) Evolutionary Perspectives that will help to assist readers in obtaining a clear understanding of cultural competence. It also presents Blunt's Model of Cultural Competence for Transformative Education, which can promote both transformative learning and assist social work educators in fostering a transformative learning environment.  相似文献   

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