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In considering what draws people to become involved in adventurous activities, studies on flow suggest that people are motivated to participate because of the intrinsic feelings of enjoyment, well-being and personal competence that they experience. This paper explores the positive experience phenomena termed peak experience, peak performance and flow. Similar and distinctive characteristics are identified, and factors influencing the ability to experience such peak moments are considered. A state of flow, which appears to hold the most relevance for adventurous activities, is explored in greater detail and considered in the light of The Adventure Experience Paradigm. Csikszentmihalyi's flow models are outlined and examined with particular reference to perceived levels of challenge and skill. It is suggested that an insight into the nature and characteristics of such optimal experiences can contribute to our understanding of why adventurous activities are intrinsically motivating. Such an understanding can assist practitioners in enhancing the learning experiences and opportunities for development of each individual participant.  相似文献   


In considering what draws people to become involved in adventurous activities, studies on flow suggest that people are motivated to participate because of the intrinsic feelings of enjoyment, well-being and personal competence that they experience. This paper explores the positive experience phenomena termed peak experience, peak performance and flow. Similar and distinctive characteristics are identified, and factors influencing the ability to experience such peak moments are considered. A state of flow, which appears to hold the most relevance for adventurous activities, is explored in greater detail and considered in the light of The Adventure Experience Paradigm. Csikszentmihalyi's flow models are outlined and examined with particular reference to perceived levels of challenge and skill. It is suggested that an insight into the nature and characteristics of such optimal experiences can contribute to our understanding of why adventurous activities are intrinsically motivating. Such an understanding can assist practitioners in enhancing the learning experiences and opportunities for development of each individual participant.  相似文献   

I argue in this paper that sport should be retained as an important part of the educational rationale for physical education. I consider Siedentop's critique of physical education and his alternative in the form of Sport Education. Siedentop's goals for youth sport and physical education and use of the work of Alisdair McIntyre are explored. It is argued that if we work to experience activities that are inherently pleasurable and intrinsically satisfying, then there is a possible future for activities such as sport. I conclude that school physical education is well placed to take up this challenge of sustaining sport as a moral practice and that the pedagogical tools already exist to do this in the form of a critical pedagogy.  相似文献   

Physical education has a rich tradition of concern for the development of fully functioning individuals, but this tradition is in danger of being marginalized by the dominant technocratic and competitive structures of today's physical education. The purpose of this paper, in seeking to readdress the value of the experiential dimensions of sport, is to provide the instructor with insight into a specific domain of sport—challenging outdoor activity, or risk sport—that holds particular value for Bain's (1988) alternative approach for humanistic physical education. Employing the model of risk-sport involvement (Robinson, 1992) as an analytical framework, the paper attempts to promote an understanding of the complex nature of the risk-sport experience and the potential value such experiences hold for personal growth, meaningful social interaction, and social change.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to describe the historical development of sport and exercise psychology, with a particular emphasis on the construction and evolution of the “box” through history. The box represents the dominant paradigm that serves as the model for research and application as it evolves through successive historical eras (Kuhn, 1962). Seven historical eras related to the development of sport and exercise psychology are discussed. Of particular interest for this review were individuals whose curiosity and motivation established the roots for the study of sport and exercise psychology, as well as the controversies and tensions in both kinesiology and psychology that shaped the fi eld. Suggestions for the future include a problem-based approach to scholarship and a cultural praxis version of sport and exercise psychology to enhance relevancy and social impact.  相似文献   

Play is frequently considered the basis of sport, and sport and dance are usually considered separate entities with little relationship to one another. In this paper a model is presented for conceptualizing sport and dance as a common phenomenon separate from the domains of psychology, sociology, history, biology, and geography. Performance is viewed as the basis of this shared relationship. Support is offered from the literature for viewing sport and dance as the performance of skill. Skill in an activity is considered a generic trait of sport and dance with levels of skill or ability a hierarchical, unique, and essential characteristic of the model. The levels within the model are beginner, intermediate, and advanced performance as we traditionally label our courses. Existentialism is offered as the philosophy underlying sport and dance. The purpose of the model is to propose that sport and dance be considered as a discrete domain with a body of knowledge upon which a theory of performance might be constructed. The paper is concluded by offering a common definition of sport and dance.  相似文献   

