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One of the few recurring characteristics in school shooters’ stories is their expression of existential concerns. Many discuss their hatred of the world and existential loneliness in their manifestos, suicide letters, or social media updates. These expressions—called leaking—are made during the planning period preceding their deed. They are not only important in terms of prevention, but also help us understand the intrinsic meanings in this seemingly irrational and psychopathological behavior. This study offers a content analysis of the existential issues in personal expressions of school shooters prior to their deeds in order to shed more light on their motives.  相似文献   

~~Why Are You Staring at Me@小非 @柴立青  相似文献   

Mamba: Y m glad I' m not poisonous.Snake: Why?Mamba: I just bit my tongue.  相似文献   

Why Publish?     
This essay explores the accelerating trends of academic publishing, and the increasing number of academic journals, in terms of the trade-offs and paradoxes they present to academics. As more gets published, less gets read. Expectations for ‘productivity’ (defined as more publications) continue to rise. Proxy measures of quality, like impact factors, take on greater significance. This essay explores the consequences for authors, on the one hand, and journal editors, on the other hand, of coping with this regime; and asks whether there is any realistic alternative aside from continuing on the treadmill of publishing more and more.  相似文献   

Why statistics?     
T. S. Kutty 《Resonance》1999,4(6):93-100

Do You Know Me?     
Boy:Isn’t the headmaster(校长)a fool(傻瓜)? Girl:Do you know who I am? Boy:NO.Girl:I’m the headmaster’s daughter.Boy:And do you know who I am? Girl:No.Boy:Thank goodness(谢天谢地).  相似文献   

Can You Find Me?     
字母精灵与你见面啦!新的一年里,我会成为你形影不离的好朋友!左面这幅画中,包含了26个大写字母。请  相似文献   

Do You Like Me?     
每个小朋友都希望别人能够喜欢自己。如果要赢得别人的喜欢,那首先得让别人认识你啊。今天我们就来认识一位名字叫杨柳的新朋友。看完她的自我介绍, 你一定会喜欢上她的。  相似文献   

美国中学生很喜欢说me!me!me!(我!我!我!)由此可知美国是一个十分崇尚个人主义的国家。美国人所说的个人主义和我们中国人所说的个人主义有很大差别。我们一提个人主义就让人联想到自私,只想自己不想别人,太多的从自我出发;而美国文化所提倡的个人主义,大多指独立思考,独立人格,独立应对各种麻烦的能力。  相似文献   

There are a number of phrases built on the word “put”, such as put by, put for, put across, put over and so forth. The expression“putting one on”is among them. You tell a person something that he finds difficult to believe, and he may look at you closely and ask:“Are you putting me on?”He does-n蒺t think you are serious. Perhaps, you are joking with him, teasing him, try-ing to test his reaction(反应).The expression “putting one on”is closest to the phrase “to put one over on a perso…  相似文献   

Why Birds Sing?     
Have you ever wondered why birds sing? Maybe you thought that they were just happy. After all, you probably sing or whistle when you are happy. Some scientists believe that birds do sing some of the time just because they are happy. However, they sing most of the time for a very different reason. Their singing is actually a warning to other birds to stay out of their territory.D o you know whata “territory”is?A territory is an area that an an- im al,usually the m ale,claim s(声称)as its ow…  相似文献   

Automation of instruction can satisfy current needs to increase educational quantity and quality in business, industry and education. Though the ideas are not new, automation gives the first practical opportunity for widespread application. Automated instructional systems include teaching machines, individual "closed-loop" tutoring situations and "feedback" from the student to the machine. These systems exploit the principles of knowledge of results, reward immediacy of reinforcement, participation and individual differences. As a result, teaching is speeded up and improved as students understand and retain better. Automation of instruction will continue to be exploited as it increases in complexity and man-machine relationships. Benefits will be widespread, improving especially teachers' efficiency and market value as well as the nation's means to challenge, effectively, Communism's world-wide competition.  相似文献   

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