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The English social and educational reformer, Mary Carpenter, became involved in the imperialist venture in India in the 1860s and 1870s. Imbued with liberal, anti‐racist attitudes, she was drawn to India particularly because of gender interests. Inspired by and working with Indian reformers, she was apparently welcomed on her four visits to India where her own ideas on women's rights were further developed. In England she eagerly publicised her experiences and strove, with some success, to achieve her interpretation of what Indian reformers desired. How far Mary Carpenter actually could understand the Indian situation, how far her liberalism in fact was touched by cultural imperialism and class attitudes — her own ethnicity as an Englishwoman — indeed, are examined here. It will be seen that to understand fully racial and imperial attitudes of late nineteenth century England it is crucial to interrelate gendered notions with them.


Policy documents informing the profession of teaching in Australia and elsewhere explicitly recommend nurturing those new to the profession working collaboratively with colleagues. Key to the development and growth of beginning teachers is the informal exchange of ideas and knowledge between colleagues – essentially through the functioning of a community of practice. In practice there are beginning teachers who do not experience productive professional collaborations. In this article we use positioning theory and discourse analysis as a methodological “hearing aid” to listen to the story of a beginning teacher, a global English speaker, as she tells of her personal experiences of being excluded by her colleagues as she begins teaching at her first school. Speakers of global English are defined, for this research, as those for whom English is not their first language but may be one of many spoken languages. This story reflects similar accounts gathered during a larger research study conducted by the authors that focused on the early career experiences of global English speaking teachers. We conclude with suggestions for ways forward through awareness and practical reforms.  相似文献   

I don't think that the late Dr Ruth Wong has really left us. Physically, yes. But, in spirit, she is very much with us, in the sense that many of us are still guided by some of her seminal ideas. Unfortunately, many of her ideas could not be implemented during her lifetime, for she was too far ahead of her time, but, with patience and perseverance, it might yet be possible to advance some of her valuable ideas.  相似文献   

生态美学是生态学与美学的一种有机的结合,是运用生态学的理论和方法研究美学,将生态学的重要观点吸收到美学之中,从而形成一种崭新的美学研究视角。狄金森的自然诗歌具有强烈的生态意识,她以旁观者的身份描写自然,与自然和谐共存而又逃离自然,展示了其作为自然旁观者的审美思想。  相似文献   

《西厢记》描写叛逆的爱情。崔莺莺的叛逆,不仅要触动她所属的那个阶级,而且她首先要背叛反映在她的思想性格中的她所属的那个阶级的习性、教养和观念。莺莺是勇敢的,虽然也有软弱;她的胜利是双重的。  相似文献   

This article is written in a personal capacity; it is based on a presentation entitled ‘If the child is father to the man, can the researcher be mother to the poet?’ given as part of the ECER symposium, ‘Telling stories: truth and fiction in educational research’ hosted by David Bridges, at the European Conference on Educational Research, University of Edinburgh, 23 September 2000. It is meant as a stimulus to discussion about the relationship between poetry as a species of ‘creative’ writing, and research writing—how and why they might be complementarities as well as opposites. Rather than attempting a theoretical paper, the author uses excerpts from her own poetry—and those of the prize‐winning poet, Jane Draycott, with whom she recently co‐authored a book, and whose ideas have contributed to this article—to explore these ideas.  相似文献   

赛珍珠拥有多重身份:她是父母不幸婚姻的见证者,是不幸婚姻的受害者,是智障儿童的母亲,是通晓中西文化却不被任何一方所接受的文化边缘人。这种多重身份无不例外的将赛珍珠置于一个令人尴尬的边缘人状态。作为一个边缘人,她关心同样处在社会边缘地位的人们———女人、儿童和包括中国、日本等在内的处于弱势地位的亚洲国家的人们。女性文学作品的创作,寄予了她对女性的同情与期望;儿童文学的创作,表明她对儿童的关心与厚爱;东西文化交流题材的写作,折射出她对中西文化平等对话的渴望。一切为了边缘人,为了边缘人的一切,是赛珍珠文学创作动因的真实写照。  相似文献   

