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Many post-secondary institutions utilize the mission statement as the key tool for positioning and marketing their strategic direction. Unfortunately, most mission statements found in higher education are far too simplistic and general to give substance and direction to differentiation and positioning of universities. This paper presents findings from a three-month participatory action research process at a large urban Canadian university seeking to establish a marketing mind set. Five possible futures reflecting the range of thinking regarding the role of universities emerged from the research process. Each alternative represents separate and different possible directions, the implications of which become more evident by contrast.  相似文献   

The adolescent and adult population with learning disabilities (LD) continues to be underserved and underprepared to meet the demands of postsecondary education. Evidence pertaining to postsecondary education outcomes for the population with LD is extremely bleak. One purpose of this article is to situate thinking about adolescents and adults with LD across the spectrum of ability and socioeconomic status within the current world context. The second objective is to heighten awareness of the changing needs of this population based on social, educational, economic, and political directives. Several academic options are presented as alternative pathways available to individuals in the transition from secondary to postsecondary environments.  相似文献   

高校学科专业设置具有规范型和生成型两种模式.它们分别适应于不同的科学、经济和高等教育形态.我国当前的规范型模式是建国后的产物,至今天已不适应时代的要求,亟待改革.走向规范生成型的高校学科专业设置模式,需要我们深入推进高等教育人才培养体制改革,重新定位学科专业目录的功能与性质,加强政府的宏观调控等等.  相似文献   

一流学科是一流大学的重要支撑。托尼·比彻将知识划分为纯硬科学、纯软科学、应用硬科学和应用软科学。借助于这种分类方法,学科可以划分为:纯硬学科、纯软学科和应用学科三种类型。不同类型学科的发展逻辑存在差异:纯硬学科主要遵循的是知识演绎逻辑;纯软学科的发展以社会与政治逻辑为主;应用学科主要是以实践逻辑为主。这种差异为一流学科分类建设提供了依据。中国一流学科建设应该通过分类引导,实现分类发展;通过分类评价,对一流学科建设实行动态管理;创设学科交叉融合的外部环境,促进一流学科协同发展。  相似文献   

本文通过对我国10个省份50所高校10个不同学科的问卷调查,对现阶段我国大学生学科选择性别取向进行了分析。分析结果表明,大学生学科选择性别取向趋于减弱,男女大学生在“历史学”、“农学”和“医学”学科的比例差异已趋于平衡,但在“文学”、“理学”和“工学”学科的比例差异依然存在。  相似文献   

职业教育学科体系目前在理论和实践层面的研究存在着基本概念的称谓模糊混乱、基础理论贫困、学科性质不明朗、抄袭普通教育学痕迹明显等现象。其主要原因,一是中国职业教育发展的历史短浅、学术积累不足,二是政府与学术界对职业教育理论研究重视不够。要突破这种局面,首先是理论探索的多元化,其次是各研究机构和学者之间的学术合作与争鸣。  相似文献   

学科群:新建本科院校学科建设的现实选择   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
学科建设是高等学校的核心建设,加强学科建设是新建本科院校面临的重大而紧迫的课题。本文分析了新建本科院校学科建设的现状及存在的问题.探讨了学科发展趋势及学科群的特征与功能,并从五个方面论证了学科群是新建本科院校学科建设的现实选择。  相似文献   


Disneyland is work disguised as play; school disguised as vacation. While Walt Disney’s curriculum deploys across all of its products, it literally engulfs the approximately 50 million ‘guests’ who visit the Disney Parks each year. Drawing on Sarah Ahmed’s phenomenological reading of orientation in Queer phenomenology, this article investigates the ways in which Disney’s didacticism is made material through practices and procedures designed to orient the park’s visitors, to ensure that those visitors always know where they are and who they are, as a means of educating ‘good’ citizens. The argument focuses not on Disneyland’s narrative curriculum but on its corporeal one: visitors are enticed to make affective investments, to construct or reconstruct their identities to comply with the Disney version of the ideal American worker and consumer, as the park attempts to reorient those who resist those roles.  相似文献   

