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The past few decades have seen a significant change in the delivery of sport and in trends related to athlete development. However, the notion of talent continues to play a critical role in most athlete development models. In this brief review, we highlight concerns with the notion of talent and how it is conceptualized in high performance sport systems. These include: the assumption that talent is a fixed capacity that can be identified early, the influence of talent beliefs on athlete development, the different levels of risk for talent selection decisions, biases evident in approaches to athlete selection, the inadequacy of current statistical approaches, the problems with using current performance to predict future outcomes, and how short-term priorities and competition between sports for talented athletes undermine the overall efficiency of athlete development systems. These concerns form the basis for more focused discussion of avenues for future work in this field.  相似文献   

我国发展知识经济在经济、法律、科技和人才等方面存在许多有利的环境条件 ,也存在一些不利的因素。只有采取有效措施 ,才能促进我国知识经济的发展 ,实现中华民族在 2 1世纪的全面复兴。  相似文献   

创新创业人才作为产业发展、科学进步的有力支撑,是社会发展的动力,本文采用质性研究,利用开放式问卷调查的方式探究影响人才激励的组织因素、环境因素以及政策因素,分别归纳出11个人才激励的组织因素和环境因素维度以及9个政策因素维度,并运用比较分析的方法,揭示了人才激励中存在的实际问题.  相似文献   

欠发达地区的发展,自然资源和环境条件固然重要,但关键取决于人才,在于如何留住人才、用好人才。新中国成立以来特别是改革开放以来,欠发达地区的人才资源开发工作取得较大成绩,为地区改革、发展和稳定做出了积极贡献。但目前这支人才队伍仍然缺乏稳定性,保健因素不到位,人才缺乏稳定感;激励因素不足,人才缺乏成就感;情感因素欠缺,人才缺乏归属感。欠发达地区稳住人才,要着眼人才的实际需求,构建人才稳定机制,强化保健因素、激励因素、情感因素等"三因素"的共同作用,通过建立人才服务保障机制、激励调动机制、情感管理机制,努力形成爱才、容才、重才、留才的浓厚氛围,把一切能够干事创业的人才充分调动起来。  相似文献   

Dorothy Hams's writings have consistently reflected a philosophy that emphasizes the importance of an integrated sport science perspective for understanding females' participation and performance in the physical domain. Her advocacy for a 7ldquo;somatopsychic” approach included a consideration of the sociological, psychological, biological, and physical factors that interact to influence patterns of involvement and performance potential. Although a complete integration of subdisciplines within the sport sciences would be a formidable task, the purpose of this article is to first review selected research findings pertaining to females' sport socialization, psychological development, and biological and cognitive maturation. Then, a heuristic model is proposed as an initial attempt to represent an interactional approach to understanding females' sport participation and as a framework for future research.  相似文献   

The field of sport for development and peace (SDP) has been growing exponentially, with many organizations and academics embracing the possible contribution that sport can make to development. To date, leadership in sport for development and peace has not been conceptualized. Perhaps due to the missions of sport for development and peace organizations, many of which focus on helping marginalized individuals, the leadership style needed to effectively guide a sport for development and peace organization may be different than that which is needed to lead other types of sport organizations. In this article, we advance that servant leadership, which is predicated on follower care and development, can be a highly effective leadership style in sport for development and peace. Through a series of propositions, we opine that servant leaders in sport for development and peace will empower followers, lead to more sustainable and effective organizations and participant outcomes, facilitate psychological needs satisfaction, and diffuse issues of power and control. Future research directions stimulated by the propositions are also discussed.  相似文献   

As elite youth sport becomes more organized and professionalized, the role of the family is increasingly acknowledged as being significant in the development of young talent. High-profile examples across a range of professional sports, both positive and negative, have drawn attention toward this important stakeholder. Accordingly, this review first examines the key issues in relation to family involvement in talent development in relation to what is perceived as good and bad practice on behalf of the family. Next the key theoretical underpinning is considered, Family Systems Theory, and how it may be integrated within elite youth sport. Finally, the article concludes with a summary of where the current literature leaves us and where we can progress from here. Two possible inputs are suggested that could benefit the effectiveness of family involvement: a focus on the family holistically and a second on the role different family members can play.  相似文献   

内生动力不足制约着创新型人才培养。高校创新型人才培养的根本问题是突破既有人才培养模式赖以延续的利益格局,打破高校人才培养的路径依赖,通过重塑高校社会利益关系,构建创新型人才培养的动力机制。为此,必须建立高校教师充满生机与活力的教学工作机制,构建人才培养模式创新的利益与责任机制,以使创新型人才培养成为教师的自觉追求。  相似文献   

人才是高质量发展的第一要素。当前,苏州人才总量已近300万人,高端人才工程与计划更是为经济发展动力的变革提供了有力支持,但是,苏州人才工作也面临政策新机遇、市场新变革和发展新需求等新课题以及人才环比增速持续放缓的挑战。在人才工作发展新阶段,苏州还需以目标格局和制度创新“顶天”,以政策有效落实和创新创业活跃“立地”,在人才工作目标定位、产业协同体系、人才培育供给、人才市场体系、人才管理技术、合力工作机制、离岸创新基地、绩效考核评估等方面协同发力,提升全球人才集聚竞争优势。  相似文献   

