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In this study, I provide a microgenetic-historical account of learning in an informal setting: the conceptual change that occurred while a university-based scientific research laboratory investigated the absorption of light in rod-based photoreceptors of coho salmon, which the “dogma” had suggested to be related to the migration between freshwater and saltwater environments. A morphogenetic, catastrophe theoretic model is proposed and used to structure the account of the conceptual change. The data derive from a 5-year video-based ethnographic study of the laboratory and the fish hatcheries that supplied it with hatchery-raised and wild coho at different developmental stages. Because the scientists collected their data over a 2-year period, slowing down the availability of what they would be saying were their complete data, opportunities arose for studying the conceptual change ethnographically. The study reports difficulties scientists encountered interpreting their data—because they (a) took a dogma-related perspective, (b) had to reconstruct and become familiar with the context from which they had abstracted their specimen, (c) required a biologically relevant rather than mathematically plausible explanation, and (d) exhibited aspect blindness that only disappeared as their familiarity increased.  相似文献   

General scientific literacy includes understanding the grounds on which scientific claims are based. The measurements scientists make and the data that they produce from them generally constitute these grounds. However, the nature of data generation has received relatively little attention from those interested in teaching science through inquiry. To inform curriculum designers about the process of data generation and its relation to the understanding of patterns as these may arise from graphs, this 5-year ethnographic study in one advanced research laboratory was designed to investigate how natural scientists make decisions about the inclusion/exclusion of certain measurements in/from their data sources. The study shows that scientists exclude measurements from their data sources even before attempting to mathematize and interpret the data. The excluded measurements therefore never even enter the ground from and against which the scientific phenomenon emerges and therefore remain invisible to it. I conclude by encouraging science educators to squarely address this aspect of the discovery sciences in their teaching, which has both methodological and ethical implications.  相似文献   

This paper explores final-year physical sciences preservice teachers’ religious and scientific views regarding the origin of the universe and life. Data was obtained from 10 preservice teachers from individual in-depth interviews conducted at the end of the Science Method module. Their viewpoints were analyzed using coding, sorting, and categorizing. They attributed the origin of the universe and life to a blend of theistic, intelligent design or scientific beliefs. Moreover, their academic backgrounds, exposure to topics in Cosmology in the Science Method module, and classroom dialogues did not significantly influence or change their original religious beliefs. However, the dialogues did create an awareness of their own reflected positions regarding the tenacity of beliefs in religion and their inadequate cosmological understandings. The paper has implications for Science Education in addressing preservice teachers’ religious beliefs in contrast to scientific evidence.  相似文献   

《国务院关于大力发展职业教育的决定》指出:“大力推行工学结合、校企合作的培养模式。与企业紧密联系,加强学生的生产实习和社会实践,改革以学校和课堂为中心的传统人才培养模式。”这些精神对于促进职业院校的教学改革,推进校企合作具有重要的指导作用。近十年来,我国药品制  相似文献   

This study investigates the quality of the critical thinking skills of applicants (n?=?77) seeking entry to the faculty of educational sciences in a Finnish university and how these skills are associated with the applicant’s age, previous higher education experience, and matriculation and entrance examination scores. The data consist of the applicants’ responses to problem-solving tasks and their matriculation and entrance examination scores. Critical thinking skills were measured with comparison and argumentation tasks. The results indicate that comparison of the texts and analysis of the arguments they contained were more difficult tasks than putting forward arguments both for and against of one’s personal standpoint. In addition, previous experience of higher education predicted participants’ comparison skills and their matriculation examination grades predicted their argumentation skills. The feasibility of using critical comparison tasks in the entrance examination tests is discussed.  相似文献   

another,other,theother,others,theothers这几个词或词组,在初中课本中多次出现,由于它们中都含有other,因此同学们在学习和使用时常常难于区别,甚至出错。本文想从实际运用的角度作些简单的说明,以期对大家在学习和使用这些词或词组时有所帮助。一、another表示三个以上同类事物中的“另一个”,作代词只表示单数,作形容词只修饰单数名词。例:“Somethingiswrongwiththatboy.”someonesaid.Onemanshoutedattheboy,“Bequiet,boy!What’sthematterwithyou?”Anothermansaid,“Don’tbefoolish,boy!”二、other表示已提到的人或物之外的另…  相似文献   

The other指两者中的"另一个",通常与one连用,构成"one…,the other…(一个……另一个……)"。another指三者或三者以上的"另一个"或指"再来一个";the others是"另外  相似文献   

