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The assumption that scientific knowledge would bring an end to religious belief has challenged many scholars, particularly since such a belief persists even among those devoted to scientific activities. In this paper the occurrence and nature of religious belief in groups of life scientists working in the UK and Brazil is discussed in the context of their degree of training. Data obtained through one‐to‐one interviews went beyond mere yes/no answers to questions on belonging to a religion or believing in God. Categories were created to assess how open these scientists were with regard to the possibility of the supernatural. The results suggest that scientific training affected their religious belief and reduced the number of believers. Nevertheless there were scientists in both groups whose beliefs persisted.  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,叶剑英为了揭露日本帝国主义利用宗教掩盖侵略本质、麻痹中国军民的阴谋,消除宗教人士在抗日救国与宗教限制之间的矛盾和困惑,对宗教和谐进行了有益探索。提出了必须尊重宗教信仰自由,信教者与不信教者有共同的政治基础,革命精神与佛的精神有相通之处。从而促进了宗教与社会之间、信教者与不信教者之间、宗教之间的和谐,为扩大抗日民族统一战线做出了重大贡献。研究叶剑英的宗教和谐思想,对构建社会主义和谐社会,全面建成小康社会有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

我国有宗教信仰的人数在飞速增长,已经成为一个不容忽视的群体。试从心理学的视角研究这一群体,通过对宗教信仰者的分析,发现其成为信徒的四个心理学动因,分别是满足强好奇心、获得归属需要、寻求自我认同和实现心理调节。并据此提出引导宗教异化现象的四个角度,即普及宗教知识、提供社会支持、建立自我认同和引导调节方式。  相似文献   

在宗教社会里之所以能建立宗教信仰正是因为他们的神对于他们来说具有神圣性和权威性。同样,宪法信仰也是建立在所信仰的宪法的神圣性和权威性之上的。美国成功地建立宪法信仰很大程度是因为美国宪法具有神圣性和权威性;中国的宪法信仰之所以难以建立正是因为中国宪法在信仰的前提条件方面存在诸多问题。  相似文献   

Open‐mindedness is widely valued as an important intellectual virtue. Definitional debates about open‐mindedness have focused on whether open‐minded believers must possess a particular first‐order attitude toward their beliefs or a second‐order attitude toward themselves as believers, taking it for granted that open‐mindedness is motivated by the pursuit of propositional knowledge. In this article, Rebecca Taylor develops an alternative to knowledge‐centered accounts of open‐mindedness. Drawing on recent work in epistemology that reclaims understanding as a primary epistemic good, Taylor argues for an expanded account of open‐mindedness as an intellectual virtue motivated by the pursuit of both knowledge and understanding. Incorporating understanding allows for a more robust account of open‐mindedness that better accommodates common usage, avoids common criticisms, and better explains the widespread acceptance of open‐mindedness as an important intellectual virtue. Taylor also identifies the connections between open‐mindedness and several other intellectual virtues, including intellectual humility, intellectual courage, and intellectual diligence.  相似文献   

近代山东庙会之神灵信仰,无论在演变趋势、奉祀主神,还是在信众分布、信仰取向上,都反映出其整体性衰落的共同特征。这一衰落性特征,不仅减缓了近代山东传统型庙会的发展,而且削弱了近代山东整个神灵信仰文化之公共信仰的根基。这也是山东庙会近代化的必然结果。  相似文献   

武当道教将儒家纲常与成仙信仰紧密结合,突出“忠孝仁义”,宣扬“善恶承负”,提倡“诚信不欺”,并假神道设教,以“真武神”的威力驱使信徒去奉行其伦理道德。与此相应,武当山道教建筑的风水格局,也深刻体现出儒家宗法等级伦理观念。  相似文献   

文章将宗教归结为一种与世俗秩序并列又与其发生千丝万缕关联的信仰体系。文章在以下几个方面展开:在信众心理层面考察了宗教的源起;解析了宗教对社会结构和信众所具有的多重功能;揭示了宗教在思想和行动两个方面的发展逻辑。  相似文献   

In recent years,the rise of"Christianity Fever"on university campuses has aroused much concern.Numerous statistics show that the ratio of Christian believers among university students is much higher than that among ordinary people.What are the causes and characteristics of university students’belief in Christianity? These questions need to be answered through empirical studies.Taking a student association of a certain university as an example,a study was made through interviews and participant observations.The results show that the major reason for students to believe in Christianity is the influence of family and friends.Some students believe in it because of spiritual need or curiosity.The characteristics of student believers are that they start to believe it at a high level mainly through social network,and that they are organized in associations and mobile.  相似文献   

傣族是一个全民信教的民族,从上座部佛教传入德宏至今,傣族的经济,文化,生活等各方面无一不渗透着佛教的思想理念。“赕”物品的变化、遵守教规教义的变化、信教群众心理层次的变化等等都反映着傣族佛教信仰随着社会经济文化的变迁。  相似文献   

