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“科学共同体”是“共同体”的一种特殊形式,它既具有“共同体”的一般特点,又具有自身的特殊性。在当今科技异化的现实背景下,科学共同体已日益与伦理相联系,具有伦理的特性和功能。从伦理学的视角来看,科学共同体是一种伦理实体,其伦理性的品质特征是伦理精神,它既包括又超越于作为其成员的科学家个体的道德精神,实现了“单一物与普遍物的统一”,即个体与共体的统一。坚持科学共同体的伦理性对解决当前的科技异化问题具有关键性意义。  相似文献   

The question addressed in this paper is whether action learning as a management development technique can be more effective in promoting ethical decision-making than more traditional approaches. Recent examples of moral failures which have emerged in both corporate and public sector organisations in the UK during recent years have prompted a review of some of the literature about the teaching of business ethics in and by business schools. While the use of theoretical approaches to ethical analysis (such as consequentialist and deontological approaches), coupled with the discussion of scenarios or cases is a common way of structuring the teaching of business and organisational ethics, it may be limited as an approach insofar as it does not necessarily address the affective aspects of the learning process which contribute to the development of moral sensitivity and moral character. It is suggested that an action learning approach may help fill this gap, particularly if coupled with an Aristotelian focus on the development of moral character. Action learning as a technique seeks to replace instruction with facilitation, and to enable individual personal growth rather than the acquisition of knowledge. It emphasises practical action in the workplace and working with peers as part of an action learning set. The action learning method may be more suitable to fostering both technical/scientific wisdom (poeisis) and practical or prudential wisdom (phronesis) and could be adapted for use with both business students and practising managers.  相似文献   

How a Deweyan science education further enables ethics education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper questions the perceived divide between ‘science’ subject matter and ‘moral’ or ‘ethical’ subject matter. A difficulty that this assumed divide produces is that science teachers often feel that there needs to be ‘special treatment’ given to certain issues which are of an ethical or moral nature and which are ‘brought into’ the science class. The case is made in this article that dealing with ethical issues in the science class should not call for a sensitivity that is beyond the expertise of the science teacher. Indeed it is argued here that science teachers in particular have a great deal to offer in enabling ethics education. To overcome this perceived divide between science and values it needs to be recognised that the educative development of learners is both scientific and moral. I shall be using a Deweyan perspective to make the case that we as science teachers can overcome this apparent divide and significantly contribute to an ethics education of our students.  相似文献   

Uncertainty about ethics has been a major factor in societal rejection of biotechnology. Six factors help create a societal “perfect storm” regarding ethics and biotechnology: Social demand for ethical discussion; societal scientific illiteracy; poor social understanding of ethics; a “Gresham’s Law for Ethics;” Scientific Ideology; vested interests dominating ethical discussion. How this can be remedied is discussed.  相似文献   

医药行业有着明显的“生命关联性”,药德教育的内容包括:尊重生命是基石、理明术精是核心、责任至上是关键、科学规范是保障。开展药德教育的主要途径有:树立“德育为先”的教育理念,形成“全方位、有重点、多形式”的药德教育格局;构建药德教育课程体系,发挥课堂教学的主渠道作用;开发隐性教育资源,拓宽药德教育内容;以及重视实训实习阶段,强化医药道德行为。  相似文献   

和谐社会视阈下对人、自然、社会三位一体的复合型自然伦理体系的探索已成为理论研究的重要任务之一,因而必须重新审视传统的自然伦理观,正确把握人与自然的关系、自然的权利与价值,科学、合理地界定复合型自然伦理观.在此基础上对复合型自然伦理体系进行现代建构,一方面要从本体论、价值论及人性论等方面对其进行合理阐发,另一方面需对其现代价值进行全面系统的诠释,这样才能为社会主义和谐社会的建设提供科学的伦理保障.  相似文献   

This paper addresses ethical issues in educational research with a focus on the interplay between research ethics and both internal and external quality of research. Research ethics is divided into three domains: (1) ethics within the research community; (2) ethics concerning relationships with individuals and groups directly affected by the research, and (3) ethics related to the external value and role of educational research for various user groups and for the quality of education. The three domains represent different stakeholders and interests. The paper presents an ethical matrix method including three types of matrices. The method combines a systematic and a case-based approach to ethical problems and possibilities. The purpose of the matrices is to serve as a framework for identifying, reflecting, analyzing, and discussing ethical issues and balancing ethical dilemmas in educational research and development.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on educational changes we see as necessary for future graduates to take up the emerging social and ethical challenges of their profession. This paper summarizes some Australian initiatives, presents some of our approaches to teaching ethics and suggests some ways to encourage both the study of ethics and actual ethical practice. The practice of engineering in Australia is guided by a Code of Ethics developed by the Institution of Engineers, Australia (IEAust). There is an expectation that Australian educators will guide students to develop the abilities to make ethical decisions and an appreciation of ethical conduct. The authors endorse the view that ethics issues should be included as an intrinsic part of engineering curricula. Wego further, and suggest that the social impact and the international and global nature of engineering practice call for an extension of traditional ethical frameworks to incorporate treatment of questions of social responsibility, including the issue of sustainability. We outline changes in engineering education in Australia over the past two decades, indicating some of the effects of these changes on the culture of engineering and the ways in which ethics issues are being conceptualized and taught. Experience at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) is our main focus because UTS is widely recognized as a leader in engineering education in Australia. Wedescribe the restructuring of our undergraduate programme so as to focus on engineering practice issues and discuss its implications for practice-focused ethics in engineering education.  相似文献   

