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This study examined cognitive patterns involved in communication anxiety, particularly in public speaking situations. The cognitive patterns were represented by Motley's (1990) theoretical‐clinical conceptualization of either a “performance” or a “communication” orientation to public presentations. The mediating role of public self‐consciousness in these anxious cognitive patterns was also examined.

Results indicated that Motley's measurement of performance orientation (i.e. the presentation has to be perfect and will be closely scrutinized for delivery by the audience) was not associated with communication apprehension, public speaking anxiety, nor with public self‐consciousness. Although other scales performed as expected, the Performance/Communication Orientation scale proved to be multi‐factored and internally unreliable.  相似文献   

Jerzy Grotowski's dramatic theory is characterized, first by the concept of poor theatre, which reduced basic components of theatre to the interaction of the actor and the audience, and, second, by performance as an act of transgression in which the performer rids himself of his unique personal behavior and is reborn a character. When Grotowski's theory is applied to Readers Theatre, we have a poor Readers Theatre, composed of the literary text, the holy interpreter, and the audience.  相似文献   

试论替换中项法——对三段论方法的反思与重建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
词项逻辑特别是其中的核心部分直言三段论教学内容和方法的革新势在必行。现有的三段论方法本身都存在问题,应该重新探索能克服现有三段论方法的缺陷、能够解决三段论所有问题的简易方法,以利于逻辑学通识教育。研究表明,替换中项法正是我们发现的这种方法。  相似文献   

The narrative paradigm, recently proposed as a model for rhetorical criticism, is problematic because of internal contradictions and inconsistencies. In the paradigm, the status of traditional rationality and the extent to which it is to be applied are unclear. The conditions in which the universal audience, the particular audience, and the critic are to serve as the source for critical judgment are also unclear. When we have only the immanent facts of the text (its narrative) and the personal judgment of the critic to rely on, we lack independent sources for judging the adequacy of a critic's claims about the text.  相似文献   

This essay considers the rhetoric of space in a rapidly transforming culture. Using Michel Foucault's concept of “heterotopias” to understand the rhetorical power of a building's disposition, it is argued that the Jewish Museum Berlin contains two heterotopias, one within the other. The first is Daniel Libeskind's original building design in relation to the surrounding city, but the second is the placement of an art installation, Menashe Kadishman's Shalechet, in a central location within the museum. The doubling of heterotopian space uses dialectical–rhetorical transcendence to build identification with the museum's message for an increasingly international audience.  相似文献   

央视法制与社会频道的《大家看法》栏目,以对社会热点、焦点话题的敏锐捕捉,互动式的新闻,吸引了大批观众。在网络媒体发达的今天,《大家看法》的互动性和权威性将平民视点与权威话语融合,搭建一个良好的交流平台;法制观念在《大家看法》里得到贯彻,且将重心放于事件背后的深刻社会原因,发挥媒体道德监督、舆论指向的作用,将法治建设与发展和谐社会相统一。  相似文献   

Media messages are increasingly packaged in ways that blur distinctions between genres. The U.S. Army National Guard's recent campaign incorporating rock stars and popular music to appeal to potential recruits exemplifies this trend, as commercials and music videos become one and the same. Given this increasing trend, critical media literacy education is imperative. This article posits that by introducing the meta-language for discussing media and providing a protocol for exploring the mode, audience, purpose, and situation of media messages, teachers are preparing students to autonomously read media through a critical lens.  相似文献   

普惠性概念的提出其实质是在“入园难,入园贵”背景下,公共权力机关对公众学前教育权益诉求的积极回应,表达了政府在制定学前教育政策时追求的目的与价值.而要实现学前教育的普惠性,必须明确政府和市场作用的边界,政府的主要责任在于制定学前教育规划、政策和标准,提供公共财政支持,加强监管这三方面.  相似文献   

Women's empowerment is a concept that has acquired substantial recognition in the past decade. However, it is better known among international development organisations, NGOs, and grassroots groups than in academic circles. This article examines the concept of women's empowerment as a foundational element in a theory of social change in which the oppressed must be key actors in the change process. On the basis of empirical evidence, it highlights four dimensions of empowerment: economic, political, knowledge, and psychological. The knowledge dimension is fostered by one of the most respected and universal of institutions: formal education. Yet schools do not always provide friendly or even safe spaces for girls; moreover, the school curriculum emphasises academic subjects and avoids ‘life skills’ discussions. Most successful cases of empowerment through education have occurred in non-formal education programmes that specifically promote critical reflection on gendered social norms and encourage corrective responses. The article argues that the empowerment process must consider the close connection between the private and the public arenas, as the private space seriously constrains women's availability and possibilities for transformative action; therefore, both macro- and micro-level interventions are needed to create a modified gender division of labour. The promotion of agency — at both the individual and collective levels — plays a major role in the development of women's empowerment. Such a process requires the engagement of non-state actors, particularly women-led NGOs. The article ends with challenges for policy.  相似文献   

This article examines China's senior high ‘Thought and Politics’ (sixiang zhengzhi) texts, analyzing how these seek to legitimize the regime's developmental strategy. It is argued that their overriding emphasis on the strengthening of the state is premised upon the imperative of securing China's position within global order conceived in Darwinian terms. While the school curriculum cannot be seen simply as an instrument with which the party-state shapes and moulds popular consciousness at will, it is assumed here that it does play a significant role in the political socialisation of young people. ‘Thought and Politics’ serves as a benchmark of ideological correctness within what remains a highly centralised system of curriculum development. The article begins by briefly analyzing the shifts and continuities in China's developmental strategy, and of the roles assigned to education within that strategy. The importance traditionally attached to schooling's moralizing function is noted, as is the relatively elitist character of the audience for the ‘Thought and Politics’ course – senior high school students. After considering how and why a discourse of state-centred patriotism has become central to the Communist Party's efforts to legitimise its authority, the implications of the ‘Patriotic Education Campaign’ for the broader school curriculum are reviewed. The main discussion then focuses on the way in which the current texts for ‘Thought and Politics’ justify the national developmental strategy in terms derived from this patriotic discourse. Some potential implications of this combination of patriotic political socialisation with a highly labour-repressive developmental model, setting the case of China in comparative and historical context.  相似文献   

