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Abstract In every faith community, worship and education should be conceived and practiced as interdependent, interpenetrating dimensions of ecclesial life. Too often, however, worship and education are separated and compartmentalized to the detriment of both. This article explores a way to understand the inherent unity of worship and education and proposes a structure of ecclesial life in which each is necessary to the other. Putting education and worship in conversation yields new clarity regarding the liturgical nature of ministry and the micro- and macroscopic perspectives of education. Significant implications are drawn, especially with respect to the important insights that an educational perspective can bring to pastoral leadership in the community.  相似文献   

This article reports findings from an investigation of the childhoods of young musicians which provides indications of musical talent and unusual liking for music in the earliest years of life. Forty‐two students aged 10‐17 attending a highly selective specialist music school were interviewed and encouraged to talk about significant events and experiences in their early musical lives. The parents of half the students were also interviewed. In 50 percent of the children there was some evidence of spontaneous early musical activity, in the form of either singing or picking out tunes on an instrument. However, the students who were most exceptional were no more likely than the others to have displayed special talents at a very early age. In addition, a number of parents reported that their child had shown an unusual degree of interest in music while still very young. The findings have implications concerning the possible existence of innate gifts and talents.  相似文献   

J. Gillis's thesis of the relation between the social constructions of youth and gender is reconsidered on the basis of a case study of girls working at the Philips factories in Eindhoven in the 1891‐1960 period. Adulthood appeared to be unattainable for these girls within the context of their work at Philips. Only an able male worker, trained for his Job and earning a family wage, was considered to be an adult. Factory girls reached adulthood only when they left their Jobs to get married and follow their true vocation: domesticity and motherhood. Even in the post‐war period, when the girls attained a certain degree of autonomy and personality came to be seen as an important aspect of the development towards adulthood, young women in the Philips factories remained “girls”, outsiders in the mature world of male labour.  相似文献   

life of the party是一种习惯用语,用来说某一种人。什么样的人呢?我们听个例子来体会吧。这个小伙子要向我们介绍他妹妹Jenny,听了他的描述,你一定觉得Jenny是非常讨人喜欢的女孩儿,注意他话里用上了习惯用语life of the party:  相似文献   

徐振芳 《海外英语》2009,(11):53-53
第一天,上帝创造了牛。上帝对牛说:“今天,我创造了你作为牛,你必须跟农夫下田,整天在目头下干活。我给你50年的生命。”  相似文献   

陈宏 《巢湖师专学报》2014,(3):130-132,146
当前,高校公选课的教学质量问题受到关注。本文阐述了高校开设“药物与生活”公选课的意义,结合教学实践,从教学投入不足,缺乏师资和选课指导,专业术语较多等方面比较全面地分析了影响公选课教学质量的因素,并据此提出了精选授课内容、盘活教学资源、灵活运用多媒体和严格考核制度等提高教学质量的措施。  相似文献   

泰宁卫作为明朝的羁縻卫,一直以游牧为主要生活方式,经济上依赖明朝,后期逐渐发展多种经营,体现在牧业、农业、手工业、渔业等多方面。明朝无论泰宁卫人众发生什么变化依然以属卫方式对待,提供经济上的扶持,最终造成自己的被动。  相似文献   

This narrative study involving an adult Hmong refugee, his family, and his community provides an example of the often intimate connection between religion, language, and culture. The extension of the "Word of God" often has been facilitated by the extension of literacy. Before the rise of national school systems, the church was a primary site for literacy education, especially where Protestantism held sway. In the case of the Hmong, Protestant missionaries in the last century have gained many converts through the popularity of their Hmong language bibles (Tapp 1989a). Salvation Church provides one of the few opportunities for Hmong youth in Windigo, Michigan to practice literacy in what for many is their first language. This research documents ways in which conversion to Christianity brought changes to Hmong clan and family relationships, as traditionalists became divided from practitioners of the "new religion."  相似文献   

李金富 《大学生》2012,(24):74-75
我在任梅州市梅江区城北镇上村村书记助理期间,除了一般村官要做的那些文档资料整理、数据统计分析、信息化建设等工作外,还有许多趣事儿苦事儿和美事儿。趣事:小李叔记得刚到村里工作的时候,万事开头难,风土、民情、工作、条例……什么都不懂,为了尽快熟悉工作,难免要经常打电话问村干部一些工作上的事情。每次打电话过去,除了对  相似文献   

This paper offers some aims for education at the university level for middle‐age and older adults. A review of the scope of knowledge and practice in this field is presented along with a brief analysis of some factors leading to the growing interest in this area, in which a lack of empirical knowledge and clear philosophy is evident. Research findings from life‐span developmental studies on the cognitive, personality, and motivational characteristics of older people are discussed in terms of their implications for higher education. In the light of these considerations, suggestions for planning academic programs for older adults are presented. Academic programs must be rooted in curricula that concurrently foster age integration at the university while attending to the special needs of middle‐age and older adults. Academic programs require programs of action research and training for educators and students of adult development. This is seen as essential to promote future progress in this area.  相似文献   

当代大学生的人生价值现出现了一些不良倾向。高校思想政治工作者应客观分析相关原因,加强引导,帮助大学生重新建立起科学的人生价值现体系。  相似文献   

你有没有想过,“铲屎官们”离家时,爱宠们会做什么?是眼巴巴望着主人离开,还是在家里搞破坏?纽约公寓楼里的宠物们在主人离家后谋划着他们的secreto只不过这一回,事情有了一些变化Max(麦克)家里添了新成员Liam(利安),这位“小恶魔”的出现给Max平静的生活带来了许多麻烦。  相似文献   

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