This paper explores the told story of a white working-class woman still teaching in an innercity primary school in the UK. Issues of her continuing exclusion despite early career success demonstrate how social class bias can operate within the UK education system in a variety of ways. Her story is set in the context of new EAZ, the appointment of ‘superheads’ to failing schools and other government initiatives aimed at improving the education of children from lower socio-economic backgrounds. Jenny is from this background herself and finds the cost of trying to maintain and celebrate her class identity very high—she describes it as a ‘constant battle’. Her voice responds to Maguire's exploration of how Teacher Education in the UK reaffirms the middle-class ‘promise’ of becoming a teacher by both denying and disowning working-class cultures. This paper calls for more extensive research into the lived reality of difference when students from non-traditional backgrounds attempt to enter the profession and teach within it.  相似文献   

写作是一种用文字和隐喻标记世界的方式,是一个引领学生批判地、深度地阅读和有效地、清晰地书写的过程,是一个让学生发现自己真正关心所在和写出自己所思所想的路径。写作课在美国高校通常是必修课,旨在培养学生的书面沟通能力和批判性思维。哈佛大学说理文写作课程创建于1872年,如今是本科生的唯一一门必修课。对话从南希·萨默斯完成的著作以及她对中国的关注开始,依次展开缘何倾情于写作教育、为何关注修订和反馈研究领域、如何创立哈佛本科生写作工程、因何设立研究生写作工作坊等话题。在对话过程中,萨默斯将所获成功归结为喜爱阅读、喜欢写作,指出学习写作是本科生学习科目的一种方式,认为写作是帮助学生确定人生方向的力量,强调写作是本科教育的核心、修订是写作的核心。另外,萨默斯还对学生写作者的修订策略、对学生写作者的反馈、工作坊中的写作伙伴、一万个小时定律、说与写的关系、写作时内心的恐惧、避免抄袭或剽窃等话题进行了阐述。  相似文献   

In this study a teacher educator worked with two elementary teachers to facilitate a self-study of their learning during a professional development programme. The programme extended for 6 months and was underpinned by four learning processes—reflection, sharing, action and feedback. The two teachers documented their learning experiences and were interviewed several times during and after the study. At the end of the 6-month period, the teachers sketched and shared models of their learning and then collaborated to produce a joint model. Sue learned that she needed to start with a small change in her teaching and that her learning involved multiple factors that interacted to create change. Loraine learned that focusing on the teaching of science reminded her of childhood experiences and that it was important for her to analyse why she taught the way she did. Self-study helped the teachers to develop insights about how they learned and enabled them to better understand and manage their own professional development.  相似文献   

自动走向佛门是精神解脱,被动走向佛门是精神禁锢。妙玉“身在佛门,心系红尘”,其情感矛盾的变化折射出她人生思想的变化历程,反映了佛性与人性在其心中地位的转换。人性的复醒,使妙玉对红尘生活的向往与日俱增,她背负着沉重的精神枷锁,步履艰难地迈向世俗世界。妙玉在人性与佛性的门缝中呻吟、挣扎,最终被佛性与人性两扇大门挤扁了,磨碎了。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterise the development of a preservice physical education teacher's professional activity over the course of training interactions with her co‐operating teacher. The student teacher's professional development was studied using a hermeneutic and inductive approach based on the analysis of data from observation and self‐confrontation interviews. The results showed that the preservice teacher's conceptions regarding her teaching developed despite communication difficulties with her co‐operating teacher and that she constructed new knowledge—at times without her co‐operating teacher's awareness—even when she disagreed with him. However, the student teacher's classroom activity did not always change as a result of this new knowledge. The self‐confrontation interviews revealed her construction of knowledge, as well as the reasons for disagreement and her resistance to changing her classroom action.  相似文献   