高师小学教育专业的学科基础是什么,是其学科建设首先要回答的问题。从小学教育性质、小学教师专业特性和高师小学教师培养模式的分析,厘清初等教育学与教育学、儿童学以及其他多学科的关系,以及对初等教育学学科体系本身的理解,我们认为初等教育学学科是高师小学教育专业的学科基础。  相似文献   

The authors have been engaged in research focused on students' depth of learning as well as teachers' efforts to foster deep learning. Findings from a study examining the teaching practices and student learning outcomes of sixtyfour teachers in seventeen different states (Smith et al. 2005) indicated that most of the learning in these classrooms was characterized by reproduction, categorizing of information, or replication of a simple procedure. In addition to these and other findings, in this article, the authors provide a definition of surface and deep learning and describe the structure of the observed learning outcome taxonomy, which was used to evaluate depth of learning. The authors also provide implications for practitioners interested in fostering deep student learning.  相似文献   

The epistemic geography of physical education, which shows the sources from whence physical education draws its theory, is used as the basis for addressing the problem of theory and practice. The reciprocal relationship between theory and practice is discussed and shown schematically. That concept is applied to physical education to demonstrate and clarify the complexity of the problem. A number of suggestions are offered to help reduce the gulf that presently exists.  相似文献   

"教育惩戒"的上位概念是"行政惩戒",研究行政惩戒是研究教育惩戒概念的必要前提。文献研究发现,"教育惩戒"的概念构成主要包含八个要素,未来的理论研究和立法规定应当从这些方面对"教育惩戒"进行合理界定。教育惩戒与管教、体罚(变相体罚)、训诫、申诫具有显著区别,立法上应详加区分。未来教育立法应当规定教育惩戒的概念、类型、设定,以及适用原则、适用程序、救济途径、"失范行为"构成要件等内容,只有这样,才能更好地发挥教育惩戒制度的积极作用。  相似文献   

The Community College Futures Assembly has served as a national independent policy think tank since 1995. Its purpose is to articulate the critical issues facing American community colleges and recognize leading-edge trendsetting programs. Convening annually in January in Orlando, Florida, the Assembly offers a learning environment where tough questions are raised, critical issues are discussed, and policy implications are challenged. The 2006 Community College Futures Assembly focused on “The New Rules of Business.”

This special focus issue of the Community College Journal of Research and Practice highlights the “best practices” of 30 Bellwether trend-setting institutions. These institutions competitively presented their “lessons learned” to representatives of colleges interested in replicating their award winning programs. In each of the three award categories, Instructional Program and Services; Planning, Governance and Finance; and Workforce Development; 10 Bellwether finalists were competitively selected. Finalists were featured as presenters at the assembly to share their leading-edge ideas with participants. Three institutions then won the prestigious Bellwether Award in their respective category.  相似文献   

纪律是维持人们保持一定关系并要求集体成员必须遵守和执行的一种行为规范或规则。涂尔干认为纪律精神是道德教育的首要要素,常规性和权威共同构成了纪律精神;纪律是必要和有用的,但同时纪律又必须受到限制。纪律的必要,在于纪律是人性本身所需要的,它是一种合理性的存在;同时纪律必须受到限制,过度的纪律约束必然导致纪律的异化,走向人的发展的反面。反思纪律之于教育,不但具有理论意义,同时也有实践价值。  相似文献   

学科建设理论上具有促进大学全面履行其职能,整体提升办学水平的功能;实践中不同高校需要根据自身的办学基础与定位,探寻实现学科建设功能的路径。转型发展背景下,地方本科院校需要突破研究型大学学科建设的思路,着力于服务高素质应用型人才培养与地方经济社会发展,走应用型学科建设之路。即,坚定应用创新定位,科学规划发展;面向产教融合,凝练学科方向;支撑专业为重点,优化学科结构;学术能力与实践背景兼顾,汇聚学科队伍;政产学研合作,共筑学科平台;强化应用导向,完善学科制度;科学与人文结合,培育学科文化。  相似文献   

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