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Concern regarding the secularization of Christian higher education has prompted researchers to investigate the extent that faith and learning is integrated at a faculty level and what factors might predict faculty integration (Lyon, Beaty, Parker, &; Mencken, 2005 Lyon, L., Beaty, M., Parker, J., &; Mencken, C. (2005). Faculty attitudes on integrating faith and learning at religious colleges and universities: A research note. Sociology of Religion, 66, 6169.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). This research attempted to replicate Lyon et al.’s (2005 Lyon, L., Beaty, M., Parker, J., &; Mencken, C. (2005). Faculty attitudes on integrating faith and learning at religious colleges and universities: A research note. Sociology of Religion, 66, 6169.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) logistic regression model predicting faculty integration of faith using survey responses gathered as part of Phase II of the Council for Christian Colleges &; Universities (CCCU) Denominational Study (Rine, Glanzer, &; Davignon, 2013 Davignon, P., Glanzer, P., &; Rine, P. J. (2013). Assessing the denominational identity of American evangelical colleges and universities: Part III. The student experience. Christian Higher Education, 12, 315330. doi:10.1080/15363759.2013.825127[Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). Respondents included 2,074 faculty from 55 institutions. The first model used in this study suggested that the most powerful predictors of faculty integration are full-time employment status, earning a degree from an institution that shares the same denominational affiliation, and a match between the faculty member's religious denominational affiliation and the institutional affiliation. A second logistic regression model added faculty academic specialization as a predictor of integration to investigate if that model was a better fit. Results suggested that religion and philosophy instructors are the most likely to integrate faith into their teaching, and professors specializing in computer science, math, and engineering were the least likely. As faculty are considered the primary influence on the integration of faith and learning, existing faculty and institutional administrators concerned with maintaining faith in the classroom may want to consider the contributing factors discussed.  相似文献   

经济心理学是运用心理学的理论和方法研究人类经济行为,探讨其心理机制和过程,进而对人类经济行为进行解释和预测的应用性科学.作为一门新兴的交叉学科,经国内外学者多年的探索和研究,其学科的理论体系、研究方法已日趋成熟,且以其独特的视角实现了对人类经济行为的更好解释与预测.  相似文献   

雅可布森是自哈特曼之后的一位重要的自我心理学家,她对儿童自我和超我的形成及儿童心理结构的发展作出了详细说明,建立了一个整合的自我模式,即整合了古典精神分析的驱力理论、自我心理学理论和某些客体关系理论.她的理论对自我心理学的发展作出了积极贡献,同时也存在一定的局限性.  相似文献   

进化论心理学是近20年来正在兴起的心理学研究的新范式,该理论综合了进化生物学和各种理论和当代心理学的研究方法,为心理学研究提供了一个新的系统的指导思想.根据进化论心理学观点,该理论可以对人格研究进行很好的整合.  相似文献   

人类行为是否具有跨环境一致性,是人格心理学中特质和情境争论的主要焦点。随着研究的发展,二者从分庭抗礼逐渐走向融合,并在情境心理学、CASP理论、叙事研究范式、人员选拔中得到广泛应用,促进了二者的交互影响,也促进了在更宽泛的框架下理解人格结构。  相似文献   

宗教心理学存在着不同方法论取向的分歧.造成分歧的主要原因是,群体取向与个体取向的对立、学科身份的论争和科学主义与人文主义的冲突,,为此,科际整合、量化与质化方法的融合、方法的多元化和本土宗教心理学的开展是实现宗教心理学研究方法整合的主要途径.  相似文献   

进化心理学运用进化论的原理和方法来探讨人类心理的起源与结构.当前,进化心理学已渗透到心理学的各个领域,并形成具有代表性的进化心理学分支,主要包括:进化社会心理学、进化发展心理学、进化认知心理学、进化人格心理学、进化教育心理学、进化临床心理学等.进化心理学为研究人类生理和心理的发展提供了新的研究范式,为心理学研究走向统一开辟了道路.  相似文献   

抓髻娃娃剪纸从根本上说是一种巫术信仰与巫术行为的产物,其作为艺术而具有的审美内涵及其在视觉上所达到的美学效果源于与巫术信仰有关的生命力意象,可以说,抓髻娃娃剪纸融合了巫术与审美两种内涵、功能,其中的巫术信仰又是这类剪纸之美学魅力的根源所在。  相似文献   

<正>Sing—the animated comedy musical movie,which has been released recently,is presented by Illumination Entertainment,which is also the producer of Despicable me and Minions.The movie tells a story about a dapper Koala who produces a world’s singing competition in order to preserve his theater that has fallen on hard times.Faith  相似文献   

