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教师专业化已成为世界教师教育改革的核心命题,成为世界教师教育发展的潮流和趋势.在对教师专业化内涵的讨论基础之上,对目前教师专业化发展困境和主要原因进行深入剖析,基于马斯洛的需要层次理论提出教师专业化发展的路径,以期统一认识,理清问题,提出思路,加快我国教师专业化步伐,形成高素质教师群体.  相似文献   

电子竞技是随着电子游戏业的迅速发展而出现的一种全新的竞技方法。电子竞技成为中国体育总局承认的第99个正式体育项目。目前电子竞技在世界上开展的莲蓬勃勃,在中国尚处于发展初期,电子竞技有着职业化、多元化、品牌化发展的趋势,应对电子竞技进行正确的管理和引导,以使其健康、有序地发展。  相似文献   

针对现阶段学报理论具有极强的学术性和极高的专业性、学报管理具有较高的计划性、编辑工作具有较高的封闭性、编辑主体的市场意识淡薄等特点,本着发挥其比较优势、改善其劣势的原则,作提出新时期学报发展的对策:发挥学报的比较优势,利用其学术性为各行各业服务;改革和完善学报管理体制;促进学报编辑工作现代化;尽快实现编辑主体现代化。  相似文献   

"绿色体育"理念的提出距今已有十多年,绿色体育在内涵、价值、伦理等方面都有一定的拓展性研究.但绿色体育在发展过程中同样还遇到了如生态危机、商业化、假体育等诸多因素的挑战.本文通过探究其渊源,旨在为今后绿色体育的发展认清其危害,扫清其进程中的阻碍提供理论依据.  相似文献   

我国社会工作职业化发展的现实思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文章结合我国社会工作职业化发展现状,剖析了我国社会工作职业化发展过程中的主要问题,进而从明确社会工作的职业领域、健全社会工作机构的管理体制、完善社会工作的法律制度体系等方面进行了策略分析.  相似文献   

Historically, cognitive researchers have largely ignored the domain of sport in their quest to understand how the mind works. This neglect is due, in part, to the limitations of the information processing paradigm that dominated cognitive psychology in its formative years. With the emergence of the embodiment approach to cognition, however, sport has become a dynamic natural laboratory in which to investigate the relationship between thinking and skilled action. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore some insights into the relationship between thinking and action that have emerged from recent research on exceptional performance states (e.g., ‘flow’ and ‘choking’) in athletes. The paper begins by explaining why cognitive psychologists’ traditional indifference to sport has been replaced by a more enthusiastic attitude in recent years. The next section provides some insights into the relationship between thinking and skilled action that have emerged from research on ‘flow’ (or peak performance) and ‘choking’ (or impaired performance) experiences in athletes. The third section of the paper explores some practical issues that arise when athletes seek to exert conscious control over their thoughts in competitive situations. The final part of the paper considers the implications of research on thinking in action in sport for practical attempts to improve thinking skills in domains such as business organizations and schools.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to (1) examine the role of sexual orientation in determining a positive or negative predicted outcome value during an initial interaction, and (2) to test whether the predicted outcome value (POV) was related to anticipated communication behaviors. Participants (N = 284) completed one of two surveys. The surveys differed only in terms of the opening scenario, which introduced a fictitious target whose sexual orientation was manipulated. The data from this study suggest that learning of an individual's sexual orientation during an initial encounter negatively influences predicted outcome value and anticipated communication behaviors. Additionally, men continue to predict outcome values that are significantly more negative than those predicted by women. The results from this study remain important especially in light of recent research in which interpersonal contact with gays and lesbians has been shown to influence positively heterosexuals’ attitudes toward this minority group.  相似文献   

教师专业化:我国教师教育发展的机遇与挑战   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教师专业化是世界教师教育发展的趋势和潮流,也是我国教师教育改革的现实需要和努力方向。为推进教师专业化建设,必须对我国现行的教师教育制度进行改革:建立教师教育一体化模式,实现教师教育终身化;以教师专业化为导向,优化教师教育课程结构;改革教师培养模式,提高教师学历层次;打破传统的教师培养体系,建立多元化、开放的教师教育体系;建立教师专业发展学校,加强理论与实践的结合。  相似文献   

教研室是学校教学的基层单位,是学校教学质量的保证。教研室主任是在院、系领导下全面负责本教研室各项工作的领导者、组织者和管理者。明确教研室主任的角色定位,理清教研室工作思路,有利于加强教研室建设。  相似文献   

珍珠球运动作为少数民族传统体育竞赛项目,有其独特的竞赛健身特点。通过分析得出结论:珍珠球运动作为一项竞赛项目,其观赏性较高,并且对发展人体各项身体机能具有较好的锻炼价值。但这项运动还不太普及,技战术相对滞后。建议各级训练机构刻苦钻研,推陈出新从而更快推广和普及珍珠球运动的发展。  相似文献   

张凤仙 《培训与研究》2008,25(11):50-52
现代体育具有健身、娱乐、经济、政治等功能,在人类社会打破种族和性别界限,促进国际交流,加大国际化整合,促进世界经济发展过程中,体育文化起到了越来越重要的作用。研究体育文化的价值对推动世界体育的发展以及人类社会的进步具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The research program described in this article has focused on the work students do in classrooms and how that work influences students' thinking about content. The research is based on the premise that the tasks teachers assign determines how students come to understand a curriculum domain. Tasks serve, in other words, as a context for students' thinking during and after instruction. The first section of this article contains an overview of the task model that guided research. The second section provides a summary of findings concerning the properties of students' work in classrooms, with special attention to work in mathematics classes. I conclude with a brief discussion of implications of this research for understanding classroom processes and their effects.  相似文献   