杨绛散文以真切感人制胜,最新作品《我们仨》尤其如此。1997年、1998年,钱媛钱钟书相继因病去世。四年后,92岁高龄的杨绛饱含深情以及特有的笔调书写《我们仨》,回忆他们坎坷而甜蜜的家庭生活。在失去爱女与伴侣之后,她并未以痛不欲生的姿态回忆,而是用看透红尘大喜大悲之后的宁静娓娓道来过去的故事。细读该作品会发现全文字里行间无不流露着她对于家人的深刻怀念,全书在行文过程中更是哀而不伤。《我们仨》一书中虚实相生、巧设悬念、典型性细节描写、合理背景描写以及写意手法等散文艺术表现手法的运用无处不在,具有其独特的魅力,产生了强烈的艺术感染力。  相似文献   

In this reflective essay, the author describes her continuing search for a pedagogical path. She explains how she came to reject authoritative answers and packaged educational ideologies, and describes the questions that have unfolded for her about her own teaching. In closing, she writes about her search for a faith—a set of principles to guide her in the face of uncertainty in teaching.  相似文献   

李瓶儿是《金瓶梅》中众多栩栩如生、血肉丰满的女性形象之一。小说描写了她在生活中的喜怒哀乐与爱恨情仇。以嫁与西门庆为界,其性格发生了根本的变化:由一个悍妇变为一个贤妻良母。之所以发生这种根本的转变,一是由于她找到了情感的慰藉,其次在于获得了生理的满足,另外还源于官哥儿的出世。尽管如此,"存天理、灭人欲"的社会伦理环境、封建制度和封建礼教终使她还是未能避免凄惨的结局。  相似文献   

In a year-long, school-based teacher education project, primary school teachers were given workshop- and classroom-based support, including sustained mentoring, as they appropriated a generative heuristic for teaching technology-and-science in their classrooms. The mentor participated in their lessons and recorded her frequent conversations with teachers. Extracts from 3 conversations (of many, spanning 5 months) between 1 teacher and the mentor illustrate this teacher's changing ideas and the mentor's role. The teacher realized that although she preferred to learn generatively, she had been using instructionist approaches in her technology-and-science teaching. These dialogues show how the mentor supported this teacher as she gradually aligned her technology-and-science teaching with the generative style of learning she already valued.  相似文献   

《法国中尉的女人》是一部存在主义的经典之作。书中的查尔斯与萨拉虽然生活在不同的社会阶层,但他们都有独特的物质存在与精神存在。笔者对查尔斯和萨拉作为孤独个体的理解是,尽管他们孤独的表现形式不同,但他们具有相似的价值观念。萨拉的孤独表现为被排除于主体社会之外的孤独,而她所具有的独特的价值观念更加彰显了她作为存在主义的孤独个体的形象;查尔斯的孤独表现为貌似融入属于他的社会阶层,却与主流社会背道而驰的孤独,而使他与主流社会分离的原因同样是他的观点和想法。  相似文献   

In recent years, the Secretariat of Public Education in Mexico has supplied a significant number of schools with computers and connectivity, putting important resources into the purchase and installation of equipment. It is assumed that teachers will somehow naturally transition to using these tools and in fact, new curricular guidelines derived from international policy put them under a great deal of pressure to do so. This paper presents an up-close, qualitative look at one teacher’s efforts for incorporating technology into her history class and her process of constructing a working knowledge of using the computer, searching for ideas and materials on the Internet, and creating activities for her students. Equally important for incorporating technology into her teaching were the institutional and technical obstacles such as obsolete technology, insufficient connectivity, and school site constraints she confronted. Her case illustrates the complexity of using computer and Internet technologies in classroom settings.  相似文献   

张虹是我省名的女作家。她的小说集《黑匣子风景》学界多有评说。本着重分析作品中的乡村女性形象,并认为在这些形象中体现了作对女性问题的理性思考。  相似文献   

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