Research suggests that females are vastly under-represented in the upper echelons of sport organizations. As such, the purpose of the current article was to apply a symbolic interactionist perspective to the lacking presence of women in leadership positions of sport organizations. The model proposes that gender-role meanings and stereotypes associated with social and sport ideology may function to limit the capacity of females within the sport context. Specifically, in response to the lower levels of societal power and status afforded to women, females within sport organizations may fail to view themselves as adequate and appropriate leaders and/or coaches thus preventing them from acting as such (i.e., self-limiting behavior). Identity theory and the identity control process are applied to support the linking of these macro and micro processes, respectively. The proposed model also suggests the presence of a moderator; one's self-concept, that may provide a protective mechanism to the potential detrimental affects of ideological meanings, identity formation, and subsequent self-limiting behaviors. Additionally, suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

Sport education (SE) is an instruction model developed amid concerns about the lack of authentic, legitimate opportunities for young people to experience sport through physical education and was designed to facilitate enhanced links between experiences in physical education and those in the wider world of sport. The paper discusses how one UK primary school delivered key citizenship education learning through the use of SE. The research reported here is based on interviews with teachers and students in Year 6 at one co-education, state-run primary school. The paper highlights the possibilities for teaching citizenship through the medium of sport while recognising the central importance of the creative teaching approach rather than the subject matter of sport in facilitating the development of active citizenship. The possibilities for citizenship education through sport to be celebratory and supportive of real-world discourses are highlighted. As a solution to the overcrowded curriculum in primary schools, SE has been embraced and developed by the teachers in ‘Forest Gate School’.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an exploration into the professional practice of a lecturer using the appreciative inquiry (AI) approach. This facilitated inquiry intentionally sought to apply the AI approach to the practice of an individual, an application that is different to its predominant usage with groups. The context for this research was the professional practice of a lecturer within an innovative narrative curriculum for midwifery. Evidence was gathered through the re-telling of moments of peak performance. The AI process starts from actual practice and returns to the implications for practice. In the process, the inquiry explores questions such as, when am I at my ‘best’ as a lecturer? What patterns and themes exist across the stories of peak performance? How can my future practice be influenced by these themes. An important aspect of this research was the facilitation of the process which supported the movement of the research process and the critical reflection that is integral to such an inquiry. Such facilitation is particularly critical to the development of provocative propositions and an action plan for future practice. The experience and findings of this research suggest that the AI approach is well suited to a holistic consideration of an individual's professional practice.  相似文献   

Employing the conceptual model developed by Comeaux and Harrison (Coll Stud Aff J 30(1):75–87, 2011), this study explored the undergraduate experience of Division I athlete STEM graduates. Data collection involved 17 in-depth interviews with former athletes at two research-intensive, public institutions. Results revealed that pre-college characteristics, involvement in purposeful STEM-related activities, and sport participation, as well as academic support and guidance within athletic departments, play important roles in shaping the experiences of athletes who earn STEM degrees. Implications for student affairs professionals, faculty, and others who frequently interact with college athletes and are committed to creating more equitable educational environments are discussed.  相似文献   

In 1783 the Montgolfier brothers successfully experimented with lighter-thanair balloon flight. But their remarkable invention eventually turned out to be less useful than expected. Their guiding vision—that one could sail the heavens much like sailing the seas—was wrongheaded. Much like the story of early balloon flight, the telling of any story, such as ours, depends upon having a sensible vision before the facts become intelligible, much less useful. As an illustrative example, it is often argued that the experience of sport is essentially one of leisure and is not of the work world. This vision is challenged by analyzing the possibility that sport is indeed good work. If this is so, then promoting the text or our sport's story as part of the so-called progressive culture of evermore comfort and convenience is a story without much lift. An alternate vision for our field is to cultivate the story that the experience of sport is essentially work, hence inconvenient and difficult, but productive and therefore morally uplifting and personally dignifying.  相似文献   

The application of theories to understand concepts and issues in sport and physical education is viewed as a useful research strategy. Two theories addressing subjective phenomena relevant to sport experiences are presented. Concepts proposed in Martin Buber's I-Thou philosophy of relationship and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's flow model exploring the psychology of enjoyment are delineated and compared. Sportrelated research using these constructs is then presented. It is concluded that careful application of theories is a viable and valuable approach for studying complex, elusive phenomena in sport. Further, knowledge derived from such research facilitates understanding and awareness of subjective meaning in sport, and therefore opens individuals to the potential of relationship and flow.  相似文献   