珍珠球运动作为少数民族传统体育竞赛项目,有其独特的竞赛健身特点。通过分析得出结论:珍珠球运动作为一项竞赛项目,其观赏性较高,并且对发展人体各项身体机能具有较好的锻炼价值。但这项运动还不太普及,技战术相对滞后。建议各级训练机构刻苦钻研,推陈出新从而更快推广和普及珍珠球运动的发展。  相似文献   

相对于母体学院来说,独立学院寝室文化具有其独特性,对独立学院思想政治教育工作水平的提高起关键作用。从思想政治教育工作、学生世界观、人生观的树立、学生道德品质和行为习惯以及预防和消除学生心理隐患等方面分析其构建的必要性,再对独立学院存在思想政治教育工作在寝室文化建设中的定位模糊、工作重心的偏移、工作方法缺少创新以及工作缺乏系统性等问题进行分析,最后提出了明确"四性"在寝室文化中的地位、以寝室为主阵地、"五化"和"五进"方法融入寝室文化建设以及构建适应独立学院的工作方法等对策,为提升独立学院思想政治教育工作水平抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

Diversity in sport, especially in relation to those who hold positions of power in interscholastic, intercollegiate, and professional sport, seems to be some what of an oxymoron. There is ample evidence that those who are not similar to the status quo that has long dominated such sport settings (i.e., white, heterosexual, male) are far less represented within positions of power in sport than they are in the population at large (Acosta & Carpenter, 1996; Washington. 1998). Furthermore, some suggest that the maintenance of the status quo goes beyond demographics and that homologous reproduction exists in attitudes. values, and leadership priorities among those in leadership positions in sport (Boutlier & San Giovanni, 1994). Because diversity and valuing diversity have received a greal deal of attention in the corporate world, this paper utilizes the business literature in an attempt to obtain a fresh perspective regarding the lack of diversity in one of the most criticized areas of sport, Division IA intercollegiate athletic organizations. A review of the literature resulted in a framework comprised of three dimensions: 1) noncompliance/compliance. 2) reactive diversity management; and 3) proactive diversity management. The framework is presented and described and its application to kinesiology, physical education. and sport is provided.  相似文献   

当前大部分新型职业农民培育工作只是普适性的素质提升,对于发展现代、多元、绿色农业具有引领、带动作用,有新思维、有情怀、有担当的高级职业农民的教育培训工作开展甚少,其等级认定、职称评定工作也尚未全面展开。文章立足福建省新型职业农民培育现状,提出以培养高级职业农民促进农民职业化的构思,以期在福建省内贯通新型职业农民“专、本、硕”培养机制,开发高层次非学历继续教育培训项目与开展农民高级职称评定工作。  相似文献   

从《教育杂志》反映的情况来看,我国至少在20世纪20年代就提出了教师专业化问题。我国学者在20世纪40年代曾积极活跃在国际教育舞台上,并两次率先在国际教育大会上提出制定《世界教师专业道德规约》和《国际教师宪章》这些旨在促进教师专业化的重要提案并被大会采纳。这是中国对于世界教师专业化进程做出的重要贡献。当时在国内进行的教师专业化的一系列探索和实践也值得称道。我国在20世纪20-40年代对教师专业化进行的理论探索和实践是我国目前探讨教师专业化问题的重要财富,值得深入挖掘和批判继承。  相似文献   

毕飞宇的长篇小说《推拿》给我们描述了一群盲人推拿师们的日常生活、事业、友情、爱情。作者深入到作品主人公的情感世界,着重描写他们之间的情与爱。但是盲人世界的情爱似乎与正常人有些不同,由于视觉功能的缺乏,他们在爱情的道路上多了些阻力,而作者并不是给他们制造阻力,而是力图解除阻力。本文从几个人物对性的不同态度和尊严的价值这两方面来探讨小说主人公的爱是如何受阻又是如何化解阻力的。  相似文献   

关于英语教师教育与发展的认识与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师教育专业化是当代世界教师教育重要的发展趋势之一,反过来说,教师教育的发展也需要专业化的研究。教师教育专业化主要包括教学专业化、教师培养和培训专业化两个方面的内容。在教师教育专业化运动过程中,英语教师教育改革势在必行,英语教师培训也亟待加强。  相似文献   

While the call for interdisciplinary studies has been loud and clear over the last decade or so, the number of interdisciplinary publications in sport sciences is rather limited. One of the reasons for this scarcity is the complexity of the research process itself. Still, the combination and integration of information from different scientific disciplines seems to be important to better explain how elite performance comes about. In this article, we focus on this issue and discuss the advantages of interdisciplinary research for understanding how elite athletes are able to achieve such high-proficiency levels. The first section provides an overview of the studies that investigated elite performance in sports. In the second section, we focus on the issue of interdisciplinarity and illustrate how the ecological–dynamical approach and the concept of dimensional reduction can be used to explain how elite performers cope with the complex nature of sport skills. In the last section, we present a research outline and some practical considerations that can be helpful for researchers who aim to study sport skills from an interdisciplinary perspective.  相似文献   

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