Cultural Studies of Science Education - Teaching materials frequently answer objections to evolution by demarcating science from religion. Because definitions of science shaped by demarcation tend...  相似文献   

other,the other,others,the others和anoth-er都有“其它”,“另外”的意思,但它们的用法有区别,使用时很容易混淆,下面结合中考试题谈谈它们的用法。  相似文献   

地球只有一个,而人类对其的破坏却在“ing”(进行时)?! 人类对水圈:水资源危机除了气候干燥和水资源时空分布不均等自然因素外,人为因素显然是更重要的原因。随着人口激增,产业发展,导致用水量成倍增加。同时,人类不仅对水的利用率很低,而且,对其的污染更为厉害。全世界工业和城市生活污水每年排放量不断增加,许多本来可以利用的淡水资源遭到破坏。这不仅使水资源紧缺地区淡水供需矛盾更加突出,而且使原先水资  相似文献   

1.OnceuponatimetheCatandtheRatweregoodfriends.Onedaytheyheardagatheringwouldbeheld.Atthegatheringtwelveanimalswhoarrivedtherefirstwouldbechosentorepresenttheyearsinwhichpeoplewereborn.从前,猫和鼠是一对非常要好的朋友。有一天,他们听说要举行一次集会,要从众多的动物中选出首先到达会场的十二种,来代表人出生的年份。2.TheCatsaidtotheRat,“To-morrowmorning,dontforgettocallmewhenyougetup.Letsgotogethertobechosen.”TheRatpromised.猫对老鼠说:“明天早晨,你起床后别忘了来叫醒我,咱们一块…  相似文献   

在广袤的草原上,一只凶残的狼追着一只拼命逃跑的兔子,狼眼看已经逼近兔子了,正要扑上去对,突然,兔子一个大胆的急转身,迅速脱离了狼瓜。狼扑了个空,兔子一晃不见了踪影。  相似文献   

On the wide grassland ,a cruel wolf was running after a rabbit with all his might.Soon the wolf ran near to the rabbit,when the wolf nearly caught the rabbit ,[第一段]  相似文献   

在广袤的草原上,—只凶残的狼竭力追着一只兔子,眼看已经逼近兔子,快要抓住它时,突然,兔子—个大胆的急转身往相反方向跑,迅速逃离了狼爪。狼扑了个空,兔子一晃不见了踪影。在一旁看热闹的狐狸对狼说:"狼先生,你是草原的卫士,怎么连一只小小的兔子都抓不住?不但没抓住还被他捉弄了一番,羞不羞呀?"  相似文献   

从前一位老人.他有三个儿子:汤姆。鲍勃和杰克。汤姆为一个制作桌子和其他木制品的人干活。汤姆努力地干了一年。当一年的活儿结束时.那个人给了他一张桌子。它用木料制成。看上去同  相似文献   

In response to the American Association for the Advancement of Science''s Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education initiative, we infused authentic, plant-based research into majors’ courses at a public liberal arts university. Faculty members designed a financially sustainable pedagogical approach, utilizing vertically integrated curricular modules based on undergraduate researchers’ field and laboratory projects. Our goals were to 1) teach botanical concepts, from cells to ecosystems; 2) strengthen competencies in statistical analysis and scientific writing; 3) pique plant science interest; and 4) allow all undergraduates to contribute to genuine research. Our series of inquiry-centered exercises mitigated potential faculty barriers to adopting research-rich curricula, facilitating teaching/research balance by gathering publishable scholarly data during laboratory class periods. Student competencies were assessed with pre- and postcourse quizzes and rubric-graded papers, and attitudes were evaluated with pre- and postcourse surveys. Our revised curriculum increased students’ knowledge and awareness of plant science topics, improved scientific writing, enhanced statistical knowledge, and boosted interest in conducting research. More than 300 classroom students have participated in our program, and data generated from these modules’ assessment allowed faculty and students to present 28 contributed talks or posters and publish three papers in 4 yr. Future steps include analyzing the effects of repeated module exposure on student learning and creating a regional consortium to increase our project''s pedagogical impact.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of various management strategies has been of central concern in academic and educational debates on the role and nature of classroom discipline. Educational theorists and researchers have put forth a range of different models, each of which incorporates the use of a number of strategies. This article reports on a study that seeks to investigate the gamut of these strategies pragmatically and considers their affects on a range of factors, such as levels of student responsibility, misbehaviour, relationship with teachers, and connection to school. Analysis of the results offered in this article supports the judicious use of a combination of strategies involving the use of hinting, involvement, discussion, and recognition and rewards. The discussion focuses primarily on the benefits that can be achieved through a regulated process of positive discipline strategies, through which teachers and students can develop mutual respect and trust.  相似文献   

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