通过研究发现制约我国体育经纪人发展的因素主要是由于竞技体育市场化程度不高,运动员自由转会制度不完善,竞技体育水平不高等因素造成的,而规范体育经纪市场,实行公平竞争;完善社会主义体育市场管理体制、完善运动员自由转会制度;建立规范的体育经纪人管理制度等是发展我国体育经纪人的有效途径。  相似文献   

Sport Interactive is a talent identification (TI) program that matches young people to sports based on proficiency on 11 simple physical and performance tasks. An evaluation of the program with Scottish girls ( n = 1217, mean age = 12.68 years) and boys ( n = 1239, mean age = 12.54 years) identified a number of problems. Firstly, although talent is conceptualized as static, children are evaluated on unstable variables. Additionally, the proposed correlation between proficiency on the Sport Interactive tasks and specific sport aptitude lacks theoretical justification. Finally, problems accrued from the use of Australian norms to interpret the performances of Scottish children. It is concluded that models that are based on a static and uni-dimensional concept of talent are likely to lead to the premature de-selection of many talented children. An alternative TID process that is based on a dynamic and multi-dimensional concept of talent is discussed.  相似文献   

调查显示,近年来高职院校人才流失问题突出,已经影响到人才队伍稳定、核心竞争力、正常办学秩序和健康持续发展,其影响因素十分复杂,包括外部客观环境与人才内在需求两方面因素。从经济学与行为学视角进行人才流失的归因分析,可以准确把握因人才内在需求深层次影响因素所导致的流失原因,进而提出构建优越公平的待遇机制、完善创新的制度机制、贡献奖励的激励机制、公正准确的选才机制、科学开发的用人机制以及和谐温馨的环境机制等防范对策机制。  相似文献   

As the concept of intelligence and talent broadens to include the arts, there is a growing need for the development of effective procedures to identify students who show potential as well as demonstrated musical talent. This interview study gathered perspectives of musical talent and strategies for its recognition from specialists across gifted and music fields. The study's purpose was to synthesize findings from earlier analysis and quantitative findings with interviews to develop an identification framework of recommended criteria and procedures to guide musical talent identification in a variety of educational settings. In all 16 individuals (eight men and seven women), purposefully sampled, participated. Data were analyzed in accordance with the Constant Comparative Method (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). Results of the study yielded basic talent criteria under categories of perceptual awareness and discrimination, creative interpretation, and commitment. Resulting identification procedures propose to expand identification beyond performance, seek nominations outside of school, and specify observation techniques for performance assessment. The study also raises questions concerning creativity, creative interpretation, and musical talent identification for future research consideration.  相似文献   

Sport scientists have examined numerous factors influencing the acquisition and manifestation of high levels of performance. These factors can be divided into variables having a primary influence on expertise and variables that have a secondary influence through their interaction with other variables. Primary influences on expertise include genetic, training, and psychological factors while secondary influences include socio‐cultural and contextual elements. This paper reviews the factors affecting the development of expert performance in sport and suggests directions for future research.  相似文献   

自我国提出建设创新型国家的目标以来,创新型人才培养再次成为人们关注的焦点。创新型人才培养是一个系统工程,除了各种主观因素外,环境,尤其是高校内部环境建设,在其中发挥着不可或缺的重要作用,从校内管理体制创新这一视角,对高等教育创新型人才培养的内部环境建设进行探讨意义重大。  相似文献   

从经济、科技教育文化、交通及信息化、文化思想观念、人才激励机制以及气候环境条件等方面分析了制约西部地区技术转移的因子,提出加大教育投资力度,积极发展教育事业;大力发展交通、通讯事业,提高信息化水平;加快西部文化环境建设,建设新型的西部文化;制定和建立符合国际惯例及市场法则的人才管理机制和人才吸引机制等策略,以此促进西部地区技术的转移,加快西部地区的发展.  相似文献   

创新人才的培养过程就是在环境的影响下学生智力因素和非智力因素相互影响、相互作用的过程。非智力因素在培养品德高尚、意志坚定、锐意进取、开拓创新的人才方面具有决定性作用。对大学生创新精神的培养而言,非智力素质因素包括自信、质疑、勇敢、勤奋、热情、紧迫感、好奇心、兴趣、情感、动机等。  相似文献   

本文对现在排球运动在高等学校开展的不利因素进行分析,在此基础上探索出一种新的排球运动方式-"地排球"运动,同时对"地排球"运动在我国高等学校推广的优势因素予以讨论,目的在于通过"地排球"运动的开展与推广,进一步促进"地排球"运动在我国高等学校的深入推动,促使我国全民健身运动更加健康有续的发展.  相似文献   

城市体育文化圈是实现区域体育资源空间一体化、提升城市居民综合素质、增强城市核心竞争力的有效途径。立足辽西地区具有明显地域区位优势、特色城市体育品牌、鲜明民俗体育文化、优越户外运动资源、完备体育设施基础和十二届全运会发展契机等特点,提出构建辽西区域体育文化圈的发展策略。旨在促进区域间城市体育跨文化融合,推动区域体育文化产业化发展,实现我国城市体育文化可持续性发展。  相似文献   

影响产业发展的因素众多,人才战略是其中的一个重要方面。二战后到现在,日本的人才战略进行了多次调整,其目的就是为了配合产业发展的需要,对日本产业发展起到了很大的促进作用,但其中也出现一定程度的不协调,加深了20世纪90年代以来日本产业发展的困境,其经验告诉我们,人才战略的制定要具有务实性和前瞻性,要为产业发展服务,并要在法律和制度上加以规范。  相似文献   

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