范畴指事物在认知中的归类,反映了事物的本质属性和普遍联系。范畴化是人类在形形色色的事物中看到相似性,并依据这种相似对事物进行分类,进而形成某一概念的非任意的心理过程。范畴化在人类的认知过程中起着至关重要的作用。范畴理论经历了经典理论和原型范畴理论时期。“家族相似”是范畴化理论中一个至关重要的概念,它深化了人们对范畴的认识。  相似文献   

1986年是我国广播的一个转折点。由于受到电视的冲击,广播的受众急剧下降。广播开始寻找新的出路。这一年,珠江经济广播电台开播,它动摇了人民台模式,以平视甚至仰视受众的观念、低成本的经营方式进行运作,它使广播退出了主流媒体。这种模式被称为“珠江模式”,全国各地方台基本采用这种模式进行运作。中央一套于1987年推出的新的节目表,走的是精办节目的路,并试探性地进行节目创新。之后,中央一套改为中国之声。中国之声坚守主流媒体的地位,但在珠江模式的影响下,它不免在一些具体节目上出现了在主流和非主流媒体运作方法之间摇摆。交通广播虽然采用非主流媒体运作方法,却能吸引主流受众。但这种模式目前还很难用在其他大众化类型广播上。小众化类型广播和网络广播现在还未形成气候,但早晚会普及的,其广播面貌将有新的变化。我国大陆广播模式出现了多样化倾向。  相似文献   

互联网的出现不仅对传统媒体造成了很大冲击,而且改变着电视剧创作趋势、创作者的理念,对电视剧的传播产生了极大影响。  相似文献   

Mega Planning uses Kaufman's Minimum Ideal Vision as its starting point. In a world attempting to plan its way out of multiple disasters and reach a better future, it is critically important to promote Mega Planning to the widest audience. Extending the Ideal Vision and adding new measures of social progress will make the Vision more compelling. Suggestions are compared with the report of Sarkozy's Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress.  相似文献   

赖隹文 《闽江学院学报》2013,34(4):59-63,73
在众多的监督形式中,舆论监督以其主体和受众的广泛性对促进司法权的公正行使起到了不可替代的作用。但不可否认的是,我国当前舆论监督确实存在越界行使、不当行使的问题,使两者产生冲突,干扰司法权的独立和公正行使,致使舆论监督异化为舆论审判,进而损害司法公正。司法权的特质决定了两者存在平衡的基础,而两者平衡又依赖于观念层面的建构和实践层面的把握。  相似文献   

新闻媒体已成为社会发展的风向标,新闻媒体的竞争说到底就是争取受众的竞争,凡是能够满足受众需要的,就具有可读性,也就赢得了竞争的胜利.如背群众而驰,必然会在竞争中被淘汰。随着近年来“人的价值”在社会上的日趋重视,新闻报道中也开始越来越注重对人的关怀。可以说,当今新闻报道中人文观念的有无,人文观念如何传达.是新闻报道成功与否的衡量尺度。增强新闻报道中的人文观念,不仅是顺应政府决策,满足受众和社会的需要,同时也是今天激烈竞争中媒体得以生存的关键所在。  相似文献   

This study is an examination of audience activity in reality television. This genre was chosen because the program producers encourage activity with Web-based video footage, photos, program summaries and speculations, online discussions, and voting. Hypotheses predicted that audience viewing motives would be significant predictors of identification, online post-exposure activity, and satisfaction. In general, the study's hypotheses were supported. Identification was predicted by watching for social learning and cognitive and emotional involvement. Engaging in online activity after watching was predicted by elaboration and feeling negative emotion. Viewing satisfaction was predicted by viewing motive; cognitive and emotional involvement; and, surprisingly, less online activity after watching.  相似文献   

在建构一种物权的道义论意图下,本文首先论证,康德定言命令前两种表述在逻辑上的非等价性为物权道义论预留了可能的空间;然后从第一表述的可普遍化原则出发,推出物权道义论的内部规则:1)除非我也愿意别人对某物的占有,我不应占有该物;2)除非我也愿意别人以同样的方式对待某物,我不应该如此手段化或使役该物;最后,从意志自由的条件("不知"和"不欲")出发,导出物权道义论的外部规则,即万物具有平等的道德地位.  相似文献   

康德的道德哲学蕴含着丰富的人学思想。在笔者看来,德性至上是康德人学思想的核心。从源于实践理性的自律出发,康德将德性、实践理性与意志自由有机统一,并为每一个有理性者提出了"以人性为目的"这一道德实践意义上的绝对律令。因此,强调德性至上的康德人学,其基础是实践理性,其目的则是人类自由,有限的理性存在者(人)由此成为道德王国的自我决断者。在这一意义上,康德人学正是西方启蒙思想的精华。  相似文献   

普世伦理又译作全球伦理,一直是人类探讨道德的核心问题。康德从先天的形式出发,通过自由意志、道德规律、人是目的和普遍立法等形式为普世伦理的发展奠定了基本基调和纯粹理性形式,促进了普世伦理思想的发展。  相似文献   

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