What kind of perceptions of God do children have? Do they believe in God? Does change take place over time and is there a connection with changes in society? These questions are answered on the basis of texts and surveys involving children between 8 and 12 years of age in Sweden during 2002 and similar material from the years 1969, 1979 and 1987–90. Results show that children who do not know what to believe make up the largest group throughout the period. Perceptions of God are relatively stable over time but belief in Allah as well as personal relationships with God seem to be more common. The proportion of children who believe was visibly greater than the proportion of non‐believers in 2002, which disrupts the tendency running up to 1990 where the proportion of non‐believing children was on the increase and is greater than the proportion of believers. Issues about God also get a higher ranking order in 2002. A careful interpretation shows that a change has taken place. The number of children with foreign backgrounds has increased. While the tendency in ethnically Swedish schools remains the same, believers constitute the majority in multi‐ethnic areas, and also among Swedish children. This suggests an increasing interest and dialogue among all children in multi‐ethnic schools about religious matters. Great demands are placed on the teaching of religion and ethics in order to capture this increase in interest.  相似文献   

在社会转型的特殊时期,如何提高理想信念教育的实效性,是全社会面临的重大理论和现实问题,关系到社会主义事业的前途和命运。卓有成效地开展理想信念教育,教育者要以自信和正己为前提,坚定自身的理想与信念;要以认清两大社会制度本质为重点,强化教育对象的理想信念意识;要以"三观"教育为核心,培养坚定的理想信念者。  相似文献   

Students in three sections of a high school biology course were taught a unit on evolution and natural selection. Prior to instruction, students were pretested to determine their (a) reflective reasoning skill, (b) strength of religious commitment, (c) prior declarative knowledge of evolution and natural selection, and (d) beliefs in evolution or special creation and related religiously oriented beliefs. Following instruction the measures of declarative knowledge and beliefs were readministered. The study was designed to test (a) the hypothesis that the acquisition of domain-specific concepts and the modification of nonscientific beliefs largely depends upon reflective reasoning skill, not prior declarative knowledge; and (b) the hypothesis that strength of religious commitment and a belief in special creation hinder the acquisition of scientific beliefs. Although instruction produced no overall shift toward a belief in evolution, as predicted, reflective reasoning skill was significantly related to initial scientific beliefs, and reflective reasoning skill, but not prior declarative knowledge, was significantly related to gains in declarative knowledge. Reflective reasoning skill, however, was not significantly related to changes in beliefs. Also as predicted, strength of religious commitment was negatively correlated with initial belief in evolution and with a change in belief toward evolution. Interrelationships among the study's major variables, as well as educational implications, are discussed.  相似文献   

三山国王民间信仰文化发源于粤东揭西的霖田祖庙,受其移民规模和文化流布的影响,在台湾地区也有广泛的信众。探讨两岸三山国王信仰形成的基础,研究三山国王信仰内涵及流播对促进两岸经济发展和关系和谐都具有现实意义。  相似文献   

当前两岸关帝文化交流呈现三大趋势:从台湾信众到大陆祖庙进香谒祖的单向交流,发展到大陆祖庙赴台交流的双向互动;从宫庙间一对一的往来,发展到关圣帝君弘道协会以及关帝文化节的大型组织与交流形式;从纯宗教范畴的交流,拓展到宗教、政治、经济、文化诸领域的全方位交流。  相似文献   

隋唐时期,弥陀净土信仰以其简单的修行方法(易行道)、借助阿弥陀佛的愿力(他力)死后升西方净土为号召力,博得了许多信徒。佛教其他各宗派纷纷吸收弥陀净土信仰,以求发展,天台宗也不例外。但天台宗在继承慧远“念佛三昧”的基础上,从天台的立场出发,把弥陀净土信仰定格在天台“止观双修”的“观”的范畴,只作为禅观的一部分内容。试以智频《净土十疑论》、飞锡的《念佛三昧宝王论》为例加以说明。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,许多大学生对宗教怀有一定的兴趣,有不少大学生成为宗教徒。大学生信仰宗教,是多种因素促成的。针对此种现象,高等院校应采取积极应对措施。只有认清大学生宗教信仰的原因,并找准解决这一问题的方法和途径,理性对待大学生宗教信仰问题,才既能引导大学生健康成长,又能为构建和谐校园出一份力量。  相似文献   

通过分析翻译课中的学生反思日志,探索翻译教学中学生思辨能力的培养。抽取了50名英语专业学生所写的100篇翻译反思日志并对翻译各方面的关注情况和反思层面进行分析。结果显示撰写反思日志不仅能提高学生分析、推理和评价等思辨认知能力,也有益于培养学生开放、自信和坚毅等思辨情感特质。  相似文献   

In this article, I aim to vindicate the belief that many teachers have that their intuitions, insights, or perceptions are legitimate—and indispensible—guides for their teaching. Perceptions can constitute knowledge. This runs counter to some number of views that emphasize ‘reflective practice’ and teachers as ‘reflective practitioners.’ I do not deny that reflection can be important, but it is a derivative task, dependent on teachers being the ‘right sort of subject,’ having the ‘right orientation’ to their work, at the service of achieving that orientation. That orientation is a matter of virtue, where virtue is manifested in the capacity to read situations correctly for what is required to serve persons’ welfare, for them to do well. This entails that good teaching is more experienced-based than research-based. Ultimately, it is life experience that provides for teachers’ ability to see well.  相似文献   

行动研究被认为是促进教师专业发展的一种重要方式,也是教师从事研究的一种最好方式。改变教师信念,促成教师成为反思实践者,以及培育教师直觉知识是行动研究对教师专业发展起关键作用的变量。  相似文献   

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