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This article explores research examining girls' and women's self-confidence in sport and physical activity. The article begins by addressing how self-confidence has been conceptualized and how researchers have measured it. A theoretical groundwork is presented by comparing three models that link confidence to achievement: Bandura's theory of self-efficacy, Harter's competence motivation theory, and Eccles (Parsons) et al.'s expectancy-value model. Next, research examining variables that have been hypothesized to influence female self-confidence, as well as a discussion of gender differences, is presented. Finally, enhancement strategies and future research directions are offered. It is suggested that researchers examine the impact of specific socializing influences when studying girls' and women's self-confidence and also that they undertake more model testing instead of examining variables in isolation.  相似文献   

自父权制代替母系社会以后,女性就以第二性生存,经过多次解放,“妇女能顶半边天”现在已成为不争的事实,许多优秀女性脱颖而出,但她们的背后都有比男性更多的辛酸和汗水,大多数女性还处于弱势群体。本文从女性解放和社会发展的角度分析女性进步对全社会的推动作用,并提出了21世纪女性发展的前景。  相似文献   

消费社会与女性消费   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
消费与女性有着千丝万缕的联系.在当今社会,女性是一个很大的消费群体.消费与女性的关系是由社会所决定的.  相似文献   

妇女成为母系氏族公社中心的原因新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
先民对自身生产(即种的繁衍)的关怀以及他们性知识的极端缺乏,导致了先民把生育之功完全归于妇女,而认识不到男子在生育中的作用,由此产生了最初的以女性为崇拜对象的宗教观念——生殖崇拜,这种宗教观念又导致妇女在先民心目中的地位之崇高,这实际上就是妇女成为母系氏族公社中心的主要的和根本的原因。至于人们通常所说的妇女在生产劳动中占主要地位、“只知其母,不知其父”,虽然也可能是妇女成为母系氏族公社中心的原因.但它们不会是主要的和根本的原因。  相似文献   

骆慧 《湘南学院学报》2009,30(5):103-105
体育越来越受到人们的喜爱,但体育中暴力事件的出现,对社会安全产生了消极影响,增加了社会的不稳定因素,成为社会安全的不和谐音符.本文对体育暴力的社会安全消极影响进行分析,并从三个角度提出体育暴力事件的预防和控制,以期减少体育暴力对社会安全的不稳定因素.  相似文献   

全面建设小康社会是在十六大上提出的一个新的奋斗目标。这种奋斗目标的提出为新时期的妇女发展提供了新的机遇。而妇女教育的发展是妇女发展中最重要的问题.这对小康社会的实现必然起到一个举足轻重的作用;同时,全面建设和实现小康社会的过程也足妇女发展取得蘑大进步的过程:这对我们在新时期认识妇女发展的重要性,进一步促进男女平等,早日全面实现小康社会具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In this qualitative study we address two primary research questions: What are the experiences of women faculty of color (WFOC) who departed the tenure track at predominantly White, research universities? Using the modified lens of the newcomer adjustment framework, what socialization factors may have contributed to the WFOCs’ departure? Through a longitudinal, in-depth examination of three WFOC who left their university prior to earning tenure, themes of gendered and racialized tokenization and isolation, a need for a more intrusive style of mentoring, and poor institutional fit were identified. Implications for future research on faculty members’ social identity and promising practices for faculty development are shared.  相似文献   

和谐社会是当今社会发展的关键之所在,太极拳在大众健身如火如荼进行的今天,其天人合一的思想正是和谐的精髓之所在,太极拳运动在和谐社会的发展过程中,对人与人、人与社会的和谐发展起到了巨大的作用,本文拟从多角度、多层次对太极拳运动进行剖析,探寻其在和谐社会发展过程中的重要作用。  相似文献   

妇女解放问题,是关系社会文明的重要问题。通过对祥林嫂等人物形象的分析,揭露封建礼教的种种罪恶,进一步探讨封建社会妇女解放的局限性。  相似文献   

殖民时代和丛林开发时期的澳大利亚妇女一直处于不平等受歧视的地位。20世纪初澳大利亚联邦政府建立,于1902年在法律中规定妇女拥有与男子平等的选举权,成为世界上最早实施妇女选举权的国家之一。随后澳大利亚又制定了一系列妇女权益保护法,在相当大的程度上提高了妇女的地位,使越来越多的妇女出现在过去只有男子的岗位上,为澳大利亚的发展作出了卓越的贡献,成为一股不可替代的力量。澳大利亚赋予女性各种权利、提高其社会地位,是国际因素和国内因素共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

运用理论与实践相结合的方法,以第二次中国妇女社会地位抽样调查主要数据和相关统计数据为基本依据,论述了妇女发展与全面建设小康社会的关系,揭示了妇女发展在全面建设小康社会中的地位和作用,提出了在推进全面建设小康社会进程中实现妇女全面发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

女性地位的具体存在样态是由各个异质而具体的社会文化体系建构而成的,且被嵌套在广阔的社会结构当中。侗族传统社会的性别实践展示了侗族社会在社会性别方面的结构性安排,同时又提供了一个从具体的民族共同体的社会结构来解读女性地位的理论实践,即思想观念上与具体生活中同时并存的两个互补的不平衡设置恰好为整个社会的稳定和延续做出了贡献。  相似文献   

It is suggested that sport is not only popular but also plays a highly significant part in the lives of many. One explanation focuses on the analysis of the tension excitement generated by sporting encounters. Particular emphasis is placed on the work of Elias and Dunning, who suggest that in societies at a late stage in the “civilising process,” affect-control is strongly established, so that people's expressions of sentiment are strongly restrained. Excitement in such societies is thus to be found not so much in real-life situations as through mimetic or “imitative” excitement, which resembles that produced in critical situations in real life, but in a safe and pleasurable way. A second approach draws on a variety of theoretical perspectives, although the contributions derived from Emile Durkheim's later work on the sociology of religion are prominent. The argument is advanced that sports encapsulate symbolically the social natures, relations, and identities of the collectivities that generate them. Sport, therefore, is perceived as a form of collective representation that may be invested with great social significance. Finally, relationships between the two approaches are considered.  相似文献   

Given the nationwide concern about college persistence and graduation rates, this article reviews pertinent literature related to autonomous learning as well as social and academic engagement. It also presents findings of a qualitative study of young community college women of color, an understudied population. The article, part of a larger research project that explores the obstacles faced by young women of color, describes their experiences related to academic and social engagement and self-determination in the community-college setting. Data were collected from 15 focus groups with a total of 61 Latina, Black, and Asian women between the ages of 18 and 24 on three community college campuses in a large northeastern city in the United States. The findings of this exploratory study suggest that young women of color demonstrate a compelling determination to complete college autonomously and, to a lesser degree, are willing to engage socially and academically. The findings prompt the suggestion that academic and student affairs professionals create opportunities to develop autonomous learning strategies that can be nested within academic and social engagement activities.  相似文献   

当前媒介化社会时代,借助庞大的文化工业和先进的电子媒介技术,资本主导的大众文化女性修辞构建了一个超真实的媒介世界,其生产和传播运作逻辑包括大众文化的女性诱惑修辞、女性身体认同修辞、女性符号修辞三个主要方面。在资本逐利本能控制下,大众文化的女性修辞对广大受众的世界认知和行为方式产生了强烈的冲击.表现出日益显著的诱惑性异化特征。  相似文献   

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