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In the wake of multiple activity program eliminations and frequent downgrading of activity programs nationwide, the question to be addressed is how we can draw upon our interdisciplinary, intergenerational, and intercultural understandings of human movement to construct physical activity programs for the future that might withstand the test of time. The perspective of this article is that while physical activity programming of the one-size-fits-all monolithic scale may be superfluous to the needs of many universities, superlative programs cleverly crafted around philosophical principles that are near and dear to a particular institution could be the wave of the future. The problem is how to conceive and incubate programs of appropriate size and appealing content that will flourish as an integral feature of the academic mission.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify parental influences on physical activity behaviours of children with disabilities. One hundred and forty-eight parents of children with disabilities responded to a survey about factors related to parent and child physical activity, parental support and belief in their child’s abilities regarding physical activity. The results of multiple regression revealed that parents’ perceived competence of their child’s physical ability and parental support were the key factors of promoting physical activity behaviours of children with disabilities. Findings from this study should be utilised to inform parents on the ways that they can be most helpful for improving the physical activity experiences of their children.  相似文献   

Although every child with disabilities may come to self-actualization by different means and measurements it is, nevertheless, an important goal. The child with disabilities may be guided toward her goal of self-actualization by being encouraged to find her individual strengths and capacities, and by being assisted to successfully interact with her environment. This article explores the use of the scientific method to support the development of a potential-based program that has nurtured self-actualization and the joy of learning for a child with multiple disabilities and chronic illness.  相似文献   

生活世界是残疾人体育教育的现实基础和意义之源.目前我国残疾人体育教育发展迅速,但也表现出了一个误区就是脱离残疾人的生活世界,这样就会使残疾人体育教育的发展丧失存在的意义基础.本文力图通过对残疾人体育教育的反思和生活世界内涵意蕴的阐释,探究残疾人体育教育的本真意义,使残疾人体育教育摆脱隔离和遗忘生活世界的现代困境,进而使残疾人体育教育向生活世界的回归成为可能.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the barriers and facilitators to participation in physical education (PE) for students with disabilities (SWD) from the perspectives of in-service physical educators. A convenience sample of 168 physical educators (72% female, 94% Caucasian) from the United States completed a short questionnaire. After data collection was completed, data were compiled into a spreadsheet and the first and third authors independently open-coded the responses. Cohen’s κ was computed to determine the inter-rater agreement on the open-coding process of the teacher responses. In total, 741 facilitators and 652 barriers were identified, and the most commonly reported barriers and facilitators centered on either teacher- or program-related responses. Barrier and facilitator categories were positively correlated (φ?=?.42 and Cramer’s ν?=?.16, p?=?.00); however, neither years of teaching experiences (rbarriers?=?.01, p?=?.89; rfacilitators?=?.05, p?=?.45) nor frequency of teaching SWD (τbarriers?=?.05, p?=?.49; τfacilitators?=?.05, p?=?.47) was significantly associated with the number of barriers or facilitators reported. Unique to other research in this arena, teachers frequently reported that personal-related variables were also as barriers to PE participation.  相似文献   

Recommended approaches to promoting children’s physical activity through schools call for physical education teachers to serve as champions for, and leaders of, Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (CSPAPs). Little evidence, however, exists to suggest that physical education teachers are ideally prepared or supported to assume CSPAP leadership roles. The purpose of this article is to consider expectations that must be met for physical education teachers to serve as central protagonists in CSPAP implementation efforts, and to propose a conceptual model aimed at increasing both effectiveness and sustainability of CSPAPs through key external-internal partnerships. Specifically, community-based participatory research, communities of practice, and service-learning are presented as possible strategies to expand the support system for growing and sustaining CSPAPs. In sum, this article offers some reasons for rethinking current recommendations for CSPAP implementation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review published qualitative inquiries that examine the perspective of students with disabilities toward experiences in physical education. Keyword searches were used to identify articles from electronic databases published from 1995 to 2014. Thirteen articles met all inclusion criteria, and findings were extracted. The 13 located qualitative articles were subject to a narrative analysis, and study characteristics were tabulated. The findings of targeted studies were explored and 3 thematic clusters emerged: (a) perspectives toward typically developing peers, (b) perspectives toward physical educators, and (c) perspectives toward inclusion and exclusion. Findings from this review support the notion that positive attitudes of physical educators may be a critical feature in ensuring meaningful learning experiences for students with disabilities. Meaningful learning experiences can be constructed through modifications and accommodations during activities, creating a welcoming physical education environment and providing a choice between inclusive and segregated learning environments. Directions for future research in this area are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the proliferation of theory-based behavior-change programs to promote physical activity, obesity and diabetes rates continue to rise. Given the notable ineffective interventions, it is important to examine why these efforts have been largely unsuccessful and to consider potential alternatives. The purpose of this article is to consider the role of values in understanding decisions about physical activity and to outline a more appropriate framework for investigating them. Aristotle originally proposed that human behavior may be better understood in terms of phronesis (practical reasoning), aimed at realizing valued goals rather than as the product of antecedent causal determinants. Instead of relying exclusively on scientific methodologies, a more comprehensive approach to study physical activity participation would also incorporate analytical processes used in the humanities, especially with respect to conceptualizing the role of values in guiding human behavior. Therefore, revising and expanding the research, teaching, and practice conducted in physical activity education are recommended.  相似文献   