德性的教化和道德之民的诞生以伦理的精神家园为始点。缺乏伦理认同和伦理信念,丧失伦理的精神家园,以抽象的道德自由遮蔽甚至取代精神归宿,已成为当前我国社会伦理建设的重大难题和现实困境。故乡作为人们出生或长期居住的地方,本身就是伦理实体的一种现实样态;而在希腊语中被诠释为“返回家园”的乡愁(nostalgia)则是人们形成伦理信念与伦理认同的典型方式,是具有“精神”气质的伦理认同。“留住乡愁”为深陷伦理困境与道德危机的现代人开辟了一条回归伦理精神家园的康庄大道,为个体伦理造诣的提升提供无限可能。  相似文献   


In 1998 the author, working in the University of Glasgow Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences with European Commission funding, set out to design an integrated ethics approach in the undergraduate curriculum. This paper describes the choices made in relation to the aims and methods of teaching ethics in an undergraduate bioscience curriculum. The acceptable and reasonable aims for a ethics teaching are skills based: ethical sensitivity and moral reasoning. Behaviour/value and virtue/character approaches are rejected. An ideal ethics intervention would last 4-12 weeks and be based on studentcentred teaching methods involving student participation in ethical dilemmas.  相似文献   

面对网络社会中出现的大量道德失范现象 ,人们寻求从各方面对其进行规范与约束 ,这是符合人类理性原则的。然而 ,规范从本质上说是对人的自由的一种限制 ,因而规范是需要理由的 ,也是需要论证的。借助于传统伦理学理论的研究成果与伦理智慧 ,实事求是地分析网络社会道德关系的现状 ,我们就不难发现网络伦理规约实则是一种或然性的存在 ,在许多情况下它是不确定的。因而我们只有从或然性的视角出发来考虑事物 ,才能迈向通往科学、合理的网络伦理规约的正确道路。  相似文献   

With an eye towards a potential scientific ethics curriculum, this paper examines four contrasting discourses regarding the ethics of using human subjects in science. The first two represent official statements regarding ethics. These include the U.S.’s National Science Education Standards, that identify ethics with a professional code, and the Belmont Report, that conceptualizes ethics in three principles to guide research oversight boards. Contrasting this view of ethics as decorum and practice in line with a priori principles is the conception of ethics from unofficial sources representing populations who have been human subjects. The first counter-discourse examined comes from Guinea Pig Zero, an underground magazine for professional human subjects. Here ethics emerges as a question of politics over principle. The good behavior of the doctors and researchers is an effect of the politics and agency of the communities that supply science with subjects. The second counter-discourse is a comic book called Truth, which tells the story of Black soldiers who were used as guinea pigs in World War II. Ethics is both more political and more uncertain in this narrative. Science is portrayed as complicit with the racism of NAZI Germany; at the same time, and in contrast to the professional guinea pigs, neither agency nor politics are presented as effective tools for forcing the ethical conduct of the scientific establishment. The conclusion examines the value of presenting all of these views of scientific ethics in science education.  相似文献   

In an era when the merger between capitalism and science becomes an accepted norm, new questions need to be asked about the ethical implications of scientific practices. One such practice is organ transplantation. However, potent debates surround the just distribution and ethical implications of organ transplantation. This paper examines the ways in which children are socialised through children’s literature to accept or challenge the dominant ideologies underpinning organ transplantation. It argues that how subjectivity is constructed informs understandings of agency, and this in turn can deliver new approaches to concerns about scientific practices. This paper draws from a conference paper delivered at the Australasian Children’s Literature Association for Research (ACLAR), Wellington, NZ, 2008. Naarah Sawers is an Alfred Deakin post doctoral researcher for Professor Clare Bradford in the school of communications and creative arts at Deakin University, Australia. Her research areas focus on representations of bioethics in fictional and filmic texts for children, and environmental ethics and agendas in computer games for children.  相似文献   

元伦理学的兴起已有百余年,它的出现的确在明确概念、理清逻辑推理方面做出了很多贡献,使伦理学研究日趋规范,为伦理学成为一个科学的学科奠定了基础,然而由于其在研究过程中过于注重纯粹的概念分析与逻辑推理,使伦理学成为"学院式"的学问,与现实严重脱离,失去了对社会道德生活的指导意义,致使其研究进入困境。  相似文献   