体育产业化在国外的发展已相当成熟,但在我国还刚刚起步,研究了在市场经济条件下体育产业化的发展,从经济学的角度分析了体育事业,研究了国外经验对我国的借鉴作用,探讨了我国体育产业化的可行性问题。  相似文献   

介绍了一个基于不变矩和支持向量机技术的车型分类器。不变矩对于平移、旋转、尺度变化有良好的不变性,能很好的表示2维图像形状特征。支持向量机(SVM)建立在结构风险最小化原理基础上,对车型识别这样的非线性、高维数的小样本问题有非常好的分类效果和学习推广能力。在提取车长、车高等特征的基础上加入汽车图像不变矩特征,试验结果表明,该系统有很高的识别率。  相似文献   

As sport is a highly child-populated domain, the establishment of child-protection measures to reduce the potential for child maltreatment in sport is critical. Concern for the protection of children in sport has a history that is as old as modern sport itself; however, it is only recently that concern has been established about children's experiences of relational forms of abuse and neglect in this domain. The purpose of this article, therefore, is to review current developments in sport with respect to child-protection policy, education, and research. It is the authors' supposition that an athlete-centered philosophy of sport is perhaps the best way to address the protection of children in sport. The philosophy of an athlete-centered sport model is described, and through the integration of an athlete-centered approach to sport, recommendations are made for future implementation of child-protection measures.  相似文献   

Considerable literature has been written over the last decade which indicates that the National Curriculum for Physical Education in England and Wales is being delivered ineffectively in primary schools. This paper discusses the key issues currently faced within primary PE and identifies why within Physical Education, primary matters appear to be of secondary importance, despite research indicating that such a stage of schooling holds the key to lifelong physical activity and proficiency in more complex activities such as sport. It is argued that to create a more successful model of PE and sport within the UK there needs to be a shifting of priorities and resources into the primary sector and the creation of a ‘bottom-up’ model, rather than continue to pursue policies that are ‘top-down’ in nature.  相似文献   

Utilizing “teachable moments” within daily situations to impart knowledge and transmit values is a type of informal education. In a structured camp environment, such teachable moments may be integrated into the educational curriculum. “Jewish teachable moments” may be used to address Judaism and Jewish Peoplehood holistically, as the educators and counselors guide the campers through the Jewish summer camp environment. This article examines the Jewish Teachable Moments method through a case study conducted at a Reform movement affiliated camp in Texas. Theoretical and pedagogical implications of the Jewish Teachable Moments method are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper an argument for the proposition that emphasizing the pursuit of excellence in sport is discriminatory against women is presented. The argument is developed in three stages. First, a definition of “discrimination” is proposed and discussed. Second, the idea of sport as a quest for excellence is traced through various interpretations of the meaning of sport. Third, excellence is discussed as a socially constructed concept and phenomenon. The dominant social meaning of excellence as a supreme achievement is confronted with the gender consequences of emphasizing the pursuit of excellence in sport. The argument concludes that alongside the primary texts of the glories and triumphs of excellence runs a subtext of inequality and gender discrimination.  相似文献   

Trait personality has been associated with achievement and many of its related outcomes in settings such as education, health, physical activity and sport. Scant trait personality research has been performed among school-age students in physical education, so this study investigates relations between the six-dimension (HEXACO) model of trait personality and anxiety, self-efficacy and intentions to exercise as a function of gender in 316 high school physical education students. Students completed validated measures of these constructs. Results revealed that trait personality (particularly the social self-esteem aspect of extraversion) predicted lower anxiety and higher self-efficacy and intentions to exercise in both females and males. Openness to experience was predictive of both anxiety and lowered self-efficacy in females. It appears that physical educators should consider the role of the HEXACO personality traits and sub-traits in their students and potentially differentiate instruction to better accommodate students who are more vulnerable. From this study, it appears that students who are less extraverted and females who are more open to experience may be at be more at risk for anxiety and lower self-efficacy in physical education which may compromise their intentions to exercise.  相似文献   

研究了同时处于机械与电学载荷之下的压电陶瓷柱体表面裂纹前缘的应力场和电位移场。求得了应力及电位移的奇异性阶数和相应的两个强度因子。  相似文献   

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