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Accomplished philosophical accounts of sport's sociopolitical purpose have aimed at a critical analysis of the political dimensions of sport. Such accounts have tended either to condemn or to promote variously existing or hoped-for political ideologies with respect to sport; most significantly, ideologies of a capitalist, neo-Marxist, or “mainstream” socialist (Marxist) sort. Only the Marxist accounts, however, have succeeded in recognizing both the inherently playful (the essentially free) nature of sport and its sociopolitical status (its detemkate content). Neo-Marxist accounts have failed in the former respect, capitalist accounts in the latter. It is the purpose of this essay to give a synthetic interpretation of the philosophical groundwork of these judgments about modem socialist sport in terms of Hegel's ontological contributions to Marxist thought, in terms of what Marx made of these contributions in respect to humanity's social and political life, and in terms of the implications of Marxist thought for modem sporting activity.  相似文献   

论体育社团发展的必然性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
体育社团的发展是市场经济体制改革的必然结果,他的发展符合现代体育运动自身发展规律,是我国体育体制改革的必然要求,也是实施我国全民健身计划的主要途径.加强经费管理、注重人才培养是体育社团在发展中应特别注意的两个问题.  相似文献   

现代体育已发展成为以体育运动为载体和核心的体育运动、体育科学、体育产业和体育文化四位一体的社会现象.体育运动是人类的特殊育化方式,以竞技体育运动为其成熟或高级形态.体育伦理学的任务,不但应揭示体育运动的功能和真义,还应解读奥运会、NBA、意甲等国内外重大典型赛事折射出的体育理念、体育制度及体育的演进趋势,回答兴奋剂、黑哨、假球等现象带给体育的诸多困境,最终确立体育的道德原则与规范.严格地讲,体育伦理学作为应用伦理学的一脉,是关于竞技体育运动道德矛盾与冲突、道德原则和规范的学说.  相似文献   

分析了西方艺术的历史性生成,并区分了艺术、技艺和技术的自身边界.在此基础上,笔者试图指出对于现代和后现代竞技体操艺术而言,艺术不再是创造,而是技术的技术化.通过对于艺术、技艺和技术的思考,竞技体操艺术应回溯到技术的技艺的层面,让技术通过技艺回归艺术.作为难美项群项目之一的体操运动,充分体现了难美项群的本质特点,即项目本身存在着动作难度与美感的双重因素.尤其是竞技体操,更充分的体现了难度与美感二者之间的矛盾.为更好地认识竞技体操技术与艺术的完美结合,构建竞技体操技术与艺术有机统一以及竞技体操教学、训练提供理论参考和依据.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、逻辑推理法及个案分析法对中学生体育锻炼习惯形成的影响因素及评价指标进行分析.结果表明,现阶段中学生的认知水平、个体的心理特征和状态、所具备的运动技能水平、运动中情绪的体验及校园体育文化氛围、体育师资及课堂教学、课外体育活动及业余训练、有关体育法规及条例的落实情况会影响中学生体育锻炼习惯的形成.  相似文献   


This essay analyzes the role of sport protest under the current United States presidential administration. Protest has long been a feature of sporting rituals; social unrest in this realm is not new. However, at this moment, activism in sport allows us to see larger political alliances, affinities, and solidarities in a particularly useful way. I argue that the world of sport is fostering discussion, debate, and dissent that are uncommon and largely unavailable in other spaces, which, in turn, is opening up a new counterpublic. I offer two examples of challenges athletes have made to anti-Black racism, class inequality, and sexism, with one highly visible, and one less visible. And I contend that these actions are refusals that both draw on and differ from the iconic sporting refusal of the 1960s Civil Rights era–the image of the Black athlete standing alone on the victory stand–by highlighting the role of symbolic action in prompting democratic deliberation.  相似文献   

辛亥革命与中国近代图书馆事业   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
辛亥革命胜利后中国图书馆事业得到迅速发展,由近代图书馆的萌芽时期进入兴盛时期。促进辛亥革命胜利后图书馆事业发展的决定因素是资产阶级革命派对图书馆的重视。在辛亥革命胜利前资产阶级革命派将图书馆作为宣传革命思想的阵地,扩大了近代图书馆的影响。辛亥革命胜利后南北政府通过颁布一系列图书馆规则等举措,不仅建立起公共图书馆系统,而且建立起种类齐全的近代图书馆体系。因此,辛亥革命推动了中国近代图书馆事业的发展,揭开了中国图书馆事业史的新篇章。  相似文献   

I argue in this paper that sport should be retained as an important part of the educational rationale for physical education. I consider Siedentop's critique of physical education and his alternative in the form of Sport Education. Siedentop's goals for youth sport and physical education and use of the work of Alisdair McIntyre are explored. It is argued that if we work to experience activities that are inherently pleasurable and intrinsically satisfying, then there is a possible future for activities such as sport. I conclude that school physical education is well placed to take up this challenge of sustaining sport as a moral practice and that the pedagogical tools already exist to do this in the form of a critical pedagogy.  相似文献   

以孙子全胜思维方法研究为基础,以美国前总统小布什发动的伊拉克战争为事例,说明运用孙子全胜思维必须注意古代和现代的区别,必须很好地研究方法问题,才能在孙子思想与当代现实中间搭起一座应用的桥梁。  相似文献   

罗林 《黄山学院学报》2007,9(3):118-122
从西方经济发达国家的发展来看,休闲体育产业逐渐成为体育产业的支柱,它对体育产业乃至国民经济的发展都起到了重要的支撑和推动作用。文章认为体育是一种以人为本的文化,人们对休闲体育的需求实际上就是一种对文化的需求。据此,提出了我国休闲体育发展的文化学策略。  相似文献   