计算机伦理学中的理性、相对性与责任   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
计算机伦理学是伦理学研究和应用的特殊领域。计算机伦理学的特殊之处就在于它会碰到不断产生的大量的情况,对这些情况难以清楚地概念化并找到合理的伦理政策。人类共享一些基本价值,这些核心价值为我们提供评价我们行为和政策是否合理的标准。这些核心价值赋予我们采取某些行动,不去做其他行动的理由。采用伦理的观点,人们必须尊重他人以及他们的核心价值观。核心价值观为分析计算机伦理学提供了一个框架。通过使用核心价值框架,可以判断有些运用计算机技术的政策比其他的政策好。如果我们能够避免那些对他人造成严重伤害的政策,那将是朝向负责任的伦理行为的良好开端。责任要求我们对计算机不断改进的技术采纳伦理的观点,进行不间断的概念分析、形成政策及证明其正确性。  相似文献   

当前行政伦理问题研究存在的缺陷是:行政伦理问题界定过于宽泛,导致行政伦理建设途径设计的宽泛化。而且,这种途径设计集中到一点,就是制度化(法制化),制度化设计方式是解决行政伦理问题的有效途径,但不应该构成在行政伦理领域重制度、轻德性的充分理由,相反,我们应该提倡从制度——责任意识——伦理自主的逆向思维,培养和确立行政人员的责任意识,这应该成为行政伦理学的核心内容,也应该成为行政伦理建设的核心内容,广大公共行政人员应该切实树立“行政为民”的思想。  相似文献   

经济全球化背景下当代中国消费伦理观念的变革及其研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
经济全球化对当代中国的消费伦理产生了深刻影响,中国消费伦理观念发生了重大变革,主要表现在:普遍接受享受生活的伦理观念;开始接受消费信贷的伦理观念;健康、环保的绿色消费伦理观念逐步提升。在经济全球化的背景下,必须着重研究当代中国消费伦理的重大理论和实践问题,如当代中国消费的伦理规范体系问题、消费伦理与节约型社会的建设问题、消费主义的批判问题、奢侈的伦理分析问题、消费的自由与社会责任问题、广告在消费活动中的社会责任问题、大众文化消费与青少年道德教育问题等。  相似文献   

This article reports on the outcomes of an intervention in a Swedish school in which the author, a teacher-researcher, sought to develop students' (14–15 years old) ethical reasoning in science through the use of peer discussions about socio-scientific issues. Prior to the student discussions various prompts were used to highlight different aspects of the issues. In addition, students were given time to search for further information themselves. Analysis of students' written arguments, from the beginning of the intervention and afterwards, suggests that many students seem to be moving away from their use of everyday language towards using scientific concepts in their arguments. In addition, they moved from considering cloning and ‘designer babies’ solely in terms of the present to considering them in terms of the future. Furthermore, the students started to approach the issues in additional ways using not only consequentialism but also the approaches of virtue ethics, and rights and duties. Students' progression in ethical reasoning could be related to the characteristics of the interactions in peer discussions as students who critically and constructively argued with each other's ideas, and challenged each other's claims, made progress in more aspects of ethical reasoning than students merely using cumulative talk. As such, the work provides valuable indications for the importance of introducing peer discussions and debates about SSIs in connection to biotechnology into the teaching of science in schools.  相似文献   

In the field of participatory health research (PHR) and related action research paradigms, limitations of standard ethical codes and institutional review processes have been identified. PHR is highly situational and relational, part of a hierarchical health care context and therefore ethics of care has been suggested as a helpful theoretical approach that emphasises responsibilities and relationships. The purpose of this article is to explore the value of Tronto’s second-generation ethics of care for reflection on ethical challenges experienced by academic researchers. Using the design of a collaborative auto-ethnography, this article starts from a story of a researcher who deals with dilemmas in responsibility to care for co-researchers with lived experiences during a PHR study in the field of acute psychiatric care. By analysing the challenges together with all co-researchers, using a framework of ethics of care, we discovered the importance of self-care and existential safety for an ethical PHR practice. The reflexive meta-narrative shows that the ethics of care lens is useful to untangle moral dilemmas in all participatory research-related paradigms for all engaged.  相似文献   

发展合理性的追寻——发展伦理学的理论实质与价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“发展是天然合理的”、“能够做的就是应当做的”是西方现代发展观的两个基本信念,它造成了现代发展的价值危机和伦理危机。发展伦理学的理论实质是追寻发展合理性。它既不同于传统伦理学,也不同于生态伦理学。人类的可持续生存和发展是发展伦理学的终极关怀。因为现在人类已陷入资源匮乏和环境危机,说到底这是人类的生存危机。这种危机的解决,只有依赖于生存的原理,大力倡导节约自然资源,将生产和消费限制在满足人们为健康生存需要的限度内,人这个物种才能在地球上持续地生存和发展下去。这就是发展伦理学的理论实质和价值之所在。  相似文献   

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