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In the Netherlands, the relation between Catholic schools and the Catholic Church was apparent during the pillarized educational system and culture of the first decades of the 20th century. In the post-pillarized decennia afterward, their connection transformed and became less recognizable. At first glance, their contemporary relation sometimes seems only superficial. This article argues that Catholic schools are connected with the Catholic religious tradition in an embodied way and in their orientation toward the common good. Furthermore, the embodied religiosity expressed in daily school life is more than both schools and church realize, intertwined with ecclesiastical reflections on Catholic education.  相似文献   

In this article the phenomenological approach to religious education is subjected to careful analysis and criticism. Something of the contemporary debate on the nature of religious education between liberals and conservatives is sketched in, before the origins and nature of the phenomenological approach to the study of religion are considered. This is followed by an account of the way in which the phenomenology of religion proper has been appropriated by educationalists and developed into what is regarded as a suitable methodology for religious education. Finally, it is argued that certain features of a phenomenological approach to religion are untenable in the light of recent work in the philosophy of language and mind.  相似文献   

This study investigates Suhrawardi's epistemological and philosophical point of view in order to analyze and elicit its educational outcomes. His philosophy, which can be called eclectic philosophy (involving intellect and intuition), regularly proposes a different philosophical system with intuitionist outlook. It is the combination of two philosophical and mystical views, namely Aristotle's logical reasoning and Plato's mysticism. Suhrawardi has rather suggested this belief in the field of acquiring knowledge by humans that depends on three levels of knowledge, namely intuitive knowledge (using senses), knowledge via observation (mystical intuition), and illuminated knowledge. The third level of knowledge leads a human to the verity of knowledge. Therefore, this view about knowledge, and process of this knowledge acquisition, will have educational implications such as aims, principles, and teaching–learning methodology.  相似文献   

定义了分次模的几类分次零化子素理想,得到了它们之间的一些关系,讨论了它们在Noether分次模上的存在性问题。  相似文献   

A survey of 500 public school teachers in Texas was conducted to determine the extent to which aging content is incorporated into curricula. Results show that very few teachers (3.6%) make specific provision for teaching about aging. Almost one‐half of the teachers who indicated they did not teach about aging stated they would include this area in their curricula if instructional materials were available. Most of the teachers (68%) indicated their willingness to participate in short‐term inservice training to better prepare themselves to teach about aging. From the results of this study it appears that educational gerontology has far to go in the direction of “gerontologizing” public schools at all levels. Yet the willingness of teachers to learn more about this important curriculum area is encouraging.  相似文献   

中国现代中小学单项教学实验述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育方法的科学化是“五四”运动以来中国教育发展的一个时代主题,教育实验则是其实现的一个重要工具。在教学与课程实验领域,中小学单项教学实验最具持久和现实的影响力。它对教育教学改革的深入、教育的科学化与近代化历程的艰难曲折的探索,起到了重要的作用。  相似文献   

拥有健康的体格、修长的身材,是大多数人的渴望,不过要多年如一日地保持良好体形可不是那么容易的,是要付代价的。下面这位,为了保持体形。可是失去了很多与朋友相聚的机会。友情提醒:身材诚可贵。朋友价更高!目标:学习英语俚语和表达。 想一想:你怎么保持体形?你去健身房吗,多久去一次?你会给你的健康打多少分?你还有其他保持体形的方法吗?  相似文献   

容闳是近代中国早期现代化的开拓者 ,是第一位毕业于美国耶鲁大学的中国人。在中国半殖民地半封建社会里 ,他投身于救国强国运动中 ,积极主张学习引进西方的先进科学技术及其设备 ,倡导普及教育、出国留学 ,一开中国新风 ,在科教兴国方面可谓远见卓识 ,有着跨时代的独到见解和实践活动 ,成为中国近代科教兴国的先驱。  相似文献   

There is a movement toward “corporatization” evident in Catholic hospitals, Catholic schools, and Catholic social service agencies taking up management structures and other features and behaviors employed by corporations. Many see these practices as threatening the identity and influence of religion as the profit concerns begin to take center stage. This development is assessed from two perspectives. The 19th-century shift in Catholic education was equally radical and raised no less conflicting values in religious identity. The story of Catholic healthcare's movement over the past 30 years from direct control and administration primarily by religious orders of women to mega health systems provides a parallel experience adjusting this Catholic ministry to the demands of the corporate world and re-expressing Catholic identity.  相似文献   

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