文章对体育教学中存在的基本矛盾进行初步研究,得出在体育教学中所存在的诸多矛盾是既对立又统一的,正是由于这些矛盾的对立统一运动推动了体育教学活动的不断发展与改革。如何辨证把握和正确处理体育教学中的矛盾对于开展体育教学无疑是至关重要的。文章意在通过对体育教学中内在矛盾的挖掘,提出自己的一己之见,以期引起学界同仁的重视,使我们在体育教学中面对复杂的人和事物能够运用恰当的思维武器,寻求到解决实际问题的办法,以实现教学的最优化。  相似文献   

本从现代汉字的字形特点出发,结合其所记录的语言的特点。把现代汉字解释为“在字的隶楷阶段中。记录现代汉语的楷书”。我们主张从现代汉字形体结构的实际出发来分析现代汉字的形体结构。既不回避、也不拘泥于六书理论。  相似文献   

As sport is a highly child-populated domain, the establishment of child-protection measures to reduce the potential for child maltreatment in sport is critical. Concern for the protection of children in sport has a history that is as old as modern sport itself; however, it is only recently that concern has been established about children's experiences of relational forms of abuse and neglect in this domain. The purpose of this article, therefore, is to review current developments in sport with respect to child-protection policy, education, and research. It is the authors' supposition that an athlete-centered philosophy of sport is perhaps the best way to address the protection of children in sport. The philosophy of an athlete-centered sport model is described, and through the integration of an athlete-centered approach to sport, recommendations are made for future implementation of child-protection measures.  相似文献   

Campbell's reputation has suffered from modem conceptions that assume Aristotle's Rhetoric as the paradigm for rhetorical theory and from modern commitments to epistemic and dialogic rhetorics. A focus on the place of the passions and emotional appeal in Campbell's Philosophy of Rhetoric (POR) brings his achievement more clearly into view. The “sentiments, passions, dispositions,” three key terms in Campbell's definition of the “grand art of communication,” are an index to his consideration of non‐rational response, a consideration informed by a discussion of “the passions” in the moral psychology of the period and that culminates in Book II of Hume's Treatise on Human Nature. What emerges when POR is seen from this perspective has significance for our understanding of the relationship between reason and passion in persuasion and for our appreciation of POR, which is arguably the most coherent conception of rhetoric that we have.  相似文献   

古希腊哲学中散见的规范思想是现代规范理论发展的源头,其特点在于把自然和事实看成规范好坏、正确与否的标准,不区分实然和应然。从现代哲学的角度来看,这是一种典型的自然主义倾向,这种倾向深深影响着现代规范理论的发展。现代西方规范理论研究不是表现出对这种"自然主义谬误"的反思和批判,要求严格区分"是"与"应当",就是坚守规范与社会现实相结合,规范来源于生活的原则,试图以一种新的方式,在更高的层次上实现规范理论研究向古希腊规范思想源头的回归。  相似文献   

民族传统体育运动是中华文明中的一块瑰宝,它具有深厚的文化底蕴.它是中华民族传统文化精髓的集中体现.民族传统体育运动走进校园,编成教材具有重要的教育作用并丰富了学校体育教育的文化内涵.  相似文献   

The Philology of Kinesiology   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
This paper presents a cultural analysis of our field of study through the lens of one word: kinesiology. Through historical, anthropological, and semiological interpretation, the cultural use of the word is discussed within the academic field of physical activity studies in North America. The study of the use, or the philology, of kinesiology within the study of physical activity is traced from its traditionally recognized Greek roots to the present cultural use, which is shown to symbolize the postmodern world. The progression from which kinesiology evolved, fist describing a “course of study,” then meaning a broad academic field, is noted. Throughout the term's existence in the field, common motifs associated with its use are highlighted. These motifs include coupling of the modem word to ancient Greek origins; the signification of “action,” “change,” “unique,” and “special” aspects; the use of the word to denote scientific, disciplinary, and academic characteristics; and the appropriation of the word to symbolize integration and wholeness.  相似文献   

关于唐代骈文、古文的几个问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
唐代中期,一部分人提倡古,反对骈,至韩愈、柳宗元出来,一度声势颇盛,形成与骈对峙局面。但至晚唐、五代,古即趋衰落,骈似占明显优势,直至北宋,古运动方才取得胜利。唐代大多数骈风明白晓畅,甚至通俗化。这种风被宋代古家讥为浅俗,相比之下,唐代不少古反而显得深奥。唐代小说绝大多数用散体写作,骈句只占少数,但其句式整齐,语言浅显通俗,风格与崇尚古雅的古不同。现代有的史研究认为唐代小说体与古运动有密切关系,乃是一种误解。  相似文献   

师生关系:从相处到相依——后现代性批判   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
相处是现代教育师生关系的特征,它建立在现代理性的基础之上,是理性保障的状态;相依是后现代性教育师生关系的特征,它首先是一种情感保障的状态。从相处到相依是情感的胜利,更是理性精神的胜利。相依是新的师生关系建构的契机,尽管它仍是一项未竟的任务。  相似文献   

曹禺深受西方戏剧的影响,尤其受古希腊悲剧的影响最为深刻,他的《雷雨》在中国现代戏剧文学史上占有重要的地位,《雷雨》中反映的命运现念及人物性格的刻画等方面均有古希腊悲剧的印记。  相似文献   

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