Physical activity (PA) participation levels among youth remain well below national recommendations. Thus, a variety of strategies to promote youth PA have been advocated, including multifaceted, school-based approaches. One identified as having great potential is a comprehensive school physical activity program (CSPAP). The goal of a CSPAP is to develop a school culture conducive to promoting lifelong PA across five integral components, each serving as a plausible point of intervention: (a) physical education, (b) PA during school, (c) PA before and after school, (d) staff involvement, and (e) family/community involvement. The purpose of this article is to provide an up-to-date review on all CSPAP components, propose the potential of such comprehensive interventions in increasing youth PA levels, and provide future directions for CSPAP research.  相似文献   

文中采用多种不同形式的体育课准备活动进行实验研究,为准备活动的合理安排和教学,提供了相应的依据。  相似文献   

<北京市肢体残疾人职业适应性量表>定位于预测肢体残疾人职业适应的水平,为残疾人就业导航.量表设计以Holland的职业测评理论和Yeatts和Fotts的工作适应理论为理论基础,在参考国内外一些权威职业适应性量表的基础上,进行职业能力、职业人格以及职业兴趣三方面的笔试,并从"国际功能、残疾和健康分类"的视角突出肢体残疾人的身体功能评估,在实际环境中进行操作性测试,从功能、潜能、失能三个层面评价现有水平.  相似文献   

临汾市城区老年人参与体育健身的积极性非常高,体育健身项目的选择多种多样,但缺乏专业人士指导和科学的健身方法,不能满足老年人的健身需求。针对这些问题,经过分析研究提出相关的建议。  相似文献   

对目前我国学校课外体育活动普遍存在的重视不够、疏于管理、内容陈旧、封闭自守等现象进行了初步的分析,并在此基础上提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

Modern cultural idealizations of thin bodies have created a climate in which fat individuals are stigmatized in physical activity spaces. Given the unwelcoming climate of these spaces, many individuals are unlikely to engage in and benefit from regular physical activity. As such, a new model for physical activity spaces is needed to engage and retain a largely marginalized population. In the current article, the authors give a brief review of the complex relationships among body weight, stigma, health, and physical activity, arguing that the current model underserves larger individuals. Using a Health at Every Size paradigm, the authors then argue for the creation of body-inclusive spaces as a means of encouraging greater participation and outline a model that encourages greater access to the benefits of physical activity to all bodies. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

竞技体育训练是全面教育的组成部分,而不仅仅是为了提高竞技水平,有效的管理模式是竞技体育存在和发展的依托.通过分析目前竞技体育训练管理模式的现状尝试探索新的管理模式.  相似文献   

对目前我国学校课外体育活动普遍存在的重视不够、疏于管理、内容陈旧、封闭自守等现象进行了初步的分析,并在此基础上提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

物理学所分析和研究的实际问题很复杂,受众多因素影响,为便于学习和研究,采用"简化"的方法,建立理想物理模型研究与分析问题.  相似文献   

Although competitive athletes exceed recommendations for physical activity while they are competing in sport, this does not necessarily translate into regular physical activity after retirement from sport. Research suggested the nature of competitive sport participation may not be conducive to lifelong physical activity. We propose one element of competitive sport participation that may impede physical activity post-retirement is injury. We propose that Vela and Denegar’s model of transient disablement in the physically active with musculoskeletal injuries (DPA) may be appropriate to examine the long-term consequences of sport-related injury—particularly with respect to physical activity disablement. Based on our review of literature, we propose the physical and psychological effects of injuries in sports present unique long-term barriers to physical activity in former competitive athletes. Future research could use the DPA as a foundation for assessing the long-term implications of sport-related injuries—particularly with respect to physical activity.  相似文献   

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