计算机教学与教育心理学整合的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决高效学习的方法问题,我们通过课堂实践的形式,将教育心理学知识与计算机教学进行整合,培养学生的综合能力,提升他们的素质。本文从启发式教学、意义学习、创造性培养和学习的迁移四个方面,探讨教育心理学对于计算机课程教学的指导意义。  相似文献   

我国传统诚信观与当代诚信道德的研究,是目前我国学术界关于诚信道德问题探讨的热点之一。本文着重阐述了我国传统诚信观的形成和发展、我国传统诚信观的基本特点及当代诚信道德的培育途径。  相似文献   

正确阐述理想、信念、信仰的涵义、起源和作用以及它们之间的相互关系 ,具有一定的意义 ,因为作为价值意识 ,它们在任何社会发展中有着不可替代的重要作用 ,因而倡导正确的先进的价值观 ,就显得尤为重要  相似文献   

Engineers often work together with professionals from entirely different areas. Therefore, it is important for the engineers to understand enough of these other areas, where technology is used, to obtain good results. To this aim a term has been developed within the civil engineering curriculum in information technology at Linköpings universitet, where the students work and study together with students from the psychology and economics education programs. The information technology and economics students build companies together and perform a project. The psychology students act as consultants for the different companies. Subjects from six departments are integrated into the project. The students work and study together for different parts of the project, although the learning goals differ between the different programs. The cooperation in the project leads to a transfer of information and knowledge between the students. Experience also suggests that the students obta in a better motivation and an integrated view of technology and the other areas as a result of the integrated project. The learning method also promotes cooperation and understanding between different professional cultures.  相似文献   

人生存发展的内在动力,人生意义的终极保证,以及社会力量整合和凝聚的精神力量,在于坚定的信仰。一个社会的普遍信仰总是反映出社会的主导性价值观,信仰的危机,是社会核心价值观失落的表现。信仰建设,不能仅局限在思想道德领域;根本持久的措施,是要勇于面对现实,积极应对现实问题。  相似文献   

教育诚信与诚信教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡锦涛总书记关于“八荣八耻”社会主义荣辱观的重要讲话,是新时期社会主义道德建设的行动指南。和谐社会,以诚为基,开展“以诚实守信为荣”的诚信教育,是当前学校道德建设的重要内容。毋庸置疑,当今青少年学生诚信度失范现象比较严重,已经成为社会的痛点。究其原因,有的说是长期以来对学生的诚信教育疏忽;有的说是社会因素的影响,是经济转型期的产物;有的说是制度不完善造成的。这些分析都有一定的道理。但笔者认为,耳濡目染,这些年学校和教师自身教育诚信的缺失,给正处于成长期的青少年心灵深处的不良影响,以致造成诚信品质的损失不可低估…  相似文献   

The following article lays out the rationale and vision for a new section of Christian Higher Education focused on academic faith integration. The section editor provides a brief history of this central aspect of Christian higher education, including some of the opportunities, challenges, and critiques expressed within the scholarly conversation and among Christian university faculty. A definition of academic faith integration is offered, followed by a set of research prompts designed to introduce readers of this journal to the kinds of contributions that are being sought, as well as key criteria that will be used in the review process.  相似文献   

“深度信念”是怀特海文稿中的关键概念。在怀特海有机哲学看来,动机、方法和意义是一个整体。他懂得要在深层次上探查人类追求意义及理解的倾向,进而揭示“追求”行为中的创造张力。深度信念就是这种深层次的动力。深度信念不同于各种各样起源于文化传统的信仰或偶发的信念,它不像后者那样可能失去。怀特海认为,在个人经验中,某一个信念的失去更可能是“无限性激励下的有限性”,是某种“超越的内在性”,“朝向更精美细致的结果”。深度信念促成了精神的冒险,是人类固化成就中不可抹去的最富锐气的因素,是人的呈现。  相似文献   

有效融合:心理学架构与高校思想政治教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着市场经济的发展,高校思想政治教育工作面临越来越多的挑战和冲击,要做好高校思想政治教育工作,不仅需要深入研究大学生们思想活动的新变化、新特点,还需要深入研究他们心理活动的规律和特点,将心理学与高校思想政治教育相结合。以提高高校思想政治教育的实效性。  相似文献   

自近代以来"科学是对世界的真实客观的反映"的观点遭到来自多方面的质疑,从而改变了人们对科学的信仰。伴随着风险社会的到来,高校大学生的信仰状况也随之发生了变化,表现在信仰教育上出现了偏差甚至缺失。引导高校大学生树立正确的信仰观,创新信仰教育的理念,进一步明确信仰教育的内容,厘清信仰教育的界限,对避免信仰教育政治化、功利化、世俗化倾向具有十分重要而又现实的意义